
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Fri Dec 29 11:02:09 PST 1995 by heydon                   
      modified on Sat Feb 18 15:55:54 PST 1995 by gnelson                  
      modified on Fri Aug  7 21:53:58 PDT 1992 by myers                    

This interface provides the procedures Block, Command, and Expression for parsing Juno block (declarations), commands, and expressions. The Juno grammar implemented by this interface is described in the text file:
All the parsing procedures in this module guarantee that any newly created AST nodes have a back pointer to the sentinel JunoAST.End.

IMPORT JunoAST, JunoToken, Rd, JunoLex;
Each of the parsing procedures takes its input from an abstract token stream. Typically, the stream is created from a reader.

TYPE IterativeParse <: REFANY;
An IterativeParse object has an associated token stream. The stream can be passed as an argument to the Block procedure to successively parse the top-level blocks of an entire module.

PROCEDURE StartIterativeParse(READONLY rd: Rd.T): IterativeParse
  RAISES {JunoLex.Error, Rd.Failure};
Returns a newly initialized IterativeParse object with a token stream supplied from rd.

PROCEDURE FinishIterativeParse(ip: IterativeParse) RAISES {Rd.Failure};
Close ip's token stream.
 Each of the following procedures parses its input according to a particular
   non-terminal of the Juno grammar, and returns its result as a VAR (*OUT
   parameter named "ast". The "VAR (*OUT*)" parameter named "tokenCnt" is set
   to contain the number of tokens parsed and successfully incorporated into
   the result "ast".

   These procedures raise either "Error" if the tokens in their input stream
   do not form a legal syntactic block, command, or expression, respectively.
   They raise "JunoLex.Error" in case of a lexical error in their input. If
   the procedures cannot read from the stream, they raise the "Rd.Failure"
   exception. *)

    ip: IterativeParse;
    VAR (*OUT*) ast: JunoAST.Block;
    VAR (*OUT*) tokenCnt: CARDINAL)
  RAISES {Error, JunoLex.Error, Rd.Failure};
Parse the next Block non-terminal from the reader underlying ip. A module is a sequence of top-level blocks. Returns with ast = NIL when ip's token stream is empty.

    ip: IterativeParse): INTEGER;
Return the number of characters that occur in the source text for the ASTs that have been returned so far by calls to Block(ip,...), including any trailing whitespace. This is the index of the first character of the first token of the AST that will be returned by the next call to Block(ip,...).

    READONLY rd: Rd.T;
    VAR (*OUT*) ast: JunoAST.Cmd;
    VAR (*OUT*) tokenCnt: CARDINAL)
  RAISES {Error, JunoLex.Error, Rd.Failure};
Parse a Cmd non-terminal from rd.

PROCEDURE Expression(
    READONLY rd: Rd.T;
    VAR (*OUT*) ast: JunoAST.Expr;
    VAR (*OUT*) tokenCnt: CARDINAL)
  RAISES {Error, JunoLex.Error, Rd.Failure};
Parse an Expr non-terminal from rd.

    READONLY rd: Rd.T;
    VAR (*OUT*) ast: JunoAST.PredHeader;
    VAR (*OUT*) tokenCnt: CARDINAL)
  RAISES {Error, JunoLex.Error, Rd.Failure};
Parse an Id optionally applied to a list of Ids, and set ast to the result. If rd contains just an id, it will be returned in ast.name and ast.ins will be NIL. Otherwise ast.ins will contain the list of arguments (which may be EmptyIdList).

    READONLY rd: Rd.T;
    VAR (*OUT*) ast: JunoAST.IdList;
    VAR (*OUT*) tokenCnt: CARDINAL)
  RAISES {Error, JunoLex.Error, Rd.Failure};
Parse a comma-separated list of identifiers, and set ast to the result. An empty list is allowed.

  ErrorRec = REF RECORD
    found: JunoToken.T;
    expected: JunoToken.Kind;   (* may be "JunoToken.Kind.Unknown" *)
    additional: TEXT;

EXCEPTION Error(ErrorRec);
The exception Error is raised when the input does not form a legal sentence derivable from the specified non-terminal. The returned ErrorRec contains information about the parse error.

The found field contains the token which caused the parser to fail. In some cases, the parse fails because the parser is expecting a single particular token in the token stream. In such cases, expected is the expected token; otherwise, it is JunoToken.Kind.Unknown.

The field additional contains characters which properly follow the found token, but which have been pulled off the underlying reader.

In the event that the Error exception is raised, the ast parameter will contain the partial AST corresponding to the tokens that have been parsed so far; the AST will contain NIL fields for those parts of the input that were not parsed before the error occurred.

END JunoParse.