
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Wed Mar 27 19:31:39 PST 1996 by heydon                   

Defines a type representing a Juno PostScript state, and implementations for the built-in PostScript procedures.

IMPORT Drawing, PSFont, View, JunoPt, JunoRect;
IMPORT JunoScope, JunoValue;
IMPORT VBT, PaintOp, Path, Font;

  T = View.PSImpl;

  View.PSImpl <: Public;

  Public = View.T OBJECT
    (* PS state *)
    ps: State;
    sp := 0;
    psStack: REF ARRAY OF State
    init(ch: Drawing.ChildPublic; root: View.Root): T
The ps field is the current PostScript state. PostScript states are pushed and popped from the stack (sp, psStack) on calls to the Juno procedures PS.Save and PS.Restore.

NEW(T).init(ch, r) creates a new T on the root r with child ch.

  Color = RECORD
    r, g, b: JunoValue.Real
  State = RECORD
    color: Color;
    width: JunoValue.Real;
    end: VBT.EndStyle;
    join: VBT.JoinStyle;
    wind: VBT.WindingCondition;
    path: Path.T;
    moveto: BOOLEAN;
    movetoPt: JunoPt.T;
    currPt, subpathStartPt: JunoPt.T;
    face: TEXT;
    size: CARDINAL;
    ptSize: JunoValue.Real;
    bbox: JunoRect.T;
    (* Trestle painting only *)
    colorOp, textColorOp: PaintOp.T;
    xFont: Font.T;
    (* PS implementation only *)
    psMetric: PSFont.Metric;
A State record embodies a complete Juno PostScript state. The state is used when both painting to Trestle VBT's and when writing PostScript output. Except as noted, all pieces of the state must be maintained in both cases (the Trestle state must be maintained even when writing PostScript due to the procedures in the PS module for reading parts of the state). Also, except for the path field, all coordinates in a State record are in Juno coordinates.

color contains the red, green, and blue coordinates of the current color, width is the pen width for strokes, end is the end style for strokes, join is the join style for strokes, wind is the winding condition for fills, and path is the current path.

When painting to the drawing view, the current path is determined by path, moveto, and movetoPt. If moveto is FALSE, then the current path is simply path. If moveto is TRUE, then the current path is actually path concatenated with PS.MoveTo(movetoPt). The extra state allows us to mimic the PostScript semantics: if a sequence of consecutive MoveTo's are performed, only the last one takes effect. The movetoPt is incorporated into the path when we know it cannot be followed by another call to PS.MoveTo, namely, when processing a call to PS.LineTo, PS.CurveTo, or PS.Close.

The fields currPt and subpathStartPt are defined iff the current (logical) path is non-empty. The field currPt stores the current point. It is the (last) argument to the most recent call to PS.MoveTo, PS.LineTo, or PS.CurveTo. We store this value instead of reading it from the current path because points on the path are integer valued, so this will guarantee for all points a that the code:

         b := PS.CurrentPoint()
has the effect of setting b to a. The field subpathStartPt stores the location of the most recent MoveTo on the curernt path; its value is valid iff the current path is non-empty and the current sub-path is open. This point is saved to implement the PS.Close operation.

face and size are the current font face and font size. ptSize is the size of the current font in points. bbox is the current bounding box.

When painting in the drawing view, colorOp is the current color for strokes and fills, textColorOp is the PaintOp pair that paints the foreground in colorOp and the background transparent, and xFont is the current X font.

When painting to a PostScript file, psMetric is the metric of the current PostScript font.

  Impl <: ImplPublic;
  ImplPublic = JunoScope.Mod BRANDED "PSImpl.ImplPublic" OBJECT METHODS
    startToFile(wr: Wr.T);
    prologue() RAISES {Wr.Failure};
    epilogue(showPage := FALSE) RAISES {Wr.Failure};
A PS.Impl is a JunoScope.Mod that implements the PS module. By default, its procedures direct their output to a particular drawing view. Clients can bracket the execution of a particular bytestream by calls to the startToFile/prologue and epilogue/endToFile methods to instead cause PostScript code to be written to a specified writer.

The call impl.startToFile(wr) arranges that all the external procedures installed on behalf of impl send PostScript output to wr instead of updating the drawing view. Clients must call the endToFile method to restore the original external procedures. It is a checked run-time error to call any of the following three methods without an initial call to startToFile.

The call impl.prologue() writes the PostScript prologue to the writer associated with the most recent call to startToFile. The call impl.endToFile(showPage) writes the PostScript epilogue (such as the bounding box and number of pages) to the writer associated with the most recent call to startToFile. If showPage is true, a PostScript showpage command is written to the writer before the epilogue.

The call impl.endToFile() re-installs the original external procedures to direct drawing to the drawing view associated with impl. This method does *not* close the underlying writer.

PROCEDURE Reset(d: T; inExec := TRUE);
Reset the PostScript state associated with the drawing d. The inExec argument is used for logging purposes only, to distinguish those calls to Reset within the scope of a JunoRT.Exec execution from those that are not.

PROCEDURE New(rt: View.Root): Impl;
Return an implementation of the PS interface, whose procedures operate on the drawing view rt.currView.


interface PSFont is in:

interface View is in:

interface JunoRect is in:

interface JunoValue is in: