MODULEnow the rigmarole to make the widgets in the menu inactiveDialog EXPORTSMain ,Dialog ; IMPORT Attributes, Axis, DialogBundle, FileBrowserVBT, FileRd, FileWr, Fmt, FormsVBT, FVTypes, GenerateObliq, NodeVBT, ObliqRuntime, Pathname, Point, Pts, RW, Rd, Rect, Rsrc, Split, Text, Thread, Trestle, TrestleComm, TSplit, VBT, VBTClass, Wr, ZHandleVBT, ZSplit, (* Import interfaces of extensions *) Browser, Clickable, DialogMenu, Textual, Setting, VideoWidget; <* FATAL FormsVBT.Error, FormsVBT.Unimplemented *> <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Rsrc.NotFound, Thread.Alerted, TrestleComm.Failure *> <* FATAL Wr.Failure *> <* FATAL NodeVBT.InstanceListFull, NodeVBT.InvalidObjectName, Split.NotAChild *> REVEAL T = Public BRANDED "VO-Dialog" OBJECT METHODS initSelection () := InitSelection; OVERRIDES realize := Realize; END; TYPE Blocker = FVTypes.FVFilter OBJECT OVERRIDES mouse := BlockMouse; position := BlockPosition; END; CodeType = { None, Global, ServerSide, SessionConstructor }; CONST myVerNum = 30; (* 3.0 *) VAR filename := "<unnamed>"; delta := 0; (* global insertion offset *) testModeCtr : INTEGER; testModeList : ARRAY [1 .. 100] OF VBT.T; progname := ""; cutnode : NodeVBT.T := NIL; (* result of last cut operation *) loadingVerNum := 0; SaveCodeIn : CodeType; PROCEDUREInitSelection (fv: T) = BEGIN fv.selection := NEW(ZHandleVBT.Selection); fv.selection.init(50, TRUE, fv); END InitSelection; PROCEDURENewDialog (): T = VAR fv := NEW(T).initFromRsrc("dialog.fv", rsrcPath); ccl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := CreateProc); modecl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := ModesProc); alncl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := AlignProc); shcl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := ShapeProc); discl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := DistributeProc); sxcl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := SXProc); sccl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := SCProc); svcl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := SVRProc); gccl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := GCProc); buildcl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := buildProc); cutcl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := CutProc); pastecl := NEW(FormsVBT.Closure, apply := PasteProc); BEGIN InitSelection(fv); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "invite1", InviteProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "invite2", InviteProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "run", RunProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "viewmethods", MethodsProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "codeapply", ApplyCodeProc); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "form", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "frame", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "button", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "choice", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "hscroll", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "vscroll", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "boolean", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "numeric", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "text", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "textedit", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "typein", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "browser", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "filebrowser", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "video", ccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignNorth", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignSouth", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignEast", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignWest", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignHoriz", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignVert", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignHoriz", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignCenVert", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "AlignCenHoriz", alncl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "EqualWidth", shcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "EqualHt", shcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "EqualDim", shcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "DistHoriz", discl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "DistVert", discl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "DistBoth", discl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "gensx", sxcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "sxtypein", sxcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "sxbutton", sxcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "editsc", sccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "editgc", gccl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "editsvr", svcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "buildbtn", buildcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "build", buildcl); (* editing actions *) FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "cut", cutcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "delete", cutcl); FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "paste", pastecl); (* local settings *) FormsVBT.Attach(fv, "testbild", modecl); (* global settings *) FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "showsettings", PopSettingsProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "oksettings", OKSettingsProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "open", OpenProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "openbtn", OpenProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "openSuffixes", ChangeSuffixesProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "saveas", SaveAsProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "saveasbtn", SaveAsProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "clearworkspace", ClearWorkspaceProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "addscreen", AddScreenProc); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "quit", QuitProc); RETURN fv; END NewDialog;
PROCEDURESettings are global - and apply to all screens the widgets are explicitly synchronizedRealize (fv: T; type: TEXT; name: TEXT): VBT.T RAISES {FormsVBT.Error} = BEGIN IF Text.Equal(type, "Filter") THEN RETURN NEW(Blocker) ELSE RETURN FormsVBT.T.realize(fv, type, name); END; END Realize; PROCEDUREBlockMouse (<* UNUSED *> v : Blocker; <* UNUSED *> READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) = BEGIN END BlockMouse; PROCEDUREBlockPosition (<* UNUSED *> v : Blocker; <* UNUSED *> READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec) = BEGIN END BlockPosition; PROCEDUREmessage (fv: FormsVBT.T; txt: TEXT) = BEGIN FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "msg", txt, FALSE); WITH msgbox = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "msgbox") DO ZSplit.Map(msgbox); ZSplit.Lift(msgbox) END END message; PROCEDUREQuitProc (<* UNUSED *> fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO screens DO IF screen[i] # NIL THEN Trestle.Delete(screen[i]); screen[i] := NIL; END END END QuitProc; PROCEDUREPasteProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR dialog := NARROW(fv, T); n := dialog.selection.getSelectionSize(); zsplit : VBT.T; BEGIN IF cutnode = NIL THEN RETURN; END; PixelsPerPtHor := Pts.ToPixels(fv, 1.0, Axis.T.Hor); PixelsPerPtVer := Pts.ToPixels(fv, 1.0, Axis.T.Ver); IF ISTYPE(cutnode, NodeVBT.FormNode) THEN WITH f = NARROW(cutnode, NodeVBT.FormNode) DO f.Screen := dialog.screenindex; f.ParentForm := NIL; zsplit := FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "topZSplit"); ZSplit.InsertAt(NARROW(zsplit, ZSplit.T), cutnode, Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(zsplit)), Point.T{30, 30})); WITH width = ROUND(PixelsPerPtHor * FLOAT(cutnode.width)), height = ROUND(PixelsPerPtVer * FLOAT(cutnode.height)) DO ZSplit.Move(cutnode, Rect.FromCorners(Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(zsplit)), Point.T{30,30}), Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(zsplit)), Point.T{30+width,30+height}))); END; END; ELSIF n < 1 THEN message(fv, "You need to select an object first"); RETURN; ELSIF n > 1 THEN message(fv, "You need to select a single object, a form or a frame"); RETURN; ELSE WITH cso = dialog.selection.getSelection(1) DO IF NOT ISTYPE(cso, NodeVBT.SplitNode) THEN message(fv, "You can only insert in a form or a frame"); RETURN; END; WITH csn = NARROW(cso, NodeVBT.SplitNode) DO INC(; csn.children[] := cutnode; ZSplit.InsertAt( csn, cutnode, Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(csn)), Point.T{10,10})); WITH width = ROUND(PixelsPerPtHor * FLOAT(cutnode.width)), height = ROUND(PixelsPerPtVer * FLOAT(cutnode.height)) DO ZSplit.Move(cutnode, Rect.FromCorners(Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(csn)), Point.T{10,10}), Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(csn)), Point.T{10+width,10+height}))); END; cutnode.parent := csn; END END; END; NodeVBT.RecursivelyInsertInTables(cutnode, dialog.selection); cutnode := NIL; (* only once *) END PasteProc; PROCEDURECutProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = VAR moveback := FALSE; current : NodeVBT.T; BEGIN WITH dialog = NARROW(fv, T), n = dialog.selection.getSelectionSize() DO IF n < 1 THEN message(fv, "You need to select an object first") ELSIF n > 1 THEN message(fv, "You may only " & name & " single objects, not groups") ELSE WITH cso = dialog.selection.getSelection(1), csn = NARROW(cso, NodeVBT.T), par = csn.parent DO IF Text.Equal(name, "cut") THEN cutnode := csn; NodeVBT.ComputeDimensions(csn); END; IF ISTYPE(csn, NodeVBT.FormNode) THEN (* disconnect all anchored forms *) WITH formclass = NodeVBT.NameToIndex("form"), n = NodeVBT.NoOfObjects(formclass) DO FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO IF i = 0 THEN current := NodeVBT.GetFirst(formclass); ELSE current := NodeVBT.GetNext(formclass); END; WITH cur = NARROW(current, NodeVBT.FormNode) DO IF cur.ParentForm = csn THEN cur.ParentForm := NIL; END END END; WITH zsplit = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "topZSplit"), s = NARROW(zsplit, Split.T) DO Split.Delete(s, csn); END END; ELSE (* assert : csn is a member of the parent's children array *) WITH p = NARROW(par, NodeVBT.SplitNode) DO FOR i := 1 TO DO IF moveback THEN p.children[i - 1] := p.children[i] ELSE moveback := (p.children[i] = csn); END END; (* assert : moveback has to be true *) DEC(; Split.Delete(p, csn); END END; NodeVBT.RecursivelyDeleteFromTables(csn); END END; END END CutProc; PROCEDUREClearWorkspaceProc (<* UNUSED *> fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR last := screen[1]; (* because of AwaitDelete *) BEGIN (* Get PixelsPerPt info *) PixelsPerPtHor := Pts.ToPixels(last, 1.0, Axis.T.Hor); PixelsPerPtVer := Pts.ToPixels(last, 1.0, Axis.T.Ver); FOR i := 2 TO screens DO IF screen[i] # NIL THEN Trestle.Delete(screen[i]); screen[i] := NIL; END END; screens := 1; filename := "<unnamed>"; WITH z = NewDialog() DO Trestle.Install(z, applName := "VisualObliq", inst := Fmt.Int(1), windowTitle := "Visual Obliq Editor(" & Fmt.Int(1) & ") - " & filename); screen[1] := z; z.screenindex := 1; END; IF last # NIL THEN Trestle.Delete(last); END; NodeVBT.ResetTables(); NodeVBT.ReloadSExpressions(); GenerateObliq.sessionConstructor := "CreateEachFormOnce(LOCAL);\n"; GenerateObliq.globalCode := ""; GenerateObliq.serverSideCode := ""; END ClearWorkspaceProc; PROCEDUREOpenProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR s : Rd.T; f, title: TEXT; last : T; BEGIN f := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "open"); TRY s := FileRd.Open(f) EXCEPT ELSE message(fv, "Couldn't open " & f); RETURN; END; filename := Pathname.Last(f); RW.rtext(s, title); IF Text.Equal(title, "Visual Obliq File") THEN loadingVerNum := 25; (* version 2.5 *) ELSIF Text.Equal(title, "Visual Obliq File, Version =") THEN RW.rint(s, loadingVerNum); (* no of screens *) IF loadingVerNum > myVerNum THEN message(fv, "File has newer format than supported!"); RETURN; END ELSE message(fv, "Illegal File Format : " & f); RETURN; END; last := screen[1]; (* because of AwaitDelete *) (* Get PixelsPerPt info *) PixelsPerPtHor := Pts.ToPixels(last, 1.0, Axis.T.Hor); PixelsPerPtVer := Pts.ToPixels(last, 1.0, Axis.T.Ver); FOR i := 2 TO screens DO IF screen[i] # NIL THEN Trestle.Delete(screen[i]); screen[i] := NIL; END END; RW.rint(s, screens); (* no of screens *) IF screens < 1 THEN screens := 1 END; (* at all costs must have at least one screen ! 0 screens => error in file *) FOR i := 1 TO screens DO (* make sure all the screens are present *) WITH z = NewDialog() DO Trestle.Install( z, applName := "VisualObliq", inst := Fmt.Int(i), windowTitle := "Visual Obliq Editor(" & Fmt.Int(i) & ") - " & filename); screen[i] := z; z.screenindex := i; END END; IF last # NIL THEN Trestle.Delete(last); END; NodeVBT.LoadFromFile(screen[1], s); IF loadingVerNum >= 30 THEN (* only for backward compatibility *) (* load the session constructor code - version 3.0 and above *) RW.rtext(s, GenerateObliq.sessionConstructor); (* load the global code - version 3.0 and above *) RW.rtext(s, GenerateObliq.globalCode); (* load the server side code - version 3.0 and above *) RW.rtext(s, GenerateObliq.serverSideCode); END; FormsVBT.PopDown (fv, "open"); END OpenProc; PROCEDURESaveAsProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR f: TEXT; s: Wr.T; BEGIN f := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "saveas"); TRY s := FileWr.Open(f) EXCEPT ELSE message(fv, "Couldn't open " & f); RETURN; END; filename := Pathname.Last(f); RW.wtext(s, "Visual Obliq File, Version ="); RW.wint(s, myVerNum); RW.wint(s, screens); (* no of screens *) NodeVBT.SaveToFile(fv, s); (* save the session constructor code - version 3.0 and above *) RW.wtext(s, GenerateObliq.sessionConstructor); (* save the global code - version 3.0 and above *) RW.wtext(s, GenerateObliq.globalCode); (* save the server side code - version 3.0 and above *) RW.wtext(s, GenerateObliq.serverSideCode); Wr.Close(s); FormsVBT.PopDown (fv, "saveas"); END SaveAsProc; PROCEDUREChangeSuffixesProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR fb: FileBrowserVBT.T; BEGIN TRY fb := FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "open"); IF FormsVBT.GetBoolean(fv, "openSuffixes") THEN FileBrowserVBT.SetSuffixes(fb, "vo") ELSE FileBrowserVBT.SetSuffixes(fb, "") END EXCEPT | FormsVBT.Error => message(fv, "Couldn't change suffixes"); END END ChangeSuffixesProc; PROCEDURERunProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN ObliqRuntime.Do( GenerateObliq.GenerateCode(fv)); END RunProc; PROCEDUREApplyCodeProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN IF SaveCodeIn = CodeType.Global THEN GenerateObliq.globalCode := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "codeview"); ELSIF SaveCodeIn = CodeType.ServerSide THEN GenerateObliq.serverSideCode := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "codeview"); ELSIF SaveCodeIn = CodeType.SessionConstructor THEN GenerateObliq.sessionConstructor := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "codeview"); END (* IF *) END ApplyCodeProc; PROCEDUREMethodsProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR parentage:= ""; curparent : NodeVBT.T; par : NodeVBT.FormNode; BEGIN WITH dialog = NARROW(fv, T), n = dialog.selection.getSelectionSize() DO IF n < 1 THEN message(fv, "You need to select an object first") ELSIF n > 1 THEN message( fv, "Methods can be displayed only for single objects, not for groups") ELSE WITH cso = dialog.selection.getSelection(1), csn = NARROW(cso, NodeVBT.T), classname = NodeVBT.IndexToName(csn.classIndex), inforef = NodeVBT.GetInfo(classname) DO (* Change the title of the code viewer appropriately *) FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvtitle", &" - Interface"); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeTitle", ""); SaveCodeIn := CodeType.None; (* get help on topic *) IF inforef = NIL THEN message( fv, "Could not access method definition") ELSE (* Ascertain parentage of this widget *) IF ISTYPE(csn, NodeVBT.FormNode) THEN parentage := parentage & "The form-widget, " & & ", is also part of a form" & " by the same name"; curparent := csn; ELSE curparent := csn.parent; WHILE NOT ISTYPE(curparent, NodeVBT.FormNode) DO curparent := curparent.parent; END; parentage := parentage & & " is part of the form, " &; END; (* If curparent is not the top then we list the anchorage *) par := NARROW(curparent, NodeVBT.FormNode).ParentForm; WHILE par # NIL DO curparent := par; parentage := parentage & ", which is anchored to " &; par := par.ParentForm; END; parentage := parentage & ". Within an instance of " & & " you may refer to the " & & " widget within it as SELF." & & ". In other cases you would refer to this widget as " & & "[<index>]." & & " instead. Here " & "<index> refers to the instance of " & & " containing the widget.\n\n"; FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvinstns", "The selected object, " & & ", is an object of class, " & classname & ", and can be manipulated using " & "the methods shown below.\n\n" & "Usage\n-----\n" & parentage & "Also shown below are the methods in the Visual Obliq library. These may be refered to " & "in general as volibLocal.<method-name>. However callbacks may at times get executed " & "remotely. Hence, if you are within a callback it may be better to use " & "LOCAL.<method-name> instead.\n"); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeview", & NodeVBT.GetInfo("Local").info); END END END END END MethodsProc; PROCEDUREInviteProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR where := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "invite2"); BEGIN FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "invite2", ""); ObliqRuntime.Do("installAt (\"" & where & "\");"); END InviteProc; PROCEDUREbuildProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = BEGIN progname := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "build"); EVAL GenerateObliq.GenerateCode(fv, progname,FormsVBT.GetBoolean(fv, "singleFile")); FormsVBT.PopDown (fv, "buildDialog"); END buildProc; PROCEDUREShapeProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = VAR modeOfAlignment := FormsVBT.GetChoice(fv, "shapeMode"); BEGIN (* get hold of the selection *) WITH dfv = NARROW(fv, T) DO IF Text.Equal(name, "EqualDim") THEN dfv.selection.shapeSelectedObjects("EqualWidth", modeOfAlignment); dfv.selection.shapeSelectedObjects("EqualHt", modeOfAlignment); ELSE dfv.selection.shapeSelectedObjects(name, modeOfAlignment); END END (* WITH *) END ShapeProc; PROCEDUREDistributeProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = BEGIN (* get hold of the selection *) WITH dfv = NARROW(fv, T) DO IF Text.Equal(name, "DistBoth") THEN dfv.selection.distributeSelectedObjects("DistHoriz"); dfv.selection.distributeSelectedObjects("DistVert"); ELSE dfv.selection.distributeSelectedObjects(name); END END (* WITH *) END DistributeProc; PROCEDUREAlignProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = VAR modeOfAlignment := FormsVBT.GetChoice(fv, "alignMode"); stretchAlign := FormsVBT.GetBoolean(fv, "stretchAlign"); BEGIN (* get hold of the selection *) WITH dfv = NARROW(fv, T) DO IF Text.Equal(name, "AlignHoriz") THEN dfv.selection.alignSelectedObjects("AlignNorth", modeOfAlignment); dfv.selection.alignSelectedObjects("AlignSouth", modeOfAlignment); (* The next command may seem redundant but it is not since the previous command moved the south edges there may be some alignments that are now legal - so we do the north again*) dfv.selection.alignSelectedObjects("AlignNorth", modeOfAlignment); ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "AlignVert") THEN dfv.selection.alignSelectedObjects("AlignEast", modeOfAlignment); dfv.selection.alignSelectedObjects("AlignWest", modeOfAlignment); (* The next command may seem redundant but it is not since the previous command moved the west edges there may be some alignments that are now legal - so we do the east again *) dfv.selection.alignSelectedObjects("AlignEast", modeOfAlignment); ELSE dfv.selection.alignSelectedObjects(name, modeOfAlignment, NOT stretchAlign); END END (* WITH *) END AlignProc; PROCEDURESXProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = VAR filename := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "sxtypein"); writer : Wr.T; BEGIN IF Text.Equal(name, "gensx") THEN WITH dialog = NARROW(fv, T), n = dialog.selection.getSelectionSize() DO IF n < 1 THEN message(fv, "You need to select an object first") ELSIF n > 1 THEN message( fv, "You can generate the SX only for single objects, not for groups") ELSE WITH cso = dialog.selection.getSelection(1), csn = NARROW(cso, NodeVBT.T) DO TRY NodeVBT.ComputeDimensions(csn); csn.DialogSX := csn.SXTemplate(); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "sxview", csn.computeSX(TRUE)); FormsVBT.PopUp(fv, "sxviewer"); EXCEPT ELSE message(fv, "Unable to generate SX for " &; END; END END END; RETURN; END; TRY writer := FileWr.Open(filename); Wr.PutText(writer, FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "sxview")); Wr.Close(writer); EXCEPT ELSE message(fv, "Unable to save to " & filename); END END SXProc; PROCEDURESCProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = BEGIN FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvtitle", "Edit Session Constructor"); WITH t = Rsrc.Open("", rsrcPath), contents = Rd.GetText(t, LAST(CARDINAL)) DO FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvinstns", contents & NodeVBT.GetInfo("Local").info); Rd.Close(t) END; FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeview", GenerateObliq.sessionConstructor); SaveCodeIn := CodeType.SessionConstructor; FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeTitle", "Save Session Constructor"); END SCProc; PROCEDUREGCProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = BEGIN FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvtitle", "Edit Global Code"); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvinstns", "\t\tGlobal Code \n" & "\t\t***********\n\n" & "The code and data you put in here will be shared by all members of the session. " & "Any code that is placed here will get executed at the server site before the session " & "starts up. volibLocal will refer to the Visual Obliq library at the server. If you would " & "like the procedures and methods you define here to use the local instance of the " & "Visual Obliq library, you need to pass it in as a parameter.\n\n" & "This is a convenient place to keep synchronization variables, and status information that " & "new forms will need to bring shared widgets up to speed.\n\n" & NodeVBT.GetInfo("Local").info ); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeview", GenerateObliq.globalCode); SaveCodeIn := CodeType.Global; FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeTitle", "Save Global Code"); END GCProc; PROCEDURESVRProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = BEGIN FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvtitle", "Edit Server Side Code"); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "cvinstns", "\t\tServer Side Code \n" & "\t\t****************\n\n" & "The code you place here will get executed at the server after the session comes up. " & "It will not be accessible to other hosts\n\n" & NodeVBT.GetInfo("Local").info ); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeview", GenerateObliq.serverSideCode); SaveCodeIn := CodeType.ServerSide; FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "codeTitle", "Save Server Side Code"); END SVRProc; PROCEDUREModesProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = VAR dialog := NARROW(fv, T); formclass := NodeVBT.NameToIndex("form"); n := NodeVBT.NoOfObjects(formclass); current : NodeVBT.T; offset := Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "topZSplit"))); BEGIN TRY IF Text.Equal(FormsVBT.GetChoice(fv, "testbild"), "testmode") THEN (* create a ZChassis for all root forms and introduce them into the testZSplit *) dialog.TestMode := TRUE; testModeCtr := 0; NodeVBT.ComputeAnchoredFormTree(); PixelsPerPtHor := Pts.ToPixels(fv, 1.0, Axis.T.Hor); PixelsPerPtVer := Pts.ToPixels(fv, 1.0, Axis.T.Ver); (* pass 1 - compute all the s-expressions and dimensions of root forms *) FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO IF i = 0 THEN current := NodeVBT.GetFirst(formclass); ELSE current := NodeVBT.GetNext(formclass); END; IF NARROW(current, NodeVBT.FormNode).ParentForm = NIL THEN (* root form *) NodeVBT.ComputeDimensions(current); current.DialogSX := current.SXTemplate(); EVAL current.computeSX(TRUE); END END; (* now switch screens *) WITH tsplit = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "testAndbild"), testbd = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "testZSplit") DO TSplit.SetCurrent(tsplit, testbd); VBTClass.Redisplay(tsplit); END; (* pass 2 - insert root forms into the zsplit *) FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO IF i = 0 THEN current := NodeVBT.GetFirst(formclass); ELSE current := NodeVBT.GetNext(formclass); END; IF NARROW(current, NodeVBT.FormNode).ParentForm = NIL THEN (* root form *) WITH newfv = NEW(FormsVBT.T).init( "(ZChassis Open NoClose (Title \"\") " & current.DialogSX & ")"), (* c = Filter.Replace(newfv, NIL), *) zsplit = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "testZSplit"), z = NARROW(zsplit, FVTypes.FVZSplit), x = ROUND(PixelsPerPtHor * FLOAT(current.x)), y = ROUND(PixelsPerPtVer * FLOAT(current.y)), width = ROUND(PixelsPerPtHor * FLOAT(current.width)), height = ROUND(PixelsPerPtVer * FLOAT(current.height)), nw = Point.Add(offset, Point.T{x, y}) DO NodeVBT.print( "Inserting " & & " at " & Fmt.Int(nw.h) & "," & Fmt.Int(nw.v) & ":" & Fmt.Int(width) & "," & Fmt.Int(height) & "\n"); ZSplit.InsertAt(z, newfv, nw); (* ZSplit.InsertAt(z, c, nw); ZChildVBT.Inserted(c); *) INC(testModeCtr); testModeList[testModeCtr] := newfv END END END ELSE dialog.TestMode := FALSE; FOR i := 1 TO testModeCtr DO WITH zsplit = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "testZSplit"), s = NARROW(zsplit, Split.T) DO Split.Delete(s, testModeList[i]); testModeList[i] := NIL; END END; testModeCtr := 0; (* now switch screens *) WITH tsplit = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "testAndbild"), topzsplit = FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "topZSplit") DO TSplit.SetCurrent(tsplit, topzsplit); END; END EXCEPT ELSE message(fv, "Trouble Switching Modes"); END END ModesProc; PROCEDUREAddScreenProc (<* UNUSED *> fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN WITH z = NewDialog() DO INC(screens); Trestle.Install( z, applName := "VisualObliq", inst := Fmt.Int(screens), windowTitle := "Visual Obliq Editor(" & Fmt.Int(screens) & ") - " & filename); screen[screens] := z; z.screenindex := screens; END END AddScreenProc; <* UNUSED *> PROCEDUREAttributesProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = BEGIN WITH dialog = NARROW(fv, T), n = dialog.selection.getSelectionSize() DO IF n < 1 THEN message(fv, "You need to select an object first") ELSIF n > 1 THEN message( fv, "Attributes may be set only for single objects, not for groups") ELSE WITH cso = dialog.selection.getSelection(1), csn = NARROW(cso, NodeVBT.T) DO Attributes.Invoke(attributes, csn) END END END END AttributesProc;
PROCEDUREOKSettingsProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN WITH dialog = NARROW(fv, T) DO dialog.grid := FormsVBT.GetInteger(fv, "grid") END; SetGlobalBg(FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "bgcolor")); SetGlobalFg(FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "fgcolor")); SetGlobalFont(FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "font")); SetDefaultName(FormsVBT.GetText(fv, "defname")); SetEditingFont(FormsVBT.GetBoolean(fv, "blowFont")); END OKSettingsProc; PROCEDUREPopSettingsProc ( fv : FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data: REFANY; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN WITH dialog = NARROW(fv, T) DO FormsVBT.PutInteger(fv, "grid", dialog.grid) END; FormsVBT.PutText( fv, "bgcolor", NodeVBT.defaultBgColor, FALSE); FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "font", NodeVBT.defaultFont, FALSE); FormsVBT.PutText( fv, "fgcolor", NodeVBT.defaultFgColor, FALSE); FormsVBT.PutBoolean( fv, "blowFont", NodeVBT.blowEditingFont); END PopSettingsProc; PROCEDURESetEditingFont (blowit: BOOLEAN) = VAR font := "-*-courier-bold-*R-*120-*"; BEGIN (* Do all the editors in the attr sheet *) IF blowit THEN font := "-*-helvetica-bold-*R-*180-*"; END; WITH afv = Attributes.afv DO FormsVBT.PutTextProperty(afv, "supportCodeEditor", "Font", font); FormsVBT.PutTextProperty(afv, "CallbackEditor", "Font", font); (* FormsVBT.PutTextProperty(afv, "menubrowser", "Font", font);*) FormsVBT.PutTextProperty(afv, "menucallback", "Font", font); END; TRY FOR i := 1 TO screens DO WITH fv = screen[i] DO FormsVBT.PutBoolean(fv, "blowFont", blowit) END END EXCEPT ELSE END; NodeVBT.blowEditingFont := blowit; END SetEditingFont; PROCEDURESetGlobalBg (n: TEXT) = BEGIN TRY FOR i := 1 TO screens DO WITH fv = screen[i] DO FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "bgcolor", n, FALSE) END END EXCEPT ELSE END; NodeVBT.defaultBgColor := n; END SetGlobalBg; PROCEDURESetGlobalFg (n: TEXT) = BEGIN TRY FOR i := 1 TO screens DO WITH fv = screen[i] DO FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "fgcolor", n, FALSE) END END; EXCEPT ELSE END; NodeVBT.defaultFgColor := n; END SetGlobalFg; PROCEDURESetGlobalFont (n: TEXT) = BEGIN TRY FOR i := 1 TO screens DO WITH fv = screen[i] DO FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "font", n, FALSE) END END EXCEPT ELSE END; NodeVBT.defaultFont := n; END SetGlobalFont; PROCEDURESetDefaultName (n: TEXT) = BEGIN TRY FOR i := 1 TO screens DO WITH fv = screen[i] DO FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "defname", n, FALSE) END END EXCEPT ELSE END; NodeVBT.defaultName := n; END SetDefaultName; PROCEDURECreateProc (<* UNUSED *> cl : FormsVBT.Closure; fv : FormsVBT.T; name: TEXT; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp ) = VAR zsplit : VBT.T; dialog := NARROW(fv, T); selsize : CARDINAL; pardom : Rect.T; parent : ZHandleVBT.T; newnode : NodeVBT.T; newform : FormsVBT.T; minParWid, minParHt: INTEGER; BEGIN IF dialog.TestMode THEN RETURN; END; (* If this is a valid insertion ... *) (* i.e if it is a form elsif a single parent has been selected (a form or a frame) and there is enough space to insert the object { When you register a new widget you may specify how big the parent should be. Pick a size at least 50 points larger than the default size of the widget, in each dimension. Default min-size of parent = 100X100 } *) selsize := dialog.selection.getSelectionSize(); IF NOT Text.Equal(name, "form") THEN IF selsize < 1 THEN message( fv, "You need to select a form or a frame before inserting this object"); RETURN; ELSIF selsize > 1 THEN message( fv, "At most one object may be selected before inserting such objects"); RETURN; ELSE parent := dialog.selection.getSelection(1); IF parent = NIL THEN message(fv, "Selection Error"); RETURN; ELSE WHILE NOT ISTYPE(parent, NodeVBT.SplitNode) DO parent := parent.parent; END; END; pardom := parent.getDomain(); TRY NodeVBT.GetMinParentDimensions(name, minParWid, minParHt); EXCEPT | NodeVBT.InvalidObjectName (foo) => message(fv, foo & "has not been implemented"); END; IF Rect.HorSize(pardom) < minParWid OR Rect.VerSize(pardom) < minParHt THEN message( fv, "There isn't enough space to insert this object. Resize parent."); RETURN; END END END; (* all checks have been completed *) (* NodeVBT.NewObject is used to create a new instance *) (* which is then inserted into the hierarchy *) (* Only insertion related issues are addressed here *) (* insertion of forms is at 100+delta, 100+delta insertion of other objects is at 30+delta, 30+delta delta varies from 0 to 10 in steps of 2 *) IF Text.Equal(name, "form") THEN newnode := NodeVBT.NewObject(dialog, "form", NIL); NARROW(newnode, NodeVBT.FormNode).Screen := dialog.screenindex; ELSE newnode := NodeVBT.NewObject(dialog, name, NARROW(parent, NodeVBT.T)) END; IF newnode = NIL THEN RETURN; END; TRY newform := NEW(FormsVBT.T).init(newnode.DialogSX) EXCEPT ELSE message(fv, "Error in Default S-Expression - Please Check " & name & "TEMPLATE.fv"); RETURN; END; EVAL ZHandleVBT.T.init(newnode, newform, dialog.selection); IF (Text.Equal(name, "form")) THEN zsplit := FormsVBT.GetVBT(fv, "topZSplit"); ZSplit.InsertAt(NARROW(zsplit, ZSplit.T), newnode, Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(zsplit)), Point.T{50 + delta, 50 + delta})) ELSE (* parent and pardom would already be set *) (* parent is a zsplit *) WITH dad = NARROW(parent, NodeVBT.SplitNode) DO INC(; dad.children[] := newnode; END; ZSplit.InsertAt( parent, newnode, Point.Add(Rect.NorthWest(VBT.Domain(parent)), Point.T{30 + delta, 30 + delta})) END; delta := (delta + 2) MOD 12; END CreateProc; BEGIN
rsrcPath := Rsrc.BuildPath ("$DIALOGPATH", DialogBundle.Get()); ObliqRuntime.Setup(); attributes := NEW(Attributes.T).init(); (* Initialize all the modules *) NodeVBT.Initialize(); (* Initialize Extension Modules *) Browser.Initialize(); Clickable.Initialize(); Setting.Initialize(); Textual.Initialize(); VideoWidget.Initialize(); WITH z = NewDialog() DO INC(screens); z.screenindex := screens; Trestle.Install( z, applName := "VisualObliq", inst := "VO Editor (" & Fmt.Int(screens) & ")", windowTitle := "Visual Obliq Editor(" & Fmt.Int(screens) & ") - " & filename); screen[screens] := z; DialogMenu.Initialize(); GenerateObliq.Initialize(); END; WHILE screen[1] # NIL DO Trestle.AwaitDelete(screen[1]) END; END Dialog.