
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Steve Glassman, Mark Manasse and Greg Nelson           
 Last modified on Tue Mar 10 18:59:24 1992 by steveg   
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:57:27 PST 1992 by muller   
      modified on Wed Dec 11 18:45:20 PST 1991 by gnelson  

The Palette interface allows you to implement your own screen-independent resources by registering a closure to produce an appropriate screen-dependent resource for any given screentype.


IMPORT VBT, PaintOp, Cursor, Pixmap, Font,
  ScrnPaintOp, ScrnCursor, ScrnPixmap, ScrnFont;
Translating a screen-independent resource into its screen-dependent form is called {\it resolving} the resource. Here are the closure types for resolving resources:

    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    apply(st: VBT.ScreenType): ScrnPaintOp.T;

  CursorClosure = OBJECT METHODS
    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    apply(st: VBT.ScreenType): ScrnCursor.T;

  PixmapClosure = OBJECT METHODS
    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    apply(st: VBT.ScreenType): ScrnPixmap.T;

  FontClosure = OBJECT METHODS
    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    apply(st: VBT.ScreenType): ScrnFont.T;
When an apply method is called, st # NIL. If the method returns NIL, then some default screen-dependent resource will be used; for example, the built-in font or the transparent painting operation.

The following procedures produce screen-independent resources from closures:

PROCEDURE FromOpClosure(cl: OpClosure): PaintOp.T;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return a PaintOp.T that behaves like cl.apply(st) on st.

PROCEDURE FromCursorClosure
  (cl: CursorClosure): Cursor.T; <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return a Cursor.T that behaves like cl.apply(st) on st.

PROCEDURE FromPixmapClosure
  (cl: PixmapClosure): Pixmap.T; <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return a Pixmap.T that behaves like cl.apply(st) on st.

PROCEDURE FromFontClosure(cl: FontClosure): Font.T;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
Return a Font.T that behaves like cl.apply(st) on st.
 If your apply method that resolves a resource needs to resolve some
   other resource, you should use one of the following procedures to
   do so.  In all cases, st must be non-NIL. 

PROCEDURE ResolveOp(st: VBT.ScreenType; op: PaintOp.T)
  : ScrnPaintOp.T;
Resolve op for st.

PROCEDURE ResolveCursor(st: VBT.ScreenType;
  cursor: Cursor.T): ScrnCursor.T;
Resolve cursor for st.

PROCEDURE ResolvePixmap(st: VBT.ScreenType;
  pixmap: Pixmap.T): ScrnPixmap.T;
Resolve pixmap for st.

PROCEDURE ResolveFont(st: VBT.ScreenType; font: Font.T)
  : ScrnFont.T;
Resolve font for st.
 If you create a cycle of screen-independent resources each of which
   tries to resolve the next resource in the cycle, then the program
   will deadlock.

To implement screen-independent resources, every screentype includes a {\it palette}, which is a table of screen-dependent resources appropriate for that screentype. Most clients don't need to worry about the palette, but if you are implementing a VBT class that translates to some other window system---like X or Microsoft Windows---here is the procedure for building the palette in the screentype for a top-level window: \index{palette}

PROCEDURE Init(st: VBT.ScreenType);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu.v *>
Initialize st's palette, if it is not already initialized, by resolving all screen-independent resources for st and storing the results.

END Palette.