MODULE; IMPORT Trestle, TrestleComm; IMPORT Stdio, Wr, Text, Thread, VBT; IMPORT ColorTools, PaintOp, Font, Pixmap, ScrnPixmap; IMPORT Point, RealPoint, Path, Rect, RealRect, Region; IMPORT Math; IMPORT GraphData; IMPORT SortedHashTable, SortedIndexTable; IMPORT CreatePixmap; <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, Error *> <* FATAL TrestleComm.Failure *> CONST MaxInt = LAST(INTEGER); TYPE Node = REF NodeRec; Link = REF LinkRec; ArrowRef = REF Arrows; BiLink = REF BiLinkRec; GraphVBT
NodeRec = RECORD pos: RealPoint.T; fpos: RealPoint.T; (* for fisheye views *) radius: REAL; api: REAL; fVW: REAL; dist: REAL; (* needed for semantic fisheye views *) label: Text.T; link: ARRAY [0..MaxLink] OF Link; color: Color; shape: Shape; style: Style; size: REAL; labelStyle: LabelStyle; labelColor: Color; labelFont: Font.T; flabelFont: Font.T; (* for fisheye views *) labelShift: INTEGER; (* a horizontal positional correction, in pixels *) sizeIndex: INTEGER; (* a cache of size->bitmap translation *) (* -1 means cache is invalid *) fsizeIndex: INTEGER; (* for fisheye views *) END;
LinkRec = RECORD from: Node; alterEgo: Link; (* the link in the opposite direction *) primary: BOOLEAN; (* exactly one link of each pair is primary *) color: Color; thickness: CARDINAL; (* pixels *) fthickness: CARDINAL; (* for fisheye views *) segPoints: PointArray; fsegPoints: PointArray; (* for fisheye views *) arrows: ArrowRef; (* REF ARRAY OF ArrowRec *) arrowCount: CARDINAL; (* number of arrows currently in use *) angle: REAL; (* in radians, a cache used by arrow-drawing *) (* angle is computed once, when arrows is initialized *) divided: BOOLEAN; bilinks: ARRAY LinkHalf OF BiLink; (* color, thickness, label *) END; ArrowRec = RECORD where: REAL; (* 0.0 .. 1.0 *) color: Color; p, q, r: Point.T; (* in screen coordinates, a cache *) END; Arrows = ARRAY OF ArrowRec; BiLinkRec = RECORD color: Color; thickness: CARDINAL; (* pixels *) fthickness: CARDINAL; (* for fisheye views *) label: Text.T; labelFont: Font.T; flabelFont: Font.T; (* for fisheye views *) END; ColorRec = RECORD tint: PaintOp.T; END;
REVEAL T = VBT.Leaf BRANDED OBJECT offscreen: VBT.Leaf; dist: REF ARRAY OF ARRAY OF REAL; maxNodes: CARDINAL; table: REF ARRAY OF Node; ncolors: INTEGER; (* number of client-settable colors *) colors : REF ARRAY OF ColorRec; north, south, east, west: REAL; (* boundaries of world coordinate space *) square: BOOLEAN; (* aspect ration *) marginSize: REAL; background: PaintOp.T; foreground: PaintOp.T; font: Font.T; borderMin: CARDINAL; (* nodes smaller than this always show as Filled *) nodeColor: Color; nodeInteriorColor: Color; nodeShape: Shape; nodeStyle: Style; nodeSize: REAL; nodeLabelStyle: LabelStyle; nodeLabelColor: Color; nodeLabelFont: Font.T; (* normally Font.Null, meaning use v.font *) nodeLabelShift: INTEGER; linkColor: Color; linkThickness: CARDINAL; linkLabelFont: Font.T; (* derived properties *) viewVisible: BOOLEAN; (* whether there is anything to draw and anywhere to draw it *) needRedraw: BOOLEAN; (* whether anything has been changed in the data structure and not yet on the screen. *) favoriteSize: REAL; (* the size we will currently use if the user has specified the default with size=0. *) arrowSize: REAL; (* the size (world coords) we will use for arrowheads on links *) trustCaches: BOOLEAN; (* true unless there has just been a size-changing reformat, which invalidates all cached pixel-size information. *) (* coordinate transformation *) scalex, scaley: REAL; transx, transy: INTEGER; (* translation applied after scaling *) (* for debugging, not sure if useful *) nodeCount : CARDINAL; (* number of nodes *) edgeCount : CARDINAL; (* number of edges *) (* for fisheye fiews *) fisheye: BOOLEAN; fisheyeType: FisheyeType; fisheyeMapType: FisheyeMapType; semanticColor: BOOLEAN; nodePositionFixed: BOOLEAN; (* should the nodes move? *) cageSize: INTEGER; (* sensitivity to cursor movement *) currentFocusNode: INTEGER; (* node focused on *) fisheyeScreenFocus: Point.T; (* in screen coordinates *) fDistortion: REAL; fSizeFactor: REAL; fFocusDevice: FocusDevice; fisheyeOldFocus: RealPoint.T; fisheyeWorldFocus: RealPoint.T; focusColor: Color; fisheyeText: BOOLEAN; highlight: BOOLEAN; fisheyeVWThreshold: REAL; fisheyeSizeAPICoeff: REAL; fisheyeSizeAPIPower: REAL; hTable: SortedHashTable.T; sTable: SortedIndexTable.T; OVERRIDES repaint := Repaint; reshape := Reshape; position := Position; mouse := Mouse; END;
TYPE ShapeSizeRec = RECORD size: CARDINAL; boxes: ARRAY Style OF Rect.T; pixmaps: ARRAY Style OF Pixmap.T; END; ShapeRef = REF ARRAY OF ShapeSizeRec; VAR shapes: ARRAY [0..MaxShape] OF ShapeRef;***********************************************************************
PROCEDURE***********************************************************************InitShape (shape: Shape; nSizes: CARDINAL) = BEGIN shapes[shape] := NEW(ShapeRef, nSizes); FOR i := 0 TO nSizes-1 DO shapes[shape]^[i].size := MaxInt; END; END InitShape;
PROCEDURE**********************************************************************ProvideShapeRectangle ( shape: Shape; (* must be already Inited *) size: CARDINAL; (* "diameter" in pixels *) style: Style; box: Rect.T) RAISES {Error} = VAR s: ShapeRef; n, i: INTEGER; BEGIN s := shapes[shape]; n := NUMBER(s^); i := 0; WHILE (i < n) AND (size > s^[i].size) DO INC(i) END; IF (i >= n) THEN RAISE Error(ErrorKind.TooManySizes); ELSIF s^[i].size # size THEN IF (s^[n-1].size # MaxInt) THEN RAISE Error(ErrorKind.TooManySizes) END; FOR j := n-2 TO i BY -1 DO s^[j+1] := s^[j]; END; s^[i].size := size; END; (* now we have a space ready to store the current size *) s^[i].boxes[style] := box; END ProvideShapeRectangle;
PROCEDURE*********************************************************************ProvideShapeCircle ( shape: Shape; (* must be already Inited *) size: CARDINAL; (* "diameter" in pixels *) style: Style; box: Rect.T; pixmap: Pixmap.T) RAISES {Error} = VAR s: ShapeRef; n, i: INTEGER; BEGIN s := shapes[shape]; n := NUMBER(s^); i := 0; WHILE (i < n) AND (size > s^[i].size) DO INC(i) END; IF (i >= n) THEN RAISE Error(ErrorKind.TooManySizes); ELSIF s^[i].size # size THEN IF (s^[n-1].size # MaxInt) THEN RAISE Error(ErrorKind.TooManySizes) END; FOR j := n-2 TO i BY -1 DO s^[j+1] := s^[j]; END; s^[i].size := size; END; (* now we have a space ready to store the current size *) s^[i].boxes[style] := box; s^[i].pixmaps[style] := pixmap; END ProvideShapeCircle;
PROCEDURE*************************** Color space ****************************SetUpShapes () = (* to be called during initialization *) BEGIN InitShape(Circle, 64); InitShape(Rectangle, 64); FOR i := 0 TO 63 DO ProvideShapeCircle(Circle, i, Style.Filled, CreatePixmap.CircleBox(FLOAT(i)), CreatePixmap.Circle(FLOAT(i))); ProvideShapeRectangle(Rectangle, i, Style.Filled, CreatePixmap.RectangleBox(FLOAT(2*i), FLOAT(2*i))); END; FOR i := 0 TO 63 DO IF i > 0 THEN ProvideShapeCircle(Circle, i, Style.Border, CreatePixmap.CircleBox(FLOAT(i)), CreatePixmap.Circle(FLOAT(i-1))); ProvideShapeRectangle(Rectangle, i, Style.Border, CreatePixmap.RectangleBox(FLOAT(2*i-2), FLOAT(2*i-2))); ELSE ProvideShapeCircle(Circle, i, Style.Border, CreatePixmap.CircleBox(FLOAT(i)), CreatePixmap.Circle(FLOAT(i))); ProvideShapeRectangle(Rectangle, i, Style.Border, CreatePixmap.RectangleBox(FLOAT(2*i), FLOAT(2*i))); END; END; END SetUpShapes;
PROCEDURE**********************************************************************SetColors (v: T) = BEGIN SetNColors(v, 32); v.colors^[Red + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 1.0, g := 0.0, b := 0.0); v.colors^[Orange + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 0.7, g := 0.2, b := 0.0); v.colors^[Yellow + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 0.1, g := 0.3, b := 0.4); v.colors^[Green + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 0.0, g := 1.0, b := 0.0); v.colors^[Blue + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 0.0, g := 0.0, b := 1.0); v.colors^[Purple + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 0.8, g := 0.0, b := 0.5); v.colors^[Maroon + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 0.4, g := 0.1, b := 0.1); v.colors^[Sky + 2].tint := PaintOp.FromRGB(r := 0.8, g := 0.8, b := 1.0); WITH start = Sky + 3 DO FOR i := start TO start + 10 DO v.colors^[i].tint := ColorTools.FromHSV( h := FLOAT(i - start + 1) / 15.0, s := 1.0, v := 1.0, mode := PaintOp.Mode.Accurate); END END END SetColors;
PROCEDURESetNColors (v: T; n: ColorCount) = BEGIN v.ncolors := n; v.colors := NEW(REF ARRAY OF ColorRec, n + 2); v.colors^[0].tint := PaintOp.Fg; v.colors^[1].tint := PaintOp.Bg; END SetNColors; PROCEDURESetColorFromTint (v: T; color: Color; tint: PaintOp.T) = BEGIN v.colors^[color + 2].tint := tint; END SetColorFromTint; PROCEDUREGetColorFromName (name: Text.T): Color = BEGIN IF Text.Equal(name, "White") THEN RETURN White; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Black") THEN RETURN Black; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Red") THEN RETURN Red; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Orange") THEN RETURN Orange; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Yellow") THEN RETURN Yellow; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Green") THEN RETURN Green; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Blue") THEN RETURN Blue; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Purple") THEN RETURN Purple; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Maroon") THEN RETURN Maroon; ELSIF Text.Equal(name, "Sky") THEN RETURN Sky; ELSE Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Unrecogniged color\n"); RETURN DefaultColor; END; END GetColorFromName;
PROCEDURE********************************************************************SetFisheye (v: T; READONLY val: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF v.fisheye # val THEN v.fisheye := val; IF NOT v.fisheye THEN RedrawMe(v, Rect.Full); ELSE UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheye; PROCEDUREGetFisheye (v: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN v.fisheye; END GetFisheye; PROCEDURESetShape (v: T; shape: Shape) = BEGIN IF v.nodeShape # shape THEN v.nodeShape := shape; RedrawFisheye (v, Rect.Full); END; END SetShape; PROCEDURESetStyle (v: T; style: Style) = BEGIN IF v.nodeStyle # style THEN v.nodeStyle := style; RedrawFisheye (v, Rect.Full); END; END SetStyle; PROCEDURESetSemanticColor (v: T; useColor: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF v.semanticColor # useColor THEN v.semanticColor := useColor; IF v.fisheye THEN UpdateView(v) END END; END SetSemanticColor; PROCEDURESetFisheyeText (v: T; READONLY val: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF v.fisheyeText # val THEN v.fisheyeText := val; Redraw(v); END; END SetFisheyeText; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeText (v: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN v.fisheyeText; END GetFisheyeText; PROCEDURESetCageSize (v: T; READONLY val: INTEGER) = BEGIN v.cageSize := val; END SetCageSize; PROCEDUREGetCageSize (v: T): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN v.cageSize; END GetCageSize;
PROCEDURESetFisheyeFocus (v: T; focus: RealPoint.T) = BEGIN IF NOT RealPoint.Equal(v.fisheyeWorldFocus, focus) THEN v.fisheyeWorldFocus := focus; IF v.fisheye THEN UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheyeFocus; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeFocus (v: T): RealPoint.T = BEGIN RETURN v.fisheyeWorldFocus; END GetFisheyeFocus; PROCEDURESetFisheyeDistortion (v: T; distortion: REAL) = BEGIN IF v.fDistortion # distortion THEN v.fDistortion := distortion; IF v.fisheye THEN UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheyeDistortion; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeDistortion (v: T;): REAL = BEGIN RETURN v.fDistortion; END GetFisheyeDistortion; PROCEDURESetFisheyeSizeFactor (v: T; sizeFactor: REAL) = BEGIN IF v.fSizeFactor # sizeFactor THEN v.fSizeFactor := sizeFactor; IF v.fisheye THEN UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheyeSizeFactor; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeSizeFactor (v: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN v.fSizeFactor; END GetFisheyeSizeFactor; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeFocusSize (v: T): INTEGER = BEGIN IF v.currentFocusNode < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END; WITH node = v.table^[v.currentFocusNode] DO RETURN node.fsizeIndex; END END GetFisheyeFocusSize; PROCEDURESetFisheyeVWThreshold (v:T; READONLY val: REAL)= BEGIN IF v.fisheyeVWThreshold # val THEN v.fisheyeVWThreshold := val; IF v.fisheye THEN UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheyeVWThreshold; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeVWThreshold (v: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN v.fisheyeVWThreshold; END GetFisheyeVWThreshold; PROCEDURESetFisheyeSizeAPICoeff (v:T; READONLY val: REAL) = BEGIN IF v.fisheyeSizeAPICoeff # val THEN v.fisheyeSizeAPICoeff := val; IF v.fisheye THEN UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheyeSizeAPICoeff; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeSizeAPICoeff (v: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN v.fisheyeSizeAPICoeff; END GetFisheyeSizeAPICoeff; PROCEDURESetFisheyeSizeAPIPower (v:T; READONLY val: REAL) = BEGIN IF v.fisheyeSizeAPIPower # val THEN v.fisheyeSizeAPIPower := val; IF v.fisheye THEN UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheyeSizeAPIPower; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeSizeAPIPower (v: T): REAL = BEGIN RETURN v.fisheyeSizeAPIPower; END GetFisheyeSizeAPIPower; PROCEDURESetFisheyeFocusDevice (v: T; device: FocusDevice) = BEGIN v.fFocusDevice := device; END SetFisheyeFocusDevice; PROCEDUREGetFisheyeFocusDevice (v: T): FocusDevice = BEGIN RETURN v.fFocusDevice; END GetFisheyeFocusDevice; PROCEDURESetNodeColor (v: T; color: Color) = BEGIN v.nodeColor := color; END SetNodeColor; PROCEDURESetFocusColor (v: T; color: Color) = BEGIN v.focusColor := color; END SetFocusColor; PROCEDURESetLinkColor (v: T; color: Color) = BEGIN v.linkColor := color; END SetLinkColor; PROCEDURESetLabelColor (v: T; color: Color) = BEGIN v.nodeLabelColor := color; END SetLabelColor; PROCEDURESetLinkThickness (v: T; thickness: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF v.linkThickness # thickness THEN v.linkThickness := thickness; END; END SetLinkThickness; PROCEDURESetNodeInteriorColor (v: T; color: Color) = BEGIN v.nodeInteriorColor := color; END SetNodeInteriorColor;
graph related parameters *******************************************************************
PROCEDURE********************************************************************SetMaxNodes (v: T; max: CARDINAL) = BEGIN v.maxNodes := max; v.table := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Node, max); END SetMaxNodes; PROCEDURESetMarginSize (v : T; m: REAL) = BEGIN v.marginSize := m; END SetMarginSize; PROCEDURESetBg (v: T; tint: PaintOp.T) = BEGIN v.background := tint; IF v.viewVisible THEN RedrawMe(v, Rect.Full) END; END SetBg; PROCEDURESetFont (v: T; font: Font.T) = BEGIN v.font := font; IF v.viewVisible THEN RedrawMe(v, Rect.Full) END; END SetFont;
PROCEDURE********************************************************************SetFisheyeType (v: T; fisheye_type: FisheyeType) = VAR change: BOOLEAN; BEGIN change := FALSE; IF NOT v.fisheye THEN v.fisheye := TRUE; change := TRUE; END; IF v.fisheyeType # fisheye_type THEN v.fisheyeType := fisheye_type; change := TRUE; END; IF change THEN IF v.fisheyeType # FisheyeType.Graphical THEN ComputeDistance(v) END; UpdateView(v); END; END SetFisheyeType;
PROCEDURESetFisheyeMapType (v: T; fisheye_map_type: FisheyeMapType) = BEGIN IF v.fisheyeMapType # fisheye_map_type THEN v.fisheyeMapType := fisheye_map_type; IF NOT v.fisheye THEN RedrawMe(v, Rect.Full); ELSE UpdateView(v); END; END; END SetFisheyeMapType; PROCEDURESetWC (v : T; n, w, s, e : REAL; square: BOOLEAN := TRUE) = VAR margin: REAL; BEGIN (* ASSERT((w # e) AND (n # s),"GraphVBT: degenerate world coordinates"); *) v.square := square; margin := v.marginSize * v.nodeSize; v.west := w - margin; v.east := e + margin; IF n < s THEN v.north := n - margin; v.south := s + margin; ELSE v.north := n + margin; v.south := s - margin; END; IF v.viewVisible THEN (* do as Reshape does *) v.trustCaches := FALSE; ComputeTransformation(v, VBT.Domain(v)); RedrawMe(v, Rect.Full); END; END SetWC; PROCEDUREGetWC (v : T; VAR (*out*) n, w, s, e : REAL) = BEGIN n := v.north; w := v.west; s := v.south; e := v.east; END GetWC;
************************ Graph creation **************************
PROCEDURE*********************************************************************NewNode ( v: T; n: NodeIndex; x, y: Coord; api: REAL; label: Text.T := NIL) RAISES {Error} = VAR node: Node; BEGIN IF n >= v.maxNodes THEN RAISE Error(ErrorKind.NoSuchNode) END; node := NEW(Node); v.table^[n] := node; node.pos := RealPoint.T{x,y}; node.fpos := RealPoint.T{x,y}; node.radius := 0.0; node.api := api; node.fVW := 1.0; node.label := label; node.color := v.nodeColor; node.shape := v.nodeShape; := v.nodeStyle; node.size := v.nodeSize; node.labelStyle := v.nodeLabelStyle; node.labelColor := v.nodeLabelColor; node.labelFont := v.nodeLabelFont; node.labelShift := v.nodeLabelShift; END NewNode;
PROCEDURE***********************************************************************NewLink ( v: T; a, b: NodeIndex; aIndex, bIndex: LinkIndex; segmentPoints: PointArray := NIL) RAISES {Error} = VAR nodea, nodeb: Node; linka, linkb: Link; BEGIN nodea := v.table^[a]; nodeb := v.table^[b]; IF (nodea = NIL) OR (nodeb = NIL) THEN RAISE Error(ErrorKind.NoSuchNode); END; linka := NEW(Link); linkb := NEW(Link); linka.from := nodea; linka.alterEgo := linkb; linka.primary := TRUE; linka.color := v.linkColor; linka.thickness := v.linkThickness; linka.segPoints := segmentPoints; IF linka.segPoints # NIL THEN linka.fsegPoints := NEW(PointArray, NUMBER(linka.segPoints^)); linka.fsegPoints^ := linka.segPoints^; END; linka.divided := FALSE; linkb.from := nodeb; linkb.alterEgo := linka; linkb.primary := FALSE; linkb.color := v.linkColor; linkb.thickness := v.linkThickness; IF segmentPoints # NIL THEN linkb.segPoints := GraphData.RevPoints(segmentPoints); linkb.fsegPoints := NEW(PointArray, NUMBER(linkb.segPoints^)); linkb.fsegPoints^ := linkb.segPoints^; END; linkb.divided := FALSE;[aIndex] := linka;[bIndex] := linkb; END NewLink; CONST Huge = 1.0E8;
PROCEDURESetup ( v: T; g: GraphData.T; allowSegmented: BOOLEAN := TRUE; extraNodes: CARDINAL := 0; computeWC: BOOLEAN := TRUE; margin: REAL := 0.1) = VAR n: CARDINAL; marg: REAL; bbox: RealRect.T; BEGIN n := NUMBER(g^); IF n + extraNodes > v.maxNodes THEN SetMaxNodes(v, n + extraNodes) ELSE v.maxNodes := n+extraNodes; END; v.hTable := SortedHashTable.New(v.maxNodes); v.sTable := SortedIndexTable.New(v.maxNodes); (* pass 1: make the nodes *) FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO IF g^[i].present THEN NewNode(v, i, g^[i].x, g^[i].y, g^[i].api, g^[i].name) END; END; (* FOR i *) (* pass 2: put in the links *) FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO IF g^[i].present THEN FOR j := 0 TO GraphData.MaxEdge DO WITH e = g^[i].edge[j] DO IF e.present AND (i < e.dest) (* avoid duplicate effort *) THEN IF allowSegmented THEN NewLink(v, i, e.dest, j, e.destEdge, e.segPoints); ELSE NewLink(v, i, e.dest, j, e.destEdge, NIL); END; END; END; (* WITH *) END; (* FOR j *) END; (* IF node is present *) END; (* FOR i *) IF computeWC THEN bbox := GraphData.BoundingBox(g); IF (bbox.east > bbox.west) OR (bbox.south > bbox.north) THEN marg := MAX(bbox.east - bbox.west, bbox.south - bbox.north) * margin; END; (* world coordinates: y increasing upward *) SetWC(v, bbox.south+marg, bbox.west-marg, bbox.north-marg, bbox.east+marg); (* does an implicit redraw *) END; IF v.fisheyeType # FisheyeType.Graphical THEN ComputeDistance(v); END; END Setup;
************************** Methods *****************************
PROCEDURE***********************************************************************Mouse (v: T; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) = VAR delta, fdelta, mouse_point: RealPoint.T; Xmax, Ymax: REAL; BEGIN IF (v.fFocusDevice = FocusDevice.Mouse) AND (v.fisheye) AND (NOT cd.cp.gone) THEN IF (cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.FirstDown) THEN mouse_point := StoW(v,; IF v.fisheyeMapType = FisheyeMapType.Cartesian THEN fdelta := RealPoint.Sub(mouse_point, v.fisheyeOldFocus); IF fdelta.h < 0.0 THEN Xmax := v.west - v.fisheyeOldFocus.h; ELSE Xmax := v.east - v.fisheyeOldFocus.h; END; IF fdelta.v < 0.0 THEN Ymax := v.south - v.fisheyeOldFocus.v; ELSE Ymax := v.north - v.fisheyeOldFocus.v; END; delta := UnmapPoint(v, fdelta, Xmax, Ymax); v.fisheyeWorldFocus := RealPoint.Add(delta, v.fisheyeOldFocus); ELSE v.fisheyeWorldFocus := mouse_point; END; NewScreenFocus(v); ELSIF (cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.LastUp) AND (v.fisheyeText) THEN RedrawFisheye(v, Rect.Full); END; END; END Mouse;
PROCEDURE***********************************************************************Position (v: T; READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec) = BEGIN IF (v.fisheye) AND (v.fFocusDevice = FocusDevice.Mouse) AND (NOT cd.cp.gone) AND (VBT.Modifier.MouseL IN cd.modifiers) THEN v.fisheyeWorldFocus := StoW(v,; NewScreenFocus(v); END; IF v.cageSize # 0 THEN VBT.SetCage(v, VBT.CageFromRect( Rect.T{ - v.cageSize, + v.cageSize, - v.cageSize, + v.cageSize}, cd.cp)); ELSE VBT.SetCage(v, VBT.CageFromPosition(cd.cp)); END; END Position;
PROCEDURE*********************************************************************Reshape (v: T; READONLY cd: VBT.ReshapeRec) = BEGIN IF Rect.IsEmpty( THEN v.viewVisible := FALSE; ELSE SetImage(v); v.viewVisible := TRUE; v.trustCaches := FALSE; ComputeTransformation(v,; IF v.fisheye THEN RedrawFisheye(v, Rect.Full); ELSE RedrawMe(v, Rect.Full); END; END; END Reshape;
PROCEDURE********************************************************************Repaint (v: T; READONLY r: Region.T) = BEGIN (* later we should really clip to r *) IF v.fisheye THEN RedrawFisheye(v, r.r); ELSE RedrawMe(v, r.r); END; END Repaint;
PROCEDURERedraw (v: T; <* UNUSED *> force: BOOLEAN := TRUE) = BEGIN IF v.fisheye THEN RedrawFisheye(v, Rect.Full); ELSE RedrawMe(v, Rect.Full); END; END Redraw;
********************* Painting procedures *****************************
PROCEDURE*******************************************************************RedrawMe ( v: T; READONLY clip: Rect.T) = VAR node: Node; link: Link; p: Point.T; labelBox, drawBox: Rect.T; BEGIN VBT.PaintTint(v, clip, v.background); (* links first, then nodes, for better appearance *) FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO node := v.table^[i]; IF node # NIL THEN FOR j := 0 TO MaxLink DO link :=[j]; IF (link # NIL) AND (link.primary) THEN DrawLink(v, link, FALSE, v.trustCaches); END; END; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO node := v.table^[i]; IF node # NIL THEN DrawNode(v, node, v.trustCaches); p := ConvertPoint(v, node.pos); labelBox := VBT.BoundingBox(v, node.label, v.font); drawBox := Rect.Inset( shapes[node.shape]^[node.sizeIndex].boxes[], 1); IF (node.labelStyle # LabelStyle.NoLabel) AND (node.label # NIL) AND ( ((Rect.HorSize(labelBox) <= Rect.HorSize(drawBox)) AND (Rect.VerSize(labelBox) <= Rect.VerSize(drawBox)))) THEN DrawLabel(v, node, p); END; END; END; v.trustCaches := TRUE; END RedrawMe; PROCEDUREDrawNode ( v: T; node: Node; trustSize: BOOLEAN := TRUE) = VAR p: Point.T; BEGIN p := ConvertPoint(v, node.pos); IF (NOT trustSize) OR (node.sizeIndex < 0) THEN node.sizeIndex := ChooseSize(v, node,; END; PaintBox(v, p, shapes[node.shape]^[node.sizeIndex],, -1); END DrawNode; PROCEDUREDrawLink ( v: T; link: Link; <* UNUSED *> andEnds: BOOLEAN := TRUE; <* UNUSED *> trustCaches: BOOLEAN := TRUE) = VAR p1, p2: Point.T; BEGIN IF link.segPoints # NIL THEN DrawLinkSegmented(v, link); ELSE p1 := ConvertPoint(v, link.from.pos); p2 := ConvertPoint(v, link.alterEgo.from.pos); PaintLink(v, link, p1, p2); END; END DrawLink; PROCEDUREDrawLinkSegmented ( v: T; link: Link; <* UNUSED *> erase: BOOLEAN := FALSE) = VAR p1, p2, pFinal: Point.T; final: CARDINAL; path: Path.T; p, q, r, s: Point.T; count: INTEGER; BEGIN count := 0; p := Point.Origin; q := Point.Origin; r := Point.Origin; s := Point.Origin; path := NEW(Path.T); p1 := ConvertPoint(v, link.from.pos); p := p1; count := count + 1; Path.MoveTo(path, p); pFinal := ConvertPoint(v, link.alterEgo.from.pos); final := NUMBER(link.segPoints^); FOR i := 0 TO final DO IF i < final THEN p2 := ConvertPoint(v, link.segPoints^[i]); count := count + 1; IF count = 4 THEN s := p2; Path.CurveTo(path, q, r, s); p := s; count := 1; ELSE IF count = 2 THEN q := p2; ELSIF count = 3 THEN r := p2; END; END; ELSE p2 := pFinal; count := count + 1; IF count = 2 THEN s := p2; Path.LineTo(path, s); ELSIF count = 3 THEN Path.CurveTo(path, q, q, s); ELSIF count = 4 THEN Path.CurveTo(path, q, r, s); END; count := 1; p := p2; END; PaintLink(v, link, p1, p2); p1 := p2; END; (* path := Path.Flatten(path); VBT.Stroke(v, Rect.Full, path); *) END DrawLinkSegmented; PROCEDUREDrawLabel (v: T; node: Node; p: Point.T) = VAR mid, refpt: Point.T; r: Rect.T; tint: PaintOp.T; font: Font.T; BEGIN r := VBT.BoundingBox(v, node.label, v.font); mid := Rect.Middle(r); refpt.v := p.v - mid.v + 1; (* +1 adjusts for absent descenders *) CASE node.labelStyle OF LabelStyle.Left => refpt.h := p.h - r.east - shapes[node.shape]^[node.sizeIndex].size - 3; | LabelStyle.Center => refpt.h := p.h - mid.h; | LabelStyle.Right => refpt.h := p.h - r.west + shapes[node.shape]^[node.sizeIndex].size + 3; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; INC(refpt.h, node.labelShift); IF v.nodeLabelColor # DefaultColor THEN tint := v.colors^[v.nodeLabelColor+2].tint; ELSIF ( = Style.Filled) AND (node.labelStyle = LabelStyle.Center) THEN tint := v.background; ELSE tint := PaintOp.Fg; END; IF node.labelFont # Font.BuiltIn THEN font := node.labelFont; ELSE font := v.font; END; PaintText(v, refpt, font, tint, node.label); END DrawLabel; PROCEDURERedrawFisheye (v: T; clip: Rect.T; withText := TRUE) = VAR node : Node; p : Point.T; br : Region.T; pixmap: ScrnPixmap.T; BEGIN VBT.PaintTint(v.offscreen, clip, v.background); FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes - 1 DO node := v.table^[i]; (* node := v.table^[v.sTable.items^[i].data]; *) IF (node # NIL) AND (node.fVW >= v.fisheyeVWThreshold) THEN FOR j := 0 TO MaxLink DO VAR link :=[j]; BEGIN IF (link # NIL) AND (link.primary) AND (link.alterEgo.from.fVW >= v.fisheyeVWThreshold) THEN FisheyeDrawLink(v, link); END; END; END; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes - 1 DO node := v.table^[i]; (* node := v.table^[v.sTable.items^[i].data]; *) IF (node # NIL) AND (node.fVW >= v.fisheyeVWThreshold) AND (node.fsizeIndex > 0) THEN FisheyeDrawNode(v, node, i); IF withText AND (v.fisheyeText) AND (node.label # NIL) THEN FisheyeDrawLabel(v, node); END; END; END; (* to make sure that the focus is on top of everything else *) IF v.currentFocusNode # -1 THEN node := v.table^[v.currentFocusNode]; FisheyeDrawFocusNode(v, node); IF withText AND (v.fisheyeText) AND (node.label # NIL) THEN FisheyeDrawLabel(v, node); END; END; (* draw a plus sign for mouse *) p := ConvertPoint(v, v.fisheyeWorldFocus); VBT.Line(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, Point.T{p.h - 6, p.v}, Point.T{p.h + 6, p.v}, op := PaintOp.Fg); VBT.Line(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, Point.T{p.h, p.v - 6}, Point.T{p.h, p.v + 6}, op := PaintOp.Fg); pixmap := VBT.Capture(v.offscreen, VBT.Domain(v), br); IF pixmap = NIL THEN RETURN END; VBT.PaintScrnPixmap(v, src := pixmap, delta := Point.Origin); VBT.Sync(v);; v.trustCaches := TRUE; END RedrawFisheye;
PROCEDURE******************************************************************FisheyeDrawNode (v: T; node: Node; id: INTEGER) = VAR p := ConvertPoint(v, node.fpos); BEGIN IF v.fisheyeType = FisheyeType.Graphical THEN PaintBox(v, p, shapes[node.shape]^[node.fsizeIndex],, -1) ELSE IF v.semanticColor THEN PaintBox( v, p, shapes[node.shape]^[node.fsizeIndex],, TRUNC(v.dist[v.currentFocusNode, id])); ELSE (* adjust the size *) WITH dist = MIN( 10, TRUNC(v.dist[v.currentFocusNode, id])), sz = MAX(2, node.fsizeIndex + 5 - 2*dist) DO PaintBox(v, p, shapes[node.shape]^[sz],, -1) END END END END FisheyeDrawNode; PROCEDUREFisheyeDrawFocusNode (v: T; node: Node) = VAR p := ConvertPoint(v, node.fpos); BEGIN PaintFocusBox(v, p, shapes[node.shape]^[node.fsizeIndex],; END FisheyeDrawFocusNode;
PROCEDURE******************************************************************FisheyeDrawLink (v: T; link: Link) = VAR p1, p2: Point.T; BEGIN IF link.fsegPoints # NIL THEN FisheyeDrawLinkSegmented(v, link); ELSE p1 := ConvertPoint(v, link.from.fpos); p2 := ConvertPoint(v, link.alterEgo.from.fpos); PaintLink(v, link, p1, p2); END; END FisheyeDrawLink;
PROCEDURE*********************************************************************FisheyeDrawLinkSegmented ( v: T; link: Link) = VAR p1, p2, pFinal: Point.T; final: CARDINAL; path: Path.T; p, q, r, s: Point.T; count: INTEGER; BEGIN count := 0; path := NEW(Path.T); p1 := ConvertPoint(v, link.from.fpos); p := p1; count := count + 1; Path.MoveTo(path, p); pFinal := ConvertPoint(v, link.alterEgo.from.fpos); final := NUMBER(link.fsegPoints^); FOR i := 0 TO final DO IF i < final THEN p2 := ConvertPoint(v, link.fsegPoints^[i]); count := count + 1; IF count = 4 THEN s := p2; Path.CurveTo(path, q, r, s); p := s; count := 1; ELSE IF count = 2 THEN q := p2; ELSIF count = 3 THEN r := p2; END; END; ELSE p2 := pFinal; count := count + 1; IF count = 2 THEN s := p2; Path.LineTo(path, s); ELSIF count = 3 THEN Path.CurveTo(path, q, q, s); ELSIF count = 4 THEN Path.CurveTo(path, q, r, s); END; count := 1; p := p2; END; PaintLink(v, link, p1, p2); p1 := p2; END; (* path := Path.Flatten(path); VBT.Stroke(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, path); *) END FisheyeDrawLinkSegmented;
PROCEDURE**************************** painting **************************FisheyeDrawLabel (v: T; node: Node) = VAR mid, refpt: Point.T; r: Rect.T; tint: PaintOp.T; font: Font.T; drawBox: Rect.T; i, labelLen: INTEGER; label: Text.T; done: BOOLEAN; p: Point.T; BEGIN p := ConvertPoint(v, node.fpos); drawBox := Rect.Inset( shapes[node.shape]^[node.fsizeIndex].boxes[], 2); labelLen := Text.Length(node.label); done := FALSE; i := labelLen + 1; WHILE (NOT done) AND (i > 0) DO i := i - 1; label := Text.Sub(node.label, 0, i); r := VBT.BoundingBox(v.offscreen, label, v.font); IF (Rect.HorSize(r) < Rect.HorSize(drawBox)) AND (Rect.VerSize(r) < Rect.VerSize(drawBox)) THEN done := TRUE; END; END; IF i > 0 THEN mid := Rect.Middle(r); refpt.v := p.v - mid.v + 1; (* +1 adjusts for absent descenders *) CASE node.labelStyle OF LabelStyle.Left => refpt.h := p.h - r.east - shapes[node.shape]^[node.fsizeIndex].size - 3; | LabelStyle.Center => refpt.h := p.h - mid.h; | LabelStyle.Right => refpt.h := p.h - r.west + shapes[node.shape]^[node.fsizeIndex].size + 3; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; INC(refpt.h, node.labelShift); IF v.nodeLabelColor # DefaultColor THEN tint := v.colors^[v.nodeLabelColor+2].tint; ELSIF ( = Style.Filled) AND (node.labelStyle = LabelStyle.Center) THEN tint := v.background; ELSE tint := PaintOp.Fg; END; IF node.labelFont # Font.BuiltIn THEN font := node.labelFont; ELSE font := v.font; END; PaintText(v, refpt, font, tint, label); END; END FisheyeDrawLabel;
PROCEDURE**** Transformations ****************************************************PaintBox ( v: T; READONLY p: Point.T; READONLY sh: ShapeSizeRec; <* UNUSED *> style: Style; distance: INTEGER) = VAR tint_border := v.colors^[v.nodeColor+2].tint; tint_interior := v.colors^[v.nodeInteriorColor+2].tint; BEGIN IF distance # -1 THEN tint_interior := v.colors^[MIN(distance,10)+Sky+3].tint; END; IF v.nodeShape = Rectangle THEN VBT.PaintTint(v.offscreen, Rect.Add(sh.boxes[Style.Filled], p), tint_border); IF v.nodeStyle = Style.Border THEN VBT.PaintTint(v.offscreen, Rect.Add(sh.boxes[Style.Border], p), tint_interior); END; ELSE VBT.PaintPixmap(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, PaintOp.TransparentFg, sh.pixmaps[Style.Filled], p); IF v.nodeStyle = Style.Border THEN VBT.PaintPixmap(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, PaintOp.TransparentBg, sh.pixmaps[Style.Border], p); END; END; END PaintBox; PROCEDUREPaintFocusBox ( v: T; READONLY p: Point.T; READONLY sh: ShapeSizeRec; <* UNUSED *> style: Style) = VAR tint_border := v.colors^[v.nodeColor+2].tint; tint_interior := v.colors^[v.focusColor+2].tint; BEGIN IF v.nodeShape = Rectangle THEN VBT.PaintTint(v.offscreen, Rect.Add(sh.boxes[Style.Filled], p), tint_border); IF v.nodeStyle = Style.Border OR v.highlight = TRUE THEN VBT.PaintTint(v.offscreen, Rect.Add(sh.boxes[Style.Border], p), tint_interior); END; ELSE VBT.PaintPixmap(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, PaintOp.TransparentFg, sh.pixmaps[Style.Filled], p); IF v.nodeStyle = Style.Border OR v.highlight = TRUE THEN VBT.PaintPixmap(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, PaintOp.TransparentBg, sh.pixmaps[Style.Border], p); END; END; END PaintFocusBox; PROCEDUREPaintText ( v: T; READONLY refpt: Point.T; font: Font.T; tint: PaintOp.T; text: Text.T) = BEGIN VBT.PaintText(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, refpt, font, text, PaintOp.Pair(PaintOp.Transparent, tint)); END PaintText; PROCEDUREPaintLink ( v: T; <* UNUSED *> link: Link; READONLY p1, p2: Point.T) = VAR tint: PaintOp.T; BEGIN tint := v.colors^[v.linkColor + 2].tint; VBT.Line(v.offscreen, Rect.Full, p1, p2, width := v.linkThickness-1, op := tint); END PaintLink;
Compute transformation: we compute scalex, scaley and transx, transy to convert world coordinates into screen coordinates: screenPoint = worldPoint * scaleFactor + trans Depending on the value of v.square, we either do this on a per- coordinate basis, or we do it in such a way that the world coordinate rectangle has its vient-fixed aspect ratio and fits the vbt exactly in the tighter dimension. The center of world coordinate space always maps to the center of the vbt.
PROCEDUREComputeTransformation (v: T; READONLY domain: Rect.T) = VAR screenh, screenv: INTEGER; (* screen rect width and height *) screenCenter: Point.T; (* screen rect center *) worldh, worldv: REAL; (* world rect width and height *) rh, rv: REAL; (* width and height ratios *) realcx, realcy: REAL; (* world rect center *) scaleFactor: REAL; (* world -> screen scaling factor *) BEGIN (* compute screen rectangle with and height *) screenh := domain.east - domain.west; screenv := domain.south - domain.north; screenCenter := Rect.Middle(domain); (* compute world rectangle width and height *) worldh := v.east - v.west; worldv := v.south - v.north; (* also compute the center of the world rectangle *) realcx := (v.east + v.west) / 2.0; realcy := (v.north + v.south) / 2.0; rh := FLOAT(screenh) / worldh; rv := FLOAT(screenv) / worldv; IF v.square THEN (* fixed aspect ratio *) scaleFactor := MIN(ABS(rh), ABS(rv)); v.scalex := scaleFactor; (* might change someday *) IF rv > 0.0 THEN v.scaley := scaleFactor; ELSE v.scaley := -scaleFactor; END; ELSE (* flexible aspect ratio *) v.scalex := rh; v.scaley := rv; END; IF v.maxNodes = 0 THEN v.favoriteSize := 10.0 ELSE v.favoriteSize := ABS(MIN(worldh, worldv) / (6.0 * FLOAT(Math.sqrt(FLOAT(v.maxNodes, LONGREAL))))); END; v.arrowSize := v.favoriteSize * 0.65; (* - arrow size is experimental, may need tuning *) v.transx := screenCenter.h - TRUNC(realcx * v.scalex); v.transy := screenCenter.v - TRUNC(realcy * v.scaley); END ComputeTransformation; PROCEDUREWtoS (v: T; rp: RealPoint.T): Point.T = BEGIN RETURN ConvertPoint(v, rp); END WtoS; PROCEDUREStoW (v: T; p: Point.T): RealPoint.T = BEGIN RETURN ConvertBack(v, p); END StoW; PROCEDUREConvertPoint (vbt: T; rp: RealPoint.T): Point.T = VAR p: Point.T; BEGIN p.h := TRUNC(rp.h * vbt.scalex) + vbt.transx; p.v := TRUNC(rp.v * vbt.scaley) + vbt.transy; RETURN p END ConvertPoint; PROCEDUREConvertBack (vbt: T; p: Point.T): RealPoint.T = VAR rp: RealPoint.T; BEGIN rp.h := FLOAT(p.h - vbt.transx) / vbt.scalex; rp.v := FLOAT(p.v - vbt.transy) / vbt.scaley; RETURN rp; END ConvertBack;
ChooseSize: given node's
size and the scaling currently in
effect for this vbt, choose the best size available in node's shape
and style. Return its index, an index into the size/bitmap array
for this shape.
PROCEDUREChooseSize (v: T; node: Node; <* UNUSED *> style: Style): CARDINAL = VAR nodeSize := node.size; pixSize: INTEGER; BEGIN IF nodeSize = 0.0 THEN nodeSize := v.favoriteSize END; pixSize := TRUNC(0.5 + nodeSize * ABS(v.scalex)); RETURN MAX (0, MIN (pixSize, 63)); END ChooseSize; PROCEDUREGetSizeIndex ( <* UNUSED *> v: T; pixSize: INTEGER; <* UNUSED *> style: Style := Style.Border): INTEGER = BEGIN IF pixSize <= 0 THEN RETURN 0; ELSIF pixSize >= 63 THEN RETURN 63; ELSE RETURN pixSize; END; END GetSizeIndex;
********************************** Compute Fisheye Views *************
CONST InfiniteDist: REAL = 9999.0; TYPE SetOfNodes = ARRAY [0..400] OF BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE****************** Graphical Fisheye Views ****************************InitializeSingleSource (VAR v: T; s: INTEGER) = BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO v.table^[i].dist := InfiniteDist; END; v.table^[s].dist := 0.0; END InitializeSingleSource; PROCEDURERelax (VAR v: T; u1: INTEGER; u2: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF (v.table^[u2].dist > (v.table^[u1].dist + 1.0)) THEN v.table^[u2].dist := v.table^[u1].dist + 1.0; END; END Relax; PROCEDUREExtractMin (v: T; VAR Q: SetOfNodes): INTEGER = VAR index: INTEGER; min: REAL; BEGIN min := InfiniteDist+1.0; index := -1; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO IF ( Q[i] = TRUE) AND (v.table^[i].dist < min) THEN min := v.table^[i].dist; index := i; END; END; IF (index # -1) THEN Q[index] := FALSE; RETURN index; ELSE Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout, "No node left to extract: error\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout); RETURN index; END; END ExtractMin; PROCEDUREAdjacent (v: T; u1: INTEGER; u2: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR linku1, linku2: Link; BEGIN IF (u1 = u2) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FOR i := 0 TO MaxLink - 1 DO linku1 := v.table^[u1].link[i]; linku2 := v.table^[u2].link[i]; IF (linku1 # NIL) THEN IF RealPoint.Equal( linku1.alterEgo.from.pos, v.table^[u2].pos) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; IF (linku2 # NIL) THEN IF RealPoint.Equal( linku2.alterEgo.from.pos, v.table^[u1].pos) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END Adjacent; PROCEDURESetEmpty (v: T; READONLY Q: SetOfNodes): BOOLEAN = VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := TRUE; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO IF Q[i] THEN res := FALSE; END; END; RETURN res; END SetEmpty; PROCEDUREComputeDistanceFromNode (v: T; id: INTEGER) = VAR S, Q: SetOfNodes; u1: INTEGER; BEGIN InitializeSingleSource(v, id); FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO S[i] := FALSE; Q[i] := TRUE; END; WHILE (SetEmpty(v,Q) = FALSE) DO u1 := ExtractMin(v, Q); S[u1] := TRUE; FOR u2 := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO IF (Adjacent(v, u1, u2) = TRUE) THEN Relax(v, u1, u2); END; END; END; END ComputeDistanceFromNode; PROCEDUREComputeDistance (v: T) = BEGIN v.dist := NEW(REF ARRAY OF ARRAY OF REAL, v.maxNodes, v.maxNodes); FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes - 1 DO ComputeDistanceFromNode(v, i); FOR j := 0 TO v.maxNodes - 1 DO v.dist[i, j] := v.table^[j].dist END END END ComputeDistance; PROCEDUREDetermineFocus (v: T): INTEGER = VAR closest: INTEGER; closestDistSqr: REAL; distSqr: REAL; BEGIN closest := 0; closestDistSqr := RealPoint.DistSquare(v.fisheyeWorldFocus, v.table^[0].pos); FOR i := 1 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO distSqr := RealPoint.DistSquare(v.table^[i].pos, v.fisheyeWorldFocus); IF distSqr < closestDistSqr THEN closest := i; closestDistSqr := distSqr; END; END; RETURN closest; END DetermineFocus; PROCEDURESemanticViewChangeRequired (v: T): BOOLEAN = VAR focus: INTEGER; BEGIN focus := DetermineFocus(v); IF focus # v.currentFocusNode THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END SemanticViewChangeRequired; PROCEDUREComputeSemanticFisheye (v: T) = CONST epsilon = 0.0001; VAR node : Node; MaxVW, MinVW: REAL; radius : REAL; BEGIN v.currentFocusNode := DetermineFocus(v); MaxVW := -99999.0; MinVW := +99999.0; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes - 1 DO node := v.table^[i]; IF node # NIL THEN node.fpos := node.pos; IF (NOT v.trustCaches) OR (node.sizeIndex < 0) THEN node.sizeIndex := ChooseSize(v, node,; END; radius := v.fSizeFactor * FLOAT( shapes[node.shape]^[node.sizeIndex].size) / v.scalex; node.fsizeIndex := GetSizeIndex(v, TRUNC(0.5 + radius * v.scalex)); node.fVW := FLOAT(node.api - v.dist[v.currentFocusNode,i]); IF node.fVW > MaxVW THEN MaxVW := node.fVW; END; IF node.fVW < MinVW THEN MinVW := node.fVW; END; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes - 1 DO node := v.table^[i]; IF node # NIL THEN node.fVW := ABS((node.fVW - MinVW) / (MaxVW - MinVW + epsilon)); END; END; END ComputeSemanticFisheye;
R, X and resulting value must all have the same sign
PROCEDURE************************************************************************MapCoordinate (v: T; x: REAL; Xmax: REAL): REAL = BEGIN RETURN Xmax * (((v.fDistortion + 1.0) * (x / Xmax)) / ((v.fDistortion * (x / Xmax) + 1.0))); END MapCoordinate; PROCEDUREMapPoint ( v: T; point: RealPoint.T; Xmax: REAL; Ymax: REAL): RealPoint.T = BEGIN RETURN RealPoint.T{ Xmax * (((v.fDistortion + 1.0) * (point.h / Xmax)) / ((v.fDistortion * (point.h / Xmax) + 1.0))), Ymax * (((v.fDistortion + 1.0) * (point.v / Ymax)) / ((v.fDistortion * (point.v / Ymax) + 1.0)))}; END MapPoint; PROCEDUREUnmapPoint ( v: T; point: RealPoint.T; Xmax: REAL; Ymax: REAL): RealPoint.T = BEGIN RETURN RealPoint.T{ point.h / ( v.fDistortion * (1.0 - point.h / Xmax) + 1.0), point.v / ( v.fDistortion * (1.0 - point.v / Ymax) + 1.0)}; END UnmapPoint; PROCEDUREMapPolarPoint ( v: T; point: RealPoint.T; Xmax: REAL; Ymax: REAL): RealPoint.T = VAR rnorm, rfeye, rmax: REAL; pfeye: RealPoint.T; theta: LONGREAL; epsilon: REAL := 0.0000000001; hsign, vsign: REAL; tan_theta: REAL; p1, p2: RealPoint.T; BEGIN tan_theta := (point.v + epsilon) / (point.h + epsilon); IF (point.h < 0.0 ) THEN hsign := -1.0; ELSE hsign := 1.0; END; IF (point.v < 0.0 ) THEN vsign := -1.0; ELSE vsign := 1.0; END; rnorm := FLOAT(Math.sqrt(FLOAT (RealPoint.DistSquare(point, RealPoint.Origin), LONGREAL))); theta := Math.atan2(FLOAT(point.v + epsilon, LONGREAL), FLOAT(point.h + epsilon, LONGREAL)); p1 := RealPoint.T{Xmax, tan_theta * Xmax}; p2 := RealPoint.T{Ymax / tan_theta, Ymax}; IF (RealPoint.DistSquare(p1,RealPoint.Origin) < RealPoint.DistSquare(p2,RealPoint.Origin)) THEN rmax := ABS(Xmax / FLOAT(Math.cos(theta))); ELSE rmax := ABS(Ymax / FLOAT(Math.sin(theta))); END; rfeye := MapCoordinate(v, rnorm, rmax); pfeye.h := rfeye * FLOAT(Math.cos(theta)); pfeye.v := rfeye * FLOAT(Math.sin(theta)); RETURN pfeye; END MapPolarPoint; PROCEDUREMapSize (v: T; node: Node; delta: RealPoint.T; fdelta: RealPoint.T; radius: REAL; Xmax: REAL; Ymax: REAL): REAL = VAR rx, ry: REAL; fradius: REAL; BEGIN rx := MapCoordinate(v, ABS(delta.h) + radius, ABS(Xmax)) - ABS(fdelta.h); ry := MapCoordinate(v, ABS(delta.v) + radius, ABS(Ymax)) - ABS(fdelta.v); fradius := MIN(rx,ry) * FLOAT(Math.pow(FLOAT(node.api * v.fisheyeSizeAPICoeff, LONGREAL), FLOAT(v.fisheyeSizeAPIPower, LONGREAL))); RETURN fradius; END MapSize;
PROCEDURE**********************************************************************ViewChangeRequired (v: T): BOOLEAN = VAR new_view: BOOLEAN; delta, f_delta, focus: RealPoint.T; radius, f_radius: REAL; xmax, ymax: REAL; f_size_index: INTEGER; node: Node; BEGIN new_view := FALSE; IF v.currentFocusNode = -1 THEN new_view := TRUE; ELSE (* v.currentFocusNode # -1 i.e. user is focused on some node *) node := v.table^[v.currentFocusNode]; focus := v.fisheyeWorldFocus; delta := RealPoint.Sub(node.pos, focus); IF delta.h < 0.0 THEN xmax := v.west - focus.h; (* negative *) ELSE xmax := v.east - focus.h; (* positive *) END; IF delta.v < 0.0 THEN ymax := v.south - focus.v; (* negative *) ELSE ymax := v.north - focus.v; (* positive *) END; IF (v.fisheyeMapType = FisheyeMapType.Polar) THEN f_delta := MapPolarPoint(v, delta, xmax, ymax); ELSE f_delta := MapPoint(v, delta, xmax, ymax); END; (* size *) IF (NOT v.trustCaches) OR (node.sizeIndex < 0) THEN node.sizeIndex := ChooseSize(v, node,; END; radius := v.fSizeFactor * FLOAT(shapes[node.shape]^[node.sizeIndex].size) / v.scalex; f_radius := MapSize(v, node, delta, f_delta, radius, xmax, ymax); f_size_index := GetSizeIndex(v, TRUNC(0.5 + f_radius * v.scalex)); IF ((ABS(f_delta.h) > ABS(f_radius)) OR (ABS(f_delta.v) > ABS(f_radius))) OR (f_size_index < node.fsizeIndex) THEN new_view := TRUE; v.currentFocusNode := -1; ELSE new_view := FALSE; END; END; RETURN new_view; END ViewChangeRequired;
PROCEDUREComputeGraphicalFisheye (v: T) = VAR wfocus, delta, fdelta: RealPoint.T; node: Node; link: Link; rWest, rEast, rSouth, rNorth: REAL; RX, RY, radius, fRadius: REAL; MaxRadius, MinRadius: REAL; BEGIN wfocus := v.fisheyeWorldFocus; v.fisheyeOldFocus := wfocus; rWest := v.west - wfocus.h; (* negative *) rEast := v.east - wfocus.h; (* positive *) rSouth := v.south - wfocus.v; (* negative *) rNorth := v.north - wfocus.v; (* positive *) MaxRadius := 0.0; MinRadius := Huge; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO node := v.table^[i]; IF node # NIL THEN delta := RealPoint.Sub(node.pos, wfocus); IF delta.h < 0.0 THEN RX := rWest; ELSE RX := rEast; END; IF delta.v < 0.0 THEN RY := rSouth; ELSE RY := rNorth; END; (* position *) IF (v.fisheyeMapType = FisheyeMapType.Polar) THEN fdelta := MapPolarPoint(v, delta, RX, RY); ELSE fdelta := MapPoint(v, delta, RX, RY); END; node.fpos := RealPoint.Add(wfocus, fdelta); (* size *) IF (NOT v.trustCaches) OR (node.sizeIndex < 0) THEN node.sizeIndex := ChooseSize(v, node,; END; radius := v.fSizeFactor * FLOAT(shapes[node.shape]^[node.sizeIndex].size)/v.scalex; fRadius := MapSize(v, node, delta, fdelta, radius, RX, RY); node.fsizeIndex := GetSizeIndex(v, TRUNC(0.5 + fRadius * v.scalex));
PrintUtil.PrintReal( d=
, v.fDistortion);
PrintUtil.PrintInt( vtx
, i);
PrintUtil.PrintRealPair( Pn=
, delta.h, delta.v);
PrintUtil.PrintRealPair( Pf=
, fdelta.h, fdelta.v);
PrintUtil.PrintReal( Rn=
, radius);
PrintUtil.PrintReal( Rf=
, fRadius);
focus and focus radius
IF (ABS(fdelta.h) <= fRadius) AND (ABS(fdelta.v) <= fRadius) THEN v.currentFocusNode := i; fRadius := MapSize(v, node, RealPoint.Origin, RealPoint.Origin, radius, RX, RY); node.fsizeIndex := GetSizeIndex(v, TRUNC(0.5 + fRadius * v.scalex)); END; (* calculating min and max size for visualworth *) node.radius := fRadius; IF fRadius > MaxRadius THEN MaxRadius := fRadius; END; IF fRadius < MinRadius THEN MinRadius := fRadius; END; (* bend points *) FOR j := 0 TO MaxLink DO link :=[j]; IF (link # NIL) AND (link.primary) AND (link.segPoints # NIL) THEN FOR k := 0 TO NUMBER(link.segPoints^)-1 DO delta := RealPoint.Sub(link.segPoints^[k], wfocus); IF delta.h < 0.0 THEN RX := rWest; ELSE RX := rEast; END; IF delta.v < 0.0 THEN RY := rSouth; ELSE RY := rNorth; END; IF (v.fisheyeMapType = FisheyeMapType.Polar) THEN fdelta := MapPolarPoint(v, delta, RX, RY); ELSE fdelta := MapPoint(v, delta, RX, RY); END; link.fsegPoints^[k] := RealPoint.Add(wfocus, fdelta); END; END; END; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO node := v.table^[i]; node.fVW := ABS((node.radius - MinRadius)/(MaxRadius - MinRadius)); END; END ComputeGraphicalFisheye;***********************************************************************
<* UNUSED *> PROCEDURE**********************************************************************SortNodes (v: T) = VAR node: Node; BEGIN SortedHashTable.Clear(v.hTable); SortedIndexTable.Clear(v.sTable); FOR i := 0 TO v.maxNodes-1 DO node := v.table^[i]; IF NOT SortedHashTable.Insert(v.hTable, node.fVW, i) THEN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout, "Hashtable insertion error"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout); END; END; IF NOT SortedIndexTable.CopySortedHashTable(v.hTable, v.sTable, v.maxNodes) THEN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout, "Hashtable copying error"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout); END; END SortNodes;
PROCEDURE********************************************************************NewScreenFocus (v: T) = BEGIN IF v.fisheyeType = FisheyeType.Graphical THEN IF ViewChangeRequired(v) THEN ComputeGraphicalFisheye(v); (* SortNodes(v); *) RedrawFisheye(v, Rect.Full, FALSE); (* Video.VIDEOabekasRecordAndAdvance(); *) END; ELSE IF SemanticViewChangeRequired(v) THEN UpdateView(v); END; END; END NewScreenFocus;
PROCEDURE******************************************************************UpdateView (v: T) = BEGIN IF v.fisheyeType = FisheyeType.Graphical THEN ComputeGraphicalFisheye(v); (* SortNodes(v); *) ELSE ComputeSemanticFisheye(v); END; RedrawFisheye(v, Rect.Full); END UpdateView;
PROCEDURESetImage (v: T) = VAR domain := VBT.Domain(v); trestle := Trestle.ScreenOf(v, Point.Origin).trsl; screen_type := VBT.ScreenTypeOf(v); BEGIN IF v.offscreen # NIL THEN Trestle.Delete(v.offscreen); ELSE v.offscreen := NEW(VBT.Leaf); END; IF trestle # NIL AND screen_type # NIL THEN Trestle.Attach(v.offscreen, trestle); Trestle.InstallOffscreen(v.offscreen, domain.east - domain.west, domain.south - domain.north, screen_type); END; END SetImage;
******************************************* New VBT ****************
PROCEDURENew (): T = VAR v := NEW(T); BEGIN v.offscreen := NIL; SetImage(v); v.maxNodes := 0; v.table := NIL; v.nodeCount := 0; v.edgeCount := 0; (* no color setup here, leave colors = NIL *) (* set up world coordinates, Cartesian, 0 in center *) v.north := 100.0; v.south := -100.0; v.west := -100.0; v.east := 100.0; v.marginSize := 0.0; v.background := PaintOp.Bg; v.foreground := PaintOp.Fg; v.font := Font.BuiltIn; v.borderMin := 10; v.nodeColor := Blue; v.nodeInteriorColor := Sky; v.nodeShape := Rectangle; v.nodeStyle := Style.Border; v.nodeSize := 0.0; (* meaning, pick based on world coordinates *) v.nodeLabelStyle := LabelStyle.Center; v.nodeLabelColor := Black; v.nodeLabelFont := Font.BuiltIn; v.nodeLabelShift := 0; v.linkColor := Maroon; v.linkThickness := 1; (* derivative properties *) v.viewVisible := TRUE; v.trustCaches := FALSE; SetColors(v); v.fisheyeMapType := FisheyeMapType.Cartesian; v.fisheyeType := FisheyeType.Graphical; v.semanticColor := FALSE; v.highlight := TRUE; v.fisheye := FALSE; v.cageSize := 0; v.fisheyeScreenFocus := Point.Origin; v.fisheyeOldFocus := RealPoint.T{10.0, 10.0}; v.fisheyeWorldFocus := RealPoint.T{10.0, 10.0}; v.focusColor := Red; v.currentFocusNode := -1; (* means not focused on any node *) v.fDistortion := 2.0; v.fSizeFactor := 2.0; v.fFocusDevice := FocusDevice.Mouse; v.fisheyeText := TRUE; v.fisheyeVWThreshold := 0.0; v.fisheyeSizeAPICoeff := 0.001; v.fisheyeSizeAPIPower := 0.001; v.hTable := NIL; (* SortingTable.NewHashTable(100); *) (* make sure that the keys fall within [0.0,1.0) *) v.sTable := NIL; (* SortingTable.NewSortedTable(100); *) RETURN v; END New; BEGIN SetUpShapes(); END GraphVBT.