MODULE******; IMPORT IntList, Text, Thread, Wr; IMPORT BrowserDB, Buf, CMarkUp, Decl, Editor, FileNode, HTML, ID; IMPORT M3MarkUp, MarkUp, Node, Pkg, RegExpr, Wx; REVEAL T = Tx BRANDED "Source.T" OBJECT OVERRIDES class := Class; printname := PrintName; match := Match; iterate := Iterate; next := Next; gen_page := GenPage; END; VAR viewID := ID.Add ("view"); editID := ID.Add ("edit"); clientID := ID.Add ("clients"); CONST IsM3 = ARRAY Kind OF BOOLEAN { TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }; PROCEDURE Source Class (t: T): Node.Class = BEGIN RETURN NodeClass [t.kind]; END Class; PROCEDUREPrintName (t: T): TEXT = VAR nm := ID.ToText (; BEGIN RETURN Text.Sub (nm, 0, Text.Length (nm) - ExtLen [t.kind]); END PrintName; PROCEDUREMatch (t: T; re: RegExpr.T): BOOLEAN = VAR nm := ID.ToText (; BEGIN RETURN RegExpr.Match (re, nm) OR RegExpr.MatchSubstring (re, nm, 0, ExtLen[t.kind]); END Match; PROCEDUREIterate (t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState) = VAR nodes: Node.Set; BEGIN s.a := 1; s.b := 0; s.d := NIL; IF IsM3 [t.kind] THEN nodes := Decl.FindNodes (t, s.pattern); IF (nodes.cnt > 0) THEN s.a := 0; s.b := nodes.cnt; s.d := nodes.elts; END; END; END Iterate; PROCEDURENext (<*UNUSED*> t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState): BOOLEAN = VAR elts: Node.Array := s.d; BEGIN IF (s.a < s.b) THEN s.match := elts[s.a]; INC (s.a); RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN FALSE; END Next; PROCEDUREGenPage (t: T; wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: Node.FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EmitPage (t, wx, action, data, NIL); END GenPage; PROCEDUREEmitPage (t: T; wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: Node.FormData; target_decl: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := Node.FullPath (t); BEGIN IF (action = editID) THEN Editor.Run (path, "1"); action := viewID; END; IF (t.kind = Kind.Other) AND FileNode.EmitFile (t, path, wx) THEN RETURN; END; HTML.Begin (t, wx); Pkg.GenFileNote (path, wx, is_dir := FALSE); Pkg.GenBuildNote (t, wx); wx.put ("\n"); IF (action = viewID) THEN GenView (t, path, wx, target_decl); ELSIF (action = clientID) THEN GenClients (t, wx); ELSE HTML.NoAction (action, wx); END; HTML.NoData (data, wx); HTML.End (wx); END EmitPage; PROCEDUREGenView (t: T; path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; target_decl: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN GenExporters (t, wx); GenImportLink (t, wx); GenBody (t, path, wx, target_decl); END GenView;
doesn't work! ***********
PROCEDURE GenExporters (t: T; wx: Wx.T)
RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} =
VAR ref: REFANY; id: IntList.T; txt: TEXT;
IF BrowserDB.db.exporters.get (, ref) THEN
wx.put (<STRONG>Exported by:</STRONG>
id := ref;
txt := ID.ToText (id.head);
wx.put (<A HREF=\
, M3MarkUp.Intf_to_Impl_Mark);
wx.put (
/, txt,
wx.put (txt, </A>
id := id.tail;
IF id # NIL THEN wx.put (,
) END;
wx.put (
END GenExporters;
PROCEDUREGenExporters (t: T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR ref: REFANY; id: IntList.T; txt: TEXT; BEGIN IF BrowserDB.db.exporters.get (, ref) THEN wx.put ("<STRONG>Exported by:</STRONG> "); id := ref; IF (id # NIL) THEN wx.put ("<A HREF=\"", M3MarkUp.Intf_to_Impl_Mark, "\">"); WHILE (id # NIL) DO txt := ID.ToText (id.head); wx.put (txt); id := id.tail; IF id # NIL THEN wx.put (", ") END; END; wx.put ("</A>"); END; wx.put (" "); END; END GenExporters; PROCEDUREGenImportLink (t: T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR ref: REFANY; cnt: INTEGER; importers: IntList.T; units: Node.List; BEGIN IF BrowserDB.db.importers.get (, ref) THEN cnt := 0; importers := ref; WHILE (importers # NIL) DO IF BrowserDB.db.units.get (importers.head, ref) THEN units := ref; WHILE (units # NIL) DO INC (cnt); units := units.tail; END; END; importers := importers.tail; END; wx.put ("<STRONG>Imported by:</STRONG> <A HREF=\"[clients]\">"); IF (cnt = 1) THEN wx.put ("one unit"); ELSE wx.putInt (cnt); wx.put (" units"); END; wx.put ("</A>\n"); END; END GenImportLink; PROCEDUREGenClients (t: T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR ref: REFANY; clients: Node.Set; importers: IntList.T; units: Node.List; BEGIN (* collect up everybody that looks likely... *) IF BrowserDB.db.importers.get (, ref) THEN importers := ref; WHILE (importers # NIL) DO IF BrowserDB.db.units.get (importers.head, ref) THEN units := ref; WHILE (units # NIL) DO Node.Append (clients, units.head); units := units.tail; END; END; importers := importers.tail; END; END; wx.put ("<P><STRONG>Importing clients:</STRONG>\n"); HTML.GenChoices (clients, wx); END GenClients; PROCEDUREGenBody (t: T; path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; target_decl: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR buf := Buf.FromFile (path, pad := 1); BEGIN IF (buf = NIL) THEN wx.put ("<P><STRONG>Unable to open \"", path, "\"</STRONG>\n"); RETURN; END; Pkg.GenActionButtons (t, wx); wx.put ("<HR>\n"); IF IsM3 [t.kind] THEN MarkUp.Annotate (buf, wx, NIL, target_decl); ELSE CMarkUp.Annotate (buf, wx, NIL); END; END GenBody; PROCEDUREInit () = BEGIN END Init; BEGIN END Source.