
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Wed Aug 24 17:21:04 PDT 1994 by mhb    
      modified on Fri Jun 11 11:08:34 PDT 1993 by meehan 
      modified on Tue Jun 16 21:18:24 PDT 1992 by muller 
A SourceVBT is used to implement a ``drag-and-drop'' paradigm. The object being dragged is the {\em source} and an object into which the source may be dropped is the {\em target}.

As a subclass of ButtonVBT, a SourceVBT has pre, post, and cancel methods. In addition, it has during, callback, and hit methods. The methods are called as follows: The pre method is invoked on the first click in the VBT; the post method is called on an uncanceled upclick; the cancel method is called whenever the mouse is chord-canceled; the during method is called whenever the mouse has moved (and remained on the same screen) since the last call to during or pre. A new VBT cage containing the current cursor position will be set before calls to pre and during. The callback method is called after the post method, as long as the mouse was over an ``acceptable target'' when the upcplick happened.

The heart of drag-and-drop is implemented by the default during method: Recall that the during method is invoked each time the mouse moves while the button is down and not chord-cancelled. The default during method looks to see if the mouse is over a VBT marked as a {\em target}. If so, then the SourceVBT's hit method is invoked to see if the target is acceptable for the source. If so, an excited method on the target is invoked to give feedback, and eventually, a target's normal method is called to remove the feedback. If the target is not acceptable, nothing happens.


IMPORT ButtonVBT, FeedbackVBT, HighlightVBT, PaintOp, VBT;

  <* SUBTYPE T <: MultiFilter.T *>
  T <: Public;
  Public =
    ButtonVBT.T OBJECT
      <* LL <= VBT.mu *>
      init (f: FeedbackVBT.T): T;
      <* LL = VBT.mu *>
      during   (READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec);
      callback (READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec);
      hit (target: VBT.T; READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec):
The call v.init(...) initializes v as a SourceVBT. The default pre method changes the cursor to a starburst and calls SwitchVBT.Pre. The default during method calls the hit method whenever it is on a location controlled by a VBT that is a target. If the hit method returns TRUE, the target's excited method is called. As the mouse moves from target to target, the previous trarget's normal method is called before another target's excited method is invoked. The post and cancel methods invoke the current target's normal method, restore the original cursor, and call SwitchVBT.Post and SwitchVBT.Cancel respectively. It's guaranteed that a target's excited and normal methods are called in non-nested pairs.

The default hit method always returns TRUE. The default during and callback methods are no-ops.

PROCEDURE GetTarget (v: T): Target;
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
If the mouse is not over a valid target, or if the most recent call to v.hit(target, cd) returned FALSE, then return NIL; otherwise return target. This procedure is intended to be called by a callback method to find out the current target.

TYPE Target = VBT.T;
A target is a VBT on which BeTarget has been invoked.

  TargetClass <: TargetClassPublic;
  TargetClassPublic =
      vbt: VBT.T;  (* READONLY; set by BeTarget *)
      source: T;   (* READONLY; for use by normal/excited *)
      <* LL = VBT.mu *>
      normal  ();
      excited ();
A TargetClass determines the feedback when a target's excited method is called. The source field can be read by the normal and excited methods, but clients may find GetSource more convenient to use.

The default normal and excited methods are no-ops.

PROCEDURE BeTarget (w: VBT.T; class: TargetClass);
<* LL.sup < w *>
Make w into a target for a SourceVBT. As a target, w may be passed to some SourceVBT's hit method.

PROCEDURE TargetClassOf (w: Target): TargetClass;
<* LL.sup < w *>
Return the class argument for which there was a previous call to BeTarget(w, class), or NIL if there was no such call.

PROCEDURE GetSource (w: Target): T;
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Called by a target's normal or excited methods to find out the SourceVBT causing the method to be invoked.

PROCEDURE GetHighlighter (v: T): HighlightVBT.T;
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Returns the HighlightVBT above the nearest Trestle-installed ancestor of v. This is typically called by a normal or excited method.
 Here are three TargetClass objects that may be useful. Each of
these use the op parameter for painting in the HighlighVBT. 

PROCEDURE NewInserterTarget (op := PaintOp.TransparentSwap): TargetClass;
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Displays a grid over itself when excited. Appropriate for an adjusting bar in a tiling window manager. The parent of the target must be an HVSplit, and grid has a minimum size in the HVSplit's axis.

PROCEDURE NewSwapTarget (op := PaintOp.TransparentSwap): TargetClass;
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Displays a grid over itself when excited. This target is appropriate for a non-adjusting bar in a tiling window manager.

PROCEDURE NewTarget (op := PaintOp.TransparentSwap): TargetClass;
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Inverts itself when excited. This target class is a general-purpose target.

END SourceVBT.