A Node.T
is the basic entry in the browsable database.
INTERFACENode ; IMPORT Wr, Thread; IMPORT ID, RegExpr, Wx; TYPE T = OBJECT METHODS class () : Class; arcname () : ID.T; filename () : TEXT; printname () : TEXT; match (re: RegExpr.T): BOOLEAN := MatchName; iterate (VAR s: IteratorState); next (VAR s: IteratorState): BOOLEAN; gen_page (wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted}; END; TYPE Named_T = T OBJECT name : ID.T := ID.NoID; parent : T := NIL; sibling : T := NIL; OVERRIDES arcname := DefaultArcName; filename := DefaultName; printname := DefaultName; END; TYPE Class = { Unknown, Root, BuildPkgRoot, BrowsePkgRoot, (** BuildPackage, BrowsePackage, **) Directory, Program, Library, Interface, Module, GenericInterface, GenericModule, CSource, HSource, QuakeSource, MiscSource, Type, TypeDecl, ProcDecl, Proc, Except, Var, Const, GFormal, ClassDir, Resource, CacheEntry, BuildError, BuildWarn, RawFile, (* package roots *) PR00, PR01, PR02, PR03, PR04, PR05, PR06, PR07, PR08, PR09, PR10, PR11, PR12, PR13, PR14, PR15, PR16, PR17, PR18, PR19, PR20, PR21, PR22, PR23, PR24, PR25, PR26, PR27, PR28, PR29, PR30, PR31, PR32, PR33, PR34, PR35, PR36, PR37, PR38, PR39, PR40, PR41, PR42, PR43, PR44, PR45, PR46, PR47, PR48, PR49 }; CONST FirstPkgRoot = Class.PR00; LastPkgRoot = Class.PR49; CONST ClassName = ARRAY Class OF TEXT { "??", "Root", "Build package root", "Browse package root", (** "Build package", "Browse package", **) "Directory", "Program", "Library", "Interface", "Module", "Generic interface", "Generic module", "C source", "C include", "Quake source", "Misc source", "Type", "Type declaration", "Procedure declaration", "Procedure", "Exception", "Variable", "Constant", "Generic formal", "Class", "Resource", "Build result", "Build error", "Build warning", "File", (* package roots *) "Package", .. }; VAR ClassTag := ARRAY Class OF TEXT { NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL, (** "build-pkg", "browse-pkg", **) "directory", "program", "library", "interface", "module", "generic-interface", "generic-module", "c-source", "h-source", "quake", "misc-source", "type", "type-decl", "proc-decl", "procedure", "exception", "variable", "constant", "generic-formal", NIL, "rsrc", "cache-entry", "build-error", "build-warning", "file", (* package roots *) NIL, .. }; VAR (*READONLY*) ClassID: ARRAY Class OF ID.T; (* ClassID[c] == ID.Add (ClassTag[c]) *) VAR ClassPlural := ARRAY Class OF TEXT { "??", "Roots", "Build package roots", "Browse package roots", (** "Build packages", "Browse packages", **) "Subdirectories", "Programs", "Libraries", "Interfaces", "Modules", "Generic interfaces", "Generic modules", "C sources", "C includes", "Quake sources", "Misc sources", "Types", "Type declarations", "Procedure declarations", "Procedures", "Exceptions", "Variables", "Constants","Generic formals", "Categories", "Resources", "Builds", "Build errors", "Build warnings", "Files", (* package roots *) "Packages", .. }; CONST ClassIcon = ARRAY Class OF TEXT { "unknown", "roots", "build-root", "browse-root", (** "build-pkg", "browse-pkg", **) "dir", "pgm", "lib", "x-i3", "x-m3", "x-ig", "x-mg", "x-c", "x-h", "x-quake", "x-misc", "type", "type-decl", "proc-decl", "proc-body", "except", "var", "const", "gformal", "class", "rsrc", "cache", "error", "warn", "file", (* package roots *) "pkg", .. }; CONST (* for HTTP Window targeting *) ClassWindow = ARRAY Class OF TEXT { NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL, (** "package", "package", **) "package", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "type", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", "source", NIL, NIL, "build", "source", "source", NIL, (* package roots *) "package", .. }; CONST (* whether need M3MarkUp.ThisDecl tags for the url *) ClassHasDecl = ARRAY Class OF BOOLEAN { FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, (** FALSE, FALSE, **) FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, (* package roots *) FALSE, .. }; TYPE FormData = REF RECORD field: TEXT; value: TEXT; next : FormData; END; PROCEDURE DefaultName (t: Named_T): TEXT;
Returns ID.ToText (t.name)
PROCEDURE DefaultArcName (t: Named_T): ID.T;
Returns t.name
PROCEDURE MatchName (t: T; re: RegExpr.T): BOOLEAN;
Returns RegExpr.Match (re, t.arcname())
-------------------------------------------------------- iterators ---
TYPE IteratorState = RECORD pattern : RegExpr.T; match : T; a, b, c : INTEGER; d, e, f : REFANY; END;To iterate over the children of a node
, finding those
that match regular expression r
(or NIL
to match all
VAR istate: IteratorState; istate.pattern := r; n.iterate (istate); WHILE n.next (istate, x) DO << process child "istate.match" >> END;
------------------------------------------------------------ sets ---
TYPE List = REF RECORD head: T; tail: List; END; Array = REF ARRAY OF T; Set = RECORD cnt: INTEGER := 0; elts: Array := NIL; END; PROCEDURE Append (VAR s: Set; t: T);
Add nodet
to sets
PROCEDURE Sort (VAR s: Set);
Sort the elements of s
by (class, name, full name)
PROCEDURE Squash (VAR s: Set);
Sort s
and remove any duplicates.
----------------------------------------------------------- names ---
PROCEDURE FullPath (t: T): TEXT;
Returns the fully qualified filesystem path of node t
PROCEDURE CompareFullName (a, b: T): INTEGER;
Returns the lexicographic comparison ofa
's andb
's full names (URLs) without fully materializing them.
Returns the number of arcs int
's fully qualified name and setsx[i]
to thei
th arc from the root of the name. It is a checked runtime error ifx
is too short.
PROCEDURE Init (); END Node.