
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Trestle.def, by gnelson and msm. 
 Last modified on Wed May 19 12:22:47 PDT 1993 by msm     
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:58:14 PST 1992 by muller  
      modified on Sat Dec 21 16:12:26 PST 1991 by gnelson 
      modified on Thu Jul 26 14:53:37 PDT 1990 by steveg 
The Trestle interface provides routines for connecting to window systems; installing, decorating, and moving top-level windows, and performing related operations.


IMPORT VBT, Rect, Point, Region, ScrnPixmap, TrestleComm;

  T <: ROOT;
A Trestle.T identifies an instance of a window system. All the routines in this interface that take a Trestle.T accept the value NIL, which represents the default window system obtained by calling Connect(NIL).

    v: VBT.T;
    applName: TEXT := NIL;
    inst: TEXT := NIL;
    windowTitle: TEXT := NIL;
    iconTitle: TEXT := NIL;
    bgColorR: REAL := -1.0;
    bgColorG: REAL := -1.0;
    bgColorB: REAL := -1.0;
    iconWindow: VBT.T := NIL;
    trsl: T := NIL)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Initiate the installation of v as a decorated top-level window of the window system trsl.
 Install may return before the installation is complete.  Install
   is a checked runtime error if v is not detached, or if v is in
   the process of being installed.  The position of the window
   on the screen depends on the window manager.

The text applName is the application name; it defaults to the application name from the process environment.

The text inst distinguishes windows with the same application name. For example, a text editor might use the full path name of the file being edited as the instance. The default is the value of the environment variable WINSTANCE.

Trestle does not require that the pair (applName, inst) be unique, but session management tools will work more smoothly if it is.

The text windowTitle will be placed in the window's title bar when the window is not iconic. It defaults to the concatenation of applName, a space, and inst, or just to applName if inst is NIL.

The icon for the window will contain the text iconTitle together with iconWindow (if it is not NIL). For example, iconWindow might be a small BitmapVBT. Some window managers ignore iconWindow. The default for iconTitle is inst, or applName if inst is NIL.

The triple bgColorR, bgColorG, bgColorB specify the red, green, and blue components of the background color for the window and icon titles. If they are defaulted, the window manager's default background color will be used; if they are not defaulted they should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Some window managers ignore the background color.

An installed window's maximum, minimum, and preferred size will be reported to the window manager, initially and whenever they change. However, a StableVBT filter is inserted above each installed window, so that a new preferred size will not be reported if the window's current size satisfies the new max and min constraints. Use StableVBT.Disable to force a new preferred size.

It is a checked runtime error if either v or iconWindow is already installed.

Installing a window inserts one or more filters above it, including a HighlightVBT, a StableVBT, and filters that make screen-independent resources work.

PROCEDURE AwaitDelete(v: VBT.T); <* LL = {} *>
Wait until v is deleted or disconnected from whatever window system it is installed on.
 AwaitDelete will not return until after the Deleted or
   Disconnected code has been delivered and processed by the window.
   It is a noop if v is already deleted or is not installed.  

PROCEDURE Delete(v: VBT.T); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Delete v from wherever it is installed.
 Delete automatically releases any selections owned by v or any of
   v's descendants.  Before Delete(v) returns, lost codes will be
   delivered for any such selections.  If v owned the mouse focus,
   v will also receive a synthesized mouse transition of type
   LastUp.  Then v will receive a Deleted code, and finally
   Delete will return.  At this point v is disconnected and can
   be re-installed.  

    v: VBT.T;
    instance: TEXT := NIL;
    windowTitle: TEXT := NIL;
    iconTitle: TEXT := NIL;
    bgColorR: REAL := -1.0;
    bgColorG: REAL := -1.0;
    bgColorB: REAL := -1.0;
    applName: TEXT := NIL;
    iconWindow: VBT.T := NIL)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Change the decorations of v to the given values
 Any parameter that is defaulted will not be changed, unless v has
   been Attached since it was last decorated, in which case the
   default value is computed as in Install.  Decorate is a noop
   if v is not an attached window, or if v is installed without

PROCEDURE GetDecoration(v: VBT.T;
  VAR instance, windowTitle, iconTitle, applName: TEXT;
  VAR bgColorR, bgColorG, bgColorB: REAL;
  VAR iconWindow: VBT.T): BOOLEAN; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
If v is decorated, fetch v's decorations, and return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE.
 \subsection{Window placement} 

PROCEDURE Attach(v: VBT.T; trsl: T := NIL)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Attach v to the window system trsl, leaving it invisible.
 Attach is like Install, except (1) the locking level is
   different, (2) the attachment is completed before Attach returns,
   (3) the window becomes undecorated, and (4) the window remains
   invisible until you call Overlap, Iconize, or MoveNear.  Before
   calling one of these, most clients will want to call Decorate. 

    v: VBT.T;
    id: ScreenID;
    READONLY nw: Point.T)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Move the northwest corner of v to the point nw on the screen id.
 If v is undecorated, this produces a window with no title bar or
   border, and the user will probably not be able to move, iconize or
   delete the window; this is a bad idea unless you're implementing
   pop-up or pull-down menus.  If id is out-of-range for this Trestle
   instance, the window will appear on the default screen. 

  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Make the window v become iconic.

PROCEDURE MoveNear(v, w: VBT.T)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Move the window v to be near the window w.
 The exact effect of MoveNear depends on the window manager.
   If w is NIL or is not installed where v is, then
   MoveNear will attempt to bring v to the attention of the user;
   in particular, if v is an overlapping window, v will be brought
   to the top; if v is an icon, it will be deiconized; if v is
   in the invisible state produced by Attach, it will be opened in some
   visible place.

Overlap, Iconize, and MoveNear are all no-ops if v is not installed. The effects of Iconize and MoveNear are undefined for undecorated windows.

PROCEDURE InstallOffscreen(
    v: VBT.T;
    width, height: CARDINAL;
    preferredScreenType: VBT.ScreenType)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Give v a domain with the given dimensions in the off-screen memory of the window system to which it is attached.
 InstallOffscreen rescreens v to preferredScreenType, or
   something as much like it as supported for off-screen windows.  The
   window v must be in the floating state produced by Attach.  The
   usual purpose is to paint on v and then use VBT.Capture to
   retrieve the contents of its screen as a pixmap.  You should delete
   v when you are done with it.  Until v is deleted, you should
   not pass it to Overlap, Iconize, MoveNear or InstallOffscreen. 

\subsection{Enumerating and positioning screens}

A window system may have multiple screens. Each screen is identified by an integer.


CONST NoScreen: ScreenID = -1;

  id: ScreenID;
  q: Point.T;
  trsl: T;
  dom: Rect.T

  v: VBT.T; READONLY p: Point.T)
  : ScreenOfRec; <* LL.sup < v *>
Return information about where v is installed.
 If v is an installed window, or a child of an installed window,
    then after res := ScreenOf(v, p) we have

\medskip\bulletitem res.id is the ID of the screen currently containing v;

\medskip\bulletitem res.q is the point in screen coordinates that corresponds to the point p in window coordinates;

\medskip\bulletitem res.trsl is the window system on which v is installed; and

\medskip\bulletitem res.dom is the domain of the screen res.id.

\medskip The point p need not be in the domain of v. If v is not installed, then res.trsl will be NIL, res.id will be NoScreen, and the other fields will be arbitrary. If the window manager is moving v between screens when ScreenOf is called, then res.id will be NoScreen and res.dom and res.q will be arbitrary.

  Screen = RECORD
    id: ScreenID;
    dom: Rect.T;
    delta: Point.T;
    type: VBT.ScreenType
  ScreenArray = REF ARRAY OF Screen;

PROCEDURE GetScreens(trsl: T := NIL): ScreenArray
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return an array of descriptors of the screens of the window system trsl.
 For each Screen s in the returned array, the rectangle s.dom
   is the domain of the VBT at the root of the screen.  The screens
   all lie in a global coordinate system, within which the user moves
   the cursor.  The point p in screen coordinates corresponds to the
   point p+s.delta in global coordinates.  (Some window systems don't
   support this; in which case s.delta will be set to Point.Origin
   for all screens.)  The value s.type is the screentype of the screen's
   root VBT.  GetScreens returns NIL if the window system has
   no screens.  

\subsection{Reading pixels from a screen}

    id: ScreenID;
    READONLY clip: Rect.T;
    VAR (* out *) br: Region.T;
    trsl: T := NIL)
    : ScrnPixmap.T
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
  <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Read the contents of clip from screen id of trsl.
 Capture(id, clip, br, trsl) is like VBT.Capture(r, clip, br),
   where r is the VBT at the root of screen id of the window
   system trsl.  

\subsection{Checking on recent input activity}

    RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return whether there is pending input from trsl.
 If a program calls AllCeded(t) and TRUE is returned, then there
   are no mouse clicks or keystrokes on their way to any top-level
   windows installed by the program on t.  For example, when the VT100
   terminal emulator has observed a key-down and waited for half a
   second and observed no key-up and concludes that it should go into
   auto-repeat mode, it verifies that AllCeded returns TRUE to make
   sure that the up transition is not on its way, to avoid erroneously
   entering auto-repeat mode.  

PROCEDURE TickTime(trsl: T := NIL): INTEGER;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return the number of microseconds per VBT.TimeStamp, in events reported to VBTs connected to the window system trsl.
 \subsection{Connecting to a window system} 

PROCEDURE Connect(inst: TEXT := NIL): T
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Connect to the window system named inst.
 In general, the format and interpretation of inst are
   implementation-dependent.  Here are the rules when using an
   X server:

If inst is NIL, it defaults to the value of the environment variable DISPLAY, unless this variable is undefined, in which case it defaults to :0.

The syntax of inst should be:

      <machine name>(":" | "::")<number>("" | "." <number>)
where <machine name> is an arbitrary string of characters (possibly empty) and <number> is a non-negative decimal integer. It denotes an X server according to the rules on page 27 of the second edition of {\it X Window System}, by Scheifler et. al., Digital Press, 1990 \cite{XSpec}.

For example, nemesia:0 denotes the first window system on the machine nemesia, and :0 denotes the first window system on the machine calling Connect.

The exception is raised if the designated window system doesn't exist or cannot be connected to.

END Trestle.