
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Fri Oct  8 09:51:04 PDT 1993 by sfreeman 
 modified on Sat Mar 21 02:53:17 1992 by msm 
 modified on Mon Feb 24 13:58:34 PST 1992 by muller 
 modified on Sat Dec 21 16:38:43 PST 1991 by gnelson 

modified on Tue Aug 7 17:12:32 PDT 1990 by steveg

The VBTClass interface specifies the up methods, the split methods, and the wrapper procedures by which a parent activates a child's down methods.

In general, to implement a split or filter you override the down methods, up methods, and split methods of the parent. However, usually you will be able to inherit the majority of the methods from existing classes, and only have to override a few of them. We mention several groups of methods that in most cases you will want to inherit rather than reimplement.

The two down methods

together with the two up methods

conspire to implement the mouse-cage semantics described in the VBT interface for delivering mouse clicks and cursor positions and for setting the cursor shape. They work for any VBT.Split, and there is almost never any reason to override them. As a far-fetched example of when you would override them, imagine a filter that converts shifted left button clicks to right button clicks.

Although you probably won't want to override these methods, you will have to help them a bit. They cache the results of the locate method, and therefore require that you call VBTClass.LocateChanged whenever the geometry of your split changes in a way that affects the locate method.

The up methods

implement the event-time semantics described in the VBT interface. They simply recurse up the tree of VBTs. At the root the recursive calls reach a VBT in which these methods are overridden to make the appropriate X calls. There is rarely any reason to override these methods. As an example of when you might want to override them, imagine keeping track of which VBT in your application last held the keyboard focus. You could do this by introducing a filter whose acquire method recorded the information before recursing on the parent.

Keystrokes and miscellaneous codes can skip levels of the tree when they are delivered. For example, associated with each top-level window is a filter much like the one just described, which keeps track of which of its decendants are selection owners. This filter forwards keystrokes and lost codes directly to the appropriate owner, bypassing the intermediate windows in the tree.

The up methods

implement painting, painting synchronization, and screen capture. The sync and capture methods recurse up the tree in the obvious way. The paintbatch method also recurses up the tree, but in a less obvious way.

It would be too inefficient to call a method for every painting command; therefore the class-independent painting code groups painting commands into batches and hands them to the method a batch at a time. For example, the paintbatch method of a ZSplit clips the batch of painting commands to the visible portion of the child's domain and then executes the clipped operations on itself.

Painting on the vast majority of VBTs can be implemented simply by clipping to their domain and then relaying the painting to their parent. To speed up this common case, every VBT has a {\it short-circuit} bit. If this bit is set then Trestle doesn't call the VBT's paintbatch method at all; it just clips to the VBT's domain and paints on its parent. Typically the only VBTs whose short-circuit bits are not set are the root VBT and those ZSplit children that are overlapped by other children or that extend outside the parent's domain.

If the short-circuit bits are set on all the VBTs from v to the root, then the class-independent painting code will relay batches of painting commands from v to the root without activating any methods. The paintbatch method at the root translates the batch of painting commands into the appropriate X operations.

The default method VBT.Split.paintbatch sets the short-circuit bit and recurses on the parent. In the unlikely event that you want to override this method, the interfaces Batch, BatchUtil, and PaintPrivate define the representation of painting commands in batches. You could for example overriding the paintbatch method to implement a class of VBT that paints into a raw pixmap in your address space.

To speed up painting, Trestle does not rely on garbage collection for paintbatches: you must free them explicitly.

You almost never need to implement the split methods succ, pred, move, nth, index, and locate; on the other hand you must be careful to inherit them from the right place. There are two main subtypes of VBT.Split, filters and ``proper'' splits, and they have different suites of split methods. The implementations of the split methods for filters are

These are all quite trivial procedures, since a filter has at most one child. If you declare a split as a subtype of Filter.T, you inherit these methods automatically.

Most proper splits are subtypes of ProperSplit.T, which keeps the children in a doubly-linked list. For example, ZSplits, HVSplits, TSplits, and PackSplits are all subtypes of ProperSplit.T. The methods

implement the split methods using the doubly-linked list. If you declare a split as a subtype of ProperSplit.T, you inherit these methods automatically.


IMPORT VBT, Trestle, Axis, Point, Rect, Region, ScrnCursor, ScrnPixmap,
       Cursor, Batch;
Before we get to the up methods and the split methods, there is more to be revealed about VBTs in general:

REVEAL VBT.Prefix <: Prefix;

  Prefix = MUTEX OBJECT          <* LL >= {VBT.mu, SELF} *>
             parent: VBT.Split      := NIL;
             upRef : ROOT           := NIL;
             domain: Rect.T         := Rect.Empty;
             st    : VBT.ScreenType := NIL;
           METHODS               <* LL.sup = SELF *>
             getcursor (): ScrnCursor.T;
             <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
             axisOrder (): Axis.T;
From VBT.Prefix <: Prefix it follows VBT.T <: Prefix; hence every VBT is a MUTEX object, and has the above fields and methods. The complete revelation for the type VBT.T is private to Trestle.

The fields v.parent, v.domain, and v.st record v's parent, domain, and screentype.

The object v.upRef is used by the methods of v.parent to store information specific to the child v. For example, if v.parent is a ZSplit, then v.upRef contains a region representing the visible part of v, pointers to the children before and after v, and other information. In a filter, v.upRef is usually NIL, since when there is only one child, all the state can be stored in data fields directly in the parent object.

If v.parent is NIL, then so is v.upRef.

The locking level comment on the data fields means that in order to write one of the fields v.parent, v.upRef, v.domain, or v.st, a thread must have both VBT.mu and v locked. Consequently, in order to read one of the fields, a thread must have either VBT.mu (or a share of VBT.mu) or v locked. Thus the fields can be read either by up methods or by down methods.

The call v.getcursor() returns the cursor that should be displayed over v; that is, the cursor that was called GetCursor(v) in the VBT interface. It is almost never necessary to override the getcursor method, since leaves and splits have suitable default methods.

The axisOrder method determines whether it is preferable to fix a VBT's height first or its width first. For example, a horizontal packsplit would rather have its width fixed before its range of heights is queried, since its height depends on its width. In general, if v's size range in axis ax affects its size range in the other axis (and not vice-versa), then v.axisOrder() should return ax. The default is to return Axis.T.Hor.

Next we come to the specifications of the split methods and the up methods:

REVEAL VBT.Split <: Public;

  Public =

      | (* The split methods *)
      <* LL >= {VBT.mu, SELF, ch} *>
      beChild (ch: VBT.T);
      <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
      replace (ch, new: VBT.T);
      insert  (pred, new: VBT.T);
      move    (pred, ch: VBT.T);
      locate  (READONLY pt: Point.T; VAR (*OUT*) r: Rect.T): VBT.T;
      <* LL >= {VBT.mu} *>
      succ  (ch: VBT.T): VBT.T;
      pred  (ch: VBT.T): VBT.T;
      nth   (n: CARDINAL): VBT.T;
      index (ch: VBT.T): CARDINAL;

      | (* The up methods *)

      <* LL.sup = ch *>
      setcage    (ch: VBT.T);
      setcursor  (ch: VBT.T);
      paintbatch (ch: VBT.T; b: Batch.T);
      sync       (ch: VBT.T; wait := TRUE);
      capture (ch: VBT.T; READONLY rect: Rect.T; VAR (*out*) br: Region.T):
      screenOf (ch: VBT.T; READONLY pt: Point.T): Trestle.ScreenOfRec;
      <* LL.sup < SELF AND LL >= {ch, VBT.mu.ch} *>
      newShape (ch: VBT.T);
      <* LL.sup = ch *>
      acquire (ch: VBT.T; w: VBT.T; s: VBT.Selection; ts: VBT.TimeStamp)
               RAISES {VBT.Error};
      release (ch: VBT.T; w: VBT.T; s: VBT.Selection);
      put (         ch    : VBT.T;
                    w     : VBT.T;
                    s     : VBT.Selection;
                    ts    : VBT.TimeStamp;
                    type  : VBT.MiscCodeType;
           READONLY detail                     := VBT.NullDetail)
           RAISES {VBT.Error};
      forge (         ch    : VBT.T;
                      w     : VBT.T;
                      type  : VBT.MiscCodeType;
             READONLY detail                     := VBT.NullDetail)
             RAISES {VBT.Error};
      <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
      readUp (ch: VBT.T;
              w : VBT.T;
              s : VBT.Selection;
              ts: VBT.TimeStamp;
              tc: CARDINAL       ): VBT.Value RAISES {VBT.Error};
      writeUp (ch : VBT.T;
               w  : VBT.T;
               s  : VBT.Selection;
               ts : VBT.TimeStamp;
               val: VBT.Value;
               tc : CARDINAL       ) RAISES {VBT.Error};
Notice that a VBT.Split is a subtype of a VBT.Leaf. That is, every VBT.Split is also a VBT.Leaf, and therefore the painting operations in the VBT interface can be applied to splits. This fact is revealed here rather than in the VBT interface to prevent clients of VBT from accidentally painting on splits. To do so is almost certainly a mistake---it is the responsibility of the split's implementation to paint on the parent as necessary to keep its screen up to date.

\subsubsection{Specifications of the split methods}

The first group of methods implement the behavior in the Split interface:

The method call v.beChild(ch) initializes ch.upRef as appropriate for a child of v. The method can assume that ch is non-nil and has the same screentype as v. When the method is called, LL >= {VBT.mu, v, ch}.

When declaring a subtype ST of a split type S, the beChild method for ST will ordinarily call S.beChild(v, ch), which in turn will call S's supertype's beChild method, and so on. Only one of the methods should allocate the upRef, but all of them may initialize different parts of it. Two rules make this work. First, the type of the upRef for children of ST splits should be a subtype of the type of the upRef for children of S splits. Second, if a beChild method finds ch.upRef is NIL and NIL is not appropriate for the type, the method should allocate ch.upRef; otherwise it should narrow ch.upRef to the appropriate type and initialize it.

For example, HVSplit.T is a subtype of ProperSplit.T. Hidden in the HVSplit module is a type HVSplit.Child, which represents the per-child information needed by an HVSplit. The type HVSplit.Child is a subtype of ProperSplit.Child. The method HVSplit.beChild(hv, ch) allocates a new HVSplit.Child, stores it in ch.upRef, initializes the part of it that is specific to HVSplit, and then calls ProperSplit.beChild(hv, ch), which initializes the part of ch.upRef that is common to all proper splits, and then calls its supertype's beChild method, and so on.

The chain of calls eventually ends with a call to VBT.Split.beChild, which causes an error if ch is not detached or if ch's screentype differs from v, and otherwise sets ch.parent to v and marks v for redisplay.

The method call v.replace(ch, new) simply implements the operation Split.Replace(v, ch, new), and the call v.replace(ch, NIL) implements Split.Delete(v, ch). Before calling the method, the generic code in Split marks v for redisplay, checks that ch is a child of v and that new is detached, and rescreens new to the screentype of v.

Similarly, the method call v.insert(pred, new) implements the operation Split.Insert(v, pred, new). Before calling the method, the generic code in Split marks v for redisplay, checks that pred is NIL or a child of v and that new is detached, and rescreens new to the screentype of v. A split that can only contain a limited number of children may detach and discard the previous child to implement insert.

The call v.move(pred, ch) implements Split.Move(v, pred, ch). Before calling the method, the generic code verifies that pred and ch are children of v (or NIL, in the case of pred), and avoids the call if pred = ch or v.succ(pred) = ch.

When the replace, insert, or move method is called, LL.sup = VBT.mu. The default methods are equal to NIL; so every split class must arrange to override these methods, usually by inheriting them from Filter or from ProperSplit.

The method calls v.succ(ch), v.pred(ch), v.nth(n), and v.index(ch) implement the corresponding operations in the Split interface. In all cases, LL >= {VBT.mu}.

The default method VBT.Split.succ is NIL; so every split class must arrange to override the method, usually by inheriting them from Filter or from ProperSplit. The default methods VBT.Split.pred, VBT.Split.nth, and VBT.Split.index are implemented by repeatedly calling the succ method.

The method call v.locate(pt, r) returns the child of v that controls the position pt, or NIL if there is no such child. The method also sets r to a rectangle containing pt such that for all points q in the meet of r and domain(v), v.locate(q, ...) would return the same result as v.locate(pt, ...). The split implementation is expected to make r as large as possible, so that clients can avoid calling locate unnecessarily. When the method is called, pt will be in domain(v). When the locate method is called, LL.sup = VBT.mu.

If v inherits the mouse, position, setcursor, or setcage methods from VBT.Split, then you must call LocateChanged(v) whenever any operation on the split invalidates a rectangle-child pair returned previously by v.locate:

PROCEDURE LocateChanged (v: VBT.Split);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Clear any cached results of the locate method.
 The default method VBT.Split.locate(v, pt, r) enumerates v's
   children in succ order and returns the first child ch whose domain
   contains pt.  It sets r to a maximal rectangle that lies inside the
   domain of ch and outside the domains of all preceding children.  If no
   child contains pt, it returns NIL and sets r to a maximal
   rectangle that lies inside the domain of v and outside the domains of
   all its children.  This is suitable if the children don't overlap or if
   whenever two children overlap, the top one appears earlier in succ

\subsubsection{Specifications of the up methods}

So much for the split methods; here now are the specifications of the up methods. In all cases, ch is a child of v.

The method call v.setcage(ch) is called by the system whenever ch's cage is changed. It is called with LL.sup = ch. The default method implements the behavior described in the VBT interface.

The method call v.setcursor(ch) is called by the system whenever the result of ch.getcursor() might have changed. It is called with LL.sup = ch. The default method implements the behavior described in the VBT interface.

The method call v.paintbatch(ch, b) is called to paint the batch b of painting commands on v's child ch. The procedure can assume that the batch is not empty and that its clipping rectangle is a subset of ch's domain. It is responsible for ensuring that b is eventually freed, which can be achieved by calling passing b to Batch.Free or by passing b to another paintbatch method, which will inherit the obligation to free the batch. A paintbatch method is allowed to modify the batch. The default method clips the batch to ch's domain, paints the batch on the parent, and sets ch's shortcircuit bit. The method is called with LL.sup = ch.

The method call v.sync(ch, wait) implements VBT.Sync(ch, wait). When the method is called, ch's batch will have been forced. The default method acquires v, releases ch, forces v, calls v.parent's sync method, releases v, and reacquires ch. When the method is called, ch's batch is NIL and LL.sup = ch.

The method call v.capture(ch, r, br) implements VBT.Capture(ch, r, br). The default method recurses on the parent. When the method is called, ch's batch is NIL, r is a subset of ch's domain, and LL.sup = ch.

The method call v.screenOf(ch, pt) implements Trestle.ScreenOf(ch, pt). The default method recurses on the parent. When the method is called, LL.sup = ch.

The method call v.newShape(ch) signals that ch's size range, preferred size, or axis order may have changed. The default recurses on the parent. When the method is called, LL.sup < v AND LL >= {ch, VBT.mu.ch}.

The remaining methods implement event-time operations for a descendent (not necessarily a direct child) of the window v. In all cases, ch is a child of v and w is a descendant of ch.

The acquire, release, put, and forge methods implement the corresponding procedures from the VBT interface. For example, v.put(ch, w, s, ts, cd) implements VBT.Put(w, s, ts, cd.type, cd.detail). When these methods are called, LL.sup = ch.

Similarly, the readUp and writeUp methods implement the procedures VBT.Read and VBT.Write. When these methods are called, LL.sup <= VBT.mu.

\subsubsection{Getting and setting the state of a VBT}

PROCEDURE Cage (v: VBT.T): VBT.Cage; <* LL >= {v} *>
Return v's cage.

TYPE VBTCageType = {Gone, Everywhere, Rectangle};

PROCEDURE CageType (v: VBT.T): VBTCageType;
<* LL >= {v} *>
Return v's cage's type.
 CageType(v) returns Gone if Cage(v) = VBT.GoneCage, Everywhere
   if Cage(v) = VBT.EverywhereCage, and Rectangle otherwise.  It is
   more efficient than Cage. 

PROCEDURE GetCursor (v: VBT.T): Cursor.T;
<* LL >= {v} *>
Return cursor(v).

PROCEDURE SetShortCircuit (v: VBT.T); <* LL >= {v} *>
Set the short-circuit property of v.

PROCEDURE ClearShortCircuit (v: VBT.T); <* LL >= {v} *>
Clear the short-ciruit propery of v.
 If v's short-circuit property is on, painting on v will be
   implemented by clipping to its domain and painting on its parent.

The next three procedures are equivalent to the corresponding procedures in VBT, except they have a different locking level:

PROCEDURE PutProp (v: VBT.T; ref: REFANY);
<* LL >= {v} *>

<* LL >= {v} *>

<* LL >= {v} *>
In implementing a split it is sometimes necessary to read a child's bad region; in which case the following procedure is useful:

PROCEDURE GetBadRegion (v: VBT.T): Region.T;
<* LL >= {v} *>
Return v's bad region; that is, the join of bad(v) and exposed(v).
 For the convenience of split implementors, every VBT has a
   ``newshape'' bit which is set by a call to VBT.NewShape.  For example,
   the redisplay or shape method of a split can test these bits to
   determine which of its children have new shapes. 

<* LL.sup < v *>
Return the value of v's newshape bit.

PROCEDURE ClearNewShape (v: VBT.T); <* LL.sup < v *>
Clear v's newshape bit.
 \subsubsection{Procedures for activating the down methods of a VBT} 

PROCEDURE Reshape (v: VBT.T; READONLY new, saved: Rect.T);
<* LL.sup >= VBT.mu.v AND LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Prepare for and call v's reshape method.
 That is, Reshape changes v.domain and then schedules a call to

      v.reshape(VBT.ReshapeRec{v.domain, new, saved})
It should always be called instead of a direct call to the method, since it establishes essential internal invariants before calling the method. The bits in the saved argument must remain valid until the method returns. It is all right for saved to be larger than v's old domain; Reshape will clip it to v's old domain before calling the method. It is illegal to reshape a detached VBT to have a non-empty domain.

For example, the reshape method of BorderedVBT uses VBTClass.Reshape to reshape its child.

PROCEDURE Rescreen (v: VBT.T; st: VBT.ScreenType);
<* LL.sup >= VBT.mu.v AND LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Prepare for and call v's rescreen method.
 That is, Rescreen executes

      prev := v.domain;
      v.domain := Rect.Empty;
      v.st := st;
      v.rescreen(VBT.RescreenRec{prev, st}).

For example, to determine how large a menu m would be if it were inserted into a ZSplit z, you can't simply call GetShapes(m), since in general the screentype of m could be different from the screentype of z, and the shape can depend on the screentype. But you can call VBTClass.Rescreen(m, z.st) followed by GetShapes(m).

PROCEDURE Repaint (v: VBT.T; READONLY badR: Region.T);
<* LL.sup >= VBT.mu.v AND LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Join badR into v's bad region and then prepare for and call v's repaint method.

PROCEDURE Position (v: VBT.T; READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Prepare for and call v's position method.

<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Prepare for and call v's key method.

PROCEDURE Mouse (v: VBT.T; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Prepare for and call v's mouse method.

<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Prepare for and call v's misc method.
 The following two procedures schedule calls to the down methods without
   making the calls synchronously.  They are useful when you hold too many
   locks to call a down method directly.  For example, when a ZSplit
   child scrolls bits that are obscured, the locking level of the
   paintbatch method precludes calling the repaint method directly; but
   a call can be scheduled with ForceRepaint. 

PROCEDURE ForceEscape (v: VBT.T); <* LL.sup >= {v} *>
Enqueue a cage escape to gone for delivery to v.

PROCEDURE ForceRepaint (v: VBT.T; READONLY rgn: Region.T; deliver := TRUE);
<* LL.sup >= {v} *>
Join rgn into v's bad region, and possibly schedule a call to v's repaint method.
 VBTClass.ForceRepaint is like VBT.ForceRepaint, except that it has a
   different locking level, and if deliver is FALSE then no thread will
   be forked to deliver the bad region---in this case the caller has the
   obligation to deliver the bad region soon, either by calling
   ForceRepaint with deliver = TRUE, or by calling Repaint. 

PROCEDURE Redisplay (v: VBT.T);  <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
If v is marked for redisplay, then unmark it and prepare for and call v.redisplay().

PROCEDURE GetShape (v            : VBT.T;
                    ax           : Axis.T;
                    n            : CARDINAL;
                    clearNewShape             := TRUE): VBT.SizeRange;
<* LL.sup >= VBT.mu.v AND LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Prepare for and call v's shape method.
 GetShape causes a checked runtime error if the result of the shape
   method is invalid.  If clearNewShape is TRUE, GetShape calls
   ClearNewShape(v) before it calls the method. 

PROCEDURE GetShapes (v: VBT.T; clearNewShape := TRUE):
  ARRAY Axis.T OF VBT.SizeRange;
<* LL.sup >= VBT.mu.v AND LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return the shapes of v in both axes.
 GetShapes calls the shape method of v in each axis, using the order
   determined by v.axisOrder(), and returns the array of the resulting
   size ranges.  If clearNewShape is TRUE, GetShapes calls
   ClearNewShape(v) before it calls the method.

GetShapes is convenient if both the height and width preferences of the child can be accomodated---for example, when inserting a top level window or ZSplit child.

PROCEDURE Detach (v: VBT.T);     <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set v.parent and v.upRef to NIL; set v's domain to empty, enqueue a reshape to empty, and clear v's shortcircuit bit.
 \subsubsection{Procedures for activating the up methods of a VBT} 

The following six procedures are like the corresponding procedures in the VBT interface, except that they have a different locking level:

<* LL.sup = v *>

PROCEDURE SetCursor (v: VBT.T; cs: Cursor.T);
<* LL.sup = v *>

PROCEDURE Acquire (v: VBT.T; s: VBT.Selection; t: VBT.TimeStamp)
  RAISES {VBT.Error};            <* LL.sup = v *>

PROCEDURE Release (v: VBT.T; s: VBT.Selection);
<* LL.sup = v *>

PROCEDURE Put (         v     : VBT.T;
                        s     : VBT.Selection;
                        t     : VBT.TimeStamp;
                        type  : VBT.MiscCodeType;
               READONLY detail                     := VBT.NullDetail)
  RAISES {VBT.Error};
<* LL.sup = v *>

PROCEDURE Forge (         v     : VBT.T;
                          type  : VBT.MiscCodeType;
                 READONLY detail                     := VBT.NullDetail)
  RAISES {VBT.Error};
<* LL.sup = v *>
Finally, here is a procedure for executing a batch of painting commands on a VBT:

PROCEDURE PaintBatch (v: VBT.T; VAR b: Batch.T);
<* LL.sup < v *>
Execute the batch b of painting commands on v, free b, and set b to NIL.
 The interpretation of b is described in the Batch and PaintPrivate
   interfaces.  If b.clipped is erroneously set to TRUE, then
   PaintBatch may execute the batched painting commands without clipping
   them to b.clip, but it will not paint outside v's domain.