
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Thu Dec  8 09:53:52 PST 1994 by kalsow                   


IMPORT Buf, Marker;

PROCEDURE Get (buf: Buf.T;  target: TEXT): Marker.CharInsertion;
generate the hypertext links needed to reflect IMPORTs and EXPORTs. If target is non-NIL, generate a ThisDecl anchor at the symbol's definition.

CONST (* special arcs *)
  Intf_to_Impl_Mark = "_EXPORTERS_";
  Impl_to_Intf_Mark = "_EXPORTS_";

CONST (* special anchors *)
  ThisDecl = "_DECL_";

END M3MarkUp.

M3MarkUp's implementation is in:

interface Buf is in:

interface Marker is in:

procedure M3MarkUp.Get is in: