<* PRAGMA LL *> MODULEA; IMPORT CurrCmd, JunoBuild, View, JunoError, Editor, Drawing, JunoConfig; FROM JunoHandleLexErr IMPORT HandleLexErr; IMPORT JunoAST, JunoCompileErr, JunoToken, JunoLex, JunoParse, JunoUnparse; IMPORT TextPort, TextEditVBT; IMPORT VBT, Axis, Rect; IMPORT Text, Rd, Wr, Thread, TextRd, TextWr, Stdio; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED "Source.T" OBJECT port: Port OVERRIDES init := Init; update := Update END; TYPE Port = TextPort.T BRANDED "Source.Port" OBJECT src: T; (* the Source.T around this port *) width := -1; ignoreModifies := FALSE; OVERRIDES <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> key := Key; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.SELF *> reshape := Reshape; shape := Shape; <* LL.sup < VBT.mu *> modified := Modified END; Source
's filter child is a TextEditVBT.T
with a port of type
. The width
of a Port
is the most recent width it was unparsed
to, or -1
if it was unparsed to a window with an empty domain.
PROCEDUREIf continuous unparsing is turned off, then it is possible that the AST is up-to-date, but the source does not reflect changes made through the drawing view. In this case, the user should not be able to type in the source window until it has been updated from the AST.Init (self: T; root: View.Root): T = VAR port := NEW(Port, src := self).init( wrap := FALSE, font := JunoConfig.codeFont); child := NEW(TextEditVBT.T, tp := port).init(); BEGIN self.root := root; self.port := port; RETURN View.T.init(self, child); END Init; PROCEDUREUpdate (s: T) = <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *> VAR port := s.port; BEGIN IF Rect.IsEmpty(VBT.Domain(port)) THEN port.width := -1 ELSE UpdatePort(port, Editor.Width(port)) END END Update; PROCEDUREUpdatePort (port: Port; width: INTEGER) = <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *> VAR v := port.src; BEGIN <* ASSERT v.root.astTrue *> IF (NOT v.root.sTrue) OR width # port.width THEN VAR wr := TextWr.New(); cpos := TextPort.Index(port); ast := CurrCmd.GetAST(v.root.ccmd); <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> BEGIN JunoUnparse.Cmd(wr, ast, LAST(CARDINAL), width := width, prec := JunoConfig.realPrec); SetTextPort(port, TextWr.ToText(wr)); TextPort.Normalize(port, cpos); Wr.Close(wr); v.root.sTrue := TRUE; port.width := width END END END UpdatePort; PROCEDURESetTextPort (port: Port; t: TEXT) = BEGIN port.ignoreModifies := TRUE; TextPort.SetText(port, t); port.ignoreModifies := FALSE END SetTextPort;
PROCEDUREKey (self: Port; READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN WITH root = self.src.root DO IF root.astTrue AND NOT root.sTrue THEN JunoError.Display(self, "Oops! You forgot to click Run.") ELSE TextPort.T.key(self, cd) END END END Key; PROCEDUREReshape (port: Port; READONLY cd: VBT.ReshapeRec) =
reformats its contents according to the new width (if any), then
reshapes the textport normally.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu.port *> BEGIN IF Rect.IsEmpty(cd.new) THEN port.width := -1 ELSE IF port.src.root.astTrue THEN UpdatePort(port, Editor.Width(port)) END END; TextPort.T.reshape(port, cd) END Reshape; PROCEDUREShape (port: Port; ax: Axis.T; n: CARDINAL): VBT.SizeRange = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.port *> BEGIN IF ax = Axis.T.Hor THEN RETURN VBT.DefaultShape ELSE VAR res := TextPort.T.shape(port, ax, n); BEGIN res.lo := 0; res.hi := VBT.DefaultShape.hi; RETURN res END END END Shape; PROCEDUREModified (port: Port) =
This procedure is called by the underlying TextPort when its text is modified.
<* LL.sup < VBT.mu *> BEGIN TextPort.T.modified(port); IF port.ignoreModifies THEN TextPort.SetModified(port, FALSE) ELSE port.src.modified(how := View.ModKind.Explicit) END END Modified; PROCEDUREShowError ( s: T; ast: JunoAST.T; READONLY err: JunoCompileErr.ErrVal; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> VAR txt: TEXT; start, finish: INTEGER; BEGIN VAR wr := TextWr.New(); BEGIN JunoUnparse.P(wr, ast, width := Editor.Width(s.port), prec := JunoConfig.realPrec, errast := err.ast); txt := TextWr.ToText(wr); Wr.Close(wr) END; start := Text.FindChar(txt, '\001'); finish := Text.FindChar(txt, '\002'); IF start >= 0 AND finish > start THEN txt := Text.Sub(txt, 0, start) & Text.Sub(txt, start + 1, finish - start - 1) & Text.Sub(txt, finish + 1); SetTextPort(s.port, txt); JunoError.P(s.port, err.msg, start, finish - 1, ts) ELSE Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, err.msg & "\n"); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Error AST:\n"); JunoUnparse.Debug(err.ast); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Original AST:\n"); JunoUnparse.Debug(ast) END END ShowError; PROCEDUREParse (s: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp): JunoAST.Cmd = BEGIN (* use cached version if it is valid *) IF s.root.astTrue THEN RETURN CurrCmd.GetAST(s.root.ccmd) END; (* otherwise, parse the contents of the textport *) VAR res := ParseFromPort(s.port, time); BEGIN IF res # NIL THEN CurrCmd.ChangeAST(s.root.ccmd, res) END; RETURN res END END Parse; PROCEDUREParseFromPort (port: Port; time: VBT.TimeStamp): JunoAST.Cmd =
Returns the parsed current command fromport
, orNIL
if there was a lex or parse error. In the event of either error, the error is underlined using timestamptime
, and an error window is displayed.
<* FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> VAR res: JunoAST.Cmd; rd := TextRd.New(TextPort.GetText(port)); tokens: CARDINAL; BEGIN TRY JunoParse.Command(rd, res, tokens) EXCEPT JunoLex.Error (err) => VAR wr := TextWr.New(); start, finish: INTEGER; BEGIN JunoUnparse.Cmd(wr, res, tokens, width := Editor.Width(port), prec := JunoConfig.realPrec); HandleLexErr(err, rd, wr, start, finish); SetTextPort(port, TextWr.ToText(wr)); Wr.Close(wr); JunoError.P(port, JunoLex.ErrorText(err.kind), start, finish, time) END; res := NIL | JunoParse.Error (err) => IF tokens = 0 AND err.found.kind = JunoToken.Kind.EndMarker THEN res := JunoAST.SkipVal ELSE VAR wr := TextWr.New(); start, finish: CARDINAL; BEGIN JunoUnparse.Cmd(wr, res, tokens, width := Editor.Width(port), prec := JunoConfig.realPrec); Wr.PutChar(wr, '\n'); start := Wr.Index(wr); Wr.PutText(wr, JunoToken.ToText(err.found)); finish := Wr.Index(wr); Wr.PutChar(wr, ' '); Wr.PutText(wr, err.additional); Wr.PutText(wr, Rd.GetText(rd, LAST(CARDINAL))); SetTextPort(port, TextWr.ToText(wr)); Wr.Close(wr); JunoError.P(port, "Parse error", start, finish, time) END; res := NIL END END; Rd.Close(rd); RETURN res END ParseFromPort; PROCEDURECompile (s: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp; skipify: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF s.root.astTrue AND s.root.ccmd.codeValid AND s.root.ccmd.skipify = skipify THEN RETURN TRUE END; RETURN Compile2(s, time, skipify) END Compile; PROCEDURECompile2 (s: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp; skipify: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = VAR port: Port := s.port; ast: JunoAST.Cmd := Parse(s, time); BEGIN (* check for parse error *) IF ast = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* recompile and update drawing if necessary *) WITH cc = s.root.ccmd DO IF NOT cc.codeValid OR skipify # cc.skipify THEN TRY VAR astp := ast; BEGIN IF skipify THEN astp := CurrCmd.Skipify(ast) END; cc.slot := JunoBuild.CurrCmd(astp, CurrCmd.GetScope(cc), checkTotal := TRUE); cc.codeValid := TRUE; cc.skipify := skipify END EXCEPT JunoCompileErr.Error (err) => ShowError(s, ast, err, time); RETURN FALSE END; TextPort.SetModified(port, FALSE); s.root.astTrue := TRUE END END; RETURN TRUE END Compile2; PROCEDUREMake (s: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp; skipify: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF NOT Compile(s, time, skipify) THEN RETURN FALSE END; Drawing.Make(s.root.drawing, skipify); s.update(); RETURN TRUE END Make; PROCEDUREGetText (s: T): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN TextPort.GetText(s.port) END GetText; PROCEDURESetText (s:T; txt: TEXT) = BEGIN TextPort.SetText(s.port, txt) END SetText; BEGIN END Source.