MODULE; IMPORT Env, Text, Thread, Wr; IMPORT BrowserDB, BuildCache, Builder, ConfigItem, Derived, Dir, Editor, HTML; IMPORT ID, Node, OS, PkgRoot, Source, UserState, Wx; REVEAL T = Tx BRANDED "Pkg.T" OBJECT OVERRIDES class := Class; iterate := Iterate; next := Next; gen_page := GenPage; END; VAR viewID := ID.Add ("view"); buildID := ID.Add ("build"); shipID := ID.Add ("ship"); cleanID := ID.Add ("clean"); editID := ID.Add ("editmake"); interruptID := ID.Add ("interrupt"); rescanID := ID.Add ("rescan"); PROCEDURE Pkg Class (t: T): Node.Class = BEGIN IF (t # NIL) AND (t.parent # NIL) THEN RETURN NARROW (t.parent, PkgRoot.T).kind; ELSE RETURN Node.Class.Unknown; END; END Class; PROCEDUREIterate (t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState) = BEGIN Dir.T.iterate (t, s); END Iterate; PROCEDURENext (t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t, s); END Next; PROCEDUREGenPage (t: T; wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: Node.FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := Node.FullPath (t); build_ok := IsBuildable (t); makefile : TEXT; BEGIN IF (action = editID) THEN path := Node.FullPath (t); makefile := FindMakefile (path); IF (makefile = NIL) THEN (* let the user create one *) makefile := OS.MakePath (path, "src", "m3makefile"); END; Editor.Run (makefile, "1"); action := viewID; ELSIF (action = interruptID) THEN Builder.InterruptBuild (t); action := viewID; END; IF (action = rescanID) OR (action = viewID AND ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Auto_pkg_scan].bool) THEN t := Rescan (t); action := viewID; END; HTML.Begin (t, wx); GenFileNote (path, wx, is_dir := TRUE); GenBuildNote (t, wx); wx.put ("\n<P>"); (* generate the page body *) IF (action = viewID) THEN GenView (t, path, wx); HTML.NoData (data, wx); ELSIF (build_ok) AND (action = buildID) THEN DoBuild (t, path, wx, data); ELSIF (build_ok) AND (action = shipID) THEN Builder.Ship (t, path, wx); HTML.NoData (data, wx); ELSIF (build_ok) AND (action = cleanID) THEN Builder.Clean (t, path, wx); HTML.NoData (data, wx); ELSE HTML.NoAction (action, wx); HTML.NoData (data, wx); END; HTML.End (wx); END GenPage; PROCEDUREDoBuild (t: T; path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; data: Node.FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR key := "BUILD|" & path; args := UserState.Get (key); BEGIN (* process the "build-args" form data *) WHILE (data # NIL) DO IF Text.Equal (data.field, "build-args") THEN args := data.value; ELSE wx.put ("<STRONG>Unrecognized field: ", data.field, "</STRONG><BR>\n"); END; data :=; END; IF (args = NIL) THEN args := ""; END; UserState.Put (key, args); Builder.Build (t, path, args, wx); END DoBuild; PROCEDURERescan (t: T): T RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR ref: REFANY; nd: Node.List; pkg: T; BEGIN BrowserDB.ScanOne (ID.ToText (, t.parent, NIL); IF NOT BrowserDB.db.packages.get (, ref) THEN RETURN t; END; nd := NARROW (ref, Node.List); WHILE (nd # NIL) DO pkg := nd.head; IF (pkg.parent = t.parent) THEN RETURN pkg; END; nd := nd.tail; END; RETURN t; END Rescan; PROCEDUREGenView (t: T; path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN Dir.GenReadmeInfo (path, wx); GenButtons (t, t, wx); Dir.GenContents (t, wx); END GenView; PROCEDUREGenFileNote (path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; is_dir: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = CONST Tag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "Path", "Directory" }; BEGIN wx.put ("<STRONG>", Tag[is_dir], ":</STRONG> <TT>"); HTML.GenFileRef (path, wx); wx.put (path, "</A></TT>"); IF NOT is_dir THEN GenModifiedNote (path, wx); END; END GenFileNote; PROCEDUREGenModifiedNote (path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR modtime := OS.LastModified (path); BEGIN IF (modtime # OS.NO_TIME) THEN wx.put (" "); wx.put ("<STRONG>Last modified:</STRONG> ", OS.FmtFileTime (modtime)); END; END GenModifiedNote; PROCEDUREGenBuildNote (src: Node.Named_T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR nd: Node.T := src; pkg: T := NIL; BEGIN LOOP TYPECASE nd OF | NULL => EXIT; | T(t) => pkg := t; EXIT; | Node.Named_T(n) => nd := n.parent; ELSE pkg := NIL; EXIT; END; END; IF (pkg # NIL) AND IsBuildable (pkg) THEN nd := BuildCache.LookUp (pkg); IF (nd # NIL) THEN wx.put (" "); wx.put ("<STRONG>Last built:</STRONG> "); HTML.GenRef (nd, wx); wx.put (OS.FmtFileTime(BuildCache.Timestamp (nd)), "</A>"); END; END; END GenBuildNote; PROCEDUREHome (nd: Node.T): T = BEGIN LOOP TYPECASE nd OF | NULL => RETURN NIL; | T(t) => RETURN t; | Node.Named_T(n) => nd := n.parent; ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END; END Home; PROCEDUREGenActionButtons (src: Node.Named_T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN GenButtons (Home (src), src, wx); END GenActionButtons; PROCEDUREGenButtons (pkg: T; src: Node.Named_T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* HACK ALERT: If </FORM> appears at the end of a <TD></TD>, Netscape puts a blank line in the table entry. If <FORM> appears outside a <TD></TD>, M$Explorer creates an empty table entry. So... We start forms inside <TD></TD> pairs and we end the form inside the next table entry. That's what "in_form" is all about. Hack, hack, hack.... *) VAR buildable: BOOLEAN; pgm: Derived.T := NIL; in_form := FALSE; BEGIN IF (pkg = NIL) THEN RETURN; END; wx.put ("<HR><TABLE><TR>\n"); buildable := IsBuildable (pkg); IF buildable THEN GenButton (pkg, wx, "ship", "Ship", in_form); END; IF NOT ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Auto_pkg_scan].bool THEN GenButton (pkg, wx, "rescan", "Rescan", in_form); END; IF buildable THEN GenButton (pkg, wx, "clean", "Clean", in_form); END; TYPECASE src OF | NULL => (* ignore *) | Source.T(ss) => IF buildable THEN IF NOT OS.FileNameEq (ID.ToText (, "m3makefile") THEN GenMakeButton (ss.parent, wx, in_form); END; GenButton (src, wx, "edit", "Edit source", in_form); END; | T => IF buildable THEN GenMakeButton (pkg, wx, in_form); END; | Dir.T(dir) => IF buildable THEN GenMakeButton (dir, wx, in_form); END; | Derived.T(der) => IF buildable THEN GenMakeButton (pkg, wx, in_form); END; IF der.is_pgm THEN pgm := der; END; ELSE IF buildable THEN GenMakeButton (pkg, wx, in_form); END; END; (* ... to fix alignment with following rows *) wx.put ("<TD>"); IF (in_form) THEN wx.put ("</FORM>"); END; wx.put (" "); wx.put (" "); wx.put (" "); wx.put (" "); wx.put (" "); wx.put ("</TD>"); wx.put ("</TR>\n"); IF buildable OR (pgm # NIL) THEN IF buildable THEN GenBuildForm (pkg, wx); END; IF pgm # NIL THEN GenRunForm (pgm, wx); END; END; wx.put ("</TABLE>\n"); END GenButtons; PROCEDUREGenBuildForm (pkg: T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR key := "BUILD|" & Node.FullPath (pkg); options := UserState.Get (key); BEGIN wx.put ("<FORM method=get action=\""); HTML.GenURL (pkg, wx); wx.put ("[build]\"><TR>"); wx.put ("<TD><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Build\"> </TD><TD>Options: </TD>"); wx.put ("<TD COLSPAN=5>"); wx.put ("<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=build-args SIZE=50 VALUE=\"", options, "\">"); wx.put ("</TD></TR></FORM>\n"); END GenBuildForm; PROCEDUREGenRunForm (pgm: Derived.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := Node.FullPath (pgm); cmdkey := "RUNCMD|" & path; dirkey := "RUNDIR|" & path; cmd := UserState.Get (cmdkey); dir := UserState.Get (dirkey); BEGIN IF (cmd = NIL) THEN cmd := Derived.PgmPath (pgm); END; IF (dir = NIL) THEN dir := Env.Get ("HOME"); END; IF (dir = NIL) THEN dir := Node.FullPath (pgm.parent); END; wx.put ("<FORM method=get action=\""); HTML.GenURL (pgm, wx); wx.put ("[run]\"><TR>"); wx.put ("<TD><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\" Run \"> </TD>"); wx.put ("<TD>Command: </TD>"); wx.put ("<TD COLSPAN=5>"); wx.put ("<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=run-cmd SIZE=50 VALUE=\"", cmd, "\"></TD></TR>\n"); wx.put ("<TR><TD> </TD><TD>Directory: </TD>"); wx.put ("<TD COLSPAN=5>"); wx.put ("<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=run-dir SIZE=50 VALUE=\"", dir, "\"></TD>"); wx.put ("</TR></FORM>\n"); END GenRunForm; PROCEDUREGenMakeButton (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T; VAR in_form: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR makefile := FindMakefile (Node.FullPath (n)); BEGIN IF (makefile # NIL) THEN GenButton (n, wx, "editmake", "Edit m3makefile", in_form); ELSE GenButton (n, wx, "editmake", "Create m3makefile", in_form); END; END GenMakeButton; PROCEDUREGenButton (n: Node.T; wx: Wx.T; action, label: TEXT; VAR in_form: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN wx.put ("<TD ALIGN=\"left\">"); IF in_form THEN wx.put ("</FORM>"); in_form := FALSE; END; wx.put ("<FORM method=get action=\""); HTML.GenURL (n, wx); IF action # NIL THEN wx.put ("[", action, "]"); END; wx.put ("\">"); wx.put ("<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"", label, "\"></TD>"); in_form := TRUE; END GenButton; PROCEDUREFindMakefile (path: TEXT): TEXT = VAR make := OS.MakePath (path, "m3makefile"); BEGIN IF OS.LastModified (make) # OS.NO_TIME THEN RETURN make; END; make := OS.MakePath (path, "src", "m3makefile"); IF OS.LastModified (make) # OS.NO_TIME THEN RETURN make; END; RETURN NIL; END FindMakefile; PROCEDUREIsBuildable (t: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t # NIL) AND (t.parent # NIL) AND NARROW (t.parent, PkgRoot.T).buildable; END IsBuildable; PROCEDUREInit () = BEGIN END Init; BEGIN END Pkg.