
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Tue Jan 25 14:21:34 PST 1994 by mhb 
      modified on Tue Jan 18 17:41:16 1994 by harrison 
      modified on Mon Jun 14 21:47:37 PDT 1993 by meehan 
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:20 PDT 1992 by muller 
The Shadow interface contains the basic definitions for VBT classes that implement a Motif-like, 3-D look. There are two basic primitives: a 3-D border, and a 3-D vertical or horizontal line. The style, size, and colors of the shadow are specified by data structures defined in this interface.

A 3-D border can give the visual illusion of ``raising'' an object above the background, ``lowering'' an object into the background, drawing a ``ridge'' above the background, or chiseling a ``groove'' into the background. A 3-D line has the visual effect of being either a ``ridge'' above the background or a ``groove'' chiseled into the background (see Figure~\ref{fig:shadows}).

These visual effects are actually quite simple to accomplish by drawing parts of the 3-D border or 3-D line using a dark variant of the background color, and by drawing other parts using a light variant of the background color.

For example, to give the impression that an object is raised above its background, the north and west borders are drawn using a light color, whereas the south and east border are drawn in a dark color. To draw a ``ridge,'' the north and west shadows start out in the light color, and, halfway, switch to the dark color. Analogously, the south and east shadows start out dark and switch to a light color.

The following chart summarizes the visual effects:

\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}

{\em Style} & {\em North/West} & {\em South/East}\\ \hline Flat & Background & Background\\ Raised & Light & Dark\\ Lowered & Dark & Light\\ Ridged & Light/Dark & Dark/Light\\ Chiseled & Dark/Light & Light/Dark

\end{tabular} \end{center}

For maximum effectiveness, the child's background should be a color whose saturation level is about 50\%, and the light and dark shadows should be colors with the same hue and lightness, but with saturation levels of 25\% and 75\% respectively.

On a monochrome display, the 3-D borders and lines appear flat and 50\% of the size they'd be on non-monochrome displays. Also, those VBTkit widgets that use 3-D borders for feedback (say, a button that gives the effect of lowering its contents when depressed) are implemented in such a way as to give feedback in a non-3-D manner (e.g., the {\tt ShadowedFeedbackVBT} interface in Section~\ref{ShadowedFeedbackVBTSection}).

You can force VBTkit widgets to use a non-3-D style of feedback by specifying a shadow size that is negative. Such widgets will draw borders and lines with 50\% of the absoluate value of the shadow size. (You should also be sure to set the light and dark shadow to be the same as the foreground color.)



  T = PaintOp.ColorScheme OBJECT
        size: REAL;
        light, dark, both, reversed: PaintOp.T;

  Style = {Flat, Raised, Lowered, Ridged, Chiseled};

PROCEDURE New (size : REAL      := 0.5;
               bg   : PaintOp.T := PaintOp.Bg;
               fg   : PaintOp.T := PaintOp.Fg;
               light: PaintOp.T := PaintOp.Fg;
               dark : PaintOp.T := PaintOp.Fg): T;
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Return a newly allocated Shadow.T. The size, light, and dark fields of the new Shadow.T are copies of the parameters, respectively. The both field is computed from PaintOp.Pair(light, dark), and the reversed field is computed from PaintOp.Pair(dark, light).
 The size is specified in millimeters.  All of the paint ops
   must be tints, arranged so that on a monochrome screen bg
   draws in background, while fg, light, and dark draw in

PROCEDURE Supported (shadow: T; v: VBT.T): BOOLEAN;
<* LL.sup < v *>
Return whether shadow should appear 3-D on v. Two conditions must hold: v must be on screen whose depth is greater than 1, and shadow.size must be positive.
  Finally, we have the definition for a ``default'' shadow: 

VAR (* CONST *) None: T;
This variable is really a constant for

      New(0.0, PaintOp.Bg, PaintOp.Fg, PaintOp.Fg, PaintOp.Fg)
Because None is not a constant, it cannot be the default value of a procedure argument. Therefore, we adopt the following convention: when a parameter whose type is Shadow.T has a default value of NIL, the procedure will use Shadow.None instead.

END Shadow.