<*PRAGMA LL*> MODULE; IMPORT Axis, Color, Fmt, IntIntTbl, Math, Palette, Pixmap, Point, Rd, Rect, ScreenType, ScrnColorMap, ScrnPixmap, Thread, TrestleComm, VBT, Word, Wr; IMPORT (* for FromVBT *) Region, RigidVBT, ScaleFilter, Filter, Split, Trestle, VBTClass; TYPE PixelMap = ARRAY [0 .. 255] OF INTEGER; ColorsArray = ARRAY [0..255] OF RGB; Colors = REF ARRAY OF RGB; TYPE Closure = Palette.PixmapClosure OBJECT raw: Raw END; VAR forceUnscaledBehavior: BOOLEAN := FALSE; PROCEDURE Image ForceUnScaledBehavior (useUnscaled: BOOLEAN) =
If useUnscaled=TRUE, subsequent calls to Scaled() will instead operate as Unscaled(). Calling this procedure again with useUnscaled=FALSE will restore the defined behavior for subsequent calls to Scaled(). The reason for adding this procedure is that the implementation of most of FormsVBT uses Scaled(). By calling this procedure the programmer can override the Scaled() behavior to produce Unscaled() behavior, even for library components, without having to modify the source code.
BEGIN (* ForceUnScaledBehavior *) forceUnscaledBehavior := useUnscaled; END ForceUnScaledBehavior; PROCEDUREThe following procedure allows you to provide a collection of pixmaps, each at a different resolution, and scales the most appropriate pixmap:Unscaled (raw: Raw): T = BEGIN RETURN Palette.FromPixmapClosure( NEW(Closure, apply := ApplyUnscaled, raw := raw)) END Unscaled; PROCEDUREApplyUnscaled (cl: Closure; st: ScreenType.T): ScrnPixmap.T = BEGIN RETURN ScaleRaw(st, cl.raw, 1, 1) END ApplyUnscaled; PROCEDUREScaled (raw: Raw): T = BEGIN IF forceUnscaledBehavior THEN RETURN Palette.FromPixmapClosure( NEW(Closure, apply := ApplyUnscaled, raw := raw)) ELSE RETURN Palette.FromPixmapClosure( NEW(Closure, apply := ApplyScaled1, raw := raw)) END; (* if *) END Scaled; PROCEDUREApplyScaled1 (cl: Closure; st: ScreenType.T): ScrnPixmap.T = VAR xres := st.res[Axis.T.Hor] * 25.4; yres := st.res[Axis.T.Ver] * 25.4; BEGIN RETURN ScaleRaw(st, cl.raw, ROUND(xres / cl.raw.xres), ROUND(yres / cl.raw.yres)) END ApplyScaled1;
Returns a pixmap which will scale and display pixmap raw[i]
chosen so that:
minimize scale = MIN(maxScale, <screen resolution> / <resolution(raw[i])>)
ABS(error) < tolerance
error =
(<screen resolution> - scale * <resolution(raw[i])>) / <screen resolution>
If no i
satisfies the tolerance, then the i
is chosen to give the
smallest error.
Intention of tolerance is to give some preference to scalings which give very good approximations to the screen resolution over smaller scalings which give unacceptable errors.
ex: screen resolution = 300 pixmap resolutions of 200 and 150 if tolerance < 1/3 then 150 will be chosen over 200
Intention of maxScale is to give some preference to scalings with a smaller multiple even if they give a greater error.
ex: screen resolution = 300 pixmap resolutions of 50 and 200 if maxScale <= 4 then 200 will be chosen over 50 (even if tolerance is < 1/3 )
PROCEDURE************************************************************************** ** ** Formats of Raw -- for now, all use a ScrnPixmap.Raw to represent ** the bits. As such, the get and set methods are trivial. ** **************************************************************************ScaledN ( READONLY raws: ARRAY OF Raw; tolerance: REAL := 0.25; maxScale: CARDINAL := 4): T = VAR new := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Raw, NUMBER(raws)); BEGIN new^ := raws; RETURN Palette.FromPixmapClosure( NEW(ScaledNClosure, raws := new, tolerance := MAX(tolerance, 0.00001), maxScale := maxScale)) END ScaledN; TYPE ScaledNClosure = Palette.PixmapClosure OBJECT raws : REF ARRAY OF Raw; tolerance: REAL; maxScale : INTEGER; OVERRIDES apply := ApplyScaledN END; PROCEDUREApplyScaledN (cl: ScaledNClosure; st: ScreenType.T): ScrnPixmap.T = VAR xres := st.res[Axis.T.Hor] * 25.4; yres := st.res[Axis.T.Ver] * 25.4; closest := -1; scaleClosest := LAST(INTEGER); tolerance := cl.tolerance; xtol := tolerance * xres; ytol := tolerance * yres; errorClosest := MAX(xres, yres); BEGIN (* find the raw closest to a multiple of the screen resolution *) FOR i := 0 TO LAST(cl.raws^) DO WITH xs = MIN(ROUND(xres / cl.raws[i].xres), cl.maxScale), ys = MIN(ROUND(yres / cl.raws[i].yres), cl.maxScale), xerror = ABS(xres - FLOAT(xs) * cl.raws[i].xres), yerror = ABS(yres - FLOAT(ys) * cl.raws[i].yres) DO IF xerror <= xtol AND yerror <= ytol AND (MAX(xs, ys) < scaleClosest) OR (MAX(xs, ys) = scaleClosest AND MAX(xerror, yerror) < errorClosest) THEN closest := i; scaleClosest := MAX(xs, ys); errorClosest := MAX(xerror, yerror); END; END; END; IF closest = -1 THEN (* try again, but go for min error no matter what *) errorClosest := MAX(xres, yres); (* can't do worse *) closest := 0; (* to be extra extra safe *) FOR i := 1 TO LAST(cl.raws^) DO WITH xs = MIN(ROUND(xres / cl.raws[i].xres), cl.maxScale), ys = MIN(ROUND(yres / cl.raws[i].yres), cl.maxScale), xerror = ABS(xres - FLOAT(xs) * cl.raws[i].xres), yerror = ABS(yres - FLOAT(ys) * cl.raws[i].yres) DO IF MAX(xerror, yerror) <= errorClosest THEN closest := i; errorClosest := MAX(xerror, yerror); END; END; END; END; RETURN ScaleRaw(st, cl.raws[closest], MAX(1, ROUND(xres / cl.raws[closest].xres)), MAX(1, ROUND(yres / cl.raws[closest].yres))); END ApplyScaledN; TYPE ScaleAction = {UsePixel, Cvt24BitToBW, UseTbl, CvtColorsToBW, UseMap}; PROCEDUREScaleRaw (st : ScreenType.T; raw : Raw; xMul, yMul: INTEGER ): ScrnPixmap.T = VAR bounds: Rect.T; cmap : ScrnColorMap.T; new : ScrnPixmap.Raw; a : ScaleAction; map : PixelMap; pix : Pixel; tbl : IntIntTbl.T; value : INTEGER; colors: Colors; gamma : BOOLEAN; mode : Mode; BEGIN bounds := Rect.T{north := 0, west := 0, south := yMul * raw.height, east := xMul * raw.width}; TRY IF st.cmap = NIL THEN cmap := NIL ELSE cmap := st.cmap.standard() END; TYPECASE raw OF | RawBitmap => new := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(1, bounds); a := ScaleAction.UsePixel; | RawPixmapCMap (r) => colors := r.colors; gamma := r.needsGamma; mode := r.colorMode; IF cmap = NIL THEN new := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(1, bounds); a := ScaleAction.CvtColorsToBW ELSE new := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(st.depth, bounds); IF NUMBER(r.colors^) <= 256 THEN a := ScaleAction.UseMap; FOR i := 0 TO LAST(colors^) DO map[i] := FromRGB(cmap, colors[i], gamma, mode) END ELSE a := ScaleAction.UseTbl; tbl := NEW (IntIntTbl.Default).init (LAST(colors^)); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(colors^) DO EVAL tbl.put(i, FromRGB(cmap, colors[i], gamma, mode)) END END END; | RawPixmap (r) => gamma := r.needsGamma; mode := r.colorMode; IF cmap = NIL THEN new := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(1, bounds); a := ScaleAction.Cvt24BitToBW ELSE new := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(st.depth, bounds); a := ScaleAction.UseTbl; tbl := NEW (IntIntTbl.Default).init(); FOR h := 0 TO raw.width - 1 DO FOR v := 0 TO raw.height - 1 DO pix := raw.get(h, v); IF NOT tbl.get(pix, value) THEN EVAL tbl.put( pix, FromRGB(cmap, RGBFrom24Bits(pix), gamma, mode)) END END END END; | Raw => <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; (* Now, set the pixels in "new": *) VAR bg := st.bg; fg := st.fg; dest: Point.T; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO xMul - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO raw.width - 1 DO FOR j := 0 TO yMul - 1 DO FOR v := 0 TO raw.height - 1 DO pix := raw.get(h, v); CASE a OF | ScaleAction.UsePixel => | ScaleAction.UseTbl => EVAL tbl.get(pix, pix); | ScaleAction.CvtColorsToBW => (* should ungamma colors[pix] if necessary *) pix := CvtRGBToBW(colors[pix], bg, fg); | ScaleAction.Cvt24BitToBW => (* should ungamma pix if necessary *) pix := Cvt24BitToBW(pix, bg, fg); | ScaleAction.UseMap => pix := map[pix]; END; dest := Point.T{xMul * h + i, yMul * v + j}; new.set(dest, pix); END; END; END; END; END; RETURN st.pixmap.load(new) EXCEPT | TrestleComm.Failure => RETURN Palette.ResolvePixmap(st, Pixmap.Solid) END END ScaleRaw; PROCEDUREFromRGB (cmap : ScrnColorMap.T; rgb : RGB; gamma: BOOLEAN; mode : Mode ): INTEGER RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure} = CONST Gamma = 2.4D0; BEGIN IF gamma THEN (* do nothing; Trestle gamma-corrects always *) ELSE (* un-gamma correct *) rgb.r := FLOAT(Math.pow(FLOAT(rgb.r, LONGREAL), Gamma)); rgb.g := FLOAT(Math.pow(FLOAT(rgb.g, LONGREAL), Gamma)); rgb.b := FLOAT(Math.pow(FLOAT(rgb.b, LONGREAL), Gamma)); END; TRY RETURN cmap.fromRGB(rgb, mode) EXCEPT ScrnColorMap.Failure => RETURN 0 END END FromRGB; PROCEDURECvtRGBToBW (rgb: RGB; bg,fg: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN IF Color.Brightness(rgb) > 0.5 THEN RETURN bg ELSE RETURN fg END END CvtRGBToBW; PROCEDURECvt24BitToBW (pix: INTEGER; bg, fg: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN CvtRGBToBW(RGBFrom24Bits(pix), bg, fg) END Cvt24BitToBW; PROCEDURERGBFrom24Bits (pix: INTEGER): RGB = VAR r, g, b: INTEGER; BEGIN From24Bits(pix, r, g, b); RETURN RGB{FLOAT(r) / 255.0, FLOAT(g) / 255.0, FLOAT(b) / 255.0} END RGBFrom24Bits;
TYPE ImBitmap = RawBitmap OBJECT bits: ScrnPixmap.Raw; (* depth = 1 *) METHODS init (width, height: INTEGER): ImBitmap := InitBitmap; OVERRIDES get := GetBitmap; set := SetBitmap; END; PROCEDURE************************************************************************** ** ** FromVBT ** **************************************************************************InitBitmap (raw: ImBitmap; width, height: INTEGER): ImBitmap = BEGIN raw.width := width; raw.height := height; raw.bits := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(1, Rect.FromSize(width, height)); RETURN raw END InitBitmap; PROCEDUREGetBitmap (raw: ImBitmap; h, v: INTEGER): Pixel = BEGIN RETURN raw.bits.get(Point.T{h, v}) END GetBitmap; PROCEDURESetBitmap (raw: ImBitmap; h, v: INTEGER; p: Pixel) = BEGIN raw.bits.set(Point.T{h, v}, p) END SetBitmap; TYPE ImPixmap = RawPixmap OBJECT red, green, blue: ScrnPixmap.Raw; (* depth = 8 *) METHODS init (width, height: INTEGER): ImPixmap := InitPixmap; OVERRIDES get := GetPixmap; set := SetPixmap; END; PROCEDUREInitPixmap (raw: ImPixmap; width, height: INTEGER): ImPixmap = BEGIN raw.width := width; raw.height := height; raw.red := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(8, Rect.FromSize(width, height)); raw.green := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(8, Rect.FromSize(width, height)); raw.blue := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(8, Rect.FromSize(width, height)); RETURN raw END InitPixmap; PROCEDUREGetPixmap (raw: ImPixmap; h, v: INTEGER): Pixel = VAR p := Point.T{h, v}; BEGIN RETURN To24Bits(raw.red.get(p), raw.green.get(p), raw.blue.get(p), 255) END GetPixmap; PROCEDURESetPixmap (raw: ImPixmap; h, v: INTEGER; pix: Pixel) = VAR r, g, b: INTEGER; p := Point.T{h, v}; BEGIN From24Bits(pix, r, g, b); raw.red.set(p, r); raw.green.set(p, g); raw.blue.set(p, b); END SetPixmap; TYPE ImGraymap = RawPixmap OBJECT bits: ScrnPixmap.Raw; (* depth = 8 *) METHODS init (width, height: INTEGER): ImGraymap := InitGray; OVERRIDES get := GetGray; set := SetGray; END; PROCEDUREInitGray (raw: ImGraymap; width, height: INTEGER): ImGraymap = BEGIN raw.width := width; raw.height := height; raw.bits := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(8, Rect.FromSize(width, height)); RETURN raw END InitGray; PROCEDUREGetGray (raw: ImGraymap; h, v: INTEGER): Pixel = VAR pix := raw.bits.get(Point.T{h, v}); BEGIN RETURN pix * 256 * 256 + pix * 256 + pix END GetGray; PROCEDURESetGray (raw: ImGraymap; h, v: INTEGER; p: Pixel) = VAR rgb := RGBFrom24Bits(p); BEGIN raw.bits.set(Point.T{h, v}, ROUND(Color.Brightness(rgb) * 255.0)) END SetGray; TYPE ImPixmapCMap = RawPixmapCMap OBJECT bits: ScrnPixmap.Raw; METHODS init (width, height, depth: INTEGER): ImPixmapCMap := InitPixmapCMap; OVERRIDES get := GetPixmapCMap; set := SetPixmapCMap; END; PROCEDUREInitPixmapCMap (raw : ImPixmapCMap; width, height, depth: INTEGER ): ImPixmapCMap = BEGIN raw.width := width; raw.height := height; raw.bits := ScrnPixmap.NewRaw(depth, Rect.FromSize(width, height)); RETURN raw END InitPixmapCMap; PROCEDUREGetPixmapCMap (raw: ImPixmapCMap; h, v: INTEGER): Pixel = BEGIN RETURN raw.bits.get(Point.T{h, v}) END GetPixmapCMap; PROCEDURESetPixmapCMap (raw : ImPixmapCMap; h, v: INTEGER; p : Pixel ) = BEGIN raw.bits.set(Point.T{h, v}, p) END SetPixmapCMap;
PROCEDURE************************************************************************** ** ** FromScrnPixmap ** **************************************************************************FromVBT (v: VBT.T; width, height: REAL): Raw RAISES { TrestleComm.Failure } = VAR trsl := Trestle.ScreenOf(v, Point.Origin).trsl; st := VBT.ScreenTypeOf(v); parent := VBT.Parent(v); pred : VBT.T; pm : ScrnPixmap.T; br : Region.T; <* FATAL Split.NotAChild *> BEGIN IF trsl = NIL OR st = NIL THEN RAISE TrestleComm.Failure END; TYPECASE parent OF | NULL => | Filter.T (f) => EVAL Filter.Replace(f, NIL); | Split.T (s) => pred := Split.Pred(s, v); Split.Delete(s, v); END; TRY WITH filter = NEW(Filter.T).init(v), scale = NEW(ScaleFilter.T).init(filter), srH = RigidVBT.SizeRange{width, width, width}, srV = RigidVBT.SizeRange{height, height, height}, off = NEW(RigidVBT.T).init( scale, RigidVBT.Shape{srH, srV}) DO ScaleFilter.AutoScale(scale); Trestle.Attach(off, trsl); Trestle.InstallOffscreen( off, ROUND(VBT.MMToPixels(parent, width, Axis.T.Hor)), ROUND(VBT.MMToPixels(parent, height, Axis.T.Ver)), st); pm := VBT.Capture(v, VBT.Domain(v), br); EVAL Filter.Replace(filter, NIL); Trestle.Delete(off); VBT.Discard(off); END; TYPECASE parent OF | NULL => | Filter.T (f) => EVAL Filter.Replace(f, v); | Split.T (s) => Split.Insert(s, pred, v); END; RETURN FromScrnPixmap(pm, st) FINALLY IF pm # NIL THEN pm.free() END; END END FromVBT;
EXCEPTION Unimplemented; <* FATAL Unimplemented *> PROCEDURE************************************************************************** ** ** ToWr ** **************************************************************************FromScrnPixmap (pm: ScrnPixmap.T; st: VBT.ScreenType): Raw RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure} = VAR cmap : ScrnColorMap.T; spm := pm.localize(pm.bounds); width := Rect.HorSize(spm.bounds); height := Rect.VerSize(spm.bounds); BEGIN IF st.cmap = NIL THEN cmap := NIL ELSE cmap := st.cmap.standard() END; IF spm.depth = 1 THEN VAR raw := NEW(ImBitmap).init(width, height); BEGIN raw.xres := st.res[Axis.T.Hor]; raw.yres := st.res[Axis.T.Ver]; FOR h := 0 TO raw.width - 1 DO FOR v := 0 TO raw.height - 1 DO WITH pix = spm.get(Point.T{h + spm.bounds.west, v + spm.bounds.north}) DO (* more efficient than calling raw.put(h, v, pix) *) raw.bits.set(Point.T{h, v}, pix) END END END; RETURN raw END ELSIF spm.depth <= 8 THEN <* ASSERT cmap # NIL *> VAR raw := NEW(ImPixmapCMap).init(width, height, spm.depth); map := PixelMap{-1, ..}; cntPix := 0; colors: ColorsArray; entry: ARRAY [0 .. 0] OF ScrnColorMap.Entry; BEGIN raw.xres := st.res[Axis.T.Hor]; raw.yres := st.res[Axis.T.Ver]; FOR h := 0 TO raw.width - 1 DO FOR v := 0 TO raw.height - 1 DO WITH pix = spm.get(Point.T{h + spm.bounds.west, v + spm.bounds.north}) DO IF map[pix] = -1 THEN map[pix] := cntPix; entry[0].pix := pix; cmap.read(entry); colors[cntPix] := entry[0].rgb; INC(cntPix) END; (* more efficient than calling raw.put(h, v, map[pix]) *) raw.bits.set(Point.T{h, v}, map[pix]) END END END; raw.colors := NEW(Colors, cntPix); FOR i := 0 TO cntPix - 1 DO raw.colors[i] := colors[i] END; RETURN raw END ELSIF spm.depth = 24 THEN VAR raw := NEW(ImPixmap).init(width, height); BEGIN FOR h := spm.bounds.west TO spm.bounds.east - 1 DO FOR v := spm.bounds.north TO spm.bounds.south - 1 DO raw.set(h, v, spm.get(Point.T{h, v})); END END; RETURN raw END ELSE RAISE Unimplemented END; END FromScrnPixmap;
PROCEDURE************************************************************************** ** ** FromRd ** **************************************************************************ToWr (raw: Raw; wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN TYPECASE (raw) OF | RawBitmap (r) => BitmapToWr(r, wr); | RawPixmapCMap (r) => PixmapCMapToWr(r, wr); | RawPixmap (r) => PixmapToWr(r, wr); ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END ToWr; PROCEDUREBitmapToWr (bm: RawBitmap; wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN Wr.PutText(wr, "P1\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(bm.width)); Wr.PutText(wr, " "); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(bm.height)); Wr.PutText(wr, "\n"); FOR v := 0 TO bm.height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO bm.width - 1 DO Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(bm.get(h, v)) & " ") END; Wr.PutText(wr, "\n") END END BitmapToWr; PROCEDUREPixmapToWr (pm: RawPixmap; wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR pix, r, g, b: INTEGER; BEGIN Wr.PutText(wr, "P3\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(pm.width)); Wr.PutText(wr, " "); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(pm.height)); Wr.PutText(wr, "\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, "256\n"); FOR v := 0 TO pm.height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO pm.width - 1 DO pix := pm.get(h, v); From24Bits(pix, r, g, b); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(r) & " " & Fmt.Int(g) & " " & Fmt.Int(b) & "\n"); END END END PixmapToWr; PROCEDUREPixmapCMapToWr (pm: RawPixmapCMap; wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR rgb: RGB; BEGIN Wr.PutText(wr, "P3\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(pm.width)); Wr.PutText(wr, " "); Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(pm.height)); Wr.PutText(wr, "\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, "256\n"); FOR v := 0 TO pm.height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO pm.width - 1 DO rgb := pm.colors[pm.get(h, v)]; Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Int(ROUND(rgb.r * 255.0)) & " " & Fmt.Int(ROUND(rgb.g * 255.0)) & " " & Fmt.Int(ROUND(rgb.b * 255.0)) & "\n"); END END END PixmapCMapToWr;
PROCEDUREScanInt -- return value of next integer in rd; skip any whitespace before the first digit.FromRd (rd: Rd.T): Raw RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN TRY ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF ch # 'P' THEN RAISE Error END; ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); CASE ch OF | '1' => RETURN pbm(rd) | '2' => RETURN pgm(rd) | '3' => RETURN ppm(rd) | '4' => RETURN pbm2(rd) | '5' => RETURN pgm2(rd) | '6' => RETURN ppm2(rd) ELSE RAISE Error END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END END FromRd; PROCEDUREpbm (rd: Rd.T): Raw RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR width := ScanInt(rd); height := ScanInt(rd); raw := NEW(ImBitmap).init(width, height); BEGIN FOR v := 0 TO height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO width - 1 DO WITH b = ScanInt(rd) DO raw.bits.set(Point.T{h, v}, b) END END END; RETURN raw END pbm; PROCEDUREpbm2 (rd: Rd.T): Raw RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR width := ScanInt(rd); height := ScanInt(rd); raw := NEW(ImBitmap).init(width, height); word : Word.T; BEGIN TRY WHILE Rd.GetChar(rd) # '\n' DO END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; FOR v := 0 TO height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO width - 1 DO IF h MOD 8 = 0 THEN word := ScanByte(rd) END; raw.bits.set( Point.T{h, v}, ORD(128 = Word.And(word, 128))); word := Word.LeftShift(word, 1) END END; RETURN raw END pbm2; PROCEDUREpgm (rd: Rd.T): Raw RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR width := ScanInt(rd); height := ScanInt(rd); maxval := ScanInt(rd); raw := NEW(ImGraymap).init(width, height); BEGIN FOR v := 0 TO height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO width - 1 DO WITH gray = ScanInt(rd) DO raw.bits.set(Point.T{h, v}, To8Bits(gray, maxval)) END END END; RETURN raw END pgm; PROCEDUREpgm2 (rd: Rd.T): Raw RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR width := ScanInt(rd); height := ScanInt(rd); maxval := ScanInt(rd); raw := NEW(ImGraymap).init(width, height); BEGIN TRY WHILE Rd.GetChar(rd) # '\n' DO END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; FOR v := 0 TO height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO width - 1 DO WITH gray = ScanByte(rd) DO raw.bits.set(Point.T{h,v}, To8Bits(gray, maxval)) END END END; RETURN raw END pgm2; PROCEDUREppm (rd: Rd.T): Raw RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR width := ScanInt(rd); height := ScanInt(rd); maxval := ScanInt(rd); raw := NEW(ImPixmap).init(width, height); p : Point.T; r, g, b: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR v := 0 TO height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO width - 1 DO r := ScanInt(rd); g := ScanInt(rd); b := ScanInt(rd); IF maxval # 255 THEN r := To8Bits(r, maxval); g := To8Bits(g, maxval); b := To8Bits(b, maxval); END; p := Point.T{h, v}; raw.red.set(p, r); raw.green.set(p, g); raw.blue.set(p, b); END END; RETURN raw END ppm; PROCEDUREppm2 (rd: Rd.T): Raw RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR width := ScanInt(rd); height := ScanInt(rd); maxval := ScanInt(rd); raw := NEW(ImPixmap).init(width, height); p : Point.T; r, g, b: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY WHILE Rd.GetChar(rd) # '\n' DO END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; FOR v := 0 TO height - 1 DO FOR h := 0 TO width - 1 DO r := ScanByte(rd); g := ScanByte(rd); b := ScanByte(rd); IF maxval # 255 THEN r := To8Bits(r, maxval); g := To8Bits(g, maxval); b := To8Bits(b, maxval); END; p := Point.T{h, v}; raw.red.set(p, r); raw.green.set(p, g); raw.blue.set(p, b); END END; RETURN raw END ppm2; PROCEDURETo8Bits (v, maxval: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN IF maxval = 255 THEN RETURN v ELSE RETURN ROUND(FLOAT(v) * 255.0 / FLOAT(maxval)) END; END To8Bits; PROCEDURETo24Bits (r, g, b, maxval: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN IF maxval # 255 THEN WITH m = FLOAT(maxval) DO r := ROUND(FLOAT(r) * 255.0 / m); g := ROUND(FLOAT(g) * 255.0 / m); b := ROUND(FLOAT(b) * 255.0 / m); END END; RETURN r * 256 * 256 + g * 256 + b END To24Bits; PROCEDUREFrom24Bits (pix: Pixel; VAR (* OUT *) r, g, b: INTEGER) = BEGIN b := pix MOD 256; pix := pix DIV 256; g := pix MOD 256; pix := pix DIV 256; r := pix MOD 256 END From24Bits;
PROCEDUREScanByte -- return value of next byte from rdScanInt (rd: Rd.T): INTEGER RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = CONST Digits = SET OF CHAR{'0'.. '9'}; VAR res: INTEGER; ch : CHAR; BEGIN TRY ch := GetChar(rd) EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; IF ch IN Digits THEN res := ORD(ch) - ORD('0') ELSE RAISE Error END; TRY LOOP ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF ch IN Digits THEN res := 10 * res + ORD(ch) - ORD('0') ELSE EXIT END END; EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile => END; Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RETURN res END ScanInt;
PROCEDUREGetChar -- return next non-whitespace characterScanByte (rd: Rd.T): INTEGER RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Error} = VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN TRY ch := Rd.GetChar(rd) EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; RETURN ORD(ch) END ScanByte;
PROCEDUREGetChar (rd: Rd.T): CHAR RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile} = CONST Spaces = SET OF CHAR{' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'}; Comment = '#'; VAR ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); BEGIN WHILE (ch = Comment) OR (ch IN Spaces) DO IF ch = Comment THEN EVAL Rd.GetLine(rd) END; ch := Rd.GetChar(rd) END; RETURN ch END GetChar; BEGIN END Image.