<* PRAGMA LL *> <* PRAGMA SPEC *> MODULEThese are the types for the three kinds of buttons appearing in a toolbox. The first two are normal buttons for point tools and text tools, and the third is an anchor for a set tool menu. That menu will be a VSplit of; IMPORT View, Drawing, Editor, Source, CurrCmd, JunoConfig; IMPORT JunoAST, JunoASTUtils; IMPORT VBT, TextVBT, Filter, PaintOp, Split, BorderedVBT; IMPORT ButtonVBT, MenuBtnVBT, AnchorBtnVBT; IMPORT Atom; REVEAL Button = ButtonPublic BRANDED "ToolBox.Button" OBJECT root: View.Root; tool: Drawing.ArgTool; OVERRIDES init := ButtonInit; END; REVEAL SetButton = SetButtonPublic BRANDED "ToolBox.SetButton" OBJECT root: View.Root; tool: Drawing.SetTool; OVERRIDES init := SetButtonInit END; TYPE PointButton = Button BRANDED "ToolBox.PointButton" OBJECT END; TextButton = Button BRANDED "ToolBox.TextButton" OBJECT END; SetAnchorBtn = AnchorBtnVBT.T BRANDED "ToolBox.SetAnchorBtn" OBJECT ed: Editor.T; nm: Atom.T; OVERRIDES pre := SetAnchorBtnPre END; TemplButton = Button BRANDED "TemplButton" OBJECT cmd: JunoAST.Cmd END; ToolBox
If btn: SetAnchorBtn
, then btn.ed
is the editor in which the procedure
for this button appears, and nm
is the name of the button's procedure.
VAR (* CONST *) toolColor := ARRAY BOOLEAN OF PaintOp.ColorQuad{ PaintOp.bgFg, PaintOp.MakeColorQuad(PaintOp.Fg, PaintOp.Bg)}; PROCEDUREButtonText (name: TEXT): TextVBT.T =
Return aTextVBT.T
with the namename
left-justified in the current tool fontJunoConfig.TextFont
BEGIN RETURN TextVBT.New(name, halign := 0.0, fnt := JunoConfig.textFont) END ButtonText; PROCEDUREButtonInit ( self: Button; root: View.Root; name: TEXT; tl: Drawing.ArgTool): Button =
This is the implementation of the Button.init
BEGIN self.root := root; self.tool := tl; tl.label := name; EVAL ButtonVBT.T.init(self, ButtonText(name), DoButton); RETURN self END ButtonInit; PROCEDUREDoButton (self: ButtonVBT.T; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) =
This is the call-back procedure for a Button
. It selects the tool
associated with the button. If the tool has any arguments, this procedure
also permanently highlights the button (and unhighlights the button of the
current tool if one was selected).
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR tb: Button := self; BEGIN TYPECASE self OF TemplButton (b) => CurrCmd.ChangeAST(b.root.ccmd, b.cmd); b.root.astTrue := TRUE; b.root.source.modified(View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent); b.root.ccmd.codeValid := FALSE; b.root.dTrue := FALSE; IF NOT Source.Make(b.root.source, cd.time, b.root.skipify) THEN b.root.astTrue := FALSE; EVAL Source.Make(b.root.source, cd.time, b.root.skipify) END; RETURN ELSE (* SKIP *) END; Drawing.SelectTool(tb.root.drawing, tb.tool, cd.time); IF NUMBER(tb.tool.argType^) # 0 THEN HiliCurrButton(tb.root, hili := FALSE); tb.root.currButton := tb; HiliCurrButton(tb.root, hili := TRUE) END END DoButton; PROCEDURESetButtonInit ( self: SetButton; root: View.Root; name: TEXT; tl: Drawing.SetTool): SetButton =
This is the implementation of the SetButton.init
BEGIN self.root := root; self.tool := tl; tl.label := name; EVAL MenuBtnVBT.T.init(self, ButtonText(name), DoSetButton); RETURN self END SetButtonInit; PROCEDUREDoSetButton (self: ButtonVBT.T; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) =
This is the callback procedure for a SetButton
. It selects the tool
associated with the button when it was created.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR tb: SetButton := self; BEGIN Drawing.SelectTool(tb.root.drawing, tb.tool, cd.time) END DoSetButton; PROCEDURESetAnchorBtnPre (btn: SetAnchorBtn) =
This is the implementation of thepre
method for theAnchorBtnVBT.T
of a set tool. It dynamically updates its menu from the menu stored in the button's editorbtn.ed
under the namebtn.nm
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR menu := btn.ed.getMenu(btn.nm); BEGIN IF btn.menu = NIL THEN btn.menu := BorderedVBT.New(menu) ELSIF menu # Filter.Child(btn.menu) THEN EVAL Filter.Replace(btn.menu, menu) END; AnchorBtnVBT.T.pre(btn) END SetAnchorBtnPre; PROCEDUREUpdate (t: T; ed: Editor.T; rt: View.Root; n:=0; anon:=TRUE) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> <* FATAL Split.NotAChild *> VAR ch: ButtonVBT.T := Split.Nth(t, n); mod := JunoAST.NilId; tr := Editor.Trees(ed); BEGIN (* The buttons in the toolbox preceeding "ch" correspond to the first "n" buttons plus the buttons for the trees preceeding "tr". *) WHILE tr # NIL DO TYPECASE tr.tree OF JunoAST.Module(m) => IF NOT anon THEN mod := m.name END | JunoAST.PredDecl (p) => IF NOT p.private THEN VAR hd := p.header; type: Atom.T; BEGIN IF ed.getToolType(hd.name, type) THEN <* ASSERT type = Editor.PointToolSym *> VAR nmMatch: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF PredMatch(mod, ch, hd, nmMatch) THEN ch := Split.Succ(t, ch) ELSE InsertBtn(t, ch, NewPredBtn(rt, mod, hd), nmMatch) END END END END END | JunoAST.FuncDecl (f) => IF NOT f.private THEN VAR hd := f.header; type: Atom.T; BEGIN IF ed.getToolType(hd.name, type) THEN <* ASSERT type = Editor.PointToolSym *> VAR nmMatch: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF FuncMatch(mod, ch, hd, nmMatch) THEN ch := Split.Succ(t, ch) ELSE InsertBtn(t, ch, NewFuncBtn(rt, mod, hd), nmMatch) END END END END END | JunoAST.ProcDecl (p) => IF NOT p.private THEN VAR hd := p.header; type: Atom.T; BEGIN IF ed.getToolType(hd.name, type) THEN VAR nmMatch: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF type # Editor.TemplToolSym AND ProcMatch(mod, ch, hd, nmMatch) AND BtnTypeMatches(ch, type) THEN ch := Split.Succ(t, ch) ELSE InsertBtn(t, ch, NewProcBtn(rt, ed, mod, p, type), nmMatch) END END END END END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; tr := tr.next END; WHILE ch # NIL DO VAR nextCh := Split.Succ(t, ch); BEGIN Split.Delete(t, ch); ch := nextCh END END END Update; PROCEDUREPredMatch (mod: JunoAST.Id; btn: ButtonVBT.T; sig: JunoAST.PredHeader; VAR (*OUT*) nameMatch: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN =
iff both thename
match. IfFALSE
is returned, thennameMatch
is setTRUE
iff thename
matches that ofsig
. Otherwise, the value ofnameMatch
is undefined.
BEGIN TYPECASE btn OF NULL => (* SKIP *) | PointButton (b) => TYPECASE b.tool OF Drawing.PredTool (tool) => nameMatch := (tool.name.id0 = mod AND tool.name.id1 = sig.name); RETURN nameMatch AND (tool.in_cnt = sig.ins.size) | Drawing.ArgTool (tool) => nameMatch := (tool.name.id0 = mod AND tool.name.id1 = sig.name); RETURN FALSE END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; nameMatch := FALSE; RETURN FALSE END PredMatch; PROCEDUREFuncMatch (mod: JunoAST.Id; btn: ButtonVBT.T; sig: JunoAST.FuncHeader; VAR (*OUT*) nameMatch: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN =
iff both thename
match. IfFALSE
is returned, thennameMatch
is setTRUE
iff thename
matches that ofsig
. Otherwise, the value ofnameMatch
is undefined.
BEGIN TYPECASE btn OF NULL => (* SKIP *) | PointButton (b) => TYPECASE b.tool OF Drawing.FuncTool (tool) => nameMatch := (tool.name.id0 = mod AND tool.name.id1 = sig.name); RETURN nameMatch AND (tool.in_cnt = sig.ins.size) | Drawing.ArgTool (tool) => nameMatch := (tool.name.id0 = mod AND tool.name.id1 = sig.name); RETURN FALSE END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; nameMatch := FALSE; RETURN FALSE END FuncMatch; PROCEDUREProcMatch (mod: JunoAST.Id; btn: ButtonVBT.T; sig: JunoAST.ProcHeader; VAR (*OUT*) nameMatch: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN =
iff both thename
match. IfFALSE
is returned, thennameMatch
is setTRUE
iff thename
matches that ofsig
. Otherwise, the value ofnameMatch
is undefined.In the case that
is aSetAnchorBtn
, which has no signature, the signatures ofbtn
are always considered to match. Otherwise, the signatures match if the signature of the tool associated withbtn
matches that ofsig
BEGIN TYPECASE btn OF <* NOWARN *> NULL => (* SKIP *) | SetAnchorBtn (b) => nameMatch := FALSE; RETURN b.nm = sig.name | Button (b) => TYPECASE b.tool OF Drawing.ProcTool (tool) => nameMatch := (tool.name.id0 = mod AND tool.name.id1 = sig.name); RETURN nameMatch AND (tool.in_cnt = sig.ins.size AND tool.out_cnt = sig.outs.size AND tool.inout_cnt=sig.inouts.size) | Drawing.ArgTool (tool) => nameMatch := (tool.name.id0 = mod AND tool.name.id1 = sig.name); RETURN FALSE END END; nameMatch := FALSE; RETURN FALSE END ProcMatch; PROCEDUREBtnTypeMatches (btn: ButtonVBT.T; type: Atom.T): BOOLEAN =
iff the type ofbtn
matches the UI declaration type nametype
, which is one ofEditor.PointToolSym
, orEditor.SetToolSym
BEGIN TYPECASE btn OF <* NOWARN *> PointButton => RETURN type = Editor.PointToolSym | TemplButton => RETURN type = Editor.TemplToolSym | TextButton => RETURN type = Editor.TextToolSym | SetAnchorBtn => RETURN type = Editor.SetToolSym END END BtnTypeMatches; PROCEDUREInsertBtn (t: T; VAR (*INOUT*) ch: ButtonVBT.T; new: ButtonVBT.T; nameMatch: BOOLEAN) =
, then replacech
, and setch
to the successor child of this new child. In this case,ch
must be non-NIL. Otherwise, insertnew
, and leavech
<* FATAL Split.NotAChild *> BEGIN IF nameMatch THEN <* ASSERT ch # NIL *> VAR curr := ch; BEGIN ch := Split.Succ(t, ch); Split.Delete(t, curr) END END; Split.Insert(t, Split.Pred(t, ch), new) END InsertBtn; PROCEDURENewPredBtn ( rt: View.Root; mod: JunoAST.Id; hd: JunoAST.PredHeader): Button = BEGIN RETURN NEW(PointButton).init(rt, Atom.ToText(hd.name), Drawing.NewPredTool(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromIds(mod, hd.name), hd.ins.size)) END NewPredBtn; PROCEDURENewFuncBtn ( rt: View.Root; mod: JunoAST.Id; hd: JunoAST.FuncHeader): Button = BEGIN RETURN NEW(PointButton).init(rt, Atom.ToText(hd.name), Drawing.NewFuncTool(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromIds(mod, hd.name), hd.ins.size)) END NewFuncBtn; PROCEDURENewProcBtn ( rt: View.Root; ed: Editor.T; mod: Atom.T; p: JunoAST.ProcDecl; type: Atom.T): ButtonVBT.T = VAR hd := p.header; txtName := Atom.ToText(hd.name); BEGIN IF type = Editor.SetToolSym THEN RETURN NEW(SetAnchorBtn, ed := ed, nm := hd.name).init( ButtonText(txtName), menu := NIL, hfudge := 10.0, n := 999) ELSE VAR res: Button; BEGIN IF type = Editor.TextToolSym THEN res := NEW(TextButton) ELSIF type = Editor.PointToolSym THEN res := NEW(PointButton) ELSIF type = Editor.TemplToolSym THEN res := NEW(TemplButton, cmd := StripIFProj(p.body)) ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; RETURN res.init(rt, txtName, Drawing.NewProcTool(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromIds(mod, hd.name), hd.ins.size, hd.outs.size, hd.inouts.size, isText := type = Editor.TextToolSym)) END END END NewProcBtn; PROCEDUREStripIFProj (body: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.Cmd = BEGIN TYPECASE body OF JunoAST.If (if) => IF ISTYPE(if.body, JunoAST.Proj) THEN RETURN if.body ELSE RETURN body END ELSE RETURN body END END StripIFProj; <* SPEC Unselect REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREUnselect (rt: View.Root) = BEGIN IF rt.drawing # NIL THEN Drawing.SelectTool(rt.drawing, NIL, time := 0) END; HiliCurrButton(rt, hili := FALSE); rt.currButton := NIL END Unselect; PROCEDUREHiliCurrButton (rt: View.Root; hili: BOOLEAN) =
If the current button associated withrt
is non-NIL, hilight or unhilight it ashili
BEGIN IF rt.currButton # NIL THEN TextVBT.SetFont(Filter.Child(rt.currButton), JunoConfig.textFont, toolColor[hili]) END END HiliCurrButton; PROCEDURESwapButton (t: T; curr, new: Drawing.ArgTool; newLabel: TEXT) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> <* FATAL Split.NotAChild *> VAR ch: Button := Split.Succ(t, NIL); BEGIN WHILE ch # NIL AND ch.tool # curr DO ch := Split.Succ(t, ch) END; <* ASSERT ch # NIL *> Split.Replace(t, ch, NEW(Button).init(ch.root, newLabel, new)) END SwapButton; BEGIN END ToolBox.