MODULE; IMPORT FileRd, Rd, Wr, Text, Thread, OSError; IMPORT ClassDir, Editor, HTML, ID, Node, OS, Pkg, Wx; REVEAL T = Tx BRANDED "Dir.T" OBJECT OVERRIDES class := Class; iterate := Iterate; next := Next; gen_page := GenPage; END; VAR editID := ID.Add ("editmake"); viewID := ID.Add ("view"); PROCEDURE Dir Class (<*UNUSED*> t: T): Node.Class = BEGIN RETURN Node.Class.Directory; END Class; PROCEDUREIterate (t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState) = BEGIN s.a := 0; (* phase 0 *) s.d := t.contents; s.e := NIL; (* pushed frames *) END Iterate; PROCEDURENext (<*UNUSED*> t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState): BOOLEAN = TYPE Frame = REF RECORD dir: T; prev: REFANY; END; VAR fr: Frame; BEGIN IF (s.a = 0) THEN (* phase 0: return the immediate nodes *) WHILE s.d # NIL DO TYPECASE s.d OF | T (n) => s.d := n.sibling; s.e := NEW (Frame, dir := n, prev := s.e); IF n.match (s.pattern) THEN s.match := n; RETURN TRUE; END; | Node.Named_T (n) => s.d := n.sibling; IF n.match (s.pattern) THEN s.match := n; RETURN TRUE; END; ELSE (* boring node, skip it *) END; END; (*WHILE*) s.a := 1; END; (*IF phase = 0 *) (* phase 1: return the non-directory nodes of the subtrees: s.a =1, s.d = next node, s.e = pushed frames. *) LOOP WHILE s.d # NIL DO TYPECASE s.d OF | T (n) => s.d := n.sibling; s.e := NEW (Frame, dir := n, prev := s.e); | ClassDir.T (n) => s.d := n.sibling; | Node.Named_T (n) => s.d := n.sibling; IF n.match (s.pattern) THEN s.match := n; RETURN TRUE; END; ELSE (* boring node, skip it *) END; (*TYPECASE*) END; IF (s.e = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; (* pop a frame and continue *) fr := NARROW (s.e, Frame); s.e := fr.prev; s.d := fr.dir.contents; END; END Next; PROCEDUREGenPage (t: T; wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: Node.FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := Node.FullPath (t); icon := Node.ClassIcon [t.class()]; BEGIN IF (action = editID) THEN Editor.Run (OS.MakePath (path, "m3makefile"), "1"); action := viewID; END; (* Title the page *) HTML.BeginYY (t, wx, "Directory: ", path); wx.put ("<H3>"); IF (icon # NIL) THEN HTML.PutImg (icon, wx); wx.put (" "); END; Pkg.GenFileNote (path, wx, is_dir := TRUE); Pkg.GenBuildNote (t, wx); wx.put ("</H3>\n"); HTML.GenPathFinder (t, wx); wx.put ("\n"); Pkg.GenActionButtons (t, wx); GenContents (t, wx); wx.put ("<HR>\n"); HTML.ViewOnly (action, data, wx); HTML.End (wx); END GenPage; PROCEDUREGenContents (t: T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR results: Node.Set; BEGIN ScanDir (t, 0, results); HTML.GenChoices (results, wx); END GenContents; PROCEDUREScanDir (t: T; depth: INTEGER; VAR results: Node.Set) = VAR n := t.contents; BEGIN WHILE (n # NIL) DO TYPECASE n OF | T (x) => IF (depth = 0) THEN Node.Append (results, n); END; ScanDir (x, depth + 1, results); | ClassDir.T => IF (depth = 0) THEN Node.Append (results, n); END; | Node.Named_T => Node.Append (results, n); END; n := n.sibling; END; END ScanDir; TYPE ReadmeInfo = RECORD file, title, pre, post: TEXT END; PROCEDUREGenReadmeInfo (path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = CONST Files = ARRAY [0..4] OF ReadmeInfo { ReadmeInfo { "index.html", NIL, NIL, NIL }, ReadmeInfo { "index.htm", NIL, NIL, NIL }, ReadmeInfo { "README.html", NIL, NIL, NIL }, ReadmeInfo { "README.htm", NIL, NIL, NIL }, ReadmeInfo { "README", NIL, "<PRE>\n", "\n</PRE>" } }; BEGIN FOR i := FIRST (Files) TO LAST (Files) DO IF TryReadme (path, Files[i], wx) THEN RETURN; END; END; path := OS.MakePath (path, "src"); FOR i := FIRST (Files) TO LAST (Files) DO IF TryReadme (path, Files[i], wx) THEN RETURN; END; END; END GenReadmeInfo; PROCEDURETryReadme (path: TEXT; READONLY info: ReadmeInfo; wx: Wx.T): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR rd: Rd.T := NIL; got_it := FALSE; BEGIN TRY rd := FileRd.Open (OS.MakePath (path, info.file)); got_it := TRUE; TRY wx.put ("<P>\n"); IF (info.title # NIL) THEN wx.put ("<STRONG>", info.title, "</STRONG>\n<P>\n"); END; IF (info.pre # NIL) OR ( # NIL) THEN wx.put (info.pre); ProcessRawText (Rd.GetText (rd, LAST (INTEGER)), wx); wx.put (; ELSE wx.put (info.pre, Rd.GetText (rd, LAST (INTEGER)),; END; wx.put ("\n"); FINALLY Rd.Close (rd); END; EXCEPT OSError.E, Rd.Failure => (* ignore *) END; RETURN got_it; END TryReadme; PROCEDUREProcessRawText (txt: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR len := Text.Length (txt); done := 0; c : CHAR; BEGIN IF (len <= 0) THEN RETURN END; FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO c := Text.GetChar (txt, i); IF (c = '<') THEN IF (done < i) THEN wx.putSub (txt, done, i-done); END; wx.put ("<"); done := i+1; ELSIF (c = '>') THEN IF (done < i) THEN wx.putSub (txt, done, i-done); END; wx.put (">"); done := i+1; ELSIF (c = '"') THEN IF (done < i) THEN wx.putSub (txt, done, i-done); END; wx.put ("""); done := i+1; ELSIF (c = '&') THEN IF (done < i) THEN wx.putSub (txt, done, i-done); END; wx.put ("&"); done := i+1; ELSE (* vanilla character *) END; END; IF (done < len) THEN wx.putSub (txt, done); END; END ProcessRawText; PROCEDUREInit () = BEGIN END Init; BEGIN END Dir.