
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Tue Mar 10 19:00:43 1992 by steveg                   
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:52:16 PST 1992 by muller                   
An AnchorBtnVBT.T is a button that activates a pull-down menu when you click on it or roll into it from another anchor button.

Associated with each anchor button b is

\medskip\bulletitem b.menu, the menu to be activated,

\medskip\bulletitem b.hfudge and b.vfudge, dimensions in millimeters that control where the menu is popped up,

\medskip\bulletitem b.n, a count of the number of ZSplit ancestors of b to skip when looking for the ZSplit to insert the menu into.

\medskip\noindent A down click on an anchor button b {\it activates} it by:

\medskip\bulletitem calling the method b.pre(), and then

\medskip\bulletitem inserting the window b.menu so that its northwest corner is b.hfudge millimeters to the right and b.vfudge millimeters below the southwest corner of b. The menu will be inserted into the (b.n)th ZSplit ancestor of b (counting the first ZSplit ancestor as zero), or as an undecorated top-level window if b has at most b.n ZSplit ancestors.

\medskip\noindent The anchor button will be deactivated when it gets another mouse transition or when the user rolls the mouse over a sibling anchor button, in which case the sibling will be activated. Two anchor buttons are siblings if they have the same ``anchor parent''. The anchor parent is specified when the anchor button is created; if it is NIL, then the normal parent is used as the anchor parent. When an anchor button is deactivated, its cancel method is called and its menu is deleted from its ZSplit.

The default pre method highlights the anchor button; the default cancel method unhighlights it.

In the common case in which the user down-clicks on the anchor, rolls over the menu, and up-clicks on one of the items, the upclick will be delivered to the item first, which will invoke the appropriate action, and then will be delivered to the anchor button (since the anchor button has the mouse focus), which will delete the menu.

A HighlightVBT is automatically inserted over the menu when it is inserted, and discarded when the menu is deleted. This allows the menu items to highlight themselves without interfering with the highlighting of the anchor button.

The action procedure and post method of an anchor button are never called. The pre and cancel methods can be overridden; for example, the pre method could prepare the menu before it is inserted. This is the reason the menu field is revealed in the type declaration.

The same menu can be associated with several anchor buttons, provided that only one of them is active at a time.



  T <: Public;
  Public = ButtonVBT.T OBJECT
    menu: VBT.T
  METHODS <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
    init(ch: VBT.T;
      menu: VBT.T;
      n: CARDINAL := 0;
      anchorParent: VBT.T := NIL;
      hfudge, vfudge := 0.0;
      ref: REFANY := NIL): T
The call v.init(...) initializes the button with the given attributes, and adds ref to v's property set if it is not NIL. This includes a call to ButtonVBT.T.init(v, ch).

You must not change the menu while the AnchorBtnVBT is active.

  ch: VBT.T;
  menu: VBT.T;
  n: CARDINAL := 0;
  anchorParent: VBT.T := NIL;
  hfudge, vfudge := 0.0;
  ref: REFANY := NIL): T; <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
New(...) is equivalent to NEW(T).init(...).

PROCEDURE SetParent(v: T; p: VBT.T);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set the anchor parent of v to be p. If v is active, this is a checked runtime error.

PROCEDURE GetParent(v: T): VBT.T; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the anchor parent of v.

PROCEDURE Set(v: T;  n: CARDINAL; hfudge, vfudge: REAL);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set the attributes of v. If v is active, this is a checked runtime error.

  VAR hfudge, vfudge: REAL); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Fetch the attributes of v.

PROCEDURE IsActive(v: T): BOOLEAN; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return TRUE if and only if v is active.

END AnchorBtnVBT.