
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 File: HighlightVBT.i3, by cgn, Tue Apr 21 22:00:25 1987 
 Last modified on Mon Feb 24 13:53:30 PST 1992 by muller  
      modified on Wed Dec 11 18:32:16 PST 1991 by gnelson 
      modified on Wed Sep 11 15:26:35 PDT 1991 by msm 
      modified on Fri Feb  2 14:02:09 PST 1990 by glassman 
A HighlightVBT.T is a filter that highlights a rectangular outline over its child.

The parent screen is obtained from the child screen by texturing an outline inset in a rectangle, using an inverting painting operation.

The parent keeps its screen correct as the child paints. Since the parent screen is always correct, it never needs to mark itself for redisplay.


IMPORT VBT, Rect, Point, Filter, Pixmap, PaintOp;

  T <: Public;
  Public = Filter.T OBJECT METHODS
    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    init(ch: VBT.T;
      op: PaintOp.T := PaintOp.TransparentSwap;
      txt: Pixmap.T := Pixmap.Gray;
      READONLY delta := Point.T{h := 0, v := 1}): T
The call v.init(ch, ...) initializes v as a HighlightVBT with child ch and the given parameters, and returns v.

The highlight rectangle is initially empty. The filter brings up the highlight by calling

      VBT.PaintTexture(v, highlight region, op, txt, delta)
and brings down the highlight the same way; therefore the painting operation must be its own inverse for the filter to work correctly.

The default values for the texture and delta are such that the highlight will be visible over white, black, or the standard gray texture. (If delta were (0,0) instead of (0,1), the highlight would look fine over white or black but would be barely noticeable over standard gray.)

  ch: VBT.T;
  op := PaintOp.TransparentSwap;
  txt: Pixmap.T := Pixmap.Gray;
  READONLY delta := Point.T{h := 0, v := 1}) : T ;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
New(...) is equivalent to NEW(T).init(...).

PROCEDURE Find(v: VBT.T): T; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the lowest (possibly improper) ancestor of v that is a HighlightVBT.T or NIL if there isn't one.

  v: VBT.T;
  READONLY rect: Rect.T;
  inset: CARDINAL := 2);
 <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set the rectangle and inset of Find(v) to the given values.
 The inset is given in pixels, not in millimeters. 

  v: VBT.T;
  txt: Pixmap.T;
  READONLY delta := Point.Origin;
  op := PaintOp.TransparentSwap);
 <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set the txt, delta, and op of Find(v) to the given values.

  v: VBT.T;
  VAR rect: Rect.T;
  VAR inset: CARDINAL;
  VAR txt: Pixmap.T;
  VAR delta: Point.T;
  VAR op: PaintOp.T): BOOLEAN; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Fetch the parameters for the HighlightVBT above v, and return TRUE. If v has no such ancestor, return FALSE.

  READONLY r: Rect.T;
  inset: CARDINAL); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Highlight the outline inset into the rectangle r with width inset, using a solid texture.
 Invert operates on Find(v).  It is equivalent to:

      SetTexture(v, Pixmap.Solid);
        SetRect(v, r, inset)

SetRect, SetTexture, and Invert are no-ops if Find(v) is NIL.

END HighlightVBT.