<* PRAGMA LL *> <* PRAGMA SPEC *> MODULEIf; IMPORT CurrCmd, View, JunoError, JunoBuild, Drag, PSImpl, JunoPt; IMPORT Editor, ToolBox, JunoConfig; IMPORT JunoAST, JunoASTUtils, JunoCompileErr; IMPORT JunoValue, JunoRT; IMPORT TextEditVBT, KeyTrans; IMPORT VBT, VBTClass, PaintOp, Point, Region, Rect, Path; IMPORT Axis, Filter, Pixmap, DblBufferVBT; IMPORT KeyboardKey, Latin1Key; IMPORT Atom, Text, Real, Fmt; IMPORT RTCollector; CONST DummyXY = JunoPt.T{0.0, 0.0}; (* dummy point location *) REVEAL View.Drawing = Drag.T BRANDED "View.Drawing" OBJECT (* General state *) tool: ArgTool := NIL; lastTool: Tool := NIL; usingTempTool := FALSE; freezeTool, dragTool: Tool := NIL; (* CONST after initialization *) labelStyle: [0..2] := 2; pointCount := 0; continuousUnparse := TRUE; hasMouseFocus: BOOLEAN; prevStackSize: CARDINAL := 0; (* "Click" args *) goodDownClick: BOOLEAN; (* "Text" arg *) txt: TEXT; (* "txt # NIL" <=> user typing text argument *) (* Grid state *) toolBox: ToolBox.T; gridMode := FALSE; grid0, grid1: JunoPt.T; (* grid origin and unix X vector *) grid0nm, grid1nm: JunoAST.QId; gridOn, gridOff: Tool; OVERRIDES init := InitDrawing; update := Update; END; Drawing
is a Drawing.T
, then d.tool
is the currently selected tool; it
is NIL
if no tool is currently selected. The UI supports freezing and
dragging without having selected those tools directly (by using different
mouse buttons). In the case that one of these tools is being applied in
that way, usingTempTool
is true and lastTool
stores the tool that was
in effect before the freeze or drag tool was used; they are FALSE and NIL,
respectively, otherwise. freezeTool
and dragTool
are simply cached
tools so new ones don't have to be allocated on each use.
The values for d.labelStyle
are: 0 for no labels, 1 for crosses, and 2
for point-name labels.
The value d.pointCount
is the number of the next potential point. The
drawing view maps cardinals into point names. When a new point is created,
it searches for an available point name starting with the one designated by
. Since point names can only be deleted by editing the source
view, d.pointCount
need only be reset whenever the drawing view is
The value d.hasMouseFocus
is true if d
was delivered a transition of
type FirstDown
, but not the matching transition of type LastUp
Drawings ignore transitions of type LastUp
if they do not have the mouse
The field d.goodDownClick
is relevant when the current argument of
has type ArgType.Click
. It is true if the most recent
mouse transition or down transition of the space key
successfully selected an argument point in the drawing.
The field d.txt
is relevant when the current argument of d.tool
type argType.Text
. In this case, d.tool
must be a ProcTool
. The field
contains the text typed by the user so far (modulo backspaces), but
not containing a trailing vertical bar character.
REVEAL ChildWriteOnly = ChildPublic BRANDED "Drawing.ChildWO" OBJECT originVal: JunoConfig.Origin OVERRIDES init := InitWriteOnly; getOrigin := ChildGetOrigin; setOrigin := ChildSetOrigin; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.SELF *> rescreen := RescreenWriteOnly; reshape := ReshapeWriteOnly; END; Child = ChildWriteOnly BRANDED "Drawing.Child" OBJECT hasFocus := FALSE OVERRIDES <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> mouse := Mouse; position := Position; key := Key; misc := Misc; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.SELF *> reshape := Reshape; repaint := Repaint; END;A
is the leaf VBT in which painting for the drawing view is
performed. A Child
is installed as a child (in the tree of VBT's) of
a Drawing.T
(which is also both a View.T
and a Filter.T
REVEAL ArgTool = Drag.ArgTool BRANDED "Drawing.ArgTool" OBJECT OVERRIDES setup := SetupNoop; END; PredTool = ArgTool BRANDED "Drawing.PredTool" OBJECT OVERRIDES apply := ApplyPred END; FuncTool = ArgTool BRANDED "Drawing.FuncTool" OBJECT OVERRIDES apply := ApplyFunc END; ProcTool = ProcToolPublic BRANDED "Drawing.ProcTool" OBJECT txt: JunoAST.Text := NIL; call: JunoAST.Save OVERRIDES setup := SetupProc; apply := ApplyProc; text := TextProc END; (* "txt # NIL => call # NIL"; "txt" will be the last argument of "call" *) SetTool = Tool BRANDED "Drawing.SetTool" OBJECT cmd: JunoAST.ProcCall OVERRIDES setup := SetupNoop; apply := ApplySetTool END; PROCEDURESetupNoop (<*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; <*UNUSED*> d: T; <*UNUSED*> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN END SetupNoop; VAR (*CONST*) Red := PaintOp.FromRGB(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); PathColor := Red; SelectColor := Red; FrozenColor := PaintOp.FromRGB(0.0, 0.35, 1.0); LabelColor := PaintOp.BgFg; PROCEDUREInitDrawing (d: T; ch: ChildPublic; root: View.Root): PSImpl.T = BEGIN EVAL PSImpl.T.init(d, ch, root); d.freezeTool := NewFreezeTool(); d.dragTool := Drag.NewTool(); RETURN d END InitDrawing; PROCEDUREInitWriteOnly (ch: ChildWriteOnly; origin: JunoConfig.Origin): Child = BEGIN ch.originVal := origin; RETURN ch END InitWriteOnly; PROCEDURESetLabelStyle (d: T; style: [0..2]) = BEGIN IF style # d.labelStyle THEN d.labelStyle := style; d.root.dTrue := FALSE; d.update() END END SetLabelStyle; PROCEDUREAcquireKBFocus (ch: Child; time: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Acquire the keyboard focus if Juno doesn't have it already.
BEGIN IF NOT ch.hasFocus THEN TRY VBT.Acquire(ch, VBT.KBFocus, time); ch.hasFocus := TRUE EXCEPT VBT.Error => (* SKIP *) END END END AcquireKBFocus; PROCEDUREMisc (ch: Child; READONLY cd: VBT.MiscRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN IF cd.type = VBT.Lost AND cd.selection = VBT.KBFocus THEN ch.hasFocus := FALSE; EVAL FinishTextTool(VBT.Parent(ch)) END END Misc; PROCEDUREDragModeFromModifiers (mods: VBT.Modifiers): Drag.DragMode =
Return the drag mode appropriate for the modifier keys mods
BEGIN IF VBT.Modifier.Shift IN mods THEN RETURN Drag.DragMode.Hor ELSIF VBT.Modifier.Option IN mods OR VBT.Modifier.Control IN mods THEN RETURN Drag.DragMode.Ver ELSE RETURN Drag.DragMode.Unconstrained END END DragModeFromModifiers; PROCEDUREMouse (ch: Child; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR d: T := VBT.Parent(ch); BEGIN (* Ignore "LastUp" events if "d" does not have the mouse focus. *) IF NOT d.hasMouseFocus AND cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.LastUp THEN RETURN END; IF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.FirstDown THEN AcquireKBFocus(ch, cd.time) END; (* Don't allow manipulations to drawing unless the AST is up to date and we are not in the process of entering text. *) IF NOT d.root.astTrue THEN JunoError.Display(ch, "Oops! You forgot to click Run."); RETURN ELSIF d.txt # NIL THEN RETURN END; (* Check for use of "freeze" or "drag" tool shortcut *) IF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.FirstDown AND d.stackSize = 0 THEN CASE cd.whatChanged OF VBT.Modifier.MouseM => d.usingTempTool := TRUE; d.lastTool := d.tool; d.tool := d.dragTool | VBT.Modifier.MouseR => d.usingTempTool := TRUE; d.lastTool := d.tool; d.tool := d.freezeTool ELSE (* SKIP *) END END; (* Don't proceed unless a tool has been selected; ignore errant middle- and right-mouse clicks. *) IF d.tool = NIL THEN JunoError.Display(ch, "Oops! You need to choose a tool."); RETURN ELSIF cd.whatChanged # VBT.Modifier.MouseL AND NOT d.usingTempTool THEN RETURN END; (* Process the mouse click based on the type of the current argument for the current drawing tool. *) CASE d.tool.argType[d.stackSize] OF <* NOWARN *> ArgType.Click => CASE cd.clickType OF VBT.ClickType.FirstDown => d.hasMouseFocus := TRUE; VAR arg: Arg; BEGIN IF VBT.Modifier.Shift IN cd.modifiers THEN arg := ClickNewPt(d, cd.cp.pt, ch.xform, frozen := VBT.Modifier.Option IN cd.modifiers); SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent); ELSIF NOT FindArg(d, JunoPt.FromHV(cd.cp.pt, ch.xform), arg) THEN d.goodDownClick := FALSE; RETURN END; Push(d, arg); PaintStackTop(d, select := TRUE) END; d.goodDownClick := TRUE; | VBT.ClickType.LastUp => d.hasMouseFocus := FALSE; IF d.goodDownClick THEN PaintStackTop(d, select := FALSE); ApplyIfReady(d, cd.time) END ELSE RETURN END | ArgType.CreateClick => CASE cd.clickType OF VBT.ClickType.FirstDown => d.hasMouseFocus := TRUE; VAR arg: Arg; BEGIN arg := ClickNewPt(d, cd.cp.pt, ch.xform, frozen := VBT.Modifier.Option IN cd.modifiers); SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent); Push(d, arg) END; PaintStackTop(d, select := TRUE) | VBT.ClickType.LastUp => d.hasMouseFocus := FALSE; PaintStackTop(d, select := FALSE); ApplyIfReady(d, cd.time) ELSE RETURN END | ArgType.Drag => CASE cd.clickType OF VBT.ClickType.FirstDown => d.hasMouseFocus := TRUE; WITH arg = d.stack[d.stackSize] DO IF FindArg(d, JunoPt.FromHV(cd.cp.pt, ch.xform), arg) THEN VBT.SetCage(ch, VBT.CageFromPosition(cd.cp)); d.dragging := TRUE; d.dragger := cd.cp.pt; d.draggee := JunoPt.ToHV(arg.loc, ch.xform); d.dragName := Atom.ToText(arg.name.id1); d.dragMode := DragModeFromModifiers(cd.modifiers); (* d.root.marquee.putArg(d.dragName); *) TRY d.tool.pre(d, cd, d.stackSize) EXCEPT Drag.Aborted => (* perform same actions as mouse up-click *) UpDrag(d, ch, VBT.MouseRec{whatChanged:=VBT.Modifier.MouseL, time := cd.time, cp := cd.cp, modifiers := cd.modifiers, clickType := VBT.ClickType.LastUp, clickCount := 1}); (* set cage so "Position" won't be called again this drag *) VBT.SetCage(ch, VBT.EverywhereCage) END END END | VBT.ClickType.LastUp => (* drag completed successfully *) d.hasMouseFocus := FALSE; IF d.dragging THEN UpDrag(d, ch, cd) END ELSE RETURN END END; (* undo the "freeze" or "drag" tool shortcut *) IF d.usingTempTool AND cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.LastUp THEN d.tool := d.lastTool; d.lastTool := NIL; d.usingTempTool := FALSE END; Sync(ch) END Mouse; PROCEDUREPosition (ch: Child; READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR d: T := VBT.Parent(ch); BEGIN IF NOT d.dragging THEN VBT.SetCage(ch, VBT.EverywhereCage) ELSIF cd.cp.gone THEN VBT.SetCage(ch, VBT.GoneCage) ELSE TRY VAR delta := Point.Sub(cd.cp.pt, d.dragger); BEGIN d.dragger := cd.cp.pt; d.draggee := d.tool.during(d, delta, d.stackSize); END; VBT.SetCage(ch, VBT.CageFromPosition(cd.cp)) EXCEPT Drag.Aborted => (* perform same actions as mouse up-click *) UpDrag(d, ch, VBT.MouseRec{whatChanged := VBT.Modifier.MouseL, time := cd.time, cp := cd.cp, modifiers := cd.modifiers, clickType := VBT.ClickType.LastUp, clickCount := 1}); (* set cage so "Position" won't be called again this drag *) VBT.SetCage(ch, VBT.EverywhereCage) END END END Position; PROCEDUREUpDrag (d: T; ch: Child; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) =
Perform the action associated with up-clicking at the end of a drag arg. This can happen when the user explicitly up-clicks while dragging, if a compilation error occurred at the start of the drag, or if a Juno run-time error occurs while dragging.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN d.dragging := FALSE; d.stack[d.stackSize].locUp := JunoPt.FromHV(d.draggee, ch.xform); d.tool.post(d, cd, d.stackSize); ApplyIfReady(d, cd.time); END UpDrag; TYPE ArgSet = SET OF ArgType; VAR collecting := TRUE; PROCEDUREKey (ch: Child; READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> CONST ClickArgs = ArgSet{ArgType.Click, ArgType.CreateClick}; NoModifiers = VBT.Modifiers{}; VAR d: T := VBT.Parent(ch); BEGIN IF d.dragging THEN RETURN END; IF d.txt # NIL THEN (* user is typing a text argument *) WITH tool = NARROW(d.tool, ProcTool) DO IF cd.wentDown THEN IF cd.whatChanged = KeyboardKey.BackSpace OR cd.whatChanged = KeyboardKey.Delete THEN IF Text.Length(d.txt) > 0 THEN d.txt := Text.Sub(d.txt, 0, Text.Length(d.txt) - 1); tool.text(d, d.txt) END ELSIF cd.whatChanged = KeyboardKey.Return AND cd.modifiers = NoModifiers THEN d.stack[d.stackSize].text := d.txt; d.txt := NIL; ApplyIfReady(d, cd.time) ELSE VAR ch := KeyTrans.TTY(cd); BEGIN IF ch # KeyTrans.NullKey THEN d.txt := d.txt & Text.FromChar(ch); tool.text(d, d.txt) END END END; END END ELSE (* user is not typing a text argument *) IF cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.space THEN IF cd.wentDown THEN IF d.tool = NIL OR (d.stackSize >= d.prevStackSize) THEN JunoError.Display(d, "No previous argument to copy"); d.goodDownClick := FALSE; RETURN ELSIF d.tool.argType[d.stackSize] IN ClickArgs THEN d.root.marquee.putArg(Atom.ToText(d.stack[d.stackSize].name.id1)); PaintStackTop(d, select := TRUE); d.goodDownClick := TRUE END ELSIF d.goodDownClick AND d.tool # NIL AND d.stackSize < d.prevStackSize AND d.tool.argType[d.stackSize] IN ClickArgs THEN PaintStackTop(d, select := FALSE); ApplyIfReady(d, cd.time) END ELSIF cd.wentDown THEN IF cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.g OR cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.G THEN (* do a garbage collection now *) RTCollector.Collect() ELSIF cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.o OR cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.O THEN (* toggle whether collection is on or off *) IF collecting THEN RTCollector.Disable() ELSE RTCollector.Enable() END; collecting := NOT collecting ELSIF cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.u OR cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.U THEN IF d.stackSize > 0 THEN d.root.marquee.remArg(); DEC(d.stackSize) END ELSIF cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.c OR cd.whatChanged = Latin1Key.C THEN d.continuousUnparse := NOT d.continuousUnparse; IF d.continuousUnparse AND NOT d.root.sTrue THEN d.root.source.update() END END END END; Sync(ch) END Key; PROCEDUREClickNewPt ( d: T; READONLY hvPt: Point.T; READONLY xform: JunoPt.Transform; frozen: BOOLEAN) : Arg =
Create a new point ind
at Trestle coordinatehvPt
and updated
's source to contain it. Thefrozen
parameter determines whether the new point is frozen or not.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR xyPt := JunoPt.FromHV(hvPt, xform); BEGIN RETURN CreatePoint(d, xyPt, frozen) END ClickNewPt; PROCEDURECreatePoint (d: T; READONLY xyPt: JunoPt.T; frozen: BOOLEAN): Arg = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR res: Arg; atom: Atom.T; BEGIN REPEAT VAR letter := VAL(ORD('a') + d.pointCount MOD 26, CHAR); digit := (d.pointCount DIV 26) - 1; name := Text.FromChar(letter); BEGIN IF digit >= 0 THEN name := name & Fmt.Int(digit) END; atom := Atom.FromText(name); INC(d.pointCount) END UNTIL CurrCmd.GetVariable(CurrCmd.GetAST(d.root.ccmd), atom) = NIL; VAR hint: JunoAST.Expr; BEGIN res.name := IdToQId(atom); IF GridActive(d) THEN VAR x, y: JunoValue.Real; BEGIN EVAL JunoPt.RelVal(xyPt.x, xyPt.y, d.grid0.x, d.grid0.y, d.grid1.x, d.grid1.y, x, y); x := FLOAT(ROUND(x), JunoValue.Real); y := FLOAT(ROUND(y), JunoValue.Real); hint := NEW(JunoAST.Rel, e1 := JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x, y), e2 := NEW(JunoAST.Pair, e1 := d.grid0nm, e2 := d.grid1nm)); res.loc := EvalRel(x, y, d.grid0, d.grid1); CurrCmd.AddVariable(d.root.ccmd, atom, res.loc, hint, frozen := TRUE) END ELSE res.loc := xyPt; hint := JunoPt.ToASTPair(xyPt); CurrCmd.AddVariable(d.root.ccmd, atom, xyPt, hint, frozen := frozen); END; res.locUp := DummyXY; RETURN res END END CreatePoint; PROCEDUREFindArg (d: T; READONLY pt: JunoPt.T; VAR (*OUT*) arg: Arg): BOOLEAN = VAR nm := FindPoint(d, pt); BEGIN IF nm = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; VAR px, py: JunoValue.Real; BEGIN EVAL CurrCmd.PointLocation(d.root.ccmd, nm, px, py); arg := Arg{IdToQId(nm), JunoPt.T{px, py}, DummyXY}; RETURN TRUE END END FindArg; PROCEDUREFindPoint (d: T; READONLY pt0: JunoPt.T): JunoAST.Id = <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *> VAR best := Real.MaxFinite; bestatom: Atom.T := NIL; PROCEDURE P(n: Atom.T; READONLY pt1: JunoPt.T) = VAR dx := pt1.x - pt0.x; dy := pt1.y - pt0.y; d := dx*dx + dy*dy; BEGIN IF d < best THEN best := d; bestatom := n END END P; BEGIN CurrCmd.ForAllPoints(d.root.ccmd, P); RETURN bestatom END FindPoint; PROCEDUREPush (m: T; READONLY arg: Arg) = BEGIN m.stack[m.stackSize] := arg (* ; m.root.marquee.putArg(Atom.ToText(arg.name.id1)) *) END Push; <* SPEC ApplyIfReady REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyIfReady (d: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Increment the stack pointer, and applyd.tool
if there are enough arguments. If the most recent argument was not the last one and the current argument has typeArgType.Text
, initialize state ind
for the next argument.This procedure changes the drawing without doing a
BEGIN INC(d.stackSize); IF d.stackSize = NUMBER(d.tool.argType^) THEN d.tool.apply(d, SUBARRAY(d.stack, 0, d.stackSize)); (* d.root.marquee.newline(); *) ClearStack(d, time) ELSIF d.tool.argType[d.stackSize] = ArgType.Text THEN d.txt := ""; NARROW(d.tool, ProcTool).text(d, d.txt) END; END ApplyIfReady; PROCEDUREClearStack (d: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp; tl: Tool := NIL) =
's stack, and call thesetup
method of the tooltl
. Iftl
is defaulted, then use the currentArgTool
if one is selected.
BEGIN IF d.stackSize # 0 THEN d.prevStackSize := d.stackSize END; d.stackSize := 0; (* d.root.marquee.erase(); *) IF tl = NIL THEN tl := d.tool END; IF tl # NIL THEN tl.setup(d, time); (* ; d.root.marquee.putName(tl.label) *) (* invoke "text" method of 1-arg text tool *) TYPECASE tl OF ProcTool (pt) => IF NUMBER(pt.argType^) = 1 AND pt.argType[0] = ArgType.Text THEN d.txt := ""; (* indicate we are typing a text arg *) pt.text(d, d.txt); AcquireKBFocus(Filter.Child(d), time) END ELSE (*SKIP*) END END END ClearStack; PROCEDURERescreenWriteOnly (ch: ChildWriteOnly; READONLY cd: VBT.RescreenRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.ch *> CONST MMPerPoint = 25.4(*mm/in*) / 72.0(*pt/in*); BEGIN IF cd.st # NIL THEN ch.xform.xScale := VBT.MMToPixels(ch, MMPerPoint, Axis.T.Hor); ch.xform.yScale := VBT.MMToPixels(ch, MMPerPoint, Axis.T.Ver); ch.xform.widthScale := (ch.xform.xScale + ch.xform.yScale) / 2.0 END END RescreenWriteOnly; PROCEDUREReshapeWriteOnly (ch: ChildWriteOnly; READONLY cd: VBT.ReshapeRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.ch *> BEGIN IF cd.new # Rect.Empty THEN CASE ch.originVal OF JunoConfig.Origin.SW => ch.xform.origin := Rect.SouthWest(cd.new) | JunoConfig.Origin.Center => ch.xform.origin := Rect.Middle(cd.new) END; ch.repaint(Region.Full) END END ReshapeWriteOnly; PROCEDUREReshape (ch: Child; READONLY cd: VBT.ReshapeRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.ch *> BEGIN IF cd.new # Rect.Empty THEN VAR d: T := VBT.Parent(ch); BEGIN d.root.dTrue := FALSE END END; ChildWriteOnly.reshape(ch, cd) END Reshape; PROCEDURERepaint (ch: Child; <*UNUSED*> READONLY rgn: Region.T) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.ch *> VAR d: T := VBT.Parent(ch); BEGIN DisplayError(d, Exec(d)); Sync(ch) END Repaint; PROCEDUREExec (d: T): TEXT = VAR res: TEXT := NIL; BEGIN IF NOT d.root.dTrue THEN res := ExecCurrCmd(d, d.root.skipify); Annotations(d); IF res = NIL THEN d.root.dTrue := TRUE END END; RETURN res END Exec; PROCEDUREExecCurrCmd (d: T; skipify: BOOLEAN): TEXT = VAR ch: Child := Filter.Child(d); BEGIN (* prepare drawing *) PSImpl.Reset(d, inExec := FALSE); VBT.PaintTint(ch, Rect.Full, PaintOp.Bg); DblBufferVBT.ClearSaved(ch); (* run current command *) TRY IF CurrCmd.Run(d.root.ccmd, skipify) THEN SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent) END EXCEPT CurrCmd.CompileError (msg) => RETURN msg | CurrCmd.RuntimeError (rec) => RETURN rec.errorMsg END; RETURN NIL END ExecCurrCmd; PROCEDUREAnnotations (d: T) =
Draw annotations after running the current command
BEGIN PaintPath(d); PaintGrid(d); PaintBBox(d); PaintPoints(d); END Annotations; PROCEDURESync (v: VBT.T) = BEGIN VBT.Sync(v) END Sync; PROCEDUREPaintPath (d: T) = VAR ch: Child := Filter.Child(d); BEGIN WITH path = d.ps.path DO VBT.Stroke(ch, Rect.Full, path, width := 3, end := VBT.EndStyle.Square, join := VBT.JoinStyle.Bevel, op := PaintOp.Bg); VBT.Stroke(ch, Rect.Full, path, op := PathColor) END END PaintPath; PROCEDUREGridActive (d: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN d.gridMode AND 1.0 <= ABS(d.grid1.x - d.grid0.x) + ABS(d.grid1.y - d.grid0.y) END GridActive; PROCEDUREAdjustGridPoints (d: T) =
Update the values ofd.grid0
from the current command. If either of the pointsd.grid0nm
is not defined in the current command, then resetd.gridMode
PROCEDURE UpdatePoint(nm: JunoAST.Id; VAR (*OUT*) pt: JunoPt.T) = VAR x, y: JunoValue.Real; BEGIN IF CurrCmd.PointLocation(d.root.ccmd, nm, x, y) THEN pt := JunoPt.T{x, y} ELSE d.gridMode := FALSE END END UpdatePoint; BEGIN IF d.gridMode THEN UpdatePoint(d.grid0nm.id1, d.grid0); UpdatePoint(d.grid1nm.id1, d.grid1); (* turn off grid tool if grid is no longer active *) IF NOT d.gridMode THEN ToolBox.SwapButton(d.toolBox, d.gridOff, d.gridOn, "Grid On") END END END AdjustGridPoints; PROCEDUREToGridCoords (d: T; ch: Child; hvPt: Point.T): JunoPt.T = VAR res: JunoPt.T; xyPt := JunoPt.FromHV(hvPt, ch.xform); BEGIN EVAL JunoPt.RelVal(xyPt.x, xyPt.y, d.grid0.x, d.grid0.y, d.grid1.x, d.grid1.y, res.x, res.y); RETURN res END ToGridCoords; PROCEDUREPaintGrid (d: T) = BEGIN AdjustGridPoints(d); IF GridActive(d) THEN VAR ch: Child := Filter.Child(d); dom := VBT.Domain(d); nw := ToGridCoords(d, ch, Rect.NorthWest(dom)); ne := ToGridCoords(d, ch, Rect.NorthEast(dom)); se := ToGridCoords(d, ch, Rect.SouthEast(dom)); sw := ToGridCoords(d, ch, Rect.SouthWest(dom)); mini := MIN(MIN(FLOOR(nw.x), FLOOR(ne.x)), MIN(FLOOR(se.x), FLOOR(sw.x))); maxi := MAX(MAX(CEILING(nw.x), CEILING(ne.x)), MAX(CEILING(se.x), CEILING(sw.x))); minj := MIN(MIN(FLOOR(nw.y), FLOOR(ne.y)), MIN(FLOOR(se.y), FLOOR(sw.y))); maxj := MAX(MAX(CEILING(nw.y), CEILING(ne.y)), MAX(CEILING(se.y), CEILING(sw.y))); BEGIN FOR i := mini TO maxi DO FOR j := minj TO maxj DO VBT.PaintTint(ch, Rect.FromPoint( JunoPt.ToHV( EvalRel( FLOAT(i, JunoValue.Real), FLOAT(j, JunoValue.Real), d.grid0, d.grid1), ch.xform)), PaintOp.Fg) END END END END END PaintGrid; PROCEDUREPaintBBox (d: T) = VAR ch: Child := Filter.Child(d); PROCEDURE HVPoint(x, y: JunoValue.Real): Point.T = BEGIN RETURN JunoPt.ToHV(JunoPt.T{x, y}, ch.xform) END HVPoint; VAR path := NEW(Path.T); BEGIN WITH bbox = d.ps.bbox DO Path.MoveTo(path, HVPoint(bbox.west, bbox.south)); Path.LineTo(path, HVPoint(bbox.east, bbox.south)); Path.LineTo(path, HVPoint(bbox.east, bbox.north)); Path.LineTo(path, HVPoint(bbox.west, bbox.north)); Path.Close(path) END; VBT.Stroke(ch, Rect.Full, path, width := 1, end := VBT.EndStyle.Butt, join := VBT.JoinStyle.Miter, src := Pixmap.Gray) END PaintBBox; PROCEDUREPaintPoints (d: T) = VAR ccmd := d.root.ccmd; ch: Child := Filter.Child(d); PROCEDURE P(atom: Atom.T; READONLY pt: JunoPt.T) = VAR op: PaintOp.T; BEGIN IF CurrCmd.IsFrozen(ccmd, atom) THEN op := FrozenColor ELSE op := LabelColor END; PaintPoint(ch, Atom.ToText(atom), op, pt := JunoPt.ToHV(pt, ch.xform)) END P; BEGIN IF d.labelStyle > 0 THEN CurrCmd.ForAllPoints(ccmd, P) END END PaintPoints; PROCEDUREPaintStackTop (d: T; select: BOOLEAN) =
Paint the label on the top ofd
's stack. Ifselect
is true, then paint the label inSelectColor
; otherwise, paint it inLabelColor
based on whether the point is frozen or not.
VAR arg := d.stack[d.stackSize]; ch: Child := Filter.Child(d); op: PaintOp.T; BEGIN IF select THEN op := SelectColor ELSE IF CurrCmd.IsFrozen(d.root.ccmd, arg.name.id1) THEN op := FrozenColor ELSE op := LabelColor END; END; PaintPoint(ch, Atom.ToText(arg.name.id1), op := op, pt := JunoPt.ToHV(arg.loc, ch.xform)) END PaintStackTop; PROCEDUREPaintPoint (ch: Child; name: TEXT; op: PaintOp.T; pt: Point.T) = VAR m: T := VBT.Parent(ch); BEGIN CASE m.labelStyle OF 0 => (* SKIP *) | 1 => VAR delta := Point.Sub(pt, Rect.Middle(JunoConfig.cross.r)); BEGIN JunoConfig.crossBdry := Region.Add(JunoConfig.crossBdry, delta); JunoConfig.cross := Region.Add(JunoConfig.cross, delta); VBT.PaintRegion(ch, JunoConfig.crossBdry, PaintOp.Bg); VBT.PaintRegion(ch, JunoConfig.cross, op) END | 2 => VAR delta := Point.Sub(pt, Rect.Middle(JunoConfig.dot.r)); rect := VBT.BoundingBox(ch, name, JunoConfig.labelFont); BEGIN JunoConfig.dot := Region.Add(JunoConfig.dot, delta); VBT.PaintText(ch, t := name, op := op, fnt := JunoConfig.labelFont, pt := Point.Sub(pt, Rect.NorthEast(rect)), clip := Rect.Full); VBT.PaintRegion(ch, JunoConfig.dot, op) END END END PaintPoint; PROCEDUREUpdate (d: T) = <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *> BEGIN d.pointCount := 0; d.txt := NIL; ClearStack(d, 0); DisplayError(d, Exec(d)); Sync(Filter.Child(d)) END Update; PROCEDUREChildGetOrigin (ch: ChildWriteOnly): JunoConfig.Origin = BEGIN RETURN ch.originVal END ChildGetOrigin; PROCEDUREChildSetOrigin (ch: ChildWriteOnly; origin: JunoConfig.Origin) = BEGIN ch.originVal := origin END ChildSetOrigin; PROCEDUREFinishTextTool (d: T): BOOLEAN = VAR res := d.txt # NIL; BEGIN IF res THEN ToolBox.Unselect(d.root) END; RETURN res END FinishTextTool; PROCEDUREMake (d: T; skipify: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN d.pointCount := 0; d.txt := NIL; ClearStack(d, 0); VAR err := ExecCurrCmd(d, skipify); BEGIN Annotations(d); IF err = NIL THEN d.root.dTrue := TRUE ELSE DisplayError(d, err) END END; Sync(Filter.Child(d)) END Make; PROCEDUREArrayToList (READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg; byVal := FALSE): JunoAST.ExprList =
Return a list of expressions inarg
, where thei
th expression in the list corresponds toarg[i]
. Ifarg[i].text # NIL
, then thei
th expression is the text stringarg[i].text
. Otherwise, ifbyVal
, then thei
th expression is the valuearg[i].loc
; if not, then it is the name of the pointarg[i].name
VAR res: JunoAST.ExprList; expr: JunoAST.Expr; BEGIN IF byVal THEN res := NEW(JunoAST.ExprList, bp := JunoAST.End) ELSE res := NEW(JunoAST.QIdList, bp := JunoAST.End) END; FOR i := LAST(arg) TO FIRST(arg) BY -1 DO IF arg[i].text # NIL THEN expr := ToASTText(arg[i].text) ELSIF byVal THEN expr := JunoPt.ToASTPair(arg[i].loc) ELSE <* ASSERT arg[i].name # NIL *> expr := arg[i].name END; res.head := NEW(JunoAST.ExprLink, expr := expr, next := res.head); INC(res.size) END; RETURN res END ArrayToList; PROCEDUREFindBreak (t: TEXT): CARDINAL =
Return the index of the character after the last run of newlines not counting a run of newlines that terminatest
, or 0 ift
contains no non-terminal newlines.
VAR i := Text.Length(t) - 1; BEGIN WHILE i >= 0 AND Text.GetChar(t, i) = '\n' DO DEC(i) END; RETURN Text.FindCharR(t, '\n', start := i) + 1 END FindBreak; PROCEDUREToASTText (t: TEXT): JunoAST.Expr =
Return an expression equivalent to the textt
. Ift
contains newline characters, the result will be a concatenation of text literals.
VAR i := FindBreak(t); res: JunoAST.Expr; BEGIN res := NEW(JunoAST.Text, val := Text.Sub(t, i), bp := JunoAST.End); IF i # 0 THEN res := NEW(JunoAST.Concat, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := ToASTText(Text.Sub(t, 0, i)), e2 := res) END; RETURN res END ToASTText; PROCEDUREMakeConstraint (tl: PredTool; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg): JunoAST.Formula = BEGIN IF tl.name.id0 = JunoAST.NilId THEN IF tl.name.id1 = CongToolSym THEN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Cong, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := MakePair(arg[0].name, arg[1].name), e2 := MakePair(arg[2].name, arg[3].name)) ELSIF tl.name.id1 = ParaToolSym THEN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Para, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := MakePair(arg[0].name, arg[1].name), e2 := MakePair(arg[2].name, arg[3].name)) ELSIF tl.name.id1 = HorToolSym THEN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Hor, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := arg[0].name, e2 := arg[1].name) ELSIF tl.name.id1 = VerToolSym THEN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Ver, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := arg[0].name, e2 := arg[1].name) END END; RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Call, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList, name := tl.name, ins := ArrayToList(arg), bp := JunoAST.End) END MakeConstraint; PROCEDUREMakeEqConstraint (tl: FuncTool; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg): JunoAST.Formula = BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Equals, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := arg[0].name, e2 := NEW(JunoAST.Call, bp := JunoAST.End, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList, name := tl.name, ins := ArrayToList(SUBARRAY(arg, 1, tl.in_cnt)))) END MakeEqConstraint; PROCEDUREMakeCommand ( tl: ProcTool; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg; byVal := FALSE): JunoAST.ProcCall =
Return a procedure call to the proceduretl.name
with the arguments stored inarg
BEGIN <* ASSERT tl.out_cnt + tl.inout_cnt + tl.in_cnt = NUMBER(arg) *> WITH outArgs = SUBARRAY(arg, 0, tl.out_cnt), inoutArgs = SUBARRAY(arg, tl.out_cnt, tl.inout_cnt), inArgs = SUBARRAY(arg, tl.out_cnt + tl.inout_cnt, tl.in_cnt) DO RETURN NEW(JunoAST.ProcCall, bp := JunoAST.End, name := tl.name, outs := ArrayToList(outArgs, byVal := FALSE), inouts := ArrayToList(inoutArgs, byVal := FALSE), inout_parens := NUMBER(inoutArgs) > 1, ins := ArrayToList(inArgs, byVal)) END END MakeCommand; PROCEDUREMakePair (id1, id2: JunoAST.QId): JunoAST.Pair = BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Pair, e1 := id1, e2 := id2, bp := JunoAST.End) END MakePair; PROCEDUREEvalRel (x, y: JunoValue.Real; p0, p1: JunoPt.T): JunoPt.T = VAR res: JunoPt.T; dx := p1.x - p0.x; dy := p1.y - p0.y; BEGIN res.x := p0.x + dx * x - dy * y; res.y := p0.y + dx * y + dy * x; RETURN res END EvalRel; <* INLINE *> PROCEDUREIdToQId (a: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.QId = BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.QId, bp := JunoAST.End, id0 := JunoAST.NilId, id1 := a) END IdToQId; PROCEDURESelectTool (d: T; t: Tool; time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN (* IF d.tool = NIL THEN PopupMarquee(d) END; *) IF d.txt # NIL THEN IF Text.Length(d.txt) > 0 THEN (* In the middle of entering text; simulate <RETURN> *) d.stack[d.stackSize].text := d.txt; d.txt := NIL; ApplyIfReady(d, time); (* NOTE: If the current tool is a text tool taking a single argument, its "setup" method will have set "d.txt" to the empty string. *) END; IF d.txt # NIL THEN <* ASSERT Text.Length(d.txt) = 0 *> (* erase the vertical bar for the empty text arg *) DblBufferVBT.Restore(Filter.Child(d)); d.txt := NIL END; Sync(Filter.Child(d)) END; IF t # NIL AND NUMBER(t.argType^) = 0 THEN (* attempt to apply a tool with 0 user-supplied arguments; this includes set tools *) IF d.root.astTrue THEN (* AST must be up-to-date *) ClearStack(d, time, tl := t); t.apply(d, ARRAY OF Arg{}); ClearStack(d, time); Sync(Filter.Child(d));
d.root.marquee.erase(); d.root.marquee.putName(t.label); d.root.marquee.newline()
ELSE JunoError.Display(Filter.Child(d), "Oops! You forgot to click Run."); END ELSE (* deselect tool or select tool with > 0 arguments *) d.tool := t; ClearStack(d, time) END END SelectTool; PROCEDURENewArgArray (n: CARDINAL; type: ArgType): REF ARRAY OF ArgType = VAR res := NEW(REF ARRAY OF ArgType, n); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(res^) DO res[i] := type END; RETURN res END NewArgArray; PROCEDURENewCreateTool (): ArgTool = BEGIN RETURN NEW(ArgTool, argType := NewArgArray(1, ArgType.CreateClick), apply := ApplyPoint) END NewCreateTool; <* SPEC ApplyPoint REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyPoint ( <*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; <*UNUSED*> d: T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = BEGIN (*SKIP*) END ApplyPoint; PROCEDURENewPredTool (name: JunoAST.QId; in_cnt: CARDINAL): ArgTool = BEGIN RETURN NEW(PredTool, name := name, in_cnt := in_cnt, argType := NewArgArray(in_cnt, ArgType.Click)) END NewPredTool; <* SPEC ApplyPred REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyPred (tl: PredTool; d: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) =
This is the default implementation of the apply
method for predicate
BEGIN <* ASSERT d.root.astTrue *> CurrCmd.AddConstraint(d.root.ccmd, MakeConstraint(tl, arg)); d.root.dTrue := FALSE; (* indicate implicit modification *) SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitOutOfDate) END ApplyPred; PROCEDURENewFuncTool (name: JunoAST.QId; in_cnt: CARDINAL): ArgTool = BEGIN RETURN NEW(FuncTool, name := name, in_cnt := in_cnt, argType := NewArgArray(1 + in_cnt, ArgType.Click)) END NewFuncTool; <* SPEC ApplyFunc REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyFunc (tl: FuncTool; d: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) =
This is the default implementation of the apply
method for function
BEGIN <* ASSERT d.root.astTrue *> CurrCmd.AddConstraint(d.root.ccmd, MakeEqConstraint(tl, arg)); d.root.dTrue := FALSE; (* indicate implicit modification *) SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitOutOfDate) END ApplyFunc; PROCEDURENewProcTool (name: JunoAST.QId; in_cnt: CARDINAL; out_cnt, inout_cnt: CARDINAL := 0; isText: BOOLEAN): ArgTool = VAR num := in_cnt + out_cnt + inout_cnt; args := NewArgArray(num, ArgType.Click); BEGIN IF isText THEN args[num-1] := ArgType.Text END; RETURN NEW(ProcTool, name := name, argType := args, out_cnt := out_cnt, inout_cnt := inout_cnt, in_cnt := in_cnt) END NewProcTool; PROCEDURESetupProc (tl: ProcTool; <*UNUSED*> d: T; <*UNUSED*> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN (* initialize "ProcTool" fields *) tl.txt := NIL; tl.call := NIL; END SetupProc; <* SPEC ApplyProc REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyProc (tl: ProcTool; d: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) =
This is the default implementation of the apply
method for procedure
BEGIN <* ASSERT d.root.astTrue *> IF tl.txt # NIL THEN (* This is a procedure whose last argument is a text *) tl.txt.val := d.stack[d.stackSize-1].text; DblBufferVBT.Restore(Filter.Child(d)); tl.txt := NIL; tl.call := NIL END; IncrRunCmd(d, MakeCommand(tl, arg, byVal := TRUE)); CurrCmd.AddCommand(d.root.ccmd, MakeCommand(tl, arg, byVal := FALSE)); SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent) END ApplyProc; PROCEDUREIncrRunCmd (d: T; cmd: JunoAST.Cmd) =
Incrementally compile and runcmd
, then annotate the current path and the point labels. Requires thatcmd
compiles without any errors.
<* FATAL JunoCompileErr.Error *> VAR slot := JunoBuild.Cmd(cmd, CurrCmd.GetScope(d.root.ccmd)); execRes: JunoRT.ExecRes; BEGIN execRes := JunoRT.ExecFromSlot(slot); IF execRes.trapCode # JunoRT.TrapCode.NormalHalt THEN JunoError.Display(d, JunoRT.TrapMessage(execRes)) END; PaintPath(d); PaintPoints(d) END IncrRunCmd; PROCEDURETextProc (t: ProcTool; d: T; txt: TEXT) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR txtArg := txt & "|"; ch := Filter.Child(d); BEGIN IF t.txt = NIL THEN (* save partial arg on stack for subsequent call to "MakeCommand" *) d.stack[d.stackSize].text := txtArg; WITH args = SUBARRAY(d.stack, 0, d.stackSize+1) DO t.call := NEW(JunoAST.Save, bp := JunoAST.End, nm := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromText("PS"), body := MakeCommand(t, args, byVal := TRUE)) END; t.txt := GetLastArg(t.call.body); DblBufferVBT.Save(ch); ELSE DblBufferVBT.Restore(ch); t.txt.val := txtArg (* destructively change "t.call" *) END; IncrRunCmd(d, t.call); Sync(ch) END TextProc; PROCEDUREGetLastArg (c: JunoAST.ProcCall): JunoAST.Expr =
Return the lastIN
argument ofc
. Requires thatc
has at least oneIN
VAR curr := c.ins.head; BEGIN WHILE curr.next # NIL DO curr := curr.next END; RETURN curr.expr END GetLastArg; PROCEDURENewRelTool (): ArgTool = BEGIN RETURN NEW(ArgTool, argType := NewArgArray(3, ArgType.Click), apply := ApplyRel) END NewRelTool; <* SPEC ApplyRel REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyRel (<*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; m: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = BEGIN CurrCmd.DoRel(m.root.ccmd, arg[0].name.id1, arg[1].name.id1, arg[2].name.id1); SourceUntrue(m, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent) END ApplyRel; PROCEDURENewRel1Tool (): ArgTool = BEGIN RETURN NEW(ArgTool, argType := NewArgArray(2, ArgType.Click), apply := ApplyRel1) END NewRel1Tool; <* SPEC ApplyRel1 REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyRel1 (<*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; m: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = BEGIN CurrCmd.DoRel1(m.root.ccmd, arg[0].name.id1, arg[1].name.id1); SourceUntrue(m, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent) END ApplyRel1; PROCEDURENewFreezeTool (): ArgTool = BEGIN RETURN NEW(ArgTool, argType := NewArgArray(1, ArgType.Click), apply := ApplyFreeze) END NewFreezeTool; <* SPEC ApplyFreeze REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyFreeze (<*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; m: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = BEGIN CurrCmd.FreezePoint(m.root.ccmd, arg[0].name.id1); SourceUntrue(m, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent); PaintPoints(m) END ApplyFreeze; PROCEDURENewAdjustTool (): ArgTool = BEGIN RETURN NEW(ArgTool, argType := NewArgArray(1, ArgType.Drag), apply := ApplyAdjust); END NewAdjustTool; PROCEDURERoundToGrid (d: T; p: JunoPt.T): JunoPt.T =
's grid is not active, returnp
. Otherwise, return the grid point nearest top
VAR x, y: JunoValue.Real; BEGIN IF NOT GridActive(d) THEN RETURN p END; EVAL JunoPt.RelVal(p.x, p.y, d.grid0.x, d.grid0.y, d.grid1.x, d.grid1.y, x, y); x := FLOAT(ROUND(x), JunoValue.Real); y := FLOAT(ROUND(y), JunoValue.Real); RETURN EvalRel(x, y, d.grid0, d.grid1) END RoundToGrid; <* SPEC ApplyAdjust REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyAdjust (<*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; d: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = VAR newLoc := RoundToGrid(d, arg[0].locUp); BEGIN Adjust(d, arg[0].name.id1, newLoc) END ApplyAdjust; PROCEDUREAdjust (d: T; ptName: JunoAST.Id; READONLY ptLoc: JunoPt.T) =
Adjusts the point namedptName
in the drawingd
to the new locationptLoc
. If the point is currently unfrozen, Juno temporarily freezes the point and runs the current command. If that does not succeed, the point is unfrozen again, and the current command is re-tried.This procedure calls
, and displays any run-time error message. It also automatically adjusts the drawing's grid if the grid is active andptName
is one of the grid control points.
VAR isFrozen := CurrCmd.IsFrozen(d.root.ccmd, ptName); res: TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT isFrozen THEN (* temporarily freeze the point *) CurrCmd.FreezePoint(d.root.ccmd, ptName) END; CurrCmd.MovePoint(d.root.ccmd, ptName, ptLoc.x, ptLoc.y); res := ExecCurrCmd(d, d.root.skipify); IF NOT isFrozen THEN (* point was originally unfrozen; unfreeze the point *) CurrCmd.FreezePoint(d.root.ccmd, ptName); (* run again if the command failed with the point frozen *) IF res # NIL THEN res := ExecCurrCmd(d, d.root.skipify) END END; Annotations(d); SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent); DisplayError(d, res) END Adjust; PROCEDURENewGridTools (tb: VBT.Split; d: T): ArgTool = BEGIN d.toolBox := tb; d.gridOn := NEW(ArgTool, argType := NewArgArray(2, ArgType.Click), apply := ApplyGridOn); d.gridOff := NEW(ArgTool, argType := NewArgArray(0, ArgType.Click), apply := ApplyGridOff); RETURN d.gridOn END NewGridTools; <* SPEC ApplyGridOn REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyGridOn (<*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; d: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = BEGIN d.gridMode := TRUE; d.grid0 := arg[0].loc; d.grid0nm := arg[0].name; d.grid1 := arg[1].loc; d.grid1nm := arg[1].name; ToolBox.Unselect(d.root); ToolBox.SwapButton(d.toolBox, d.gridOn, d.gridOff, "Grid Off"); PaintGrid(d); PaintBBox(d); PaintPoints(d); Sync(Filter.Child(d)) END ApplyGridOn; <* SPEC ApplyGridOff REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplyGridOff ( <*UNUSED*> tl: Tool; d: T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = BEGIN ToolBox.SwapButton(d.toolBox, d.gridOff, d.gridOn, "Grid On"); d.gridMode := FALSE; d.root.dTrue := FALSE; (* force exec to repaint drawing *) DisplayError(d, Exec(d)); Sync(Filter.Child(d)) END ApplyGridOff; PROCEDURENewSetTool (procNm: JunoAST.QId; arg: JunoAST.Expr): SetTool = VAR res := NEW(SetTool, argType := NEW(REF ARRAY OF ArgType, 0)); BEGIN res.cmd := NEW(JunoAST.ProcCall, bp := JunoAST.End, outs := JunoAST.EmptyQIdList, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyQIdList, name := procNm, ins := JunoASTUtils.NewExprList(arg)); RETURN res END NewSetTool; <* SPEC ApplySetTool REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREApplySetTool (tl: SetTool; d: T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) = VAR cmd := Unqualify(tl.cmd, Editor.ModuleName(d.root.editor)); BEGIN CurrCmd.AddCommand(d.root.ccmd, cmd); IncrRunCmd(d, cmd); SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent) END ApplySetTool; PROCEDUREUnqualify (call: JunoAST.ProcCall; mod: Atom.T): JunoAST.Cmd =
to have one argument. This unqualifies any top-level qualified identifier incall
whose qualifier ismod
BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.ProcCall, bp := JunoAST.End, outs := call.outs, inouts := call.inouts, name := UnqualifyQId(call.name, mod), ins := JunoASTUtils.NewExprList(UnqualifyQId(call.ins.head.expr, mod))) END Unqualify; PROCEDUREUnqualifyQId (ex: JunoAST.Expr; mod: Atom.T): JunoAST.Expr = BEGIN TYPECASE ex OF JunoAST.QId (qid) => IF qid.id0 # JunoAST.NilId AND qid.id0 = mod THEN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.QId, bp := JunoAST.End, id0 := JunoAST.NilId, id1 := qid.id1) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN ex END UnqualifyQId;
PROCEDURE PopupMarquee(m: T) = BEGIN IF VBT.Parent(m.root.marquee) = NIL THEN VAR b := BorderedVBT.New( BorderedVBT.New(m.root.marquee, size := 3.0, op := PaintOp.Bg)); BEGIN VBTClass.Rescreen(b, VBT.ScreenTypeOf(m.root.source)); VAR sh := VBTClass.GetShapes(b); se := Rect.SouthEast(VBT.Domain(m.root.source)); BEGIN ZSplit.InsertAt(VBT.Parent(m.root.source), b, Point.MoveHV(se, -sh[Axis.T.Hor].pref - 10, -sh[Axis.T.Ver].pref - 10)); ZSplit.SetReshapeControl(b, ZSplit.ESChains) END END END END PopupMarquee;
PROCEDURESourceUntrue (d: T; how: View.ModKind) = BEGIN d.root.source.modified(how); IF d.continuousUnparse THEN d.root.source.update() END END SourceUntrue; PROCEDUREDisplayError (d: T; errmsg: TEXT) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN IF errmsg # NIL THEN VAR ch := Filter.Child(d.root.source); BEGIN JunoError.P(NARROW(ch, TextEditVBT.T).tp, errmsg) END END END DisplayError; BEGIN HorToolSym := Atom.FromText("_HOR"); VerToolSym := Atom.FromText("_VER"); CongToolSym := Atom.FromText("_CONG"); ParaToolSym := Atom.FromText("_PARA"); END Drawing.