
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Fri Apr 12 08:45:17 PDT 1996 by mhb                      
      modified on Mon Jun 14 21:02:17 PDT 1993 by meehan                   
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:54 PDT 1992 by muller                   
A FileBrowserVBT displays the files in a directory, and allows the user to traverse the file system and to select one or more files. There are two additional widgets that can be associated with a FileBrowserVBT. A {\em helper} \index{FBHelper}\label{FBHelper} is a type-in field that displays the pathname of the directory and allows the user to type new pathnames. A {\em directory-menu}\index{FBDirMenu} \label{FBDirMenu} is a menu containing the names of each level in the directory tree, with the root at the bottom; you can go to any level in the tree by selecting the appropriate item in the menu.

There are two user-actions, selecting and activating.


\item The user may {\it select} items, either by single-clicking on an item to select just that one, or by single-clicking and dragging to select a range. Shift-clicking adds to the selection. A change in selection is reported to the client by invoking the selectItems method. The client can read the current selection by calling GetFile or GetFiles.

\item The user may {\it activate} an item, either by double-clicking on it, or by typing its name in the helper followed by Return.

Activation of a {\it file} is reported to the client by invoking the activateFile method, whose default is a no-op.

Activation of a {\it directory} is reported by invoking the activateDir method, whose default behavior is to call Set to display the activated directory.

The client can distinguish between a double-click and Return by looking at the AnyEvent.T passed to the activation method. A double-click will be reported as an AnyEvent.Mouse, and Return will be reported as an AnyEvent.Key.


Directories are indicated in the display by showing some text (e.g., ``(dir)'') after the name, but that is not part of the pathname returned by getValue, GetFile, GetFiles, or the value passed to activateDir.

A background thread calls Refresh(v) for every open filebrowser v, once per second, to see whether it needs to be updated (although a distributed filesystem may cause a substantial delay before the change is noticed).

FileBrowserVBT is internally synchronized.


IMPORT AnchorSplit, AnyEvent, Font, ListVBT, PaintOp,
       Pathname, Shadow, TextList, TypeinVBT, VBT;

  T <: Public;
  Public =
      <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
      init (font                      := Font.BuiltIn;
            colors: PaintOp.ColorQuad := NIL           ): T;
      <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
      selectItems  (event: AnyEvent.T);
      activateFile (filename: Pathname.T; event: AnyEvent.T);
      activateDir  (dirname : Pathname.T; event: AnyEvent.T);
      error        (err: E);
The call v.init(...) initializes v as a FileBrowserVBT. If v.painter is a subtype of ListVBT.TextPainter, init calls v.paint.setFont(font). The selector field must be either NIL (in which case a new selector is created) or a subtype of FileBrowserVBT.Selector. The initial state of the filebrowser is the current working directory, as returned by Process.GetWorkingDirectory.

The implementation calls v.selectItems(event) when the user changes the selection using the mouse.

When the user double-clicks on a file in the browser, the implementation calls v.activateFile(filename, event), where filename in the absolute pathname corresponding to the first selected item. If the user types Return in the helper, the implementation calls v.activateFile(filename, event), where filename is either the pathname in the helper, if that was absolute, or absolute pathname corresponding to

      Pathname.Join (GetDir(v), 'helper text', NIL)
Don't forget that if activateFile is being called because of a double-click, multiple files might be selected in the browser, even though you are given only one in the filename parameter.

The implementation calls v.activateDir(dir) when a directory is activated. The normal action is simply to set v to view that directory, relative to GetDir(v). If an error occurs during the activation, the error method is invoked.

The implementation calls v.error(...) when an error occurs during user action in v, and the Error exception cannot be raised (e.g., because it happened in a separate thread). Some examples of errors are as follows: the user has typed a nonexistent directory in the path; the current directory has become inaccessible; the user has no permission to read the directory. The default method is a no-op. By overriding this method, the client can provide better information to the user.

The error method is passed an E object containing information about the error that occurred. Here is its definition:

        v   : T;
        text: TEXT       := "";
        path: Pathname.T := ""
The argument to the Error exception includes the FileBrowserVBT itself, along with a descriptive message and the pathname in question when the error occurred.
 Finally, if you create a subtype of FileBrowserVBT (which is a
   subtype of ListVBT.T) and you specify a selector for it, it
   must be a subtype of Selector: 

TYPE Selector <: ListVBT.MultiSelector;
\subsubsection{The Helper}

The FileBrowser's helper (see page \pageref{FBHelper}) is a TypeinVBT. Once the user types in the helper, any selected items in the browser are unselected. If the user types Return in the browser, that will activate the name in the Helper.

If an error occurs during the activation, the error method of the filebrowser to which the helper is attached will be invoked.

TYPE Helper <: TypeinVBT.T;

PROCEDURE SetHelper (v: T; helper: Helper) RAISES {Error};
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Sets the helper for v to be helper, and fills it with GetDir(v).
 \subsubsection{The Directory-Menu} 

The directory menu shows the name of each of the parent directories, going back to the root directory.

  DirMenu <: PublicDirMenu;
  PublicDirMenu =
    AnchorSplit.T OBJECT
      <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
      init (font             := Font.BuiltIn;
            shadow: Shadow.T := NIL;
            n     : CARDINAL := 0             ): DirMenu;
      <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
      setFont (font: Font.T);
The font and shadow control the appearance of the text within the menu. As usual, if shadow is NIL, then Shadow.None is used instead. The parameter n is used by AnchorSplit to determine the ZSplit in which to install the menu.

PROCEDURE SetDirMenu (v: T; dm: DirMenu);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Sets the directory-menu of v to be dm and fill it with the current directory.
 \subsubsection{FileBrowser options} 

A file browser can be ``read-only'':

PROCEDURE SetReadOnly (v: T; readOnly: BOOLEAN);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Change the ``read-only'' mode of v to be readOnly.
 If a file browser is ``read-only'' then in subsequent calls to
filename is guaranteed to exist. Otherwise, the user can type the name of a non-existing file into the helper. A newly initialized FileBrowserVBT is not read-only.

By default all files in the directory are displayed, but the following procedure can be used to filter which files are shown:

PROCEDURE SetSuffixes (v: T; suffixes: TEXT);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Specify which suffixes are to be displayed.
 If suffixes is not the empty string, only files with the
   specified suffixes (and all directories) will be displayed.
   The format of suffixes is a sequence of suffixes (not
   including the period) separated by non-alphanumeric characters
   (e.g., spaces).  The special suffix $ indicates ``files with
   no suffix.''  Calling SetSuffixes procedure does not force
   v to be redisplayed. 

\subsubsection{Setting the displayed directory}

PROCEDURE Set (v       : T;
               pathname: Pathname.T;
               time    : VBT.TimeStamp := 0) RAISES {Error};
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set the display state of v.
 The pathname may be absolute or relative; if it's relative, it
   is relative to the current displayed directory.

If pathname refers to a non-existent or inaccessible directory, Error will be raised. The exception will also be raised if pathname refers to a non-existent file and v is read-only.

If time is not zero and there is a helper, then the helper will take the keyboard focus and will display its new contents in replace-mode, ready for the user to type something in its place.

PROCEDURE Unselect (v: T);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Put v into the no-selection state, without changing the current directory. Equivalent to v.selectNone().

PROCEDURE Refresh (v: T) RAISES {Error};
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Update the display without changing the directory.
 If v's domain is not empty, and its directory has been Set, and
   the directory has changed since the last time it was displayed,
   then v will be marked for redisplay.  Error is raised only if
   the directory has become inaccessible for some reason; in this
   case, the browser goes to the empty state, so that if the client
   catches Error and takes no other action, the browser will be
   empty but not broken. 

\subsubsection{Retrieving selections from the browser}

PROCEDURE GetFiles (v: T): TextList.T RAISES {Error};
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the current selections of v, or NIL if there are no selections. The list includes ``full'' pathnames; they satisfy Pathname.Absolute, but they may contain symbolic links. Use FS.GetAbsolutePathname to get a pathname with no symbolic links.

PROCEDURE GetFile (v: T): Pathname.T RAISES {Error};
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the first selection, or the empty string if there are no selections.

PROCEDURE GetDir (v: T): Pathname.T;
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the current displayed directory of v. Returns an empty string if v is in the ``empty'' state.

END FileBrowserVBT.