INTERFACEA JunoToken.T represents one of the possible input tokens of the Juno language. Juno has 8 tokenJunoToken ;
: literal real numbers, literal texts,
identifiers, operators, keywords, reserved identifiers, comments, and an
end-of-stream marker. This procedure also provides the procedure ToText()
for converting a token to a textual form.
IMPORT JunoValue; TYPE Kind = { LitReal, LitText, Id, Semi, Dot, Comma, Colon, LPren, RPren, LBrace, RBrace, LBracket, RBracket, Assign, SuchThat, Else, Guard, Near, Equals, Differs, Less, Greater, AtMost, AtLeast, Plus, Minus, Times, Divide, Concat, Module, Private, End, Import, Const, Var, Pred, Func, Proc, UI, Is, Skip, Abort, If, Fi, Do, Od, Save, In, Nil, True, False, Or, And, Not, Exists, Cong, Para, Hor, Ver, Rel, Div, Mod, Real, Text, Pair, Int, Floor, Ceiling, Round, Abs, Sin, Cos, Ln, Exp, Car, Cdr, Max, Min, Atan, Comment, EndMarker, Unknown }; Op = [Kind.Semi..Kind.Concat]; (* operators *) KeyWd = [Kind.Module..Kind.Mod]; (* keywords *) ResvdId = [Kind.Real..Kind.Atan]; (* reserved identifiers *) CONST AllOps = SET OF Kind{FIRST(Op)..LAST(Op)}; AllKeyWds = SET OF Kind{FIRST(KeyWd)..LAST(KeyWd)}; AllResvdIds = SET OF Kind{FIRST(ResvdId)..LAST(ResvdId)}; TYPE T = REF RECORD kind: Kind; (* kind of token *) text: TEXT; (* text of the token *) val: REFANY; (* TEXT or Atom.T *) num: JunoValue.Real; (* for real values *) END;A token
has a kind and an optional value. The value t.val
meaningful if and only if t.kind
is Kind.LitText
, Kind.Id
, or
. The value t.num
is meaningful if and only if t.kind
is Kind.LitReal
. There are 8 token classes: literal reals,
literal texts, identifiers, operators, keywords, reserved identifiers,
comments, and end-of-stream. A token t
is classified according to the
following table:
Class Condition Value Type literal real t.kind = Kind.LitReal t.num is a JunoValue.Real literal text t.kind = Kind.LitText t.val is a TEXT identifier t.kind = Kind.Id t.val is an Atom.T operator t.kind IN AllOps keyword t.kind IN AllKeyWds reserved id t.kind IN AllResvdIds comment t.kind = Kind.Comment t.val is a TEXT end-of-stream t.kind = Kind.EndMarkerThe TEXT associated with a text literal does not include the start and end double-quote characters, and escape sequences in the input literal have been converted to ASCII characters in the result text. The TEXT associated with a comment *does* include the begin- and end-of-comment characters, as well as those of any nested comments.
PROCEDURE Copy(t: T): T;
Returns a new token with the same field values as t
Produces a human-readable representation of the tokent
as a TEXT. This representation has the form:kind(value)
, wherekind
is one of the stringsReal
, orEndMarker
, andvalue
is the token value. Whenkind
, orResvdId
, thevalue
printed is the implicit value of the operator, keyword, or reserved identifier, respectively, such as:=
. Whenkind
, no value is printed.
Produces a textual representation of the token t
. If substituted for the
text of the token actually found in the program, this representation will
not change the program's meaning.
CONST KindName = ARRAY Kind OF TEXT { "numeric literal", "text literal", "identifier", "semicolon", "period", "comma", "colon", "left parenthesis", "right parenthesis", "left brace", "right brace", "left bracket", "right bracket", ":=", "::", "|", "->", "~", "=", "#", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "&", "MODULE", "PRIVATE", "END", "IMPORT", "CONST", "VAR", "PRED", "FUNC", "PROC", "UI", "IS", "SKIP", "ABORT", "IF", "FI", "DO", "OD", "SAVE", "IN", "NIL", "TRUE", "FALSE", "OR", "AND", "NOT", "EXISTS", "CONG", "PARA", "HOR", "VER", "REL", "DIV", "MOD", "REAL", "TEXT", "PAIR", "INT", "FLOOR", "CEILING", "ROUND", "ABS", "SIN", "COS", "LN", "EXP", "CAR", "CDR", "MAX", "MIN", "ATAN", "comment", "end of file", "unknown token" }; END JunoToken.