MODULE; IMPORT IntArraySort, Text, Thread, Wr; IMPORT ConfigItem, Default, ID, M3MarkUp, Node, Text2, Wx; IMPORT ErrLog, Fmt; VAR viewID := ID.Add ("view"); PROCEDURE HTML PutImg (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF (wx # NIL) THEN wx.put ("<IMG src=\"/rsrc/", name, ".gif\" height=20 width=20 align=\"bottom\" border=0>"); END; END PutImg; PROCEDUREPutSmallImg (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF (wx # NIL) THEN wx.put ("<IMG src=\"/rsrc/", name, ".gif\" height=16 width=16 align=\"bottom\" border=0>"); END; END PutSmallImg; PROCEDUREImgRef (name: TEXT): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN "<IMG src=\"/rsrc/" & name & ".gif\" height=24 width=24 align=\"bottom\" border=0>"; END ImgRef; PROCEDUREViewOnly (act: ID.T; data: Node.FormData; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF (act # viewID) THEN NoAction (act, wx); END; IF (data # NIL) THEN NoData (data, wx); END; END ViewOnly; PROCEDURENoAction (act: ID.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN wx.put ("\n<P>\n<STRONG>Action [", ID.ToText (act), "] is not supported here.</STRONG>\n"); END NoAction; PROCEDURENoData (data: Node.FormData; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF (data # NIL) THEN wx.put ("\n<P>\n", "<STRONG>This node does not support HTTP FORM data.</STRONG>\n"); END; END NoData; PROCEDUREMakeURL (a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL): TEXT = CONST SLASH = "/"; VAR path := a; BEGIN IF (b # NIL) THEN path := path & SLASH & b END; IF (c # NIL) THEN path := path & SLASH & c END; IF (d # NIL) THEN path := path & SLASH & d END; RETURN path; END MakeURL; PROCEDUREBegin (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR c := n.class (); title := Node.ClassName [c]; name := n.printname (); icon := Node.ClassIcon [c]; BEGIN
* IF (icon = NIL) THEN icon := unknown
; END; *
BeginYY (n, wx, title, ": ", name); wx.put ("<H3>"); IF (icon # NIL) THEN PutImg (icon, wx); wx.put (" "); END; wx.put (title, ": ", name); wx.put ("</H3>\n"); GenPathFinder (n, wx); END Begin; PROCEDUREBeginXX (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T; t1, t2, t3, icon: TEXT := NIL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN
* IF (icon = NIL) THEN icon := unknown
; END; *
BeginYY (n, wx, t1, t2, t3); wx.put ("<H3>"); IF (icon # NIL) THEN PutImg (icon, wx); wx.put (" "); END; wx.put (t1, t2, t3); wx.put ("</H3>\n"); GenPathFinder (n, wx); END BeginXX; PROCEDURE**** PROCEDURE GenLocation (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR arcs : ARRAY [0..19] OF Node.T; len := Node.FindArcs (n, arcs); BEGIN wx.put (BeginYY (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T; t1, t2, t3: TEXT := NIL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR window: TEXT; BEGIN wx.put ("Content-type: text/html\n"); (*** IF (n # NIL) THEN GenLocation (n, wx); END; **) IF (n # NIL) AND ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Use_multiple_windows].bool THEN window:= Node.ClassWindow [n.class ()]; IF (window # NIL) THEN wx.put ("Window-target: ", window, "\n"); END; END; wx.put ("\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n"); IF (n # NIL) THEN GenBase (n, wx); END; wx.put ("<TITLE>", t1, t2, t3); wx.put ("</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">\n"); END BeginYY; PROCEDUREEnd (wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN GenCopyright (wx); wx.put ("</BODY>\n</HTML>\n"); END End; PROCEDUREGenCopyright (wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Write the copyright legend on "wx". For the open-source release, Farshad Nayeri requires that this legend appear on all pages served by CM3-IDE. *) BEGIN wx.put ("<center>\n<p>\n<hr>\n<font size=\"-3\">\n"); wx.put ("©1996-1999 <a href=\"\">Critical Mass, Inc.</a>, \n"); wx.put ("©1998-2008 <a href=>IGEN Corporation</a>. \n"); wx.put ("All Rights Reserved. \n"); wx.put ("<a href=\"/rsrc/license.html\">License</a> | <a href=\"/rsrc/about.html\">About</a>"); wx.put (" | <a href=\"/\">Home</a>\n"); wx.put ("<hr/>\n</font>\n</p>\n</center>\n"); END GenCopyright; PROCEDUREGenPathFinder (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR arcs : ARRAY [0..19] OF Node.T; len: CARDINAL := 0; nc: Node.Class; BEGIN IF (n # NIL) THEN len := Node.FindArcs (n, arcs); END; wx.put ("<H5> "); wx.put ("<A HREF=\"/\">"); PutSmallImg ("unknown", wx); wx.put ("</A> <A HREF=\"/\">CM3-IDE</A>"); FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO n := arcs[i]; IF (n # NIL) THEN wx.put (" | "); nc := n.class (); IF Node.ClassIcon[nc] # NIL THEN GenRef (n, wx); PutSmallImg (Node.ClassIcon[nc], wx); wx.put ("</A> "); END; GenRef (n, wx); wx.put (n.printname(), "</A>"); END; END; wx.put ("</H5>\n"); END GenPathFinder;
, Default.server_href);
FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO
wx.put (ID.ToText (arcs[i].arcname()), /
wx.put (\n
END GenLocation;
PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------- choice generation ---GenBase (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T; leaf := FALSE) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR arcs : ARRAY [0..19] OF Node.T; len := Node.FindArcs (n, arcs); BEGIN wx.put ("<BASE HREF=\"", Default.server_href); FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO wx.put (ID.ToText (arcs[i].arcname())); IF (NOT leaf) OR (i < len-1) THEN wx.put ("/"); END; END; wx.put ("\">\n"); END GenBase; PROCEDUREGenFileRef (path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = CONST BackSlash = '\134'; VAR start, len: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF (path = NIL) THEN RETURN END; wx.put ("<A HREF=\"file:"); start := 0; len := Text.Length (path); IF NOT Default.on_unix AND (len > 2) AND Text.GetChar (path, 1) = ':' THEN (* Windows-style "Volume:path" ==> "/Volume|/" *) wx.put ("/"); wx.putChar (Text.GetChar (path, 0)); wx.put ("|"); start := 2; IF (len < 3) OR Text.GetChar (path, 2) # BackSlash THEN wx.put ("/"); END; END; WHILE (start < len) DO ch := Text.GetChar (path, start); IF (ch = BackSlash) THEN ch := '/'; END; wx.putChar (ch); INC (start); END; wx.put ("\">"); END GenFileRef; PROCEDUREGenRef (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T; tag: TEXT := NIL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN wx.put ("<A HREF=\""); GenURL (n, wx); IF (tag # NIL) THEN wx.put ("#", tag); ELSIF Node.ClassHasDecl [n.class()] THEN wx.put ("#", M3MarkUp.ThisDecl); END; wx.put ("\">"); END GenRef; PROCEDUREGenActionRef (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T; action: TEXT; tag: TEXT := NIL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN wx.put ("<A HREF=\""); GenURL (n, wx); wx.put ("[", action, "]"); IF (tag # NIL) THEN wx.put ("#", tag); ELSIF Node.ClassHasDecl [n.class()] THEN wx.put ("#", M3MarkUp.ThisDecl); END; wx.put ("\">"); END GenActionRef; PROCEDUREGenURL (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR arcs : ARRAY [0..19] OF Node.T; len := Node.FindArcs (n, arcs); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO wx.put ("/", ID.ToText (arcs[i].arcname())); END; wx.put ("/"); (* make every node look like a directory to the browsers *) END GenURL; PROCEDURENodeURL (n: Node.T): TEXT = VAR arcs : ARRAY [0..19] OF Node.T; len := Node.FindArcs (n, arcs); url : TEXT := Default.server_href; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO url := url & ID.ToText (arcs[i].arcname()) & "/"; END; IF Node.ClassHasDecl [n.class()] THEN url := url & "#" & M3MarkUp.ThisDecl; END; RETURN url; END NodeURL;
TYPE NodeInfo = REF ARRAY OF NodeDesc; NodeDesc = RECORD node : Node.T; full_nm : NameDesc; cur_nm : NameDesc; chopped : BOOLEAN; (* => name chopped & represents more than one node *) multi : BOOLEAN; (* => represents more than one node *) END; NameDesc = RECORD start, len: CARDINAL; END; Presentation = RECORD names : TextVec; map : IntVec; n_mapped : CARDINAL; (* # of valid entries in the map[] array *) prefix_skip : CARDINAL; (* # of arcs to skip in the common prefix *) suffix_skip : CARDINAL; (* # of arcs to skip in the common suffix *) max_name : CARDINAL; (* # of arcs in longest name w/o prefix or suffix*) display_limit : INTEGER; max_items : INTEGER; max_width : INTEGER; max_columns : INTEGER; verbose : BOOLEAN; END; PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------- find prefix classes ---GenChoices (VAR results: Node.Set; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR n_classes := 0; cc : Node.Class; cnts : ARRAY Node.Class OF INTEGER; limit : INTEGER; start : INTEGER; tag : TEXT; nodes : NodeInfo; pres : Presentation; n_small_items : INTEGER; n_big_classes : INTEGER; BEGIN IF (results.cnt <= 0) THEN wx.put ("<P><STRONG>No results</STRONG>\n"); RETURN; END; Node.Squash (results); (* count the choices in each node class *) FOR c := FIRST (cnts) TO LAST (cnts) DO cnts[c] := 0; END; FOR i := 0 TO results.cnt - 1 DO INC (cnts [results.elts[i].class()]); END; FOR c := FIRST (cnts) TO LAST (cnts) DO IF (cnts[c] > 0) THEN INC (n_classes); cc := c; END; END; GetNameInfo (SUBARRAY (results.elts^, 0, results.cnt), nodes, pres); IF n_classes = 1 THEN wx.put ("<P><STRONG>"); PutImg (Node.ClassIcon [cc], wx); wx.put (" ", Node.ClassPlural [cc], ":</STRONG>\n"); WITH nn = SUBARRAY (nodes^, 0, results.cnt) DO pres.display_limit := pres.max_items; SelectPresentation (nn, pres); PrintSuffix (wx, nn, pres); GenDir (wx, nn, pres, NIL, FALSE); END; ELSE IF (results.cnt <= pres.max_items) THEN (* the total number of nodes to display is not too big, don't bother limiting any of the per-class displays *) limit := pres.max_items; ELSE (* we need to split up the total number of display items between several different node classes. First, find "small" classes and remove them from the pool. *) limit := MAX (10, pres.max_items DIV n_classes); n_small_items := 0; n_big_classes := 0; FOR c := FIRST (cnts) TO LAST (cnts) DO IF (cnts[c] <= limit) THEN INC (n_small_items, cnts[c]); ELSE INC (n_big_classes); END; END; IF (n_big_classes > 0) THEN (* Then, divide up the remaining space among the remaining classes. *) limit := MAX (limit, (pres.max_items - n_small_items) DIV n_big_classes); END; END; start := 0; FOR c := FIRST (cnts) TO LAST (cnts) DO IF (cnts[c] > 0) THEN tag := Node.ClassTag [c]; wx.put ("<P><STRONG>"); IF (tag # NIL) THEN wx.put ("<A HREF=\"./", tag, "/\">"); END; PutImg (Node.ClassIcon [c], wx); wx.put (" ", Node.ClassPlural [c], ":"); IF (tag # NIL) THEN wx.put ("</A>"); END; wx.put ("</STRONG>"); WITH nn = SUBARRAY (nodes^, start, cnts[c]) DO pres.display_limit := limit; SelectPresentation (nn, pres); PrintSuffix (wx, nn, pres); GenDir (wx, nn, pres, tag, TRUE); END; INC (start, cnts[c]); END; END; END; wx.put ("<ISINDEX prompt=\"Find \">\n"); END GenChoices; PROCEDUREPrintSuffix (wx : Wx.T; READONLY nodes : ARRAY OF NodeDesc; READONLY pres : Presentation) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF (pres.suffix_skip > 0) THEN wx.put ("  <TT>..."); WITH z = nodes[0].full_nm DO FOR i := - pres.suffix_skip TO -1 DO wx.put ("/", pres.names [z.start + z.len + i]); END; END; wx.put ("</TT>"); END; wx.put ("\n"); END PrintSuffix; PROCEDUREGetNameInfo (READONLY nodes: ARRAY OF Node.T; VAR(*OUT*) info: NodeInfo; VAR(*OUT*) pres: Presentation) = VAR n := NUMBER (nodes); n_nms := 0; arcs: ARRAY [0..19] OF Node.T; BEGIN info := NEW (NodeInfo, n); pres.names := NEW (TextVec, 10 * n); := NEW (IntVec, n); pres.n_mapped := 0; pres.prefix_skip := 0; pres.suffix_skip := 0; pres.max_name := 0; pres.verbose := ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Verbose_display].bool; pres.max_items := ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Max_display_items].int; pres.max_width := ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Max_display_width].int; pres.max_columns := ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Max_display_columns].int; pres.display_limit := pres.max_items; (* extract each node's full name *) FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO WITH z = info[i] DO z.node := nodes[i]; z.full_nm.start := n_nms; z.full_nm.len := Node.FindArcs (z.node, arcs); z.cur_nm.start := z.full_nm.start; z.cur_nm.len := z.full_nm.len; z.chopped := FALSE; z.multi := FALSE; FOR j := 0 TO z.full_nm.len-1 DO pres.names[j + n_nms] := arcs[j].printname (); END; INC (n_nms, z.full_nm.len); END; END; END GetNameInfo; PROCEDURESelectPresentation (VAR x : ARRAY OF NodeDesc; VAR pres : Presentation) = VAR best_len, best_cnt: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF pres.verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("-------- ", Fmt.Int (NUMBER (x)), " nodes -----------"); END; IF NUMBER (x) = 1 THEN (* don't bother with the rest of the machinations... *) WITH z = x[0] DO[0] := 0; pres.n_mapped := 1; pres.prefix_skip := MAX (0, z.full_nm.len - 1); pres.suffix_skip := 0; pres.max_name := 1; z.cur_nm.len := 1; z.cur_nm.start := z.full_nm.start + pres.prefix_skip; z.multi := FALSE; z.chopped := FALSE; END; RETURN; END; (* find and ignore the common prefixes and suffixes *) FindCommon (x, pres); (* is the last arc enough to produce a decent list? *) SortByName (x, pres, 1); IF (pres.n_mapped > pres.display_limit) THEN (* yep, there's lots of unique names, lets see if we can reduce the size of the set by chopping any of the names *) IF pres.verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("display limit: ", Fmt.Int (pres.display_limit), " => reducing..."); END; FindPrefixClasses (x, pres); ELSE (* pres.n_mapped <= pres.display_limit *) IF pres.verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("display limit: ", Fmt.Int (pres.display_limit), " => expanding..."); END; (* the list doesn't seem too big yet. Lets see if we can increase the number of unique names by adding arcs and yet stay near the display limit *) best_len := 1; best_cnt := pres.n_mapped; FOR len := 2 TO pres.max_name DO IF (pres.n_mapped >= NUMBER (x)) OR (pres.n_mapped >= pres.display_limit) THEN (* don't bother trying to expand the list any further *) IF (best_len # len-1) THEN (* the last sort wasn't the best one... *) SortByName (x, pres, best_len); END; EXIT; END; SortByName (x, pres, len); IF ABS (pres.display_limit - pres.n_mapped) < ABS (pres.display_limit - best_cnt) THEN (* we found a better candidate *) best_len := len; best_cnt := pres.n_mapped; END; END; END; END SelectPresentation; PROCEDUREFindCommon (READONLY x : ARRAY OF NodeDesc; VAR pres: Presentation) = (* find the longest common prefix and suffix in the names of "x" *) VAR cur_len, shortest, j: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* find the shortest name *) shortest := LAST (INTEGER); FOR i := 0 TO LAST (x) DO shortest := MIN (shortest, x[i].full_nm.len); END; (* find the longest common prefix *) WITH nm0 = x[0].full_nm DO cur_len := shortest; FOR i := 1 TO LAST (x) DO WITH nm1 = x[i].full_nm DO cur_len := MIN (cur_len, nm1.len); j := 0; WHILE (j < cur_len) AND Text.Equal (pres.names [nm0.start + j], pres.names [nm1.start + j]) DO INC (j); END; cur_len := j; END; IF (cur_len <= 0) THEN EXIT; END; END; END; pres.prefix_skip := cur_len; (* find the longest common suffix *) WITH nm0 = x[0].full_nm, z0 = nm0.start + nm0.len - 1 DO cur_len := shortest; FOR i := 1 TO LAST (x) DO WITH nm1 = x[i].full_nm, z1 = nm1.start + nm1.len - 1 DO cur_len := MIN (cur_len, nm1.len); j := 0; WHILE (j < cur_len) AND Text.Equal (pres.names [z0 - j], pres.names [z1 - j]) DO INC (j); END; cur_len := j; END; IF (cur_len <= 0) THEN EXIT; END; END; END; pres.suffix_skip := cur_len; (* find the longest name after removing the common prefixes and suffixes *) pres.max_name := 1; FOR i := 0 TO LAST (x) DO pres.max_name := MAX (pres.max_name, x[i].full_nm.len); END; pres.max_name := MAX (1, pres.max_name - pres.prefix_skip - pres.suffix_skip); IF pres.verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("common prefix: ", Fmt.Int (pres.prefix_skip) & " suffix: ", Fmt.Int (pres.suffix_skip) & " remaining: ", Fmt.Int (pres.max_name)); END; END FindCommon; PROCEDURESortByName (VAR x : ARRAY OF NodeDesc; VAR pres : Presentation; n_arcs : CARDINAL) = PROCEDURE Cmp (a, b: INTEGER): [-1 .. +1] = VAR len_a, len_b: INTEGER; cmp: [-1..+1]; BEGIN WITH za = x[a], zb = x[b] DO len_a := za.cur_nm.len; len_b := zb.cur_nm.len; FOR i := 0 TO MIN (len_a, len_b) - 1 DO cmp := Text.Compare (pres.names [za.cur_nm.start + i], pres.names [zb.cur_nm.start + i]); IF (cmp # 0) THEN RETURN cmp; END; END; IF len_a < len_b THEN RETURN -1; ELSIF len_a > len_b THEN RETURN +1; ELSE RETURN 0; END; END; END Cmp; BEGIN (* set the current names *) FOR i := 0 TO LAST (x) DO[i] := i; WITH z = x[i] DO z.cur_nm.len := MAX (1, MIN (n_arcs, z.full_nm.len - pres.prefix_skip - pres.suffix_skip)); z.cur_nm.start := z.full_nm.start + z.full_nm.len - MIN (pres.suffix_skip + z.cur_nm.len, z.full_nm.len); END; END; IntArraySort.Sort (SUBARRAY (^, 0, NUMBER (x)), Cmp); CountUnique (x, pres); IF (pres.verbose) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("sorting ", Fmt.Int (n_arcs), " arcs => ", Fmt.Int (pres.n_mapped) & " mapped nodes"); END; END SortByName; PROCEDURECountUnique (VAR x : ARRAY OF NodeDesc; VAR pres : Presentation) = VAR last_node :=[0]; this_node := 1; cur_set_size := 1; n_sets := 1; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO LAST (x) DO this_node :=[i]; IF NameEQ (x[last_node].cur_nm, x[this_node].cur_nm, pres) THEN (* add this name to the current set *) INC (cur_set_size); ELSE (* we found a unique name, finish the last set and start a new one *) x[last_node].multi := (cur_set_size > 1); last_node := this_node;[n_sets] := this_node; INC (n_sets); cur_set_size := 1; END; END; x[last_node].multi := (cur_set_size > 1); pres.n_mapped := n_sets; END CountUnique; PROCEDURENameEQ (READONLY a, b: NameDesc; READONLY pres: Presentation): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF a.len # b.len THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FOR i := 0 TO a.len - 1 DO IF NOT Text.Equal (pres.names[a.start+i], pres.names[b.start+i]) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END NameEQ;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- Directory listing --- In principle an HTML front-end will do a good job rendering a list of names in <DIR></DIR> brackets. In practice most browsers don't. The following code is intended to compensate.FindPrefixClasses (VAR nodes : ARRAY OF NodeDesc; VAR pres : Presentation) = VAR len, n, n0, max_len: INTEGER; n_names := pres.n_mapped; names := NEW (TextVec, n_names); cnts := NEW (IntVec, n_names); cnts0 := NEW (IntVec, n_names); tmp: IntVec; BEGIN (* extract the names *) max_len := 0; FOR i := 0 TO n_names-1 DO WITH nm = nodes[[i] ].cur_nm DO <*ASSERT nm.len = 1 *> names [i] := pres.names [nm.start]; max_len := MAX (max_len, Text.Length (names[i])); END; END; (* find a prefix that generates a non-trivial choice *) n := 0; len := 0; WHILE (len <= max_len) AND (n < 2) DO INC (len); n := CntPrefixes (names, cnts, len); END; (* find the largest prefix that's got fewer than pres.display_limit classes *) REPEAT n0 := n; tmp := cnts0; cnts0 := cnts; cnts := tmp; INC (len); n := CntPrefixes (names, cnts, len); UNTIL (len >= max_len) OR ((n # n0) AND (n > pres.display_limit)); (* pick the best size *) IF (pres.display_limit - n0 < n - pres.display_limit) THEN (* use the shorter prefix *) DEC (len); cnts := cnts0; END; (* finalize the presentation *) n0 := 0; FOR i := 0 TO n_names-1 DO WITH z = nodes[[i] ] DO[n0] :=[i]; IF cnts[i] = 1 THEN (* we're keeping this name & it's a singleton *) z.chopped := FALSE; INC (n0); ELSIF cnts[i] > 0 THEN (* we're keeping this name, but it represents a prefix-class set *) pres.names[z.cur_nm.start] := Text.Sub (names[i], 0, len); z.chopped := TRUE; INC (n0); ELSE (* we're discarding this one *) END; END; END; pres.n_mapped := n0; END FindPrefixClasses; PROCEDURECntPrefixes (names: TextVec; VAR cnts: IntVec; len: INTEGER): INTEGER = VAR n_classes := 1; last_class := 0; short: BOOLEAN; class_id, xx: TEXT; BEGIN class_id := names[0]; short := Text.Length (class_id) < len; cnts [0] := 1; FOR i := 1 TO LAST (names^) DO xx := names[i]; IF Text2.PrefixMatch (xx, class_id, len) THEN INC (cnts[last_class]); cnts[i] := 0; IF (short) AND (Text.Length (class_id) < Text.Length (xx)) THEN (* use 'i' as the class representitive *) cnts[i] := cnts[last_class]; cnts[last_class] := 0; class_id := xx; short := Text.Length (class_id) < len; END; ELSE class_id := xx; short := Text.Length (class_id) < len; cnts[i] := 1; last_class := i; INC (n_classes); END; END; RETURN n_classes; END CntPrefixes;
TYPE TextVec = REF ARRAY OF TEXT; IntVec = REF ARRAY OF INTEGER; PROCEDUREGenDir (wx : Wx.T; READONLY nodes : ARRAY OF NodeDesc; READONLY pres : Presentation; class_tag : TEXT; multi_class : BOOLEAN) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = CONST Gap = 2; (* inter-column gap *) CONST Gap_text = " "; CONST Indent = " "; VAR Dir_width : CARDINAL := pres.max_width; Max_cols : CARDINAL := pres.max_columns; max_len := 0; n_cols := 1; n_rows := 1; width, j : CARDINAL; nm : TEXT; nm_len : INTEGER; BEGIN IF pres.n_mapped <= 0 THEN RETURN END; (* find the longest name *) max_len := 5; FOR i := 0 TO pres.n_mapped - 1 DO WITH z = nodes[[i] ] DO nm_len := z.cur_nm.len - 1; (* separators *) IF (z.chopped) OR (z.multi) THEN INC (nm_len, 3); END; FOR j := 0 TO z.cur_nm.len - 1 DO INC (nm_len, Text.Length (pres.names[z.cur_nm.start + j])); END; END; max_len := MAX (max_len, nm_len); END; (* compute an approriate layout *) INC (max_len, Gap); n_cols := MAX (1, MIN (Dir_width DIV max_len, Max_cols)); n_rows := (pres.n_mapped + n_cols - 1) DIV n_cols; width := Dir_width DIV n_cols - Gap; IF (n_rows > 1) OR (NOT multi_class) OR (pres.suffix_skip > 0) THEN wx.put ("<PRE>\n"); ELSE wx.put (" <TT> "); END; TRY FOR row := 0 TO n_rows-1 DO wx.put (Indent); FOR col := 0 TO n_cols-1 DO j := col * n_rows + row; IF (j < pres.n_mapped) THEN WITH z = nodes[ [j]] DO IF z.chopped THEN <*ASSERT z.cur_nm.len = 1*> nm := pres.names [z.cur_nm.start]; wx.put ("<A HREF=\"./"); IF (class_tag # NIL) THEN wx.put (class_tag, "/"); END; wx.put (nm, "*\">", nm, "...</A>"); nm_len := 3 + Text.Length (nm); ELSIF z.multi THEN wx.put ("<A HREF=\"./"); FOR i := 0 TO z.cur_nm.len - 1 DO IF (i # 0) THEN wx.put ("/"); END; nm := pres.names [z.cur_nm.start + i]; wx.put (nm); END; wx.put ("\">"); nm_len := 3; (* for the trailing "..." *) FOR i := 0 TO z.cur_nm.len - 1 DO IF (i # 0) THEN wx.put ("/"); INC (nm_len); END; nm := pres.names [z.cur_nm.start + i]; wx.put (nm); INC (nm_len, Text.Length (nm)); END; wx.put ("...</A>"); ELSE (* singleton node *) GenRef (z.node, wx); nm_len := 0; FOR i := 0 TO z.cur_nm.len - 1 DO IF (i # 0) THEN wx.put ("/"); INC (nm_len); END; nm := pres.names [z.cur_nm.start + i]; wx.put (nm); INC (nm_len, Text.Length (nm)); END; wx.put ("</A>"); END; END; IF (col # n_cols-1) THEN (* pad to the next column *) FOR x := 1 TO width - nm_len DO wx.putChar (' '); END; wx.put (Gap_text); END; END; END; wx.put ("\n"); END; FINALLY IF (n_rows > 1) OR (NOT multi_class) OR (pres.suffix_skip > 0) THEN wx.put ("</PRE>\n"); ELSE wx.put ("</TT>"); END; END; END GenDir; BEGIN END HTML.