
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Steve Glassman, Mark Manasse and Greg Nelson           
 Last modified on Thu Aug  4 20:54:42 PDT 1994 by msm      
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:58:11 PST 1992 by muller   
      modified on Thu Dec 12  2:31:53 PST 1991 by gnelson  
      modified on Thu Apr 12 15:21:37 PDT 1990 by steveg   
A ScrnPixmap.T is a handle on a rectangular array of pixels that is valid for use on a particular screentype, called the {\it owner} of the handle. Some handles have names; others are anonymous. A named handle is valid forever; the pixmap referenced by an anonymous handle will be garbage-collected when all handles to it have been dropped.


IMPORT Point, Rect, Word, TrestleComm, Pixmap, BasicCtypes;


TYPE Raw = Pixmap.Raw;
The raw representation of a pixmap is revealed at the end of this interface.

\subsubsection{Obtaining handles from the oracle}

  Oracle = Private OBJECT
    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    load(READONLY r: Raw; nm: TEXT := NIL): T
      RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
    list(pat: TEXT; maxResults: CARDINAL := 1)
      : REF ARRAY OF TEXT RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
    lookup(name: TEXT): T RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
    builtIn(pm: Pixmap.Predefined): T;
  Private <: ROOT;
For a screentype st, the field st.pixmap is an Oracle that produces pixmaps owned by st.

The method call st.pixmap.load(r, nm) allocates and returns a pixmap handle p owned by st whose contents are equal to r. The depth of r must either be 1 or st.depth, otherwise there is a checked runtime error. If nm # NIL, p receives the name nm, and any pixmap handle owned by st that previously had the name nm becomes anonymous.

The method call st.pixmap.list(pat, maxResults) returns the names of all pixmaps owned by st that match the pattern pat. The list of results may be truncated to length maxResults. A * matches any number of characters and a ? matches any single character.

The method call st.pixmap.lookup(name) return the pixmap with the given name, or NIL if no pixmap has this name.

The method call st.pixmap.builtIn(pm) returns the screen-dependent pixmap valid for st that corresponds to the predefined screen-independent Pixmap.T{pm}.

The locking level for all methods is LL.sup <= VBT.mu.

\subsubsection{The handle object}

  T <: Public;
  Public = OBJECT (*CONST*)
    id: INTEGER;
    depth: INTEGER;
    bounds: Rect.T
    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    localize(READONLY rect: Rect.T): Raw
      RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
    unload() RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
    free() RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}
If pm is a ScrnPixmap.T, then pm.id is an identifier whose interpretation depends on the screentype that owns pm. The field pm.depth is the number of bits in each pixel of pm, and pm.bounds is the rectangular extent of pm.

The method call pm.localize(rect) returns a raw pixmap equal to a rectangualr subpixmap of the one on which pm is a handle. The bounds of the raw pixmap returned by localize is Rect.Meet(rect, pm.bounds).

The method call pm.unload() causes pm to become anonymous.

Pixmaps consume large amounts of memory. The method call pm.free() releases the memory associated with the pixmap. You must make sure that all VBTs using pm have finished painting before you free it. After a call to free, the pixmap bounds and contents are arbitrary.

\subsubsection{The raw representation}

A raw pixmap allows the client to directly locate and modify the bits of the pixmap. The following procedure produces a new raw pixmap:

  READONLY bnds: Rect.T): Raw;
<* LL arbitrary *>
Allocate and return a raw pixmap with the given depth and bounds.
 The initial contents of the pixmap returned by NewRaw are undefined.

Here is the representation of a raw pixmap:

REVEAL Pixmap.Raw <: Raw_Public;

  Raw_Public = OBJECT
    depth: INTEGER;
    bounds: Rect.T;
    pixels: REF ARRAY OF PixWord;
    offset: INTEGER;
    bitsPerPixel: INTEGER;
    wordsPerRow: INTEGER;
    pixelOrder: ByteOrder;
    westRounded: INTEGER;
    get(READONLY pt: Point.T): Pixel;
    set(READONLY pt: Point.T; pix: Pixel);
    sub(READONLY rect: Rect.T): Raw;

  PixWord = BasicCtypes.unsigned_int;
  Pixel = Word.T;
  ByteOrder = {MSBFirst, LSBFirst};
The methods provide the easiest way to operate on a raw pixmap, and we will explain them first. Let pm be a ScrnPixmap.Raw, then:

The method call

returns the pixel value at the point pt in the pixmap. The result is undefined if pt is not in pm.bounds.

The method call

      pm.set(pt, pix)
sets the pixel value at the point pt of the pixmap pm to the value pix. It is a noop if pt is not in pm.bounds.

The method call

returns a pixmap whose bounds are Rect.Meet(rect, pm.bounds) and whose contents are shared with pm's.

It is also possible to bypass the methods and access the data in the raw pixmap directly. Here is the specification for the internal layout of pixels in a raw pixmap:

A value pm of type Pixmap.Raw is a rectangular subregion of a larger rectangular pixmap, which we shall call the {\it surround}. The surround is a word-aligned pixmap, stored in raster-scan order by rows. Pixels do not cross word boundaries. More precisely, the westmost pixel in each row of the surround is always a pixel whose h-coordinate is a multiple of pixelsPerWord (which is equal to BITSIZE(PixWord) DIV pm.bitsPerPixel). The eastmost pixel in each row of the surround is always a pixel whose h-coordinate modulo pixelsPerWord is congruent to pixelsPerWord-1. Hence, the number of pixels in each row of the surround is a multiple of pixelsPerWord. The value pm.wordsPerRow is the number of words that are needed to store one row of the surround.

The value pm.bitsPerPixel might be greater than pm.depth; for example, a twelve-bit deep pixmap might be stored with sixteen bits per pixel.

The pixels of the surround are stored in the array pm.pixels. Each row is represented in pm.wordsPerRow adjacent words; the first of these words stores the westmost pixelsPerWord pixels of the row, the following word stores the adjacent pixelsPerWord pixels, and so on until the last word, which stores the eastmost pixelsPerWord pixels.

The order in which pixels are packed into words is indicated by pm.pixelOrder. In this discussion, bit 0 is the least significant bit and bit BITSIZE(PixWord) - 1 is the most significant bit of a word.

If pm.pixelOrder = LSBFirst, the bits of the pixels are as follows (where bpp is pm.bitsPerPixel):

      pixel 0:  bits 0..bpp-1
      pixel 1:  bits bpp..2*bpp-1
      pixel i:  bits i*bpp..(i+1)*bpp-1
If pm.pixelOrder = MSBFirst, the pixels are stored in reverse order, so that pixel i occupies the same bits as pixel pixelsPerWord-i-1 occupies for LSBFirst.

A Word.Extract of the bits indicated above, from the correct word, gives the pixel's value. If the word size does not contain an integral number of pixels, the unused bits in the word have undefined values.

The pixmap pm itself is a rectangular region selected from the surround; the value pm.bounds, of type Rect.T, specifies the domain of pm. The value pm.offset specifies where in pm.pixels the words containing the pixels of pm can be found. In particular, the northwestern-most bit of pm, the bit with coordinates

      h = pm.bounds.west and v = pm.bounds.north,
is stored in word pm.pixels[pm.offset]. The pixel is the (pm.bounds.west MOD pixelsPerWord)'th pixel of the word. Its bits can be found by the earlier formulas.

The general formula for the word containing the pixel with position h, v is

       (v - pm.bounds.north) * pm.wordsPerRow +
       (h - pm.westRounded) DIV pixelsPerWord) + pm.offset].
Here is another useful formula. The surround rectangle must be at least wide enough to contain the subrectangle pm.bounds, even after we have rounded the west edge of pm.bounds westward to the next word boundary and rounded the east edge of pm.bounds eastward to the next word boundary. As a result, we have the inequality:

       pm.wordsPerRow >=
         ((pm.bounds.east - 1) DIV pixelsPerWord) -
         (pm.bounds.west DIV pixelsPerWord) + 1

Finally, the value pm.westRounded is provided for convenience; it is equal to

      bounds.west - (bounds.west MOD pixelsPerWord),
that is, the western boundary moved west to the nearest word boundary.

END ScrnPixmap.