is an in-memory, append-only buffer. It's cheaper
to write strings and numbers to an Wx.T
than a Wr.T
It's an unchecked runtime error to concurrently call procedures
in this interface on a single Wx.T
TYPE T <: REFANY; PROCEDURE New (): T; PROCEDURE PutChar (t: T; ch: CHAR); PROCEDURE PutText (t: T; a, b, c, d, e : TEXT := NIL); PROCEDURE PutInt (t: T; i: INTEGER); PROCEDURE PutStr (t: T; READONLY x: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE GetLength(t: T): INTEGER; PROCEDURE ToText (t: T): TEXT; PROCEDURE ToWr (t: T; wr : Wr.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted}; (* without reset *) PROCEDURE Reset (t: T); (* reset the buffer with no explicit freeing of the allocated memory *) END Wx.