
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Sat Nov 12 18:54:18 PST 1994 by heydon                   
      modified on Fri Aug  7 21:53:58 PDT 1992 by myers                    

A Scope.T is a mapping that associates names with constants, variables, predicates, functions, procedures, interfaces, and modules (that is, with any of the things that a name can denote in Juno). When an abstract syntax tree (or JunoAST.T) is decorated by the type checker, each node of the AST that introduces a scope is labelled with a Scope.T that records the bindings of the names introduced at that scope level.

Scopes are arranged in a tree structure that reflects their nesting in the program text; if a look-up on an identifier fails in a scope, the implementation continues by looking up the identifier in the parent scope, the parent's parent, and so on, until the lookup succeeds or finally fails on the root scope.

This interface also defines the type Entity. In a scope, each name (represented by an Atom.T) is bound to an Entity. Entity's represent Juno local variables, procedure arguments, constants, globals, predicates, functions, procedures, interface scopes, and module scopes.

Scopes are typically used in four different ways. There are root scopes (which name modules), unit scopes (which name top-level module elements), code scopes (which name predicate, function, and procedure arguments), and proj scopes (which name projected variables). The four uses are distinguished by the types of their parent scopes and by the types of Entity's they contain. In summary:

       Scope Type  Parent Type    Contains        Contained Entity Type's
       ----------  -------------  --------------  ----------------------------
       "Root"      NIL            Module names    Mod
       "Unit"      "Root"         Block names     Const, Var, Pred, Func, Proc
       "Code"      "Unit"         Argument names  Arg
       "Proj"      "Code"/"Proj"  Local vars      Temp

IMPORT JunoAST, StackTbl;
FROM JunoCompileErr IMPORT Error;
IMPORT Atom, Wr;

  T <: ROOT;

PROCEDURE New(p: T; size: CARDINAL := 1): T;
Return a new scope with parent scope p in which no names are bound. If p is NIL, the new scope is a root scope. Initially, the scope is created with size size, but it will grow dynamically to accommodate any number of bindings.

PROCEDURE Parent(scp: T): T;
Return the parent of scp, or NIL if scp is a root scope.

PROCEDURE SetParent(scp, parent: T);
Set the parent scope of scp to parent.

PROCEDURE Lookup(scp: T; id: Atom.T; localOnly := FALSE): Entity;
Return the entity associated with the name id in the scope scp. Returns NIL if id is unbound. If localOnly is FALSE, then all scopes on the path from scp to scp's root are searched in order; otherwise only scp is searched.

    scp: T; qid: JunoAST.QId; VAR (*OUT*) unit: Entity): Entity;
If qid is unqualified, then set unit to NIL and return the result of Lookup(scp, qid.id0). Otherwise, set unit to Lookup(scp, qid.id0). If that is a non-NIL Mod, then return Lookup(mod.public_scp, qid.id1); else return NIL.

Return an array containing the names bound in scp (not including names bound in any of its ancestor scopes).

PROCEDURE LocalArgs(scp: T; kinds: SET OF ArgKind): JunoAST.IdList;
Return a list of identifiers corresponding to those Arg entities in scp with a kind that is a member of the set kinds.

EXCEPTION NameClash; NotFound;

PROCEDURE Bind(scp: T; id: Atom.T; e: Entity) RAISES { NameClash };
Bind id to e in scp. This creates a new binding in scp; it never affects scp's ancestors. Bind raises the exception NameClash if id is already bound to something in scp.

PROCEDURE Rebind(scp: T; id: Atom.T; e: Entity);
Bind id to e in scp. If id is already bound in scp this changes the binding. Otherwise, it creates a new binding. This procedure never affects scp's ancestors.

PROCEDURE Unbind(scp: T; id: Atom.T): Entity RAISES { NotFound };
If id is bound in scp, then return the entity it is bound to and remove the binding from scp. Otherwise, raise NotFound.

PROCEDURE Debug(scp: T; level: CARDINAL := 0);
Equivalent to Print(Stdio.stderr, scp, level, 2).

PROCEDURE Print(wr: Wr.T; scp: T; level, indent: CARDINAL := 0);
Print a description of scp to wr at logical indentation level indent. Nested scopes deeper than level are not shown. Hence, when level = 0, only the top-level entities of scp are shown.

PROCEDURE PrintEntity(wr: Wr.T; ent: Entity; level, indent: CARDINAL);
Print a description of ent to wr at logical indentation level indent. Nested scopes deeper than level are not shown. Hence, if ent is an entity with a scope field, the scope is elided.

  (* Types introduced as classes for the purposes of sub-typing only. *)

  Entity <: ROOT;			 (* LocalValue | Value | Code | Unit *)

  (* LocalParam | Temp *)
  LocalValue = Entity BRANDED "JunoScope.LocalValue" OBJECT
    offset: INTEGER;			 (* offset in current frame from fp *)

  ArgKind = { Out, InOut, In };

  (* Arg *)
  LocalParam = LocalValue BRANDED "JunoScope.LocalParam" OBJECT
    kind: ArgKind;			 (* kind of parameter *)

  (* Const | Var *)
  Value = Entity BRANDED "JunoScope.Value" OBJECT
    init: JunoAST.Expr;			 (* may be JunoAST.NilExpr for Var *)
    index: CARDINAL;			 (* index into JunoRT.value_tbl *)

  (* PredCode | ProcCode *)
  Code = Entity BRANDED "JunoScope.Code" OBJECT
    formals: T;				 (* pred/func/proc formal args *)
    tbl: StackTbl.T;			 (* local variable table *)
    index: CARDINAL;			 (* index into JunoRT.[ext_]code_tbl *)
    in_cnt: CARDINAL;			 (* # of IN parameters *)

  (* Pred | Func *)
  PredCode = Code BRANDED "JunoScope.PredCode" OBJECT
    body: JunoAST.Formula;		 (* predicate/function body *)
    normal_form: JunoAST.NormalForm;	 (* normal form of constraint *)

  (* Proc *)
  ProcCode = Code BRANDED "JunoScope.Proc" OBJECT
    out_cnt: CARDINAL;			 (* # of OUT parameters *)
    inout_cnt: CARDINAL;		 (* # of INOUT parameters *)
    body: JunoAST.Cmd;			 (* original body of the procedure *)
    external := FALSE			 (* Modula-3 external procedure? *)
  (* The "body" field is relevant iff the "external" field is "FALSE". *)

  (* Mod *)
  Unit = Entity BRANDED "JunoScope.Unit" OBJECT
    public_scp: T;                       (* scope for public declarations *)
    scp: T;				 (* scope for all declarations *)

  (* Clients should create instances of the following types. *)

  Temp <: LocalValue;			 (* projected local variable *)
  Arg <: LocalParam;			 (* proc/pred/func arg *)

  Const <: Value;			 (* top-level CONST *)
  Var <: Value;				 (* top-level VAR *)

  Pred <: PredCode;			 (* top-level PRED *)
  Func <: PredCode;			 (* top-level FUNC *)

  Proc <: ProcCode;			 (* top-level PROC *)

  Mod <: Unit;				 (* MODULE *)

PROCEDURE NewPred(pred: JunoAST.PredDecl; mod: JunoAST.Id): Pred
    RAISES {Error};
Return a new, complete predicate entity for pred in the module named mod. Raises JunoCompile.Error if two or more formals in proc have the same name.

PROCEDURE NewFunc(func: JunoAST.FuncDecl; mod: JunoAST.Id): Func
    RAISES {Error};
Return a new, complete function entity for func in the module named mod. Raises JunoCompile.Error if two or more formals in proc have the same name.

PROCEDURE NewProc(proc: JunoAST.ProcDecl; mod: JunoAST.Id): Proc
    RAISES {Error};
Return a new, complete procedure entity for proc in the module named mod. Raises JunoCompile.Error if two or more formals in proc have the same name.

END JunoScope.