Last modified on Tue Aug 27 11:17:19 PDT 1996 by najork modified on Tue Jan 31 11:56:02 PST 1995 by kalsow modified on Fri Aug 19 16:41:56 PDT 1994 by steveg modified on Mon Jul 4 23:42:36 PDT 1994 by mhb modified on Tue Aug 4 07:42:08 PDT 1992 by jdd
MODULEWinding = Odd. Likeliest case is point within a polygon. Check for odd winding. Check for vertex in rectangle. Check for edge crossing any side of rectangle.GraphVBT EXPORTSGraphVBT ,GraphVBTExtras ; IMPORT Animate, Axis, FloatMode, Fmt, Font, Math, MG, MGV, MultiFilter, PaintOp, Point, Pts, R2, Random, Rd, RealFloat, R2Path, Rect, RefList, RefListUtils, Region, ScaleFilter, TextRd, TextWr, Thread, VBT, VBTClass, Wr; <* PRAGMA LL *> REVEAL TPrivate = ScaleFilter.T BRANDED OBJECT END; T = TPublic BRANDED OBJECT <* LL >= {} *> rect: Rect.T; (* the display rectangle in pixels *) res := ARRAY Axis.T OF REAL{1.0, 1.0}; (* copied from screentype *) realMarginMM: R2.T; (* enough at left and bottom to center the display rectangle *) vertexGroup: MG.Group; (* all the MG.Group objects for the vertices *) edgeGroup: MG.Group; (* all the MG.Group objects for the edges *) vertexHighlightGroup: MG.Group; (* all the MG.Group objects for the vertex highlights *) polygonGroup: MG.Group; (* all the MG.Group objects for the polygons *) fgGroup, bgGroup: MG.Group; (* all the MG.Group objects for objects who have been "toFront" or "toBack" with a "ZOrder" of "Foreground" or "Background" *) animations := 0; (* number of animations in progress *) needRefresh := FALSE; (* if objects moved or screen resolution while an animation was in effect. *) needReshape := FALSE; (* Reshape call should refresh even if shape hasn't changed. *) mgv: MGV.V; (* the actual MGV containing the graphics *) initialized := FALSE; OVERRIDES init := InitGraph; setWorld := SetWorldGraph; setMargin := SetMarginGraph; setPixelSizeDivisor := SetPixelSizeDivisorGraph; setAspect := SetAspectGraph; setPreferredSize := SetPreferredSizeGraph; rescreen := Rescreen; reshape := Reshape; shape := Shape; redisplay := RedisplayGraph; animate := AnimateGraph; clear := ClearGraph; verticesAt := GraphVerticesAt; edgesAt := GraphEdgesAt; vertexHighlightsAt := GraphVertexHighlightsAt; polygonsAt := GraphPolygonsAt; font := MakeWorldFont; END; REVEAL Vertex = VertexPublic BRANDED OBJECT <* LL >= {} *> mg : MG.T; (* the corresponding MG.T *) group: MG.Group; (* containing the MG.T *) currentGroup: MG.Group; (* graph group containing *) colorScheme: PaintOp.ColorScheme; (* containing the color and the fontColor *) animated: BOOLEAN; path : AnimationPath; new: RECORD pos: R2.T; (* position after next animation *) END; initialized := FALSE; OVERRIDES init := InitVertex; move := MoveVertex; setSize := SetVertexSize; setShape := SetVertexShape; setColor := SetVertexColor; setLabel := SetVertexLabel; setFont := SetVertexFont; setFontColor := SetVertexFontColor; setBorder := SetVertexBorder; setBorderColor := SetVertexBorderColor; toFront := VertexToFront; toBack := VertexToBack; remove := RemoveVertex; END; REVEAL Edge = EdgePublic BRANDED OBJECT <* LL >= {} *> graph : T; (* from the vertices *) straight: BOOLEAN; (* whether the line is straight *) mg : MG.T; (* the corresponding MG.Line or MG.Shape *) isLine : BOOLEAN; (* whether the mg is an MG.Line *) end: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF MG.LineEnd; (* the ends of the MG.Line, or NIL *) arrowLine: ARRAY [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1] OF MG.Line; (* the arrowheads, or NIL. the first index is which arrowhead (forward then backward); the second index is which which line (the one on the left in its direction, then the one on the right). *) arrowEnd: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF ARRAY [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1] OF MG.LineEnd; (* their ends, or NIL. the third index is the end on the edge, then the far end. *) arrowPos: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF ARRAY [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1] OF R2.T; (* the positions of the ends, in world coordinates. *) group: MG.Group; (* a group for all the endpoints *) currentGroup: MG.Group; (* graph group containing *) pos: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF R2.T; (* current positions of the endpoints, in world coordinates *) cpos: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF R2.T; (* current positions of control points, in world coordinates, or same as pos if no control points *) new: RECORD vertex0, vertex1: Vertex; (* vertices after next animation *) control0, control1: Vertex; (* control vertices after next animation *) END; colorScheme: PaintOp.ColorScheme; initialized := FALSE; OVERRIDES init := InitEdge; move := MoveEdge; setWidth := SetEdgeWidth; setColor := SetEdgeColor; setArrow := SetEdgeArrow; toFront := EdgeToFront; toBack := EdgeToBack; remove := RemoveEdge; END; REVEAL VertexHighlight = VertexHighlightPublic BRANDED OBJECT <* LL >= {} *> graph: T; (* from the vertex *) mg : MG.T; (* the corresponding MG.T *) group: MG.Group; (* containing the MG.T *) currentGroup: MG.Group; (* graph group containing *) colorScheme: PaintOp.ColorScheme; (* the ColorScheme for the MG.T *) shape : VertexShape; (* current shape *) pos: R2.T; (* current position of the vertex highlight, in world coordinates *) size: R2.T; (* dimensions of the vertex highlight rectangle *) new: RECORD vertex: Vertex; (* vertex after next animation *) END; initialized := FALSE; OVERRIDES init := InitVertexHighlight; move := MoveVertexHighlight; setBorder := SetVertexHighlightBorder; setColor := SetVertexHighlightColor; toFront := VertexHighlightToFront; toBack := VertexHighlightToBack; remove := RemoveVertexHighlight; END; REVEAL Polygon = PolygonPublic BRANDED OBJECT <* LL >= {RefList.First(SELF)} *> graph: T; (* from the vertices *) mg : MG.T; (* the corresponding MG.Shape *) pos: RefList.T (* OF REF R2.T *); (* current positions of the corners, in world coordinates *) group: MG.Group; (* a group for the MG.T *) currentGroup: MG.Group; (* graph group containing *) new: RECORD vertices: RefList.T (* OF Vertex *); (* vertices after next animation *) END; colorScheme: PaintOp.ColorScheme; initialized := FALSE; OVERRIDES init := InitPolygon; move := MovePolygon; setColor := SetPolygonColor; toFront := PolygonToFront; toBack := PolygonToBack; remove := RemovePolygon; END; REVEAL WorldFont = BRANDED REF Font.T; <* LL.sup < *> PROCEDUREInitGraph (graph: T): T = BEGIN IF graph.initialized THEN RETURN graph; END; graph.mgv := NEW(MGV.V).init(); EVAL ScaleFilter.T.init(graph, graph.mgv); := NEW(MUTEX); LOCK DO graph.realMarginMM := R2.Origin; graph.fgGroup := NEW(MG.Group).init(); graph.bgGroup := NEW(MG.Group).init(); graph.vertexGroup := NEW(MG.Group).init(); graph.edgeGroup := NEW(MG.Group).init(); graph.vertexHighlightGroup := NEW(MG.Group).init(); graph.polygonGroup := NEW(MG.Group).init(); LOCK DO graph.mgv.border := ARRAY Axis.T OF REAL{0.0, 0.0}; (* no MG border *) graph.mgv.displayList.addAfter(graph.mgv, graph.fgGroup, NIL); graph.mgv.displayList.addAfter(graph.mgv, graph.vertexGroup, NIL); graph.mgv.displayList.addAfter(graph.mgv, graph.edgeGroup, NIL); graph.mgv.displayList.addAfter( graph.mgv, graph.vertexHighlightGroup, NIL); graph.mgv.displayList.addAfter(graph.mgv, graph.polygonGroup, NIL); graph.mgv.displayList.addAfter(graph.mgv, graph.bgGroup, NIL); END; graph.initialized := TRUE; END; RETURN graph; END InitGraph; PROCEDURESetWorldGraph (graph: T; world: WorldRectangle) = BEGIN := world; graph.needReshape := TRUE; VBT.Mark(graph); END SetWorldGraph; PROCEDURESetMarginGraph (graph: T; margin: REAL) = BEGIN graph.margin := margin; graph.needReshape := TRUE; VBT.Mark(graph); END SetMarginGraph; PROCEDURESetPixelSizeDivisorGraph (graph: T; psd: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF CARDINAL) = BEGIN graph.pixelSizeDivisor := psd; graph.needReshape := TRUE; VBT.Mark(graph); END SetPixelSizeDivisorGraph; PROCEDURESetAspectGraph (graph: T; aspect: REAL) = BEGIN graph.aspect := aspect; graph.needReshape := TRUE; VBT.Mark(graph); END SetAspectGraph; PROCEDURESetPreferredSizeGraph (graph: T; ps: R2.T) = BEGIN graph.preferredSize := ps; graph.needReshape := TRUE; VBT.Mark(graph); END SetPreferredSizeGraph; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURERescreen (graph: T; READONLY cd: VBT.RescreenRec) = BEGIN IF # NIL THEN graph.res :=; graph.rect := Rect.Empty END; TPublic.rescreen(graph, cd); END Rescreen; <* LL.sup = *> PROCEDUREReshape (graph: T; READONLY cd: VBT.ReshapeRec) = VAR redisplay := FALSE; reshape := FALSE; BEGIN IF NOT Rect.IsEmpty( THEN LOCK DO IF (graph.rect # OR graph.needReshape THEN graph.rect :=; graph.needReshape := FALSE; (* avoid arithmetic problems *) IF graph.rect.east = graph.rect.west THEN graph.rect.east := graph.rect.east + 1; END; IF graph.rect.south = graph.rect.north THEN graph.rect.south := graph.rect.south + 1; END; LOCK DO RefreshGraph(graph); END; reshape := TRUE; IF graph.animations > 0 THEN graph.needRefresh := TRUE; END; ELSE redisplay := TRUE; END; END; IF reshape THEN TPublic.reshape(graph, cd); ELSIF redisplay THEN graph.mgv.mgRedisplay(Region.Full); END; END; END Reshape; <* LL.sup = *> PROCEDUREShape (graph: T; ax: Axis.T; <* UNUSED *> n: CARDINAL): VBT.SizeRange = BEGIN LOCK DO RETURN VBT.SizeRange{ VBT.DefaultShape.lo, MAX(ROUND(graph.preferredSize[ORD(ax)] * graph.res[ax]), VBT.DefaultShape.lo), VBT.DefaultShape.hi}; END; END Shape; <* LL = *> PROCEDURERedisplayGraph (graph: T) = BEGIN graph.mgv.mgRedisplay(Region.Full); END RedisplayGraph; <* LL.sup < *> PROCEDUREInitVertex (vertex: Vertex): Vertex = BEGIN IF vertex.initialized THEN RETURN vertex; END; WITH graph = vertex.graph, mgv = graph.mgv DO LOCK DO LOCK DO vertex.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(vertex.color, vertex.fontColor); IF vertex.font = NIL THEN vertex.font := DefaultFont END; CASE vertex.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => := NEW(MG.Rectangle, color := vertex.colorScheme, label := vertex.label, font := vertex.font^, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); | VertexShape.Ellipse => := NEW(MG.Ellipse, color := vertex.colorScheme, label := vertex.label, font := vertex.font^, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); END; := NEW(MG.Group).init(); vertex.currentGroup := graph.vertexGroup; vertex.vertexHighlights := NIL; := vertex.pos; vertex.animated := FALSE;,, NIL); vertex.currentGroup.addBefore(mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.Push(graph.vertices, vertex); VAR centerPP := WorldPosToPts(graph, vertex.pos); BEGIN MG.TranslateToLocked(, mgv, Finite2(centerPP), center := TRUE); AdjustVertex(vertex); END; vertex.initialized := TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN vertex; END InitVertex; <* LL.sup < *> PROCEDUREInitEdge (edge: Edge): Edge = BEGIN IF edge.initialized THEN RETURN edge; END; WITH graph = edge.vertex0.graph, mgv = graph.mgv DO LOCK DO LOCK DO edge.graph := graph; <*ASSERT edge.vertex1.graph = graph*> edge.straight := (edge.control0 = NIL) AND (edge.control1 = NIL); IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN <*ASSERT edge.control0.graph = graph*> END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN <*ASSERT edge.control1.graph = graph*> END; edge.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(edge.color, edge.color); IF edge.straight THEN := NEW(MG.Line, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); edge.end[0] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line :=, controlsFrom := TRUE).init(); edge.end[1] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line :=, controlsFrom := FALSE).init(); edge.isLine := TRUE; ELSE VAR path := NEW(R2Path.T); BEGIN path.init(); := NEW(MG.Shape, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init( R2.Origin, path, fill := FALSE); END; edge.end[0] := NIL; edge.end[1] := NIL; edge.isLine := FALSE; END; FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO IF edge.arrow[i] THEN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO edge.arrowLine[i][j] := NEW( MG.Line, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init( R2.Origin, R2.Origin); edge.arrowEnd[i][j][0] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line := edge.arrowLine[i][j], controlsFrom := TRUE).init(); edge.arrowEnd[i][j][1] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line := edge.arrowLine[i][j], controlsFrom := FALSE).init(); END; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO edge.arrowPos[i][j][k] := R2.Origin; END; END; END; := edge.vertex0; := edge.vertex1; RefListUtils.Push(edge.vertex0.edges, edge); RefListUtils.Push(edge.vertex1.edges, edge); := edge.control0; := edge.control1; IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.Push(edge.control0.edges, edge); END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.Push(edge.control1.edges, edge); END; := NEW(MG.Group).init(); edge.currentGroup := graph.edgeGroup; edge.currentGroup.addBefore(mgv,, NIL); IF edge.isLine THEN, edge.end[0], NIL);, edge.end[1], NIL); ELSE,, NIL); END; FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO IF edge.arrow[i] THEN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO, edge.arrowEnd[i][j][k], NIL); END; END; END; END; RefListUtils.Push(graph.edges, edge); RefreshEdge(edge); edge.initialized := TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN edge; END InitEdge; <* LL.sup < *> PROCEDUREInitVertexHighlight (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight): VertexHighlight = BEGIN IF vertexHighlight.initialized THEN RETURN vertexHighlight; END; WITH graph = vertexHighlight.vertex.graph, mgv = graph.mgv DO LOCK DO LOCK DO vertexHighlight.graph := graph; vertexHighlight.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(vertexHighlight.color, PaintOp.Fg); vertexHighlight.size := R2.Origin; vertexHighlight.shape := vertexHighlight.vertex.shape; CASE vertexHighlight.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => := NEW(MG.Rectangle, color := vertexHighlight.colorScheme, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); | VertexShape.Ellipse => := NEW(MG.Ellipse, color := vertexHighlight.colorScheme, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); END; := NEW(MG.Group).init(); vertexHighlight.currentGroup := graph.vertexHighlightGroup; vertexHighlight.pos := vertexHighlight.vertex.pos; := vertexHighlight.vertex; RefListUtils.Push( vertexHighlight.vertex.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight);,, NIL); vertexHighlight.currentGroup.addBefore( mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.Push(graph.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); VAR centerPP := WorldPosToPts(graph, vertexHighlight.vertex.pos); BEGIN MG.TranslateToLocked(, mgv, Finite2(centerPP), center := TRUE); END; EVAL AdjustVertexHighlightSizeandShape(vertexHighlight); vertexHighlight.initialized := TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN vertexHighlight; END InitVertexHighlight; <* LL.sup < RefList.First(polygon.vertices) *> PROCEDUREInitPolygon (polygon: Polygon): Polygon = BEGIN IF polygon.initialized THEN RETURN polygon; END; <*ASSERT polygon.vertices # NIL*> WITH graph = NARROW(polygon.vertices.head, Vertex).graph, mgv = graph.mgv DO LOCK DO LOCK DO polygon.graph := graph; VAR vertices := polygon.vertices.tail; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => <*ASSERT vertex.graph = graph*> | RefList.T (v2) => <* ASSERT RefList.Length(v2) = 3 *> WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN <*ASSERT vertex.graph = graph*> END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; polygon.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(polygon.color, polygon.color); VAR path := NEW(R2Path.T); BEGIN path.init(); := NEW(MG.Shape, weight := 0.0, color := polygon.colorScheme).init( R2.Origin, path, fill := FALSE); END; := polygon.vertices; VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.Push(vertex.polygons, polygon); | RefList.T (v2) => WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN RefListUtils.Push(vertex.polygons, polygon); END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; := NEW(MG.Group).init(); polygon.currentGroup := graph.polygonGroup;,, NIL); polygon.currentGroup.addBefore(mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.Push(graph.polygons, polygon); RefreshPolygon(polygon); polygon.initialized := TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN polygon; END InitPolygon; <* LL.sup < *> PROCEDUREAnimateGraph (graph: T; t0, t1: REAL) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN LOCK DO LOCK DO graph.animations := graph.animations + 1; VAR tz := t0 / t1; a := 1.0 / (1.0 - tz); b := -tz / (1.0 - tz); BEGIN IF NOT RealFloat.Finite(a + b) THEN a := 1.0; b := 0.0; END; VAR tf := NEW(AffineTimeFunction, a := a, b := b); BEGIN AnimateGraphVertices(graph, tf); AnimateGraphEdges(graph, tf); AnimateGraphVertexHighlights(graph, tf); AnimateGraphPolygons(graph, tf); END; END; END; END; MGV.Animation(graph.mgv, t1); VAR redisplay := FALSE; BEGIN LOCK DO LOCK DO graph.animations := graph.animations - 1; IF graph.animations > 0 THEN graph.needRefresh := TRUE; ELSIF graph.needRefresh THEN RefreshGraph(graph, FALSE); END; PostAnimateGraphVertices(graph); IF PostAnimateGraphEdges(graph) THEN redisplay := TRUE; END; IF PostAnimateGraphVertexHighlights(graph) THEN redisplay := TRUE; END; IF PostAnimateGraphPolygons(graph) THEN redisplay := TRUE; END; END; END; IF redisplay THEN graph.redisplay(); END; END; END AnimateGraph; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREAnimateGraphVertices (graph: T; tf: Animate.TimeFunction) = VAR vertices := graph.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(vertices); BEGIN IF vertex.animated THEN IF vertex.path # NIL THEN VAR path: AlongGivenPath := NEW(AlongGivenPath, graph := graph, pos := vertex.pos, path := vertex.path).init(tf); BEGIN MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, path,; END; ELSE VAR linear: Animate.Linear := NEW(Animate.Linear).init(tf); BEGIN linear.setVector( graph.mgv, WorldSizeToPts(graph, R2.Sub(, vertex.pos))); MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, linear,; END; END; vertex.pos :=; END; END; END; END AnimateGraphVertices; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREAnimateGraphEdges (graph: T; tf: Animate.TimeFunction) = VAR edges := graph.edges; BEGIN WHILE edges # NIL DO VAR edge : Edge := RefListUtils.Pop(edges); oldVertex0 := edge.vertex0; oldVertex1 := edge.vertex1; oldControl0 := edge.control0; oldControl1 := edge.control1; oldPos0 := edge.pos[0]; oldPos1 := edge.pos[1]; BEGIN IF edge.vertex0 # OR edge.vertex1 # OR edge.control0 # OR edge.control1 # THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.vertex0.edges, edge); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.vertex1.edges, edge); IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.control0.edges, edge); END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.control1.edges, edge); END; edge.vertex0 :=; edge.vertex1 :=; RefListUtils.Push(edge.vertex0.edges, edge); RefListUtils.Push(edge.vertex1.edges, edge); edge.control0 :=; edge.control1 :=; edge.straight := (edge.control0 = NIL) AND (edge.control1 = NIL); IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.Push(edge.control0.edges, edge); END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.Push(edge.control1.edges, edge); END; END; IF NOT ((edge.vertex0 = oldVertex0 AND NOT edge.vertex0.animated) AND (edge.vertex1 = oldVertex1 AND NOT edge.vertex1.animated) AND (edge.control0 = oldControl0 AND (edge.control0 = NIL OR NOT edge.control0.animated)) AND (edge.control1 = oldControl1 AND (edge.control1 = NIL OR NOT edge.control1.animated)) AND edge.isLine = edge.straight) THEN IF NOT edge.straight AND edge.isLine THEN (* was straight, now curved. change to straight bezier before animation. *), edge.end[0]);, edge.end[1]); VAR path := NEW(R2Path.T); BEGIN path.init(); := NEW(MG.Shape, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init( R2.Origin, path, fill := FALSE); END; edge.end[0] := NIL; edge.end[1] := NIL; edge.isLine := FALSE;,, NIL); END; IF edge.isLine THEN IF edge.vertex0 = oldVertex0 AND edge.vertex0.animated AND edge.vertex0.path # NIL THEN VAR path: AlongGivenPath := NEW( AlongGivenPath, graph := graph, pos := edge.pos[0], path := edge.vertex0.path).init( tf); BEGIN MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, path, edge.end[0]); END; ELSIF edge.vertex0 # oldVertex0 OR edge.vertex0.animated THEN VAR linear: Animate.Linear := NEW(Animate.Linear).init(tf); BEGIN linear.setVector( graph.mgv, WorldSizeToPts(graph, R2.Sub(, edge.pos[0]))); MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, linear, edge.end[0]); END; END; IF edge.vertex1 = oldVertex1 AND edge.vertex1.animated AND edge.vertex1.path # NIL THEN VAR path: AlongGivenPath := NEW( AlongGivenPath, graph := graph, pos := edge.pos[1], path := edge.vertex1.path).init( tf); BEGIN MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, path, edge.end[1]); END; ELSIF edge.vertex1 # oldVertex1 OR edge.vertex1.animated THEN VAR linear: Animate.Linear := NEW(Animate.Linear).init(tf); BEGIN linear.setVector( graph.mgv, WorldSizeToPts(graph, R2.Sub(, edge.pos[1]))); MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, linear, edge.end[1]); END; END; ELSE VAR bezierAnimation: BezierAnimation; BEGIN bezierAnimation := NEW(BezierAnimation, graph := graph); IF edge.vertex0 = oldVertex0 AND edge.vertex0.animated AND edge.vertex0.path # NIL THEN bezierAnimation.pathA := edge.vertex0.path; ELSE bezierAnimation.pathA := NEW(StraightPath, p0 := edge.pos[0], p1 :=; END; IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN IF edge.control0 = oldControl0 AND edge.control0.animated AND edge.control0.path # NIL THEN bezierAnimation.pathB := edge.control0.path; ELSE bezierAnimation.pathB := NEW(StraightPath, p0 := edge.cpos[0], p1 :=; END; ELSE bezierAnimation.pathB := NEW(StraightPath, p0 := edge.cpos[0], p1 :=; END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN IF edge.control1 = oldControl1 AND edge.control1.animated AND edge.control1.path # NIL THEN bezierAnimation.pathC := edge.control1.path; ELSE bezierAnimation.pathC := NEW(StraightPath, p0 := edge.cpos[1], p1 :=; END; ELSE bezierAnimation.pathC := NEW(StraightPath, p0 := edge.cpos[1], p1 :=; END; IF edge.vertex1 = oldVertex1 AND edge.vertex1.animated AND edge.vertex1.path # NIL THEN bezierAnimation.pathD := edge.vertex1.path; ELSE bezierAnimation.pathD := NEW(StraightPath, p0 := edge.pos[1], p1 :=; END; bezierAnimation := bezierAnimation.init(tf); MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, bezierAnimation,; END; END; edge.pos[0] :=; edge.pos[1] :=; IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN edge.cpos[0] :=; ELSE edge.cpos[0] := edge.pos[0]; END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN edge.cpos[1] :=; ELSE edge.cpos[1] := edge.pos[1]; END; VAR new := ArrowPos(edge); vertex := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF Vertex{edge.vertex0, edge.vertex1}; oldVertex := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF Vertex{oldVertex0, oldVertex1}; oldPos := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF R2.T{oldPos0, oldPos1}; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO IF edge.arrow[i] THEN IF vertex[i] = oldVertex[i] AND vertex[i].animated AND vertex[i].path # NIL THEN VAR oldOffset, newOffset: ARRAY [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1] OF R2.T; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO oldOffset[j][k] := R2.Sub(edge.arrowPos[i][j][k], oldPos[i]); newOffset[j][k] := R2.Sub(new[i][j][k], edge.pos[i]); END; END; FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO VAR path: AlongGivenPath := NEW(AlongGivenPath, graph := graph, pos := edge.arrowPos[ i][j][k], path := NEW(OffsetPath, path := vertex[ i].path, offset0 := oldOffset[j][ k], offset1 := newOffset[j][ k])).init( tf); BEGIN MGV.AddAnimationLocked( graph.mgv, path, edge.arrowEnd[i][j][k]); END; END; END; END; ELSE FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO VAR linear: Animate.Linear := NEW(Animate.Linear).init( tf); BEGIN linear.setVector( graph.mgv, WorldSizeToPts(graph, R2.Sub(new[i][j][k], edge.arrowPos[i][j][k]))); MGV.AddAnimationLocked( graph.mgv, linear, edge.arrowEnd[i][j][k]); END; END; END; END; END; END; edge.arrowPos := new; END; END; END; END; END AnimateGraphEdges; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREAnimateGraphVertexHighlights (graph: T; tf: Animate.TimeFunction) = VAR vertexHighlights := graph.vertexHighlights; BEGIN WHILE vertexHighlights # NIL DO VAR vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight := RefListUtils.Pop(vertexHighlights); BEGIN IF # vertexHighlight.vertex THEN VAR animation: Animate.T; BEGIN VAR linearResize: LinearResize; center0PP := WorldPosToPts(graph, vertexHighlight.pos); center1PP := WorldPosToPts( graph,; size0 := R2.T{ MAX(ABS(vertexHighlight.vertex.size[0]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[0], 0.0), MAX(ABS(vertexHighlight.vertex.size[1]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[1], 0.0)}; size1 := R2.T{ MAX(ABS([0]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[0], 0.0), MAX(ABS([1]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[1], 0.0)}; BEGIN linearResize := NEW(LinearResize, graph := graph, shape := vertexHighlight.vertex.shape, corner0 := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF R2.T{SWFromCenter(center0PP, size0), SWFromCenter(center1PP, size1)}, corner1 := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF R2.T{NEFromCenter(center0PP, size0), NEFromCenter(center1PP, size1)}); EVAL linearResize.init(tf); animation := linearResize; END; MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, animation,; END; vertexHighlight.pos :=; ELSIF vertexHighlight.vertex.animated THEN IF vertexHighlight.vertex.path # NIL THEN VAR path: AlongGivenPath := NEW( AlongGivenPath, graph := graph, pos := vertexHighlight.pos, path := vertexHighlight.vertex.path).init( tf); BEGIN MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, path,; END; ELSE VAR linear: Animate.Linear := NEW(Animate.Linear).init(tf); BEGIN linear.setVector( graph.mgv, WorldSizeToPts(graph, R2.Sub(, vertexHighlight.pos))); MGV.AddAnimationLocked(graph.mgv, linear,; END; END; vertexHighlight.pos :=; END; IF vertexHighlight.vertex # THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ( vertexHighlight.vertex.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); vertexHighlight.vertex :=; RefListUtils.Push( vertexHighlight.vertex.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); END; END; END; END AnimateGraphVertexHighlights; PROCEDUREStraightAnimatePath ( newV : Vertex; newP : REF R2.T; oldV : Vertex; oldP : REF R2.T ): AnimationPath = BEGIN IF newV = oldV AND newV.animated AND newV.path # NIL THEN RETURN newV.path; ELSE RETURN NEW(StraightPath, p0 := oldP^, p1 := newP^); END; END StraightAnimatePath; PROCEDURECurvedAnimatePath (newVs, newPs, oldVs, oldPs: RefList.T): RefList.T = (* of AnimationPath *) VAR res: RefList.T := NIL; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 2 DO RefListUtils.Push( res, StraightAnimatePath( RefListUtils.Pop(newVs), RefListUtils.Pop(newPs), RefListUtils.Pop(oldVs), RefListUtils.Pop(oldPs))) END; RETURN RefList.ReverseD(res); END CurvedAnimatePath; PROCEDUREVList (v1, v2: Vertex): RefList.T = BEGIN RETURN RefList.List3(v1, v2, v2) END VList; PROCEDUREPList (p1, p2: REF R2.T): RefList.T = BEGIN RETURN RefList.List3(p1, p2, p2) END PList; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREAnimateGraphPolygons (graph: T; tf: Animate.TimeFunction) = VAR polygons := graph.polygons; BEGIN WHILE polygons # NIL DO VAR polygon : Polygon := RefListUtils.Pop(polygons); oldVertices := polygon.vertices; oldPositions := polygon.pos; BEGIN IF NOT RefListUtils.Equal(polygon.vertices, THEN VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.DeleteQ(vertex.polygons, polygon); | RefList.T (v2) => WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(vertex.polygons, polygon); END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; polygon.vertices :=; VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.Push(vertex.polygons, polygon); | RefList.T (v2) => WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN RefListUtils.Push(vertex.polygons, polygon); END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; END; VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; positions: RefList.T := NIL; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.Push(positions, NewR2(; | RefList.T (v2) => VAR pos2: RefList.T := NIL; BEGIN WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN RefListUtils.Push(pos2, NewR2(; END; END; RefListUtils.Push(positions, RefList.ReverseD(pos2)); END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; polygon.pos := RefList.ReverseD(positions); END; VAR anyAnimated := FALSE; BEGIN VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL AND NOT anyAnimated DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => IF vertex.animated THEN anyAnimated := TRUE; EXIT; END; | RefList.T (v2) => <* ASSERT RefList.Length(v2) = 3 *> WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN IF vertex.animated THEN anyAnimated := TRUE; EXIT; END; END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; IF NOT RefListUtils.Equal(polygon.vertices, oldVertices) OR anyAnimated THEN VAR paths: RefList.T := NIL; BEGIN VAR list := polygon.vertices; oldList := oldVertices; positionList := polygon.pos; oldPositionList := oldPositions; old, new, oldP, newP: REFANY; prevNewV, prevOldV : Vertex; prevNewP, prevOldP : REF R2.T; BEGIN WHILE list # NIL OR oldList # NIL DO IF list # NIL THEN new := RefListUtils.Pop(list); newP := RefListUtils.Pop(positionList); END; IF oldList # NIL THEN old := RefListUtils.Pop(oldList); oldP := RefListUtils.Pop(oldPositionList); END; TYPECASE new OF | Vertex (newV) => TYPECASE old OF | Vertex (oldV) => RefListUtils.Push( paths, StraightAnimatePath(newV, newP, oldV, oldP)); prevOldV := oldV; prevOldP := oldP; | RefList.T => RefListUtils.Push( paths, CurvedAnimatePath( VList(prevNewV, newV), PList(prevNewP, newP), old, oldP)); prevOldV := RefList.Nth(old, 2); prevOldP := RefList.Nth(oldP, 2); ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; prevNewV := newV; prevNewP := newP; | RefList.T => TYPECASE old OF | Vertex (oldV) => RefListUtils.Push( paths, CurvedAnimatePath( new, newP, VList(prevOldV, oldV), PList(prevOldP, oldP))); prevOldV := oldV; prevOldP := oldP; | RefList.T => RefListUtils.Push( paths, CurvedAnimatePath(new, newP, old, oldP)); prevOldV := RefList.Nth(old, 2); prevOldP := RefList.Nth(oldP, 2); ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; prevNewV := RefList.Nth(new, 2); prevNewP := RefList.Nth(newP, 2); ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; paths := RefList.ReverseD(paths); VAR polygonAnimation := NEW(PolygonAnimation, graph := graph, paths := paths); BEGIN polygonAnimation := polygonAnimation.init(tf); MGV.AddAnimationLocked( graph.mgv, polygonAnimation,; END; END; END; END; END; END; END AnimateGraphPolygons; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREPostAnimateGraphVertices (graph: T) = VAR vertices := graph.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(vertices); BEGIN vertex.animated := FALSE; END; END; END PostAnimateGraphVertices; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREPostAnimateGraphEdges (graph: T): BOOLEAN = VAR edges := graph.edges; redisplay := FALSE; BEGIN WHILE edges # NIL DO VAR edge: Edge := RefListUtils.Pop(edges); BEGIN IF edge.straight AND NOT edge.isLine THEN (* was curved, now straight. replace with straight line. *),; := NEW(MG.Line, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); edge.end[0] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line :=, controlsFrom := TRUE).init(); edge.end[1] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line :=, controlsFrom := FALSE).init(); edge.isLine := TRUE;, edge.end[0], NIL);, edge.end[1], NIL); RefreshEdge(edge); redisplay := TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN redisplay; END PostAnimateGraphEdges; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREPostAnimateGraphVertexHighlights (graph: T): BOOLEAN = VAR vertexHighlights := graph.vertexHighlights; redisplay := FALSE; BEGIN WHILE vertexHighlights # NIL DO VAR vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight := RefListUtils.Pop(vertexHighlights); BEGIN IF AdjustVertexHighlightSizeandShape(vertexHighlight) THEN redisplay := TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN redisplay; END PostAnimateGraphVertexHighlights; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREPostAnimateGraphPolygons (<* UNUSED *> graph: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN FALSE; END PostAnimateGraphPolygons; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREClearGraph (graph: T) = BEGIN WHILE graph.vertices # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := graph.vertices.head; BEGIN vertex.remove(); END; END; LOCK DO graph.mgv.animations := NIL END; END ClearGraph; PROCEDUREPixelRectToWorld ( graph : T; READONLY r : Rect.T; VAR (* OUT *) hRect, vRect: R2.T ) = VAR c1 := ScreenPtToWorldPos(graph, Rect.NorthWest(r)); c2 := ScreenPtToWorldPos(graph, Rect.SouthEast(r)); BEGIN hRect[0] := MIN(c1[0], c2[0]); hRect[1] := MAX(c1[0], c2[0]); vRect[0] := MIN(c1[1], c2[1]); vRect[1] := MAX(c1[1], c2[1]); END PixelRectToWorld; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREGraphVerticesAt (graph: T; pixelRect: Rect.T): RefList.T (* OF Vertex *) = VAR vertices := graph.vertices; list : RefList.T := NIL; hRect, vRect: R2.T; BEGIN LOCK DO PixelRectToWorld(graph, pixelRect, hRect, vRect); WHILE vertices # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(vertices); center := vertex.pos; size := Abs(vertex.size); hVertex := R2.T{center[0] - size[0] / 2.0, center[0] + size[0] / 2.0}; vVertex := R2.T{center[1] - size[1] / 2.0, center[1] + size[1] / 2.0}; BEGIN IF R2Intersect(hRect, hVertex) AND R2Intersect(vRect, vVertex) THEN CASE vertex.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => RefListUtils.Push(list, vertex); | VertexShape.Ellipse => IF hRect[0] < hVertex[0] AND hVertex[1] < hRect[1] OR vRect[0] < vVertex[0] AND vVertex[1] < vRect[1] THEN RefListUtils.Push(list, vertex); ELSE VAR dx0 := (center[0] - hRect[0]) / size[0]; dx1 := (center[0] - hRect[1]) / size[0]; dy0 := (center[1] - vRect[0]) / size[1]; dy1 := (center[1] - vRect[1]) / size[1]; BEGIN IF dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0 < 0.25 OR dx0 * dx0 + dy1 * dy1 < 0.25 OR dx1 * dx1 + dy0 * dy0 < 0.25 OR dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1 < 0.25 THEN RefListUtils.Push(list, vertex); END; END; END; END; END; END; END; END; RETURN RefList.ReverseD(list); END GraphVerticesAt; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREGraphEdgesAt (graph: T; pixelRect: Rect.T): RefList.T (* OF Edge *) = VAR edges := graph.edges; list : RefList.T := NIL; hRect, vRect: R2.T; BEGIN LOCK DO PixelRectToWorld(graph, pixelRect, hRect, vRect); WHILE edges # NIL DO VAR edge: Edge := RefListUtils.Pop(edges); BEGIN IF EdgeInBox(edge, hRect, vRect) THEN RefListUtils.Push(list, edge); END; END; END; END; RETURN list; END GraphEdgesAt; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREEdgeInBox (edge: Edge; hBox, vBox: R2.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph, slop = ScreenPtToWorldPos(graph, Point.T{2, 2}) DO hBox := R2.T{hBox[0] - MAX(ABS(edge.width) / 2.0, slop[0]), hBox[1] + MAX(ABS(edge.width) / 2.0, slop[0])}; vBox := R2.T{vBox[0] - MAX(ABS(edge.width) / 2.0, slop[1]), vBox[1] + MAX(ABS(edge.width) / 2.0, slop[1])}; IF edge.straight THEN RETURN StraightEdgeInBox(edge, hBox, vBox); ELSE RETURN BezierEdgeInBox(edge, hBox, vBox); END; END; END EdgeInBox; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREStraightEdgeInBox (edge: Edge; READONLY hBox, vBox: R2.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN LineInBox(edge.pos[0], edge.pos[1], hBox, vBox) END StraightEdgeInBox; PROCEDURELineInBox (READONLY pos0, pos1, hBox, vBox: R2.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN VAR hEdge := R2.T{MIN(pos0[0], pos1[0]), MAX(pos0[0], pos1[0])}; vEdge := R2.T{MIN(pos0[1], pos1[1]), MAX(pos0[1], pos1[1])}; BEGIN IF NOT (R2Intersect(hBox, hEdge) AND R2Intersect(vBox, vEdge)) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; VAR x0 := pos0[0]; y0 := pos0[1]; x1 := pos1[0]; y1 := pos1[1]; BEGIN IF hBox[0] <= x0 AND x0 <= hBox[1] AND vBox[0] <= y0 AND y0 <= vBox[1] OR hBox[0] <= x1 AND x1 <= hBox[1] AND vBox[0] <= y1 AND y1 <= vBox[1] THEN RETURN TRUE; END; VAR t := (hBox[0] - x0) / (x1 - x0); BEGIN IF 0.0 <= t AND t <= 1.0 THEN VAR y := y0 + (y1 - y0) * t; BEGIN IF vBox[0] <= y AND y <= vBox[1] THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; VAR t := (hBox[1] - x0) / (x1 - x0); BEGIN IF 0.0 <= t AND t <= 1.0 THEN VAR y := y0 + (y1 - y0) * t; BEGIN IF vBox[0] <= y AND y <= vBox[1] THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; VAR t := (vBox[0] - y0) / (y1 - y0); BEGIN IF 0.0 <= t AND t <= 1.0 THEN VAR x := x0 + (x1 - x0) * t; BEGIN IF hBox[0] <= x AND x <= hBox[1] THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END LineInBox; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREBezierEdgeInBox (edge: Edge; hBox, vBox: R2.T): BOOLEAN = PROCEDURE BezierStep (c0, c1, c2, c3: R2.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN VAR end := c0; BEGIN IF (hBox[0] <= end[0] AND end[0] <= hBox[1]) AND (vBox[0] <= end[1] AND end[1] <= vBox[1]) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; VAR end := c3; BEGIN IF (hBox[0] <= end[0] AND end[0] <= hBox[1]) AND (vBox[0] <= end[1] AND end[1] <= vBox[1]) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; VAR hBounds := CubicBounds(c0[0], c1[0], c2[0], c3[0]); BEGIN IF NOT R2Intersect(hBox, hBounds) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; VAR vBounds := CubicBounds(c0[1], c1[1], c2[1], c3[1]); BEGIN IF NOT R2Intersect(vBox, vBounds) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF ABS(hBounds[1] - hBounds[0]) < hHalfPixel AND ABS(vBounds[1] - vBounds[0]) < hHalfPixel THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; END; VAR d0 := c0; d1 := c1; d2 := c2; d3 := c3; BEGIN SubCubic2(d0, d1, d2, d3, half := 0); IF BezierStep(d0, d1, d2, d3) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; VAR d0 := c0; d1 := c1; d2 := c2; d3 := c3; BEGIN SubCubic2(d0, d1, d2, d3, half := 1); IF BezierStep(d0, d1, d2, d3) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END BezierStep; VAR hHalfPixel, vHalfPixel: REAL; BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph, slop = ScreenPtToWorldPos(graph, Point.T{1, 1}) DO hHalfPixel := slop[0] / 2.0; vHalfPixel := slop[1] / 2.0; RETURN BezierStep(edge.pos[0], edge.cpos[0], edge.cpos[1], edge.pos[1]); END; END BezierEdgeInBox; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREGraphVertexHighlightsAt (graph: T; pixelRect: Rect.T): RefList.T (* OF VertexHighlight *) = VAR vertexHighlights := graph.vertexHighlights; list : RefList.T := NIL; hRect, vRect : R2.T; BEGIN LOCK DO PixelRectToWorld(graph, pixelRect, hRect, vRect); WHILE vertexHighlights # NIL DO VAR vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight := RefListUtils.Pop(vertexHighlights); center := vertexHighlight.pos; size := R2.T{ABS(vertexHighlight.vertex.size[0]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[0], ABS(vertexHighlight.vertex.size[1]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[1]}; hHighlight := R2.T{center[0] - size[0] / 2.0, center[0] + size[0] / 2.0}; vHighlight := R2.T{center[1] - size[1] / 2.0, center[1] + size[1] / 2.0}; BEGIN IF R2Intersect(hRect, hHighlight) AND R2Intersect(vRect, vHighlight) THEN CASE vertexHighlight.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => RefListUtils.Push(list, vertexHighlight); | VertexShape.Ellipse => IF hRect[0] < hHighlight[0] AND hHighlight[1] < hRect[1] OR vRect[0] < vHighlight[0] AND vHighlight[1] < vRect[1] THEN RefListUtils.Push(list, vertexHighlight); ELSE VAR dx0 := (center[0] - hRect[0]) / (size[0]); dx1 := (center[0] - hRect[1]) / (size[0]); dy0 := (center[1] - vRect[0]) / (size[1]); dy1 := (center[1] - vRect[1]) / (size[1]); BEGIN IF dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0 < 0.25 OR dx0 * dx0 + dy1 * dy1 < 0.25 OR dx1 * dx1 + dy0 * dy0 < 0.25 OR dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1 < 0.25 THEN RefListUtils.Push(list, vertexHighlight); END; END; END; END; END; END; END; END; RETURN RefList.ReverseD(list); END GraphVertexHighlightsAt; PROCEDUREGraphPolygonsAt (graph: T; pixelRect: Rect.T): RefList.T (* OF Polygon *) = VAR polygons := graph.polygons; list : RefList.T := NIL; hRect, vRect: R2.T; BEGIN LOCK DO PixelRectToWorld(graph, pixelRect, hRect, vRect); WHILE polygons # NIL DO VAR polygon: Polygon := RefListUtils.Pop(polygons); BEGIN IF PolygonInBox(polygon, hRect, vRect) THEN RefListUtils.Push(list, polygon); END; END; END; RETURN list; END; END GraphPolygonsAt; PROCEDUREFlatten (list: RefList.T): RefList.T = VAR res: RefList.T := NIL; BEGIN WHILE list # NIL DO TYPECASE list.head OF | Vertex(v) => res := RefList.Cons(v, res); | RefList.T(l) => WHILE l # NIL DO res := RefList.Cons(l.head, res); l := l.tail; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; list := list.tail END; RETURN RefList.ReverseD(res); END Flatten;
PROCEDUREWinding return TRUE is the line p1, p2 crosses the ray extending east from w. RETURN FALSE if the ray crosses exactly through p2.PolygonInBox (polygon: Polygon; hBox, vBox: R2.T): BOOLEAN = VAR vertices : RefList.T; winding := 0; vertex : Vertex; first, pos0, pos1: R2.T; windingPt := R2.T{hBox[0], vBox[0]}; BEGIN (* Temporarily (hah!) treat a polygon with bezier edges as if it were a polygon with straight edges to the control points (SCG 21 July 1993) *) vertices := Flatten(polygon.vertices); vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(vertices); pos0 := vertex.pos; first := pos0; IF PosInBox(pos0, hBox, vBox) THEN RETURN TRUE END; WHILE vertices # NIL DO vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(vertices); pos1 := vertex.pos; IF PosInBox(pos1, hBox, vBox) THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF LineInBox(pos0, pos1, hBox, vBox) THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF Winding(pos0, pos1, windingPt) THEN INC(winding) END; pos0 := pos1; END; pos1 := first; IF LineInBox(pos0, pos1, hBox, vBox) THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF Winding(pos0, pos1, windingPt) THEN INC(winding) END; RETURN (winding MOD 2) = 1 END PolygonInBox; PROCEDUREPosInBox (READONLY pos, hBox, vBox: R2.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN hBox[0] <= pos[0] AND pos[0] <= hBox[1] AND vBox[0] <= pos[1] AND pos[1] <= vBox[1] END PosInBox;
PROCEDUREREDISPLAYWinding (READONLY p1, p2, w: R2.T): BOOLEAN = VAR hw := w[0]; vw := w[1]; h1 := p1[0]; v1 := p1[1]; h2 := p2[0]; v2 := p2[1]; BEGIN IF (v1 < vw AND v2 <= vw) OR (v1 > vw AND v2 >= vw) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF h1 >= hw AND h2 > hw THEN RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN h1 + (h2 - h1) * (vw - v1) / (v2 - v1) >= hw END Winding; CONST SlantToText = ARRAY Slant OF TEXT{"r", "i", "o", "ri", "ro", "ot", "*"}; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDUREMakeWorldFont (<* UNUSED *> t : T; family : TEXT := "Helvetica"; size : REAL := 0.0353; slant : Slant := Slant.Roman; weight : TEXT := "Medium"; foundry: TEXT := "*" ): WorldFont = BEGIN RETURN WorldFontFromFont(Font.FromName(ARRAY OF TEXT{ Fmt.F("-%s-%s-%s-%s-*-*-*-%s-*-*-*-*-*-*", foundry, family, weight, SlantToText[slant], Fmt.Real(Pts.FromMM(size)))})); END MakeWorldFont; PROCEDUREScaleFontToPts (name: TEXT): TEXT = VAR rd := TextRd.New(name); wr := TextWr.New(); ch : CHAR; int := 0; res, frac: REAL; <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> BEGIN TRY (* copy up to pointsize *) FOR i := 1 TO 8 DO ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); WHILE ch # '-' DO Wr.PutChar(wr, ch); ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); END; Wr.PutChar(wr, ch); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => RETURN name; END; TRY ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); WHILE ORD(ch) >= ORD('0') AND ORD(ch) <= ORD('9') DO int := 10 * int + ORD(ch) - ORD('0'); ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => RETURN name END; (* slightly inaccurate conversion to floating pt *) res := FLOAT(int); IF ch = '.' THEN TRY ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); frac := 0.1; WHILE ORD(ch) >= ORD('0') AND ORD(ch) <= ORD('9') DO res := res + FLOAT(ORD(ch) - ORD('0')) * frac; frac := frac / 10.0; ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => RETURN name END; END; IF ch # '-' THEN RETURN name END; Wr.PutText(wr, Fmt.Real(Pts.FromMM(res))); Wr.PutChar(wr, '-'); TRY FOR i := 1 TO 5 DO ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); WHILE ch # '-' DO Wr.PutChar(wr, ch); ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); END; Wr.PutChar(wr, ch); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => RETURN name END; LOOP TRY (* copy charset - no trailing "-" *) ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); Wr.PutChar(wr, ch); EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile => EXIT; | Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => RETURN name; END; END; RETURN TextWr.ToText(wr); END ScaleFontToPts; PROCEDUREWorldFontFromText (font: TEXT): WorldFont = BEGIN (* need to resize the pointsize (yuck!) *) RETURN WorldFontFromFont( Font.FromName(ARRAY OF TEXT{ScaleFontToPts(font)})); END WorldFontFromText; PROCEDUREWorldFontFromFont (font: Font.T): WorldFont = VAR res := NEW(WorldFont); BEGIN res^ := font; RETURN res; END WorldFontFromFont; PROCEDUREFontFromWorldFont (wf: WorldFont): Font.T = BEGIN RETURN wf^ END FontFromWorldFont; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREMoveVertex (vertex : Vertex; pos : R2.T; animated: BOOLEAN := FALSE; <* UNUSED *> start := 0.0; <* UNUSED *> stop := 1.0; path : AnimationPath := NIL ) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO := pos; IF animated THEN vertex.animated := TRUE; vertex.path := path; ELSE vertex.animated := FALSE; LOCK DO MG.TranslateToLocked(, graph.mgv, Finite2(WorldPosToPts(graph, pos)), center := TRUE); END; vertex.pos := pos; VAR edges := vertex.edges; BEGIN WHILE edges # NIL DO VAR edge: Edge := RefListUtils.Pop(edges); BEGIN MoveEdge(edge, edge.vertex0, edge.vertex1, edge.control0, edge.control1, animated := FALSE); END; END; END; VAR vertexHighlights := vertex.vertexHighlights; BEGIN WHILE vertexHighlights # NIL DO VAR vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight := RefListUtils.Pop( vertexHighlights); BEGIN MoveVertexHighlight( vertexHighlight, vertexHighlight.vertex, animated := FALSE); END; END; END; VAR polygons := vertex.polygons; BEGIN WHILE polygons # NIL DO VAR polygon: Polygon := RefListUtils.Pop(polygons); BEGIN MovePolygon(polygon, polygon.vertices, animated := FALSE); END; END; END; IF graph.animations > 0 THEN graph.needRefresh := TRUE; END; END; END; END MoveVertex; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexSize (vertex: Vertex; size: R2.T) = BEGIN vertex.size := size; LOCK DO AdjustVertex(vertex) END; END SetVertexSize; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexShape (vertex: Vertex; shape: VertexShape) = BEGIN IF shape = vertex.shape THEN RETURN; END; WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO vertex.shape := shape;,; CASE vertex.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => := NEW(MG.Rectangle, color := vertex.colorScheme, label := vertex.label, font := vertex.font^, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); | VertexShape.Ellipse => := NEW(MG.Ellipse, color := vertex.colorScheme, label := vertex.label, font := vertex.font^, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); END;,, NIL); AdjustVertex(vertex); END; END; END SetVertexShape; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexColor (vertex: Vertex; color: PaintOp.T) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO vertex.color := color; vertex.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(vertex.color, vertex.fontColor);, vertex.colorScheme); END; END; END SetVertexColor; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexLabel (vertex: Vertex; label: TEXT) = BEGIN vertex.label := label; WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO, label); END; END; END SetVertexLabel; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexFont (vertex: Vertex; font: WorldFont) = BEGIN IF font = NIL THEN font := DefaultFont END; WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO vertex.font := font;, vertex.font^); END; END; END SetVertexFont; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexFontColor (vertex: Vertex; fontColor: PaintOp.T) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO vertex.fontColor := fontColor; vertex.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(vertex.color, vertex.fontColor);, vertex.colorScheme); END; END; END SetVertexFontColor; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexBorder (vertex: Vertex; border: REAL) = BEGIN vertex.border := border; LOCK DO AdjustVertex(vertex) END; END SetVertexBorder; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexBorderColor (vertex: Vertex; borderColor: PaintOp.T) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO vertex.borderColor := borderColor; END; END; END SetVertexBorderColor; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREVertexToFront (vertex: Vertex; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO vertex.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => vertex.currentGroup := graph.vertexGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => vertex.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => vertex.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; vertex.currentGroup.addBefore(graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.vertices, vertex); RefListUtils.Push(graph.vertices, vertex); END; END; END VertexToFront; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREVertexToBack (vertex: Vertex; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO vertex.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => vertex.currentGroup := graph.vertexGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => vertex.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => vertex.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; vertex.currentGroup.addAfter(graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.vertices, vertex); graph.vertices := RefList.Append(graph.vertices, RefList.List1(vertex)); END; END; END VertexToBack; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURERemoveVertex (vertex: Vertex) = BEGIN IF NOT vertex.initialized THEN RETURN; END; WHILE vertex.edges # NIL DO VAR edge: Edge := vertex.edges.head; BEGIN RemoveEdge(edge); END; END; WHILE vertex.vertexHighlights # NIL DO VAR vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight := vertex.vertexHighlights.head; BEGIN RemoveVertexHighlight(vertexHighlight); END; END; WHILE vertex.polygons # NIL DO VAR polygon: Polygon := vertex.polygons.head; BEGIN RemovePolygon(polygon); END; END; WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.vertices, vertex); vertex.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; END; END; vertex.initialized := FALSE; END RemoveVertex; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetEdgeWidth (edge: Edge; width: REAL) = BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO LOCK DO edge.width := width;, Pts.FromMM(edge.width)); VAR arrows := FALSE; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO IF edge.arrow[i] THEN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO edge.arrowLine[i][j].setWeight( graph.mgv, Pts.FromMM(edge.width)); arrows := TRUE; END; END; END; IF arrows THEN RefreshEdge(edge); ELSE (* work around MG bug *) IF NOT edge.isLine THEN RefreshEdge(edge); END; END; END; END; END; END SetEdgeWidth; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetEdgeColor (edge: Edge; color: PaintOp.T) = BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO LOCK DO edge.color := color; edge.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(edge.color, edge.color);, edge.colorScheme);, Pts.FromMM(edge.width)); (* work around MG bug *) FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO IF edge.arrow[i] THEN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO edge.arrowLine[i][j].setColor(graph.mgv, edge.colorScheme); edge.arrowLine[i][j].setWeight( graph.mgv, Pts.FromMM(edge.width)); END; END; END; END; END; END SetEdgeColor; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetEdgeArrow (edge: Edge; arrow: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF BOOLEAN) = BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO LOCK DO FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO IF arrow[i] AND NOT edge.arrow[i] THEN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO edge.arrowLine[i][j] := NEW(MG.Line, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); edge.arrowEnd[i][j][0] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line := edge.arrowLine[i][j], controlsFrom := TRUE).init(); edge.arrowEnd[i][j][1] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line := edge.arrowLine[i][j], controlsFrom := FALSE).init(); FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO graph.mgv, edge.arrowEnd[i][j][k], NIL); edge.arrowPos[i][j][k] := R2.Origin; END; END; ELSIF edge.arrow[i] AND NOT arrow[i] THEN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO edge.arrowLine[i][j] := NIL; FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO, edge.arrowEnd[i][j][k]); edge.arrowEnd[i][j][k] := NIL; END; END; END; END; edge.arrow := arrow; RefreshEdge(edge); END; END; END SetEdgeArrow; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREMoveEdge (edge : Edge; vertex0, vertex1 : Vertex; control0, control1: Vertex := NIL; animated : BOOLEAN := FALSE; <* UNUSED *> start := 0.0; <* UNUSED *> stop := 1.0) = VAR straight := (control0 = NIL) AND (control1 = NIL); BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO LOCK DO <*ASSERT vertex0.graph = graph*> <*ASSERT vertex1.graph = graph*> IF straight THEN <*ASSERT control1 = NIL*> ELSE <*ASSERT control1 # NIL*> <*ASSERT control0.graph = graph*> <*ASSERT control1.graph = graph*> END; := vertex0; := vertex1; := control0; := control1; IF NOT animated THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.vertex0.edges, edge); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.vertex1.edges, edge); IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.control0.edges, edge); END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.control1.edges, edge); END; edge.vertex0 :=; edge.vertex1 :=; RefListUtils.Push(edge.vertex0.edges, edge); RefListUtils.Push(edge.vertex1.edges, edge); edge.control0 :=; edge.control1 :=; edge.straight := (edge.control0 = NIL) AND (edge.control1 = NIL); IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.Push(edge.control0.edges, edge); END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.Push(edge.control1.edges, edge); END; IF NOT edge.straight AND edge.isLine THEN (* was straight, now curved. *), edge.end[0]);, edge.end[1]); VAR path := NEW(R2Path.T); BEGIN path.init(); := NEW(MG.Shape, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init( R2.Origin, path, fill := FALSE); END; edge.end[0] := NIL; edge.end[1] := NIL; edge.isLine := FALSE;,, NIL); ELSIF edge.straight AND NOT edge.isLine THEN (* was curved, now straight. *),; := NEW(MG.Line, weight := Pts.FromMM(edge.width), color := edge.colorScheme).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); edge.end[0] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line :=, controlsFrom := TRUE).init(); edge.end[1] := NEW(MG.LineEnd, line :=, controlsFrom := FALSE).init(); edge.isLine := TRUE;, edge.end[0], NIL);, edge.end[1], NIL); END; RefreshEdge(edge); IF graph.animations > 0 THEN graph.needRefresh := TRUE; END; END; END; END; END MoveEdge; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREEdgeToFront (edge: Edge; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO LOCK DO edge.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => edge.currentGroup := graph.edgeGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => edge.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => edge.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; edge.currentGroup.addBefore(graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.edges, edge); RefListUtils.Push(graph.edges, edge); END; END; END EdgeToFront; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREEdgeToBack (edge: Edge; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO LOCK DO edge.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => edge.currentGroup := graph.edgeGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => edge.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => edge.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; edge.currentGroup.addAfter(graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.edges, edge); graph.edges := RefList.Append(graph.edges, RefList.List1(edge)); END; END; END EdgeToBack; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURERemoveEdge (edge: Edge) = BEGIN IF NOT edge.initialized THEN RETURN; END; WITH graph = edge.graph DO LOCK DO RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.edges, edge); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.vertex0.edges, edge); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.vertex1.edges, edge); IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.control0.edges, edge); END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(edge.control1.edges, edge); END; edge.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; END; END; edge.initialized := FALSE; END RemoveEdge; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREMoveVertexHighlight (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight; vertex : Vertex; animated : BOOLEAN := FALSE; <* UNUSED *> start := 0.0; <* UNUSED *> stop := 1.0) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO LOCK DO <*ASSERT vertex.graph = graph*> := vertex; IF NOT animated THEN vertexHighlight.pos :=; RefListUtils.DeleteQ( vertexHighlight.vertex.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); vertexHighlight.vertex :=; RefListUtils.Push( vertexHighlight.vertex.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); VAR centerPP := WorldPosToPts(graph, vertexHighlight.vertex.pos); BEGIN MG.TranslateToLocked(, graph.mgv, Finite2(centerPP), center := TRUE); END; EVAL AdjustVertexHighlightSizeandShape(vertexHighlight); IF graph.animations > 0 THEN graph.needRefresh := TRUE; END; END; END; END; END MoveVertexHighlight; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexHighlightBorder (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight; border : R2.T ) = BEGIN BEGIN vertexHighlight.border := border; LOCK DO EVAL AdjustVertexHighlightSizeandShape(vertexHighlight); END; END; END SetVertexHighlightBorder; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURESetVertexHighlightColor (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight; color : PaintOp.T ) = BEGIN vertexHighlight.color := color; vertexHighlight.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(vertexHighlight.color, PaintOp.Fg); WITH graph = vertexHighlight.graph DO LOCK DO, vertexHighlight.colorScheme); END; END; END SetVertexHighlightColor; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREVertexHighlightToFront (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertexHighlight.graph DO LOCK DO vertexHighlight.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => vertexHighlight.currentGroup := graph.vertexHighlightGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => vertexHighlight.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => vertexHighlight.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; vertexHighlight.currentGroup.addBefore( graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); RefListUtils.Push(graph.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); END; END; END VertexHighlightToFront; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREVertexHighlightToBack (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertexHighlight.graph DO LOCK DO vertexHighlight.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => vertexHighlight.currentGroup := graph.vertexHighlightGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => vertexHighlight.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => vertexHighlight.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; vertexHighlight.currentGroup.addAfter( graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); graph.vertexHighlights := RefList.Append(graph.vertexHighlights, RefList.List1(vertexHighlight)); END; END; END VertexHighlightToBack; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDURERemoveVertexHighlight (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight) = BEGIN IF NOT vertexHighlight.initialized THEN RETURN; END; WITH graph = vertexHighlight.graph DO LOCK DO RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); RefListUtils.DeleteQ( vertexHighlight.vertex.vertexHighlights, vertexHighlight); vertexHighlight.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; END; END; vertexHighlight.initialized := FALSE; END RemoveVertexHighlight; <* LL.sup >= RefList.First(polygon.vertices) *> PROCEDURESetPolygonColor (polygon: Polygon; color: PaintOp.T) = BEGIN WITH graph = polygon.graph DO LOCK DO polygon.color := color; polygon.colorScheme := PaintOp.MakeColorScheme(polygon.color, polygon.color);, polygon.colorScheme); END; END; END SetPolygonColor; <* LL.sup >= RefList.First(polygon.vertices) *> PROCEDUREMovePolygon (polygon : Polygon; vertices: RefList.T (* OF Vertex *); animated: BOOLEAN := FALSE; <* UNUSED *> start := 0.0; <* UNUSED *> stop := 1.0) = BEGIN WITH graph = polygon.graph DO LOCK DO <*ASSERT vertices # NIL*> VAR list := vertices; BEGIN WHILE list # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(list) OF | Vertex (vertex) => <*ASSERT vertex.graph = graph*> | RefList.T (v2) => <* ASSERT RefList.Length(v2) = 3 *> WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN <*ASSERT vertex.graph = graph*> END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; := vertices; IF NOT animated THEN VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.DeleteQ(vertex.polygons, polygon); | RefList.T (v2) => <* ASSERT RefList.Length(v2) = 3 *> WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(vertex.polygons, polygon); END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; polygon.vertices :=; VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.Push(vertex.polygons, polygon); | RefList.T (v2) => <* ASSERT RefList.Length(v2) = 3 *> WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN RefListUtils.Push(vertex.polygons, polygon); END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; RefreshPolygon(polygon); IF graph.animations > 0 THEN graph.needRefresh := TRUE; END; END; END; END; END MovePolygon; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREPolygonToFront (polygon: Polygon; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = polygon.graph DO LOCK DO polygon.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => polygon.currentGroup := graph.polygonGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => polygon.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => polygon.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; polygon.currentGroup.addBefore(graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.polygons, polygon); RefListUtils.Push(graph.polygons, polygon); END; END; END PolygonToFront; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREPolygonToBack (polygon: Polygon; zOrder := ZOrder.Normal) = BEGIN WITH graph = polygon.graph DO LOCK DO polygon.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; CASE zOrder OF | ZOrder.Normal => polygon.currentGroup := graph.polygonGroup; | ZOrder.Foreground => polygon.currentGroup := graph.fgGroup; | ZOrder.Background => polygon.currentGroup := graph.bgGroup; END; polygon.currentGroup.addAfter(graph.mgv,, NIL); RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.polygons, polygon); graph.polygons := RefList.Append(graph.polygons, RefList.List1(polygon)); END; END; END PolygonToBack; <* LL.sup >= RefList.First(polygon.vertices) *> PROCEDURERemovePolygon (polygon: Polygon) = BEGIN IF NOT polygon.initialized THEN RETURN; END; WITH graph = polygon.graph DO LOCK DO RefListUtils.DeleteQ(graph.polygons, polygon); VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.DeleteQ(vertex.polygons, polygon); | RefList.T (vs) => WHILE vs # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(vs); BEGIN RefListUtils.DeleteQ(vertex.polygons, polygon); END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; polygon.currentGroup.remove(graph.mgv,; END; END; polygon.initialized := FALSE; END RemovePolygon;
<* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDURECONSISTENCY UTLITIESRefreshGraph (graph: T; all := TRUE) = VAR pixels, borderPixels: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF INTEGER; BEGIN IF VBT.ScreenTypeOf(graph) = NIL OR Rect.IsEmpty(graph.rect) THEN RETURN END; IF all THEN pixels[0] := graph.rect.east - graph.rect.west; pixels[1] := graph.rect.south - graph.rect.north; borderPixels[0] := CEILING(graph.margin * graph.res[Axis.T.Hor]); borderPixels[1] := CEILING(graph.margin * graph.res[Axis.T.Ver]); pixels[0] := pixels[0] - 2 * borderPixels[0]; IF pixels[0] < 0 THEN pixels[0] := 0; borderPixels[0] := (graph.rect.east - graph.rect.west) DIV 2; END; pixels[1] := pixels[1] - 2 * borderPixels[1]; IF pixels[1] < 0 THEN pixels[1] := 0; borderPixels[1] := (graph.rect.south - graph.rect.north) DIV 2; END; IF pixels[0] >= graph.pixelSizeDivisor[0] THEN pixels[0] := pixels[0] - pixels[0] MOD graph.pixelSizeDivisor[0]; END; IF pixels[1] >= graph.pixelSizeDivisor[1] THEN pixels[1] := pixels[1] - pixels[1] MOD graph.pixelSizeDivisor[1]; END; IF graph.aspect # 0.0 THEN IF FLOAT(pixels[0]) * graph.res[Axis.T.Ver] * graph.aspect > FLOAT(pixels[1]) * graph.res[Axis.T.Hor] THEN pixels[0] := ROUND(FLOAT(pixels[1]) * (graph.res[Axis.T.Hor] / graph.res[Axis.T.Ver]) / graph.aspect / FLOAT(graph.pixelSizeDivisor[0])) * graph.pixelSizeDivisor[0]; IF pixels[0] + 2 * borderPixels[0] > graph.rect.east - graph.rect.west THEN pixels[0] := pixels[0] - graph.pixelSizeDivisor[0]; END; IF pixels[0] = 0 THEN pixels[0] := (graph.rect.east - graph.rect.west) - 2 * borderPixels[0]; END; ELSE pixels[1] := ROUND(FLOAT(pixels[0]) * (graph.res[Axis.T.Ver] / graph.res[Axis.T.Hor]) * graph.aspect / FLOAT(graph.pixelSizeDivisor[1])) * graph.pixelSizeDivisor[1]; IF pixels[1] + 2 * borderPixels[1] > graph.rect.south - graph.rect.north THEN pixels[1] := pixels[1] - graph.pixelSizeDivisor[1]; END; IF pixels[1] = 0 THEN pixels[1] := (graph.rect.south - graph.rect.north) - 2 * borderPixels[1]; END; END; END; borderPixels[0] := ((graph.rect.east - graph.rect.west) - pixels[0]) DIV 2; borderPixels[1] := ((graph.rect.south - graph.rect.north) - pixels[1]) DIV 2; VAR hs := ABS(FLOAT(pixels[0]) / ( -; vs := ABS(FLOAT(pixels[1]) / ( -; BEGIN graph.realMarginMM[0] := FLOAT(borderPixels[0]) / hs; graph.realMarginMM[1] := FLOAT(borderPixels[1]) / vs; hs := hs / graph.res[Axis.T.Hor]; vs := vs / graph.res[Axis.T.Ver]; Thread.Release(; Thread.Release(; TRY ScaleFilter.Scale(graph, hs, vs); FINALLY Thread.Acquire(; Thread.Acquire(; END; END; END; VAR vertices := graph.vertices; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(vertices); BEGIN RefreshVertex(vertex); END; END; END; VAR edges := graph.edges; BEGIN WHILE edges # NIL DO VAR edge: Edge := RefListUtils.Pop(edges); BEGIN RefreshEdge(edge); END; END; END; VAR polygons := graph.polygons; BEGIN WHILE polygons # NIL DO VAR polygon: Polygon := RefListUtils.Pop(polygons); BEGIN RefreshPolygon(polygon); END; END; END; END RefreshGraph; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDURERefreshVertex (vertex: Vertex) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO VAR centerPP := WorldPosToPts(graph, vertex.pos); BEGIN MG.TranslateToLocked(, graph.mgv, Finite2(centerPP), center := TRUE); VAR vertexHighlights := vertex.vertexHighlights; BEGIN WHILE vertexHighlights # NIL DO VAR vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight := RefListUtils.Pop( vertexHighlights); BEGIN MG.TranslateToLocked(, graph.mgv, Finite2(centerPP), center := TRUE); END; END; END; END; END; END RefreshVertex; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDURERefreshEdge (edge: Edge) = BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO edge.pos[0] := edge.vertex0.pos; edge.pos[1] := edge.vertex1.pos; IF edge.control0 # NIL THEN edge.cpos[0] := edge.control0.pos; ELSE edge.cpos[0] := edge.vertex0.pos; END; IF edge.control1 # NIL THEN edge.cpos[1] := edge.control1.pos; ELSE edge.cpos[1] := edge.vertex1.pos; END; IF edge.isLine THEN MG.TranslateToLocked( edge.end[0], graph.mgv, Finite2(WorldPosToPts(graph, edge.pos[0]))); MG.TranslateToLocked( edge.end[1], graph.mgv, Finite2(WorldPosToPts(graph, edge.pos[1]))); ELSE VAR origin := WorldPosToPts(graph, edge.pos[0]); path := NEW(R2Path.T); BEGIN path.init(); path.moveTo(R2.Origin); path.curveTo( Finite2(R2.Sub(WorldPosToPts(graph, edge.cpos[0]), origin)), Finite2(R2.Sub(WorldPosToPts(graph, edge.cpos[1]), origin)), Finite2(R2.Sub(WorldPosToPts(graph, edge.pos[1]), origin))); NARROW(, MG.Shape).reshape( graph.mgv, origin, path, fill := FALSE); END; END; edge.arrowPos := ArrowPos(edge); FOR i := 0 TO 1 DO IF edge.arrow[i] THEN FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO MG.TranslateToLocked( edge.arrowEnd[i][j][k], graph.mgv, Finite2(WorldPosToPts(graph, edge.arrowPos[i][j][k]))); END; END; END; END; END; END RefreshEdge; CONST (* arrowhead lines extend 22.5 degrees from the edge *) SinTheta = 0.38268343; CosTheta = 0.92387953; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREArrowPos (edge: Edge): ARRAY [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1] OF R2.T = VAR new: ARRAY [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1], [0 .. 1] OF R2.T; BEGIN IF edge.arrow[0] THEN VAR tip, delta: R2.T; BEGIN ComputeArrowTip(edge, TRUE, tip, delta); new[0][0][0] := tip; new[0][1][0] := new[0][0][0]; delta := R2.Scale(5.0 * edge.width, delta); new[0][0][1] := R2.Add( new[0][0][0], R2.T{CosTheta * delta[0] + SinTheta * delta[1], -SinTheta * delta[0] + CosTheta * delta[1]}); new[0][1][1] := R2.Add( new[0][1][0], R2.T{CosTheta * delta[0] - SinTheta * delta[1], SinTheta * delta[0] + CosTheta * delta[1]}); END; ELSE FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO new[0][j][k] := edge.pos[0]; END; END; END; IF edge.arrow[1] THEN VAR tip, delta: R2.T; BEGIN ComputeArrowTip(edge, FALSE, tip, delta); new[1][0][0] := tip; new[1][1][0] := new[1][0][0]; delta := R2.Scale(5.0 * edge.width, delta); new[1][0][1] := R2.Add( new[1][0][0], R2.T{CosTheta * delta[0] + SinTheta * delta[1], -SinTheta * delta[0] + CosTheta * delta[1]}); new[1][1][1] := R2.Add( new[1][1][0], R2.T{CosTheta * delta[0] - SinTheta * delta[1], SinTheta * delta[0] + CosTheta * delta[1]}); END; ELSE FOR j := 0 TO 1 DO FOR k := 0 TO 1 DO new[1][j][k] := edge.pos[1]; END; END; END; RETURN new; END ArrowPos; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREComputeArrowTip ( edge : Edge; forward : BOOLEAN; VAR (*OUT*) tip, delta: R2.T ) = BEGIN IF edge.isLine THEN ComputeArrowTipOfLine(edge, forward, tip, delta); ELSE ComputeArrowTipOfBezier(edge, forward, tip, delta); END; END ComputeArrowTip; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREComputeArrowTipOfLine ( edge : Edge; forward : BOOLEAN; VAR (*OUT*) tip, delta: R2.T ) = VAR vertex0 : Vertex; pos0, pos1: R2.T; BEGIN IF forward THEN vertex0 := edge.vertex0; pos0 := edge.pos[0]; pos1 := edge.pos[1]; ELSE vertex0 := edge.vertex1; pos0 := edge.pos[1]; pos1 := edge.pos[0]; END; VAR d := R2.Sub(pos1, pos0); length := R2.Length(d); VAR t: REAL; BEGIN WITH size = vertex0.size DO CASE vertex0.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => t := MIN(ABS(size[0] / (2.0 * d[0])), ABS(size[1] / (2.0 * d[1]))); | VertexShape.Ellipse => t := FLOAT(Math.sqrt( FLOAT(0.25 / (d[0] * d[0] / (size[0] * size[0]) + d[1] * d[1] / (size[1] * size[1])), LONGREAL)), REAL); END; tip := R2.Add(pos0, R2.Scale(MIN(MAX(t + ABS(edge.width) / (2.0 * length), 0.0), 1.0), d)); delta := R2.Scale(1.0 / length, d); END; END; IF NOT RealFloat.Finite(tip[0] + tip[1]) THEN tip := pos0; END; IF NOT RealFloat.Finite(delta[0] + delta[1]) THEN delta := R2.T{1.0, 0.0}; END; END ComputeArrowTipOfLine; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREComputeArrowTipOfBezier ( edge : Edge; forward : BOOLEAN; VAR (*OUT*) tip, delta: R2.T ) = VAR vertex0 : Vertex; pos0, pos1, cpos0, cpos1: R2.T; BEGIN WITH graph = edge.graph DO IF forward THEN vertex0 := edge.vertex0; pos0 := edge.pos[0]; pos1 := edge.pos[1]; cpos0 := edge.cpos[0]; cpos1 := edge.cpos[1]; ELSE vertex0 := edge.vertex1; pos0 := edge.pos[1]; pos1 := edge.pos[0]; cpos0 := edge.cpos[1]; cpos1 := edge.cpos[0]; END; VAR t : REAL; x1 := cpos0[0] - pos0[0]; x2 := cpos1[0] - pos0[0]; x3 := pos1[0] - pos0[0]; y1 := cpos0[1] - pos0[1]; y2 := cpos1[1] - pos0[1]; y3 := pos1[1] - pos0[1]; width := (ABS(vertex0.size[0]) + ABS(edge.width) / 2.0); height := (ABS(vertex0.size[1]) + ABS(edge.width) / 2.0); BEGIN PROCEDURE Inside (t: REAL): BOOLEAN = VAR x := Cubic(0.0, x1, x2, x3, t); BEGIN x := (x + x) / width; IF ABS(x) > 1.0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; VAR y := Cubic(0.0, y1, y2, y3, t := t); BEGIN y := (y + y) / height; IF ABS(y) > 1.0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; CASE vertex0.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => RETURN TRUE; | VertexShape.Ellipse => RETURN x * x + y * y < 1.0; END; END; END Inside; BEGIN VAR i := 0; rnd := NEW(Random.Default).init(); BEGIN LOOP t := rnd.real(); IF NOT Inside(t) THEN EXIT; END; i := i + 1; IF i = 100 THEN t := 0.0; EXIT; END; END; END; VAR t0 := 0.0; t1 := t; pixelLength := PixelLength(graph, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3); BEGIN REPEAT t := (t0 + t1) / 2.0; IF Inside(t) THEN t0 := t; ELSE t1 := t; END; pixelLength := pixelLength DIV 2; UNTIL pixelLength = 0; t := t1; END; END; tip := R2.T{pos0[0] + Cubic(0.0, x1, x2, x3, t := t), pos0[1] + Cubic(0.0, y1, y2, y3, t := t)}; VAR d := R2.T{DCubic(0.0, x1, x2, x3, t := t), DCubic(0.0, y1, y2, y3, t := t)}; length := R2.Length(d); BEGIN delta := R2.Scale(1.0 / length, d); IF NOT RealFloat.Finite(delta[0] + delta[1]) THEN delta := R2.T{1.0, 0.0}; END; END; END; END; END ComputeArrowTipOfBezier; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREPixelLength (graph: T; x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3: REAL): INTEGER = VAR horScale := FLOAT(graph.rect.east - graph.rect.west) / ABS( -; verScale := FLOAT(graph.rect.south - graph.rect.north) / ABS( -; BEGIN RETURN CEILING((ABS(x1) + ABS(x2 - x1) + ABS(x3 - x2)) * horScale + (ABS(y1) + ABS(y2 - y1) + ABS(y3 - y2)) * verScale); END PixelLength; <* LL.sup >= RefList.First(polygon.vertices), RefList.First(polygon.vertices) *> PROCEDURERefreshPolygon (polygon: Polygon) = BEGIN WITH graph = polygon.graph DO VAR vertices := polygon.vertices; positions: RefList.T := NIL; BEGIN WHILE vertices # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(vertices) OF | Vertex (vertex) => RefListUtils.Push(positions, NewR2(vertex.pos)); | RefList.T (v2) => VAR p2: RefList.T; BEGIN WHILE v2 # NIL DO VAR vertex: Vertex := RefListUtils.Pop(v2); BEGIN RefListUtils.Push(p2, NewR2(vertex.pos)); END; END; RefListUtils.Push(positions, RefList.ReverseD(p2)); END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; positions := RefList.ReverseD(positions); polygon.pos := positions; END; VAR origin: R2.T; path := NEW(R2Path.T); BEGIN path.init(); path.moveTo(R2.Origin); VAR positions := polygon.pos; BEGIN VAR pos := NARROW(RefListUtils.Pop(positions), REF R2.T)^; BEGIN origin := WorldPosToPts(graph, pos); END; VAR previous := origin; BEGIN WHILE positions # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(positions) OF | REF R2.T (r2) => VAR pos := WorldPosToPts(graph, r2^); BEGIN path.lineTo(Finite2(R2.Sub(pos, origin))); previous := pos; END; | RefList.T (r2s) => VAR pos0 := WorldPosToPts( graph, NARROW(RefList.Nth(r2s, 0), REF R2.T)^); pos1 := WorldPosToPts( graph, NARROW(RefList.Nth(r2s, 1), REF R2.T)^); pos2 := WorldPosToPts( graph, NARROW(RefList.Nth(r2s, 2), REF R2.T)^); BEGIN path.curveTo(Finite2(R2.Sub(pos0, origin)), Finite2(R2.Sub(pos1, origin)), Finite2(R2.Sub(pos2, origin))); previous := pos2; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; END; END; path.close(); NARROW(, MG.Shape).reshape( graph.mgv, origin, path, fill := TRUE); END; END; END RefreshPolygon;
<* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREUTILITIES ON COORDINATESAdjustVertex (vertex: Vertex) = BEGIN WITH graph = vertex.graph DO VAR centerPP := WorldPosToPts(graph, vertex.pos); BEGIN VAR border := MIN(MIN(vertex.border, vertex.size[0] / 2.0), vertex.size[1] / 2.0); BEGIN CASE vertex.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => NARROW(, MG.Rectangle).reshape( graph.mgv, Finite2(SWFromCenter(centerPP, vertex.size)), Finite2(NEFromCenter(centerPP, vertex.size))); NARROW(, MG.Rectangle).setWeight( graph.mgv, Pts.FromMM(border)); | VertexShape.Ellipse => NARROW(, MG.Ellipse).reshape( graph.mgv, Finite2(SWFromCenter(centerPP, vertex.size)), Finite2(NEFromCenter(centerPP, vertex.size))); NARROW(, MG.Ellipse).setWeight( graph.mgv, Pts.FromMM(border)); END; END; VAR edges := vertex.edges; BEGIN WHILE edges # NIL DO VAR edge: Edge := RefListUtils.Pop(edges); BEGIN RefreshEdge(edge); END; END; END; VAR vertexHighlights := vertex.vertexHighlights; BEGIN WHILE vertexHighlights # NIL DO VAR vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight := RefListUtils.Pop( vertexHighlights); BEGIN EVAL AdjustVertexHighlightSizeandShape(vertexHighlight); END; END; END; VAR polygons := vertex.polygons; BEGIN WHILE polygons # NIL DO VAR polygon: Polygon := RefListUtils.Pop(polygons); BEGIN RefreshPolygon(polygon); END; END; END; END; END; END AdjustVertex; <* LL.sup >=, *> PROCEDUREAdjustVertexHighlightSizeandShape (vertexHighlight: VertexHighlight): BOOLEAN = BEGIN WITH graph = vertexHighlight.graph DO VAR size := R2.T{MAX(ABS(vertexHighlight.vertex.size[0]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[0], 0.0), MAX(ABS(vertexHighlight.vertex.size[1]) + 2.0 * vertexHighlight.border[1], 0.0)}; BEGIN IF (vertexHighlight.size[0] = size[0] AND vertexHighlight.size[1] = size[1]) AND vertexHighlight.shape = vertexHighlight.vertex.shape THEN RETURN FALSE; END; vertexHighlight.size := size; IF vertexHighlight.shape # vertexHighlight.vertex.shape THEN,; vertexHighlight.shape := vertexHighlight.vertex.shape; CASE vertexHighlight.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => := NEW(MG.Rectangle, color := vertexHighlight.colorScheme, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); | VertexShape.Ellipse => := NEW(MG.Ellipse, color := vertexHighlight.colorScheme, weight := 0.0).init(R2.Origin, R2.Origin); END;,, NIL); END; END; VAR centerPP := WorldPosToPts(graph, vertexHighlight.vertex.pos); BEGIN CASE vertexHighlight.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => NARROW(, MG.Rectangle).reshape( graph.mgv, Finite2(SWFromCenter(centerPP, vertexHighlight.size)), Finite2(NEFromCenter(centerPP, vertexHighlight.size))); | VertexShape.Ellipse => NARROW(, MG.Ellipse).reshape( graph.mgv, Finite2(SWFromCenter(centerPP, vertexHighlight.size)), Finite2(NEFromCenter(centerPP, vertexHighlight.size))); END; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END AdjustVertexHighlightSizeandShape;
<* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREMISCELLANEOUS UTILITIESScreenPtToWorldPos (graph: T; READONLY pt: Point.T): R2.T = VAR res := VBT.ScreenTypeOf(MultiFilter.Child(graph)).res; pos := R2.T{(FLOAT(pt.h - graph.rect.west) / res[Axis.T.Hor]) - graph.realMarginMM[0], (FLOAT(graph.rect.south - pt.v) / res[Axis.T.Ver]) - graph.realMarginMM[1]}; BEGIN IF < THEN pos[0] := - pos[0] ELSE pos[0] := + pos[0] END; IF < THEN pos[1] := + pos[1] ELSE pos[1] := - pos[1] END; RETURN pos; END ScreenPtToWorldPos; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREWorldPosToPts (graph: T; READONLY posW: R2.T): R2.T = VAR h, v: REAL; BEGIN IF < THEN h := graph.realMarginMM[0] + ( - posW[0]) ELSE h := graph.realMarginMM[0] + (posW[0] - END; IF < THEN v := graph.realMarginMM[1] + (posW[1] - ELSE v := graph.realMarginMM[1] + ( - posW[1]) END; RETURN R2.T{Pts.FromMM(h), Pts.FromMM(v)} END WorldPosToPts; <* LL.sup >= *> PROCEDUREWorldSizeToPts (graph: T; READONLY sizeW: R2.T): R2.T = VAR h := Pts.FromMM(sizeW[0]); v := Pts.FromMM(sizeW[1]); BEGIN IF < THEN h := -h END; IF > THEN v := -v END; RETURN R2.T{h, v}; END WorldSizeToPts; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURESWFromCenter (READONLY centerPP: R2.T; READONLY size: R2.T): R2.T = BEGIN RETURN R2.T{centerPP[0] - Pts.FromMM(size[0]) / 2.0, centerPP[1] - Pts.FromMM(size[1]) / 2.0}; END SWFromCenter; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURENEFromCenter (READONLY centerPP: R2.T; READONLY size: R2.T): R2.T = BEGIN RETURN R2.T{centerPP[0] + Pts.FromMM(size[0]) / 2.0, centerPP[1] + Pts.FromMM(size[1]) / 2.0}; END NEFromCenter;
<* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURETIME FUNCTIONAbs (READONLY d: R2.T): R2.T = BEGIN RETURN R2.T{ABS(d[0]), ABS(d[1])}; END Abs; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDUREFinite2 (z: R2.T): R2.T = BEGIN IF NOT RealFloat.Finite(z[0]) THEN z[0] := 0.0; END; IF NOT RealFloat.Finite(z[1]) THEN z[1] := 0.0; END; RETURN z; END Finite2;
TYPE AffineTimeFunction = Animate.TimeFunction OBJECT a, b: REAL; OVERRIDES map := AffineMap; END; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDUREANIMATION PATHSAffineMap (self: AffineTimeFunction; t: REAL): REAL = BEGIN RETURN MIN(MAX(self.a * t + self.b, 0.0), 1.0); END AffineMap;
TYPE StraightPath = AnimationPath OBJECT p0, p1: R2.T; OVERRIDES pos := StraightPathPos; END; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDUREANIMATIONSStraightPathPos (self: StraightPath; t: REAL): R2.T = BEGIN RETURN R2.Add(self.p0, R2.Scale(t, R2.Sub(self.p1, self.p0))); END StraightPathPos; TYPE OffsetPath = AnimationPath OBJECT path : AnimationPath; offset0, offset1: R2.T; OVERRIDES pos := OffsetPathPos; END; <* LL *> PROCEDUREOffsetPathPos (self: OffsetPath; t: REAL): R2.T = BEGIN RETURN R2.Add(self.path.pos(t), R2.Add(self.offset0, R2.Scale(t, R2.Sub(self.offset1, self.offset0)))); END OffsetPathPos;
TYPE AlongGivenPath = Animate.T BRANDED OBJECT (* READONLY after initialization: MUST be initialized by client *) (* CONST *) graph: T; pos: R2.T; (* the current center, in world coordinates *) path: AnimationPath; OVERRIDES length := LengthAlongGivenPath; doStep := DoStepAlongGivenPath; END; <* LL <= *> PROCEDUREBEZIER UTILITIESLengthAlongGivenPath (<* UNUSED *> alongGivenPath: AlongGivenPath; <* UNUSED *> v : MG.V; <* UNUSED *> mg: MG.T ): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN 100; END LengthAlongGivenPath; <* LL <= *> PROCEDUREDoStepAlongGivenPath (alongGivenPath: AlongGivenPath; time : REAL; <* UNUSED *> timePrev: REAL; v : MG.V; mg : MG.T ) = VAR newPos: R2.T; BEGIN LOCK DO LOCK DO newPos := alongGivenPath.path.pos(time); MG.RTranslateLocked( mg, v, Finite2(WorldSizeToPts(alongGivenPath.graph, R2.Sub(newPos, alongGivenPath.pos)))); END; alongGivenPath.pos := newPos; END; END DoStepAlongGivenPath; TYPE BezierAnimation = Animate.T BRANDED OBJECT (* READONLY after initialization: MUST be initialized by client *) (* CONST *) graph : T; pathA, pathB, pathC, pathD: AnimationPath; OVERRIDES length := LengthBezierAnimation; doStep := DoStepBezierAnimation; END; <* LL<= *> PROCEDURELengthBezierAnimation (<* UNUSED *> bezierAnimation: BezierAnimation; <* UNUSED *> v : MG.V; <* UNUSED *> mg: MG.T ): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN 100; END LengthBezierAnimation; <* LL<= *> PROCEDUREDoStepBezierAnimation (bezierAnimation: BezierAnimation; time : REAL; <* UNUSED *> timePrev: REAL; v : MG.V; mg : MG.T ) = VAR a, b, c, d: R2.T; path := NEW(R2Path.T); BEGIN path.init(); path.moveTo(R2.Origin); LOCK DO LOCK DO a := WorldPosToPts(bezierAnimation.graph, bezierAnimation.pathA.pos(time)); b := WorldPosToPts(bezierAnimation.graph, bezierAnimation.pathB.pos(time)); c := WorldPosToPts(bezierAnimation.graph, bezierAnimation.pathC.pos(time)); d := WorldPosToPts(bezierAnimation.graph, bezierAnimation.pathD.pos(time)); path.curveTo(Finite2(R2.Sub(b, a)), Finite2(R2.Sub(c, a)), Finite2(R2.Sub(d, a))); NARROW(mg, MG.Shape).reshape(v, a, path, fill := FALSE); END; END END DoStepBezierAnimation; TYPE LinearResize = Animate.T BRANDED OBJECT (* READONLY after initialization: MUST be initialized by client *) (* CONST *) graph: T; shape: VertexShape; corner0, corner1: ARRAY [0 .. 1] (* time *) OF R2.T; (* coordinates, in points *) OVERRIDES length := LengthLinearResize; doStep := DoStepLinearResize; END; <* LL <= *> PROCEDURELengthLinearResize ( linearResize: LinearResize; v : MG.V; <* UNUSED *> mg : MG.T ): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN ROUND( MAX(Pts.ToPixels( v, MAX(ABS(linearResize.corner0[1][0] - linearResize.corner0[0][0]), ABS(linearResize.corner1[1][0] - linearResize.corner1[0][0])), Axis.T.Hor), Pts.ToPixels( v, MAX(ABS(linearResize.corner0[1][1] - linearResize.corner0[0][1]), ABS(linearResize.corner1[1][1] - linearResize.corner1[0][1])), Axis.T.Ver))); END LengthLinearResize; <* LL <= *> PROCEDUREDoStepLinearResize ( linearResize: LinearResize; time : REAL; <* UNUSED *> timePrev : REAL; v : MG.V; mg : MG.T ) = BEGIN LOCK DO CASE linearResize.shape OF | VertexShape.Rectangle => NARROW(mg, MG.Rectangle).reshape( v, Finite2( R2.Add(linearResize.corner0[0], R2.Scale(time, R2.Sub(linearResize.corner0[1], linearResize.corner0[0])))), Finite2( R2.Add(linearResize.corner1[0], R2.Scale(time, R2.Sub(linearResize.corner1[1], linearResize.corner1[0]))))); | VertexShape.Ellipse => NARROW(mg, MG.Ellipse).reshape( v, Finite2( R2.Add(linearResize.corner0[0], R2.Scale(time, R2.Sub(linearResize.corner0[1], linearResize.corner0[0])))), Finite2( R2.Add(linearResize.corner1[0], R2.Scale(time, R2.Sub(linearResize.corner1[1], linearResize.corner1[0]))))); END; END; END DoStepLinearResize; TYPE PolygonAnimation = Animate.T BRANDED OBJECT (* READONLY after initialization: MUST be initialized by client *) (* CONST *) graph: T; paths: RefList.T (* OF AnimationPath or list of 3 AnimationPaths *); OVERRIDES length := LengthPolygonAnimation; doStep := DoStepPolygonAnimation; END; <* LL <= *> PROCEDURELengthPolygonAnimation (<* UNUSED *> polygonAnimation: PolygonAnimation; <* UNUSED *> v : MG.V; <* UNUSED *> mg: MG.T ): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN 100; END LengthPolygonAnimation; <* LL <= *> PROCEDUREDoStepPolygonAnimation (polygonAnimation: PolygonAnimation; time : REAL; <* UNUSED *> timePrev: REAL; v : MG.V; mg : MG.T ) = VAR p := NEW(R2Path.T); paths : RefList.T (* OF AnimationPath *) := polygonAnimation.paths; origin: R2.T; BEGIN LOCK DO LOCK DO p.init(); p.moveTo(R2.Origin); VAR path: AnimationPath := RefListUtils.Pop(paths); BEGIN origin := Finite2(WorldPosToPts(polygonAnimation.graph, path.pos(time))); END; WHILE paths # NIL DO TYPECASE RefListUtils.Pop(paths) OF | AnimationPath (path) => BEGIN VAR posPts := WorldPosToPts( polygonAnimation.graph, path.pos(time)); BEGIN p.lineTo(Finite2(R2.Sub(posPts, origin))); END; END; | RefList.T (ps) => <* ASSERT RefList.Length(ps) = 3 *> BEGIN VAR pos0Pts := WorldPosToPts(polygonAnimation.graph, NARROW(RefList.Nth(ps, 0), AnimationPath).pos(time)); pos1Pts := WorldPosToPts(polygonAnimation.graph, NARROW(RefList.Nth(ps, 1), AnimationPath).pos(time)); pos2Pts := WorldPosToPts(polygonAnimation.graph, NARROW(RefList.Nth(ps, 2), AnimationPath).pos(time)); BEGIN p.curveTo(Finite2(R2.Sub(pos0Pts, origin)), Finite2(R2.Sub(pos1Pts, origin)), Finite2(R2.Sub(pos2Pts, origin))); END; END; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END; p.close(); NARROW(mg, MG.Shape).reshape(v, origin, p, fill := TRUE); END; END; END DoStepPolygonAnimation;
<* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURERANDOM UTILITIESCubic (c0, c1, c2, c3: REAL; t: REAL): REAL = BEGIN RETURN c0 + t * (3.0 * (c1 - c0) + t * (3.0 * ((c2 - c1) - (c1 - c0)) + t * ((c3 - c0) - 3.0 * (c2 - c1)))); END Cubic; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDUREDCubic (c0, c1, c2, c3: REAL; t: REAL): REAL = BEGIN RETURN 3.0 * ((c1 - c0) + t * (2.0 * ((c2 - c1) - (c1 - c0)) + t * ((c3 - c0) - 3.0 * (c2 - c1)))); END DCubic; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURESubCubic (VAR (*INOUT*) c0, c1, c2, c3: REAL; half: [0 .. 1]) = BEGIN CASE half OF | 0 => c3 := (c0 + 3.0 * (c1 + c2) + c3) / 8.0; c2 := (c0 + 2.0 * c1 + c2) / 4.0; c1 := (c0 + c1) / 2.0; | 1 => c0 := (c0 + 3.0 * (c1 + c2) + c3) / 8.0; c1 := (c1 + 2.0 * c2 + c3) / 4.0; c2 := (c2 + c3) / 2.0; END; END SubCubic; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURESubCubic2 (VAR (*INOUT*) c0, c1, c2, c3: R2.T; half: [0 .. 1]) = BEGIN SubCubic(c0[0], c1[0], c2[0], c3[0], half); SubCubic(c0[1], c1[1], c2[1], c3[1], half); END SubCubic2; <* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURECubicBounds (c0, c1, c2, c3: REAL): R2.T = BEGIN RETURN R2.T{MIN(MIN(c0, c1), MIN(c2, c3)), MAX(MAX(c0, c1), MAX(c2, c3))}; END CubicBounds;
<* LL arbitrary *> PROCEDURER2Intersect (x, y: R2.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN MAX(x[0], y[0]) <= MIN(x[1], y[1]); END R2Intersect; PROCEDURENewR2 (x: R2.T): REF R2.T = VAR a := NEW(REF R2.T); BEGIN a^ := x; RETURN a; END NewR2; PROCEDUREGetMG (graph: T): MG.V = BEGIN RETURN graph.mgv END GetMG; BEGIN <* ASSERT FloatMode.IEEE *> DefaultFont := MakeWorldFont(NIL); END GraphVBT.