
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 File HVSplit.i3 coded by MSM and CGN, Mon Nov 18 21:52:15 1985 
 Last modified on Tue Mar 10 19:00:23 1992 by steveg  
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:53:24 PST 1992 by muller  
      modified on Sat Dec 21 16:14:45 PST 1991 by gnelson 
      modified on Thu Sep  6 21:11:15 PDT 1990 by msm 
      modified on Fri Feb  2 14:01:44 PST 1990 by glassman 
An HVSplit.T is a parent window that splits its screen into a row or column of child windows, depending on the {\it axis} of the split.

If the axis is horizontal, Split.Succ enumerates the children from west to east; if the axis is vertical, it enumerates them from north to south.

An HVSplit can be {\it adjustable} or {\it unadjustable}, a property that affects the way its space is divided between its children.

The {\it size} of a child is the extent of its domain in the axis of split, the {\it cross-size} is its extent in the other axis. For example, for a vertical split, a child's size is its height and its cross-size is its width.

The children of an HVSplit all have the same cross-size as the parent. To determine the sizes of the children, the HVSplit begins by computing the range of desirable sizes and the preferred size for each child by calling its shape method, passing the method the cross-size, so that, for example, the height of a child of a vertical split can depend on its width. At this point there are several cases.

If the sum of the minimum sizes of the children is greater than the size of the parent, then the split is said to be {\it overfull}. In this case the children are considered in order and given their minimum sizes, as long as there is room. The first child that doesn't fit is given all the space that's left, and the remaining children are given size zero.

If the split is not overfull, then the children are stretched according to the TeX model of boxes and glue. The details depend on whether the split is adjustable or unadjustable. For an adjustable split, each child's {\it stretchability} is its maximum desirable size minus its current size, and its {\it shrinkability} is its current size minus its minimum desirable size. If the size of the parent is increased by some amount X, then the sizes of the children are increased by amounts that total to X and are proportional to the children's stretchabilities. Similarly, if the size of the parent is decreased by some amount X, then the sizes of the children are decreased by amounts that total to X and are proportional to the children's shrinkabilities.

For a non-adjustable split, all the children's sizes are first set to their preferred sizes, and then they are stretched or shrunk the same as an adjustable split. Thus for a non-adjustable split each redistribution of space depends only on the children's shape methods, not on their current sizes.

A non-adjustable split is best if the layout can be controlled purely by stretchability and shrinkability. If the layout is also changed under user or program control, an adjustable split is required. For example, in a column of editable text windows, you should make the vertical split adjustable, since if the user makes one window big, and then the parent changes size slightly, you do not want the big window child to snap back to being small. On the other hand if you are using a horizontal split to center a ButtonVBT between two stretchy TextureVBTs, you should make it unadjustable, since in this case you always want to compute the division of space from the children's original shapes.

If the sum of the maximum sizes of the children is less than the size of the parent, the split is said to be {\it underfull}. There are no special rules for the underfull case: the TeX stretching algorithm is used without change. This produces a state in which the children are stretched larger than their maximum sizes.

A split is {\it infeasible} if it is overfull or underfull, and {\it feasible} otherwise.

The shape of an HVSplit is computed as follows: its maximum, minimum, and preferred sizes are obtained by adding up the corresponding values of its children. The cross-size range is the intersection of the cross-size ranges of its children (if this intersection is empty, the children's maximum cross-sizes are increased until the intersection is non-empty). The preferred cross-size of v is the maximum of the preferred cross-sizes of its children, projected into v's cross-size range.


IMPORT VBT, Split, Axis, Interval;

  T <: Public;
  Private <: Split.T;
  Public = Private OBJECT METHODS
    <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    init(hv: Axis.T;
      saveBits := FALSE;
      parlim := -1;
      adjustable := TRUE): T
The call v.init(...) initializes v as an HVSplit with axis hv and no children.

If saveBits is TRUE, the implementation will try to save the children's old bits when reshaping; if the children don't use them anyway, it is faster to let saveBits default to FALSE. The value of parlim is the minimum area of a child for which a separate thread will be forked to reshape or repaint; if it is -1, it is set to an appropriate default (see the VBTTuning interface).

    hv: Axis.T;
    saveBits := FALSE;
    parlim := -1;
    adjustable := TRUE): T;
<* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
New(...) is equivalent to NEW(T).init(...).

PROCEDURE AxisOf(v: T): Axis.T;
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the axis of v.
 \subsubsection{Inserting children} 

See the Split interface to insert and reorder children.

    hv: Axis.T;
    ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4,
      ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9: VBT.T := NIL;
    saveBits := FALSE;
    parlim := -1;
    adjustable := TRUE): T; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
 (* Create an "HVSplit" with axis "hv" and children "ch0", "ch1", .... *)
Cons is equivalent to the following:

      result := New(hv, saveBits, parlim, adjustable);
      Split.AddChild(result, ch0, ch1, ..., ch9);
      RETURN result

    hv: Axis.T;
    saveBits := FALSE;
    parlim := -1;
    adjustable := TRUE): T; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Create an HVSplit with axis hv and children ch[0], ch[1], ....
 ConsArray ignores any NILs in the array ch.  It is equivalent to:

      VAR result := New(hv, saveBits, parlim, adjustable);
        Split.AddChildArray(result, ch);
        RETURN result

\subsubsection{Adjusting the division of space}

The {\it division point after a child} is the sum of the sizes of all children up to and including the child.

PROCEDURE Adjust(v: T; ch: VBT.T; totsz: INTEGER)
RAISES {Split.NotAChild}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Change the sizes of the children of v so that the division point after ch is as close to totsz as possible, and mark v for redisplay.
 Adjust respects the size constraints on the children, and resizes
   children near the division point in preference to children far from
   the division point.  For example, a sufficiently small adjustment
   will be made by resizing only ch and its successor.  An adjustment
   large enough to make one of these children reach its max or min size
   will also resize the neighbor of that child, and so forth.

Adjust is a no-op if the split is infeasible or non-adjustable.

PROCEDURE FeasibleRange(v: T; ch: VBT.T): Interval.T
RAISES {Split.NotAChild}; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the interval of feasible positions for the division point after ch.

<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the largest size of a child that can be inserted into v without making v infeasible.
 If the split is infeasible, AvailSize returns 0 and FeasibleRange
   returns the empty interval.  Both procedures assume the
   total size available is the total of all child sizes. 

END HVSplit.