MODULEdefault frame methods; IMPORT PaneList,PaneListExtras; IMPORT VBT, VBTClass; IMPORT Split, HVSplit, Axis; IMPORT TextVBT, TextVBTSquat; IMPORT Rd,Wr,Stdio; IMPORT FileRd,FileWr; IMPORT Pathname; IMPORT OSError, Thread; IMPORT Debug, Fmt; IMPORT Starter; IMPORT PaneManVBT; CONST DebugLevel = 90; <* FATAL OSError.E, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT OVERRIDES (* frame methods, called by the pane manager *) init := Init; frameClone := FrameClone; frameDiscard := FrameDiscard; frameHilite := FrameHilite; frameVisible := FrameVisible; frameWrite := FrameWrite; (* misc methods *) installPane := InstallPane; frameUnclone := FrameUnclone; statusUpdate := StatusUpdate; (* pane methods *) read := Read; clone := PaneClone; write := Write; discard := PaneDiscard; hilite := PaneHilite; focusWarn := FocusWarn; (* VBT methods *) mouse := Mouse; key := Key; END; PaneFrame
PROCEDUREInit (self: T; path, title, kind: TEXT; paneMan: VBT.T; starter: Starter.T; insteadRd: Rd.T := NIL): T = VAR rd := insteadRd; BEGIN Debug.S("Init frame: Path = " & path, DebugLevel); self.path := path; self.kind := kind; self.title := title; self.paneMan := paneMan; self.starter := starter; IF rd = NIL AND path # NIL THEN TRY rd := FileRd.Open(path); EXCEPT OSError.E => END; END; self.installPane(; <* ASSERT self.pane # NIL *> <* ASSERT self.status # NIL *> <* ASSERT self.path # NIL *> <* ASSERT self.kind # NIL *> <* ASSERT self.title # NIL *> <* ASSERT self.paneMan # NIL *> TRY IF rd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(rd); END; EXCEPT Rd.Failure => END; RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREFrameClone (frame: T): T = VAR clonedPane := frame.clone(); clone: T; parent := frame; BEGIN <* ASSERT frame.starter # NIL *> clone :=; Debug.S("PaneFrame.FrameClone", DebugLevel); IF NOT frame.primary THEN parent := frame.parent; END;
copy parent fields
clone.path := parent.path; clone.kind := parent.kind; clone.title := parent.title; clone.paneMan := parent.paneMan; clone.starter := parent.starter;
install and link to parent
clone.primary := FALSE; clone.parent := parent; parent.clones := PaneList.Cons(clone, parent.clones); clone.installPane(clonedPane); RETURN clone; END FrameClone; PROCEDUREmisc methodsFrameDiscard (frame: T) = BEGIN frame.frameUnclone(); frame.discard(); END FrameDiscard; PROCEDUREFrameHilite (frame: T; state: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN frame.hilited := state; frame.statusUpdate(); frame.hilite(state); END FrameHilite; PROCEDUREFrameVisible (frame: T; state: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN frame.visible := state; END FrameVisible; PROCEDUREFrameWrite (self: T; newPath: TEXT := NIL) = VAR wr: Wr.T; BEGIN IF newPath # NIL THEN self.path := newPath; self.title := Pathname.Last(newPath); self.statusUpdate(); END; IF self.path # NIL THEN wr := FileWr.Open(self.path); self.write(wr); Wr.Close(wr); END; END FrameWrite;
PROCEDUREdefault pane methodsInstallPane (frame: T; pane: VBT.T) = BEGIN Debug.S("PaneFrame.InstallPane", DebugLevel); frame := HVSplit.T.init(frame, Axis.T.Ver, adjustable := FALSE); frame.status := NEW(TextVBTSquat.T).init("..."); frame.pane := pane; frame.statusUpdate(); Split.AddChild(frame, pane, frame.status); END InstallPane; PROCEDUREFrameUnclone (frame: T) = VAR cur: PaneList.T; newParent: T; BEGIN IF frame.primary THEN IF frame.clones # NIL THEN newParent := frame.clones.head; cur := frame.clones.tail; newParent.clones := cur; newParent.primary := TRUE; WHILE cur # NIL DO cur.head.parent := newParent; cur := cur.tail; END; END; ELSE EVAL PaneListExtras.MemberDelD(frame.parent.clones, frame); END; END FrameUnclone; PROCEDUREStatusUpdate (frame: T) = CONST h = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT {" ","!"}; c = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT {"c"," "}; BEGIN <* ASSERT frame.title # NIL *> <* ASSERT frame.kind # NIL *> Debug.S("PaneFrame.StatusUpdate: " & frame.title, DebugLevel); TextVBT.Put(frame.status, frame.title & " (" & frame.kind & ")" & c[frame.primary] & h[frame.hilited]); END StatusUpdate;
PROCEDUREVBT methodsRead (self: T; <*UNUSED*>rd: Rd.T): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN TextVBT.New(self.kind & "Pane.Read not implemented"); END Read; PROCEDUREPaneClone (<*UNUSED*>self: T): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN TextVBT.New("Say no to clones."); END PaneClone; PROCEDUREWrite (self: T; <*UNUSED*>wr: Wr.T) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout, self.kind & "Pane.Write not implemented"); END Write; PROCEDUREPaneDiscard (<*UNUSED*>self: T) = BEGIN END PaneDiscard; PROCEDUREPaneHilite (frame: T; state: BOOLEAN) = VAR misc: VBT.MiscRec; BEGIN <* ASSERT frame.pane # NIL *> Debug.S("Hilite " & frame.title & " to " & Fmt.Bool(state), DebugLevel); IF state THEN misc.type := VBT.TakeSelection; ELSE misc.type := VBT.Lost; END; misc.time := NARROW(frame.paneMan, PaneManVBT.T).time; misc.detail := VBT.NullDetail; misc.selection := VBT.KBFocus; VBTClass.Misc(frame.pane, misc); END PaneHilite; PROCEDUREFocusWarn (<*UNUSED*>self: T) = BEGIN END FocusWarn;
PROCEDUREMouse (self: T; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) = VAR paneMan := NARROW(self.paneMan, PaneManVBT.T); BEGIN IF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.FirstDown THEN Debug.S("Click in PaneFrame", DebugLevel); IF self.canHilite THEN paneMan.time := cd.time; IF NOT self.hilited THEN Debug.S("PaneFrame calls FocusTo", DebugLevel); LOCK DO paneMan.focusTo(self); END; END; END; END; HVSplit.T.mouse(self, cd); END Mouse; PROCEDUREKey (self: T; READONLY key: VBT.KeyRec) = BEGIN self.pane.key(key); END Key; BEGIN END PaneFrame.