<* PRAGMA LL *> MODULEFor debugging:; IMPORT View, Drawing, JunoUIImpl, PSImpl, Source, JunoPt, CurrCmd; IMPORT ExternalProc, JunoError; IMPORT JunoAST, JunoASTUtils, JunoScope, JunoCompile, JunoCompileErr; IMPORT JunoRT, RTVal, JunoArgs, JunoRTError; IMPORT VBT, Cursor, Point, PaintOp, Filter, DblBufferVBT; IMPORT Atom, Thread, Fmt; Drag
IMPORT Wr, Stdio, Time; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED "Drag.T" OBJECT (* The following fields are used by the "DuringDrag", "PostDrag", "RunDeltaCmd", and "CallbackProc" procedures. The first two of these procedures are invoked by a Trestle thread in response to a mouse motion or up-click, and the latter two are invoked by the thread that is forked to run the compiled drag command. *) firstTime: BOOLEAN; (* unprotected; only accessed by drag loop thread *) mu: MUTEX := NIL; (* protects the following fields *) c: Thread.Condition := NIL; lastReady: BOOLEAN; last: Point.T; deltaReady: BOOLEAN; delta: Point.T; (* read/written by "DuringDrag" *) done: BOOLEAN; (* set by "PostDrag" *) END; REVEAL ArgTool = ArgToolPublic BRANDED "Drag.ArgTool" OBJECT OVERRIDES pre := PreNoop; post := PostNoop; during := DuringNoop; END; VAR (*CONST*) DragColor := PaintOp.FromRGB(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);Default Pre, Post, During methods ---------------------------------------
PROCEDUREPreNoop ( <*UNUSED*> tl: ArgTool; d: Drawing.T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec; <*UNUSED*> i: INTEGER) = VAR ch: Drawing.Child := Filter.Child(d); BEGIN DblBufferVBT.Save(ch); Drawing.PaintPoint(ch, d.dragName, DragColor, d.draggee) END PreNoop; PROCEDUREDuringNoop ( <*UNUSED*> tl: ArgTool; d: Drawing.T; READONLY delta: Point.T; <*UNUSED*> i: INTEGER): Point.T RAISES {} = VAR ch: Drawing.Child := Filter.Child(d); new := Point.Add(d.draggee, ProjectMode(delta, d.dragMode)); BEGIN DblBufferVBT.Restore(ch); Drawing.PaintPoint(ch, d.dragName, DragColor, new); Drawing.Sync(ch); RETURN new END DuringNoop; PROCEDUREProjectMode (READONLY delta: Point.T; mode: DragMode): Point.T =
Return the pointdelta
projected to the horizontal or vertical axis according to the dragging modemode
BEGIN CASE mode OF DragMode.Unconstrained => RETURN delta | DragMode.Hor => RETURN Point.T{delta.h, 0} | DragMode.Ver => RETURN Point.T{0, delta.v} END END ProjectMode; PROCEDURENew Dragging Tools ------------------------------------------------------PostNoop ( <*UNUSED*> tl: ArgTool; <*UNUSED*> d: Drawing.T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec; <*UNUSED*> i: INTEGER) = BEGIN END PostNoop;
TYPE DraggingTool = Drawing.ArgTool BRANDED "Drag.DraggingTool" OBJECT forkee: Thread.T; execRes: JunoRT.ExecRes OVERRIDES pre := PreDrag; during := DuringDrag; post := PostDrag; apply := ApplyDrag END;A
is the tool used to implement continuous solve dragging.
It's pre
, during
, post
, and apply
methods work together. If tl
a DraggingTool
, then tl.pre
forks off a thread and sets tl.forkee
this thread. The thread is set running a compiled command (a loop) that
gets new values for the dragged point by synchronizing with the during
method, and determines when the user has stopped dragging by synchronizing
with the post
method. This command is contructed by the CompileDrag
procedure below. When the thread finishes, tl.execRes
is set to the
execution result.
PROCEDUREDrag Tool Pre, Post, During, Apply methods ------------------------------NewTool (): Drawing.ArgTool = VAR args := Drawing.NewArgArray(1, Drawing.ArgType.Drag); BEGIN RETURN NEW(DraggingTool, argType := args) END NewTool;
TYPE Closure = Thread.Closure BRANDED "Drag.Closure" OBJECT d: Drawing.T; slot: CARDINAL; OVERRIDES apply := RunDeltaCmd END; (* A "Drag.Closure" is the closure used to fork the compiled drag command. If "cl: Closure", "cl.apply" executes the bytestream in "cl.slot", using the fields of "cl.d" (for example, "cl.d.mu", "cl.d.c", "cl.d.firstTime", and "cl.d.done") to synchronize with the drag command. *) PROCEDURERunDeltaCmd (cl: Closure): REFANY =
method of aDrag.Closure
; i.e., this procedure is called by the thread that gets forked to run the compiled drag command. It runs the byte-code program in code table slotcl.slot
. Returns a pointer to the resulting trapcode.
VAR res := NEW(REF JunoRT.ExecRes); BEGIN cl.d.firstTime := TRUE; res^ := JunoRT.ExecFromSlot(cl.slot, reset := TRUE); <* ASSERT res^.trapCode = JunoRT.TrapCode.Error *> (* If the current command failed, abort the dragging prematurely by setting "cl.d.done". *) IF res.errorCode # JunoRTError.Code.Halt THEN LOCK cl.d.mu DO cl.d.done := TRUE END END; (* signal thread block in "DuringDrag" *) Thread.Signal(cl.d.c); RETURN res END RunDeltaCmd; VAR debug := 0; start: Time.T; (* start of drag *) count: CARDINAL; (* number of drag frames *) VAR (*CONST*) WatchCursor: Cursor.T; PROCEDUREPreDrag ( tl: DraggingTool; d: Drawing.T; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec; i: INTEGER) RAISES {Aborted} = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR ch := Filter.Child(d); BEGIN DblBufferVBT.ClearSaved(ch); start := Time.Now(); count := 0; IF d.mu = NIL THEN d.mu := NEW(MUTEX); d.c := NEW(Thread.Condition) END; LOCK d.mu DO d.last := d.draggee; d.lastReady := FALSE; d.deltaReady := FALSE; d.done := FALSE; END; (* hilight the selected point and display watch cursor *) Drawing.PaintPoint(ch, d.dragName, DragColor, d.draggee); VBT.SetCursor(ch, WatchCursor); Drawing.Sync(ch); (* initialize "forkee" in case "CompileDrag" raises an exception *) tl.forkee := NIL; TRY (* Fork off a new thread to run the compiled Juno command. *) tl.forkee := Thread.Fork(NEW(Closure, d := d, slot := CompileDrag(d, d.stack[i].name, cd.time))); FINALLY (* reset the cursor *) VBT.SetCursor(ch, Cursor.DontCare) END END PreDrag; VAR (* CONST *) DragLoopAtom := Atom.FromText("Drag Loop"); NewptAtom := Atom.FromText("_newpt"); OldptAtom := Atom.FromText("_oldpt"); VAR (* CONST *) LoopMu := NEW(MUTEX); LoopHeader := NEW(JunoAST.ProcHeader, name := DragLoopAtom, ins := JunoAST.EmptyIdList, outs := JunoAST.EmptyIdList, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyIdList, bp := JunoAST.End); LoopDecl := NEW(JunoAST.ProcDecl, header := LoopHeader, bp := JunoAST.End); Newpt := NEW(JunoAST.QId, bp := JunoAST.End, id0 := JunoAST.NilId, id1 := NewptAtom); Oldpt := NEW(JunoAST.QId, bp := JunoAST.End, id0 := JunoAST.NilId, id1 := OldptAtom); NewGrd := NEW(JunoAST.Differs, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := Newpt, e2 := JunoAST.NilVal); Locals := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, bp := JunoAST.End, size := 2, head := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := NewptAtom, hint := JunoAST.NilExpr, next := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := OldptAtom, hint := JunoAST.NilExpr))); IfCmd := NEW(JunoAST.If, bp := JunoAST.End); PROCEDURECompileDrag (d: Drawing.T; p: JunoAST.QId; ts: VBT.TimeStamp): CARDINAL RAISES {Aborted} =
be the name of the dragged point, and letr
denote the rest of the points in the current command. Let the current command C have the form:
VAR nv IN P(nv) -> A ENDand let P' be P conjoined with any equality constraints innv
(except for equality constraints on the dragged pointp
). Then create, compile, install, and return the slot for the followingdrag
IF VAR nv IN VAR _newpt, _oldpt IN _newpt := JunoUI._DRAG(p) ; DO _newpt # NIL -> _oldpt := p ; p := _newpt *** ; { P'?(r) | P'?(p,r) | p := _oldpt } *** ; IF A FI ; _newpt := JunoUI._DRAG(p) OD ; HALT END END FIIn the event thatd.dragMode
, we have to compile a slightly different command. In that case, the two lines with (**
beside them become: | DragMode.Hor: DragMode.Ver: | ; p := (CAR(p), CDR(_newpt)) ; p := (CAR(_newpt), CDR(p)) | ; { PH'?(p,r) | p := _oldpt } ; { PV'?(p,r) | p := _oldpt } where "PH'" is "P' AND p HOR _newpt" and "PV'" is "P' AND p VER _newpt". Note how the drag command is cobbled together from syntactic parts of the current command, rather than from semantic parts. In particular, the drag command only solves for the variables listed at the outermost level of the current command, and it solves these variables only for the outermost predicate P. This technique fails to reflect the true semantics of the current command, for example, if A has the form: | VAR nv' IN Q(nv, nv') -> A' END Now, "Grd(C) = P(nv) AND Q(nv, nv') AND Grd(A')", and the solver solves the current command for the set of variables "nv \union nv'". But, as previously mentioned, the drag command solves only for the variables "nv" such that "P(nv)". To rectify this problem, we would have to inductively define the "solve variables" of a command and the "non-guard" part of a command. We could then compile a drag command that solved the "SolveVars(C)" for "Grd(C)", and then executed "NonGuard(C)" in the drag loop. *) <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR ast := CurrCmd.GetAST(d.root.ccmd); locals := CurrCmd.GetVariables(ast); con := Conjoin(CurrCmd.GetConstraint(ast), EqConstraints(locals, p.id1)); cmd := SkipifyBody(ast, d.root.skipify); allVars := MoveToFront(locals, p.id1); dragCall := NEW(JunoAST.ProcCall, bp := JunoAST.End, outs := JunoASTUtils.NewQIdList(Newpt), inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList, name := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromIds(JunoUIImpl.ModSym, JunoUIImpl.DragSym), ins := JunoASTUtils.NewExprList(p)); innerSemi := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := JunoASTUtils.NewAssign(Oldpt, p), c2 := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := HintP(p, d.dragMode), c2 := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := SolveCmd(p, con, allVars, d.dragMode), c2 := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := cmd, c2 := dragCall)))); do := NEW(JunoAST.Do, bp := JunoAST.End, body := NEW(JunoAST.Guard, bp := JunoAST.End, grd := NewGrd, body := innerSemi)); outerSemi := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := dragCall, c2 := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := do, c2 := JunoAST.HaltVal)); innerProj := NEW(JunoAST.Proj, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := Locals, body := outerSemi); outerProj := NEW(JunoAST.Proj, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := locals, body := innerProj); outerIf := NEW(JunoAST.If, bp := JunoAST.End, body := outerProj); proc: JunoScope.Proc; BEGIN LOCK LoopMu DO LoopDecl.body := outerIf; TRY proc := JunoScope.NewProc(LoopDecl, mod := NIL); EVAL JunoCompile.ProcDecl(DragLoopAtom, proc, CurrCmd.GetScope(d.root.ccmd)) EXCEPT JunoCompileErr.Error (err) => Source.ShowError(d.root.source, ast, err, ts); RAISE Aborted END END; RETURN proc.index END CompileDrag; PROCEDUREMoveToFront (l: JunoAST.NearVarList; id: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.NearVarList =
Return a list likel
such that all occurrences of variables namedid
appear first in the result. The order of the other variables in the result is undefined. Each variable in the result has itsevar
bit reset, is unhinted, and has itsfrozen
bit set iff the corresponding variable inl
was frozen or hinted.
VAR res := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, bp := l, size := l.size); curr := l.head; named: JunoAST.NearVarLink := NIL; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO <* ASSERT NOT curr.frozen OR curr.hint # JunoAST.NilExpr *> IF curr.id = id THEN named := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := curr.id, evar := FALSE, hint := JunoAST.NilExpr, frozen := (curr.hint # JunoAST.NilExpr), index := curr.index, next := named) ELSE res.head := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := curr.id, evar := FALSE, hint := JunoAST.NilExpr, frozen := (curr.hint # JunoAST.NilExpr), index := curr.index, next := res.head) END; curr := curr.next END; IF named # NIL THEN (* ``res.head := Append(named, res.head)'' *) curr := named; WHILE curr.next # NIL DO curr := curr.next END; curr.next := res.head; res.head := named END; RETURN res END MoveToFront; PROCEDUREEqConstraints (l: JunoAST.NearVarList; id: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.Formula =
Return a conjunction containing a conjunct for each frozen variable inl
other thanid
. Return NIL if there are no variables inl
other thanid
VAR res: JunoAST.Formula := NIL; curr := l.head; eq: JunoAST.Equals; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO <* ASSERT NOT curr.frozen OR curr.hint # JunoAST.NilExpr *> IF curr.id # id AND curr.frozen THEN eq := NEW(JunoAST.Equals, bp := JunoAST.End, near := FALSE, e1 := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromNearVar(curr), e2 := curr.hint); res := Conjoin(eq, res); END; curr := curr.next END; RETURN res END EqConstraints; PROCEDUREConjoin (f1, f2: JunoAST.Formula): JunoAST.Formula =
Iff2 # NIL
, return the ASTf1 AND f2
; otherwise, returnf1
BEGIN IF f2 = NIL THEN RETURN f1 ELSE RETURN NEW(JunoAST.And, bp := JunoAST.End, f1 := f1, f2 := f2) END END Conjoin; PROCEDURESkipNamed (l: JunoAST.NearVarList; id: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.NearVarList =
Return a list whose head points to the element just after the longest prefix ofl
containing links namedid
VAR res := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, bp := l, size := l.size); curr := l.head; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL AND curr.id = id DO DEC(res.size); curr := curr.next END; res.head := curr; RETURN res END SkipNamed; PROCEDURESkipifyBody (ast: JunoAST.Cmd; skipify: BOOLEAN): JunoAST.Cmd =
, returnSKIP
. Otherwise, returnIF ast FI
BEGIN IF skipify THEN RETURN JunoAST.SkipVal ELSE IfCmd.body := CurrCmd.GetCmd(ast); RETURN IfCmd END END SkipifyBody; PROCEDUREHintP (p: JunoAST.QId; mode: DragMode): JunoAST.Cmd =
Return the assignment statement appropriate for the drag modemode
:DragMode.Unconstrained: "p := _newpt" DragMode.Hor: "p := (CAR(p), CDR(_newpt)) DragMode.Ver: "p := (CAR(_newpt), CDR(p))
PROCEDURE CarCdrPair(e1, e2: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Pair = (* Return the expression "(CAR(e1), CDR(e2))". *) BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Pair, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := NEW(JunoAST.Car, bp := JunoAST.End, e := e1), e2 := NEW(JunoAST.Cdr, bp := JunoAST.End, e := e2)) END CarCdrPair; BEGIN CASE mode OF DragMode.Unconstrained => RETURN JunoASTUtils.NewAssign(p, Newpt) | DragMode.Hor => RETURN JunoASTUtils.NewAssign(p, CarCdrPair(p, Newpt)) | DragMode.Ver => RETURN JunoASTUtils.NewAssign(p, CarCdrPair(Newpt, p)) END END HintP; PROCEDURESolveCmd (p: JunoAST.QId; con: JunoAST.Formula; vars: JunoAST.NearVarList; mode: DragMode): JunoAST.Cmd =
Return the solve command for the pointp
given dragging modemode
is the constraint to solve, andvars
is the list of unknowns (withp
moved to the front for easy processing). The different cases formode
DragMode.Unconstrained: { P'?(r) | P'?(p,r) | p := _oldpt } DragMode.Hor: { ((p HOR _newpt) AND P')?(p,r) | p := _oldpt } DragMode.Ver: { ((p VER _newpt) AND P')?(p,r) | p := _oldpt }where P' is the set of constraintscon
is the set of variablesvars
minus the variablep
VAR res: JunoAST.Cmd; BEGIN CASE mode OF DragMode.Hor => con := Conjoin(NEW(JunoAST.Hor, e1 := p, e2 := Newpt), con) | DragMode.Ver => con := Conjoin(NEW(JunoAST.Ver, e1 := p, e2 := Newpt), con) | DragMode.Unconstrained => (* SKIP *) END; res := NEW(JunoAST.Else, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := NEW(JunoAST.Query, bp := JunoAST.End, f := con, vars := vars), c2 := JunoASTUtils.NewAssign(p, Oldpt)); IF mode = DragMode.Unconstrained THEN res := NEW(JunoAST.Else, bp := JunoAST.End, c2 := res, c1 := NEW(JunoAST.Query, bp := JunoAST.End, f := con, vars := SkipNamed(vars, p.id1))) END; RETURN res END SolveCmd; PROCEDURECallbackProc (cl: ExternalProc.Closure): BOOLEAN =
This procedure is the implementation of the Juno procedure named by the global variableJunoUIImpl.DragSym
, which is called inside the drag loop compiled byCompileDrag
. Hence, it is called by the thread running the compiled Juno program, namely, the one forked inPreDrag
.It is called with the current value of the point being dragged (as a Juno value representing a point in Juno coordinates). It sets
to the new point value (converted to Trestle coordinates), and signals theDuringDrag
procedure that this value is ready.It then synchronizes with the
procedure to get the delta for the difference between the mouse and the dragged point, adds this delta to the current value of the point, and returns (on the Juno stack) this value as the result. However, ifd.done
, then this procedure instead returns JunoNIL
<* LL.sup < VBT.mu *> VAR d := cl.rt.drawing; ch: Drawing.Child := Filter.Child(d); new: Point.T; res: RTVal.T; BEGIN <* FATAL JunoPt.BadPt *> VAR err := FALSE; pr: RTVal.Pair; BEGIN (* convert argument from Juno coords -> Trestle coords *) pr := JunoArgs.ReadPair(1, err); <* ASSERT NOT err *> new := JunoPt.ToHV(JunoPt.FromValuePair(pr), ch.xform) END; IF d.firstTime THEN d.firstTime := FALSE; ELSE (* add final annotations to drawing *) Drawing.PaintPath(d); Drawing.PaintPoint(ch, d.dragName, DragColor, new); Drawing.Sync(ch); (* update shared data *) LOCK d.mu DO d.last := new; d.lastReady := TRUE; d.deltaReady := FALSE; END; (* signal "DuringDrag" thread *) Thread.Signal(d.c) END; LOCK d.mu DO (* wait for next call to "DuringDrag" (i.e., next mouse motion) or "PostDrag" (i.e., next up-click terminating drag) *) WHILE NOT d.deltaReady DO Thread.Wait(d.mu, d.c) END; IF d.done THEN res := RTVal.nil ELSE res := JunoPt.ToValuePair(JunoPt.FromHV( Point.Add(d.last, d.delta), ch.xform)) END END; JunoArgs.WriteValue(2, res); (* if not done, restart a new drawing *) IF res # RTVal.nil THEN PSImpl.Reset(d); DblBufferVBT.Restore(ch); END; RETURN TRUE END CallbackProc; PROCEDUREDuringDrag ( tl: DraggingTool; d: Drawing.T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY delta: Point.T; <*UNUSED*> i: INTEGER): Point.T RAISES {Aborted} =
This is the procedure implementing theduring
method of the built-inDrag
tool. This procedure is invoked by theDrawing.Position
procedure each time the mouse moves.This procedure ignores its
argument, and instead computesd.delta
as the difference between the current mouse locationd.dragger
and the current value of the point being draggedd.draggee
. In this way, we solve the system for the case where the dragged point is initially at the mouse cursor.If the thread running the compiled Juno command has set
, then that command hit a run-time error, so this procedure raisesAborted
to abort the drag prematurely.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN INC(count); IF tl.forkee = NIL THEN (* The drag was aborted during "pre" method due to compilation error, so just return the current location of the dragged point. *) RETURN d.draggee ELSE LOCK d.mu DO d.delta := Point.Sub(d.dragger, d.draggee); d.deltaReady := TRUE; d.lastReady := FALSE END; (* signal "CallbackProc" thread *) Thread.Signal(d.c); LOCK d.mu DO (* wait for current frame to finish painting to get new value *) WHILE NOT d.lastReady AND NOT d.done DO Thread.Wait(d.mu, d.c) END; IF d.done THEN RAISE Aborted END; RETURN d.last END END END DuringDrag; PROCEDUREPostDrag ( tl: DraggingTool; d: Drawing.T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec; <*UNUSED*> i: INTEGER) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN IF debug > 0 THEN <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> VAR delta := Time.Now() - start; usecs := ROUND(1.0d6 * delta) DIV count; BEGIN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Average time = " & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Int(usecs), 8) & " usecs\n"); END END; IF tl.forkee # NIL THEN LOCK d.mu DO d.delta := Point.Origin; d.deltaReady := TRUE; d.lastReady := FALSE END; (* signal "CallbackProc" thread *) Thread.Signal(d.c); LOCK d.mu DO (* wait for current frame to finish painting *) WHILE NOT d.lastReady AND NOT d.done DO Thread.Wait(d.mu, d.c) END; END; (* now finish dragging *) LOCK d.mu DO d.done := TRUE; d.deltaReady := TRUE END; (* signal thread blocked in "CallbackProc" *) Thread.Signal(d.c); (* Wait for the thread running the compiled Juno command to terminate *) tl.execRes := NARROW(Thread.Join(tl.forkee), REF JunoRT.ExecRes)^ END END PostDrag; PROCEDUREApplyDrag ( tl: DraggingTool; d: Drawing.T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Drawing.Arg) = VAR hintsChanged: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF tl.forkee # NIL THEN <* ASSERT tl.execRes.trapCode = JunoRT.TrapCode.Error *> hintsChanged := CurrCmd.UpdateHints(d.root.ccmd); IF tl.execRes.errorCode # JunoRTError.Code.Halt THEN (* display an error message *) JunoError.Display(d, JunoRT.TrapMessage(tl.execRes)) ELSE (* finish running current command if it ran up to final "HALT" *) VAR execRes2 := JunoRT.Exec(); BEGIN <* ASSERT execRes2.trapCode = JunoRT.TrapCode.NormalHalt *> END END; IF hintsChanged THEN Drawing.SourceUntrue(d, View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent) END END; Drawing.Annotations(d) END ApplyDrag; BEGIN WatchCursor := Cursor.FromName(ARRAY OF TEXT{"XC_watch"}) END Drag.