
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Steve Glassman, Mark Manasse and Greg Nelson           
 Last modified on Mon Feb 24 13:57:20 PST 1992 by muller   
      modified on Sat Dec 21 17:23:48 PST 1991 by gnelson  
      modified on Thu Apr 12 10:37:26 PDT 1990 by steveg   
A PaintOp.T is a screen-independent painting operation.

A painting operation op takes a source pixel s and a destination pixel d and produces a new value op(d, s) for the destination pixel.

A painting operation that ignores the source pixel is called a {\it tint}. If op is a tint, we just write op(d) instead of op(d, s). If the effect of a tint is to set the destination pixel to some fixed value independent of its initial value, then the tint is said to be {\it opaque}.

The locking level is LL.sup <= VBT.mu for all of the procedures in this interface.


  T = RECORD op:INTEGER END; Predefined = [0..16];

  Bg = T{0};
  Fg = T{1};
  Transparent = T{2};
  Swap = T{3};

  Copy = T{4};
Bg, Fg, Transparent, and Swap are Trestle's four basic tints.

Bg sets the destination pixel to the screen's background color; Fg sets it to the screen's foreground color; Transparent is the identity function; Swap is a self-inverting operation that exchanges the foreground and background pixels. More precisely, consider a particular screentype and let bgpix and fgpix be the foreground and background pixel for that screentype. Then for any pixel d,

      Bg(d) = bgpix
      Fg(d) = fgpix
      Transparent(d) = d
      Swap(bgpix) = fgpix
      Swap(fgpix) = bgpix
      Swap(Swap(d)) = d
      Swap(d) # d
The operation Copy copies source to destination:

      Copy(d, s) = s
Copy is not a tint, and should be used only when the source pixels are of the same screentype as the destination pixels (for example, with VBT.Scroll, or when painting a pixmap of the same type as the screen).

  BgBg = Bg;
  BgFg = T{5};
  BgTransparent = T{6};
  BgSwap = T{7};

  FgFg = Fg;
  FgBg = T{8};
  FgTransparent = T{9};
  FgSwap = T{10};

  TransparentTransparent = Transparent;
  TransparentBg = T{11};
  TransparentFg = T{12};
  TransparentSwap = T{13};

  SwapSwap = Swap;
  SwapBg = T{14};
  SwapFg = T{15};
  SwapTransparent = T{16};
The sixteen operations above all have names of the form XY, where X and Y are one of the four basic tints. They are defined by the rule:

      XY(dest, source) =
        IF source = 0 THEN X(dest) ELSE Y(dest) END
For example, BgFg can be used to paint a one bit deep source interpreting zeros as background and ones as foreground.

Obviously these sixteen painting operations should be used only with one-bit deep sources. However, not all one-bit deep sources are of the same screentype: for example, different screentypes might have different rules for representing bitmaps. To accomodate this unfortunate fact of life, we associate with every screentype st another screentype st.bits, which is the type of bitmap sources appropriate for st. The depth of st.bits is always one. If the depth of st is one, then it is possible (but not certain) that st.bits = st. When using one of sixteen operations above on a VBT with screentype st, the source must have type st.bits. You will be happy to recall that this will be taken care of automatically if you use screen-independent bitmaps and fonts.

Next there is a procedure for generating colored painting operations.

  Mode = {Stable, Normal, Accurate};
  BW = {UseBg, UseFg, UseIntensity};

   r, g, b: REAL;
   mode := Mode.Normal;
   gray := -1.0;
   bw := BW.UseIntensity): T;
Return a tint that will set a pixel to the color (r,g,b).
 The values r, g, and b should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0;
   they represent the fractions of red, green, and blue in the
   desired color.

The gray argument controls what the tint will do on a gray-scale display. If gray is between zero and one, it specifies the intensity of the tint. If gray is defaulted to -1, then the tint will use the intensity of the color (r,g,b).

The bw argument controls what the tint will be on a monochrome display. If bw is UseBg or UseFg, then the tint will be Bg or Fg, respectively. If bw is UseIntensity, then the tint will be Fg if r, g, and b are all zero (that is, if the color is black), and Bg otherwise.

The mode argument is relevant on color and gray-scale displays. When the total number of pixel colors desired by all of the applications that are running exceeds the number of available colors, then some applications' colors will change (usually in an unpleasantly random way).

To reduce the likelihood that your color will change randomly (at the cost of fidelity), set mode to Stable. To increase the fidelity of the pixel to the specified intensities (at the cost of increased danger of random change), set mode to Accurate. For example, an icon window should use stable colors; a color editor should use accurate colors.

PROCEDURE Pair(op0, op1: T): T;
Return an operation op such that op(d,0) = op0(d) and op(d,1) = op1(d).
 For example,

      Pair(FromRGB(1.0,1.0,1.0), FromRGB(1.0,0.0,0.0))
will paint a bitmap with zeros as white and ones as red.

PROCEDURE SwapPair(op0, op1: T): T;
Return an operation that swaps the pixels painted by op0 and op1.
 SwapPair requires that op0 and op1 be opaque, that is,
   they must set the destination to particular pixels (say, pix0
   and pix1). Then the tint op returned by SwapPair satisfies:

      op(pix0) = pix1
      op(pix1) = pix0
      op(op(p)) = p for any pixel p
For example, Swap = SwapPair(Bg, Fg).

Sometimes it is handy to collect several related painting operations into a single object:

  ColorQuad = OBJECT
    bg, fg, bgFg, transparentFg: T

PROCEDURE MakeColorQuad(bg, fg: T): ColorQuad;
Return ColorQuad{bg,fg,Pair(bg,fg),Pair(Transparent,fg)}.

  ColorScheme = ColorQuad OBJECT
    swap, bgTransparent, bgSwap, fgBg, fgTransparent,
      fgSwap, transparentBg, transparentSwap,
      swapBg, swapFg, swapTransparent: T;

PROCEDURE MakeColorScheme(bg, fg: T): ColorScheme;
Return the fifteen painting operations other than Transparent that can be made by combining bg, fg, and Transparent, using SwapPair and Pair.
 In MakeColorQuad and MakeColorScheme, bg and fg should be

VAR (*CONST*) bgFg: ColorScheme;
This ``variable'' is really a constant for MakeColorScheme(Bg, Fg).

END PaintOp.