UNSAFE MODULE---------------------------------------------------------- various VBTs ---; IMPORT Thread, FileRd, Params, Stdio; IMPORT Text, Process, PerfTool; IMPORT RTHeapEvent, Wr, Rd, Fmt; IMPORT VBT, TextVBT, ButtonVBT, (*RigidVBT, *) HVSplit; IMPORT Trestle, (* Region, PaintOp, *) Axis, Split; FROM Stdio IMPORT stdout; <*FATAL ANY*> Main
TYPE PatchVBT = VBT.Leaf OBJECT color: PaintOp.T; OVERRIDES repaint := RepaintPatch; END;
PROCEDURE RepaintPatch (self: PatchVBT; READONLY rgn: Region.T) = BEGIN VBT.PaintTint (self, rgn.r, self.color); END RepaintPatch;
PROCEDURE NewPatchVBT (color: PaintOp.T): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN RigidVBT.New (NEW (PatchVBT, color := color), RigidVBT.Shape { RigidVBT.SizeRange {lo := 5.0, pref := 5.0, hi := 5.0}, RigidVBT.SizeRange {lo := 0.0, pref := 2.0, hi := 1.0e6}}); END NewPatchVBT;
PROCEDURE ColorLegendVBT (name: Text.T; c1, c2, c3, c4: PaintOp.T; value: VBT.T): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN HVSplit.Cons (Axis.T.Hor, NewPatchVBT (c1), NewPatchVBT (c2), NewPatchVBT (c3), NewPatchVBT (c4), TextVBT.New (name, 0.0), value); END ColorLegendVBT;
PROCEDURE ShowValueVBT (name: Text.T; value: VBT.T): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN HVSplit.Cons (Axis.T.Hor, TextVBT.New (name, 0.0), value); END ShowValueVBT;
PROCEDURE ControlValueVBT (name: Text.T; valu: VBT.T;
less, more: ButtonVBT.Proc;
right: Text.T := NIL): VBT.T =
VAR res: VBT.T;
res := HVSplit.Cons (Axis.T.Hor,
ButtonVBT.New (TextVBT.New (-
), less, valu),
TextVBT.New (name, 0.0),
IF right # NIL THEN
Split.AddChild (res, TextVBT.New (right)); END;
Split.AddChild (res, ButtonVBT.New (TextVBT.New (+
), more, valu));
END ControlValueVBT;
TYPE A = REF RECORD p: PROCEDURE (); END; PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------ActionVBT (name: Text.T; action: PROCEDURE ()): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN ButtonVBT.New (TextVBT.New (name, halign := 0.0), DoActionVBT, NEW (A, p := action)); END ActionVBT; PROCEDUREDoActionVBT (self: ButtonVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) = BEGIN NARROW (VBT.GetProp (self, TYPECODE (A)), A).p (); END DoActionVBT;
TYPE Evt = RTHeapEvent.T; CONST EvtSize = (BITSIZE (Evt) + BITSIZE (CHAR) - 1) DIV BITSIZE (CHAR); TYPE EvtChars = ARRAY [0..EvtSize-1] OF CHAR; PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------------------- controls ---PutEvent (wr: Wr.T; READONLY e: Evt) = BEGIN Wr.PutString (wr, LOOPHOLE (e, EvtChars)); END PutEvent; PROCEDUREGetEvent (rd: Rd.T): Evt = VAR e: Evt; BEGIN EVAL Rd.GetSub (rd, LOOPHOLE (e, EvtChars)); RETURN e; END GetEvent;
VAR root: VBT.T; trestleThread: Thread.T; PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------QuitAction () = BEGIN Trestle.Delete (root); VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T {kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye}; BEGIN PutEvent (wr, e); Wr.Flush (wr); END; Process.Exit (0); END QuitAction; VAR runUntilList: VBT.T; stopOnGrowVBT: VBT.T; PROCEDURESetupVBT () = BEGIN root := HVSplit.New (Axis.T.Ver); runUntilList := HVSplit.Cons (Axis.T.Ver, ActionVBT ("just after next page change", AfterChange), ActionVBT ("just after next grow", AfterGrow), ActionVBT ("just after next gc start", AfterGCStart), ActionVBT ("just after next roots scanning", AfterRoots), ActionVBT ("just before next flip", BeforeFlip), ActionVBT ("just after next gc end", AfterGCEnd), ActionVBT ("end", UntilEnd)); Split.AddChild (root, HVSplit.Cons (Axis.T.Hor, TextVBT.New ("Run until:"), runUntilList)); stopOnGrow := FALSE; stopOnGrowVBT := TextVBT.New ("no"); Split.AddChild (root, HVSplit.Cons (Axis.T.Hor, ActionVBT ("but stop before grow: ", ToggleStopOnGrow), stopOnGrowVBT)); Split.AddChild (root, ActionVBT ("quit", QuitAction)); Trestle.Install (root); trestleThread := Thread.Fork (NEW (Thread.SizedClosure, stackSize := 100000, apply := AwaitDelete)); END SetupVBT; PROCEDUREAwaitDelete (<*UNUSED*> self: Thread.Closure): REFANY RAISES {} = BEGIN Trestle.AwaitDelete (root); RETURN NIL; END AwaitDelete;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------AfterChange () = BEGIN stopBefore := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; stopAfter := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Change; Thread.Signal (go); END AfterChange; PROCEDUREAfterGrow () = BEGIN stopBefore := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; stopAfter := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Grow; Thread.Signal (go); END AfterGrow; PROCEDUREAfterGCStart () = BEGIN stopBefore := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; stopAfter := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Begin; Thread.Signal (go); END AfterGCStart; PROCEDUREAfterRoots () = BEGIN stopBefore := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; stopAfter := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Roots; Thread.Signal (go); END AfterRoots; PROCEDUREBeforeFlip () = BEGIN stopBefore := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Flip; stopAfter := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; Thread.Signal (go); END BeforeFlip; PROCEDUREAfterGCEnd () = BEGIN stopBefore := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; stopAfter := RTHeapEvent.Kind.End; Thread.Signal (go); END AfterGCEnd; PROCEDUREUntilEnd () = BEGIN stopBefore := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; stopAfter := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye; Thread.Signal (go); END UntilEnd; PROCEDUREToggleStopOnGrow () = CONST v = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF Text.T { "no", "yes"}; BEGIN stopOnGrow := NOT stopOnGrow; TextVBT.Put (stopOnGrowVBT, v [stopOnGrow]); END ToggleStopOnGrow;
PROCEDUREUsage () = BEGIN Wr.PutText (Stdio.stderr, "usage: replayheap [-showheap prog] datafile\n"); Process.Exit (1); END Usage; VAR mu := NEW (Thread.Mutex); go := NEW (Thread.Condition); stopBefore, stopAfter: RTHeapEvent.Kind; stopOnGrow: BOOLEAN; from: Rd.T; showheap: Text.T; rd: Rd.T; wr: Wr.T; debug := FALSE; BEGIN SetupVBT (); showheap := "showheap"; from := NIL; VAR i := 1; arg: TEXT; BEGIN WHILE (i < Params.Count) DO arg := Params.Get (i); INC (i); IF Text.Equal (arg, "-showheap") THEN IF (i < Params.Count) THEN showheap := Params.Get (i); INC (i); ELSE Usage (); END; ELSIF (from = NIL) THEN from := FileRd.Open (arg); ELSE Usage (); END; END; END; IF (from = NIL) THEN Usage () END; VAR b := PerfTool.Start (showheap, rd, wr); BEGIN <* ASSERT b *> END; LOCK mu DO Thread.Wait (mu, go); LOOP VAR e := GetEvent (from); BEGIN IF debug THEN Print (e); END; IF e.kind = stopBefore OR e.kind = RTHeapEvent.Kind.Grow AND stopOnGrow THEN Thread.Wait (mu, go); END; IF e.kind # RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye THEN PutEvent (wr, e); Wr.Flush (wr); END; IF e.kind = stopAfter THEN Thread.Wait (mu, go); END; END; END; END; (* EVAL Thread.Join (trestleThread); *) END Main.