MODULE; IMPORT AtomList, FmtTime, IntRefTbl, Pathname; IMPORT Quake, QMachine, QValue, Text, Thread, Time, Wr; IMPORT ConfigItem, BrowserDB, BuildCache, Default, ErrLog, HTML, ID; IMPORT LineWr, Node, Pkg, Text2, Wx; TYPE CI = ConfigItem.T; TYPE State = REF RECORD proc : CI; cmd : TEXT; arg1, arg2 : TEXT; root : Pkg.T; active : Port; attaching : Port; buffer : Port; buf_wx : Wx.T; cache : Node.T; mu : MUTEX; changed : Thread.Condition; n_live : INTEGER := 0; (* # of active ports with non-NIL wxs *) done : BOOLEAN := FALSE; abort : BOOLEAN := FALSE; key : ID.T := ID.NoID; END; TYPE Port = REF RECORD next : Port := NIL; wx : Wx.T := NIL; wr_error : AtomList.T := NIL; END; PROCEDURE Builder NewState (ci: CI; arg1, arg2: TEXT; root: Pkg.T; wx: Wx.T): State = VAR s := NEW (State); BEGIN s.proc := ci; s.cmd := ConfigItem.Desc[ci].name; s.arg1 := arg1; s.arg2 := arg2; s.root := root; := NEW (Port, wx := wx); s.attaching := NIL; s.buffer := NIL; s.buf_wx := NIL; s.cache := NIL; := NIL; s.changed := NIL; s.n_live := 1; s.done := FALSE; s.abort := FALSE; s.key := ID.NoID; RETURN s; END NewState; VAR ongoing_mu := NEW (MUTEX); ongoing := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); PROCEDUREBuild (root: Pkg.T; pkg_dir: Pathname.T; args: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR key := ID.Add (Node.FullPath (root)); ref: REFANY; cl: BuildClosure; self: Port; buf_wx: Wx.T; BEGIN LOCK ongoing_mu DO IF ongoing.get (key, ref) THEN (* join an existing build by listening in *) cl := ref; self := NEW (Port, wx := wx, next := cl.s.attaching); cl.s.attaching := self; ELSE (* start a new build *) cl := NEW (BuildClosure); cl.s := NewState (CI.Build_package, pkg_dir, args, root, wx); cl.s.cache := BuildCache.New (root, pkg_dir); := NEW (MUTEX); cl.s.changed := NEW (Thread.Condition); cl.s.key := key; (* create the writer that'll buffer stuff for the build cache *) self :=; buf_wx := NEW (Wx.T).init (NIL); cl.s.buffer := NEW (Port, wx := buf_wx, next := self); := cl.s.buffer; cl.s.buf_wx := buf_wx; INC (cl.s.n_live); (* initialize the cache buffer *) HTML.Begin (cl.s.root, buf_wx); buf_wx.put ("<P><STRONG>Directory:</STRONG> <TT>", cl.s.arg1, "</TT>\n"); Put (cl.s, "<BR><STRONG>Build time:</STRONG> <TT>"); Put (cl.s, FmtTime.Short (Time.Now())); Put (cl.s, "</TT>\n<P>\n"); Put (cl.s, "<FORM method=get action=\"./[interrupt]\">"); Put (cl.s, "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Interrupt build\"></FORM>\n<P>\n"); (* finally, let'er rip... *) cl.handler := Thread.Fork (cl); EVAL ongoing.put (key, cl); END; END; (* wait until we're done, or the thread's TCP connection breaks *) LOCK DO WHILE (NOT cl.s.done) AND (self.wr_error = NIL) DO Thread.AlertWait (, cl.s.changed); END; END; IF (self.wr_error # NIL) THEN RAISE Wr.Failure (self.wr_error); END; END Build; PROCEDUREInterruptBuild (root: Pkg.T) = VAR key := ID.Add (Node.FullPath (root)); ref: REFANY; cl: BuildClosure; BEGIN LOCK ongoing_mu DO IF NOT ongoing.get (key, ref) THEN RETURN; END; cl := NARROW (ref, BuildClosure); cl.s.abort := TRUE; END; (* give the builder a chance to quit on its own... *) Thread.Pause (10.0d0); IF NOT cl.s.done THEN (* too late, we're blowing him away! *) Thread.Alert (cl.handler); END; END InterruptBuild; TYPE BuildClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT s : State; handler : Thread.T; OVERRIDES apply := DoBuild; END; PROCEDUREDoBuild (cl: BuildClosure): REFANY = VAR buf := cl.s.buffer; wx := cl.s.buf_wx; ref: REFANY; BEGIN TRY RunCmd (cl.s); Flush (cl.s); IF (cl.s.root # NIL) THEN wx.put ("<P>\n"); BrowserDB.ScanOne (ID.ToText (cl.s.root.arcname ()), cl.s.root.parent, wx); END; HTML.End (wx); Flush (cl.s); EXCEPT | Wr.Failure (ec) => buf.wr_error := ec; | Thread.Alerted => (* ignore, since we're almost done anyway... *) END; BuildCache.AttachBody (cl.s.cache, wx.toText ()); LOCK ongoing_mu DO IF ongoing.get (cl.s.key, ref) AND (ref = cl) THEN EVAL ongoing.delete (cl.s.key, ref); END; END; SignalDone (cl.s); RETURN NIL; END DoBuild; PROCEDUREClean (root: Pkg.T; pkg_dir: Pathname.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN RunCmd (NewState (CI.Clean_package, pkg_dir, NIL, root, wx)); END Clean; PROCEDUREShip (root: Pkg.T; pkg_dir: Pathname.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN RunCmd (NewState (CI.Ship_package, pkg_dir, NIL, root, wx)); END Ship; PROCEDURERun (root: Pkg.T; prog, wd: Pathname.T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN RunCmd (NewState (CI.Run_program, wd, prog, root, wx)); END Run; PROCEDURERunCmd (s: State) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR mach : Quake.Machine; proc : QValue.T; mach_wr : LineWr.T := LineWr.New (ProcessLine, s); saved_wr : Wr.T; saved_echo : BOOLEAN; n_args : INTEGER := 0; arg_txt : TEXT; BEGIN Put(s, "<P>"); IF (s.arg1 # NIL) AND (s.arg2 # NIL) THEN arg_txt := "(\"" & s.arg1 & "\", \"" & s.arg2 & "\")"; ELSIF (s.arg1 # NIL) THEN arg_txt := "(\"" & s.arg1 & "\")"; ELSIF (s.arg2 # NIL) THEN arg_txt := "(\"" & s.arg2 & "\")"; ELSE arg_txt := "()"; END; ErrLog.Msg ("calling ", s.cmd, arg_txt); Flush (s); Default.GetConfigProc (s.proc, mach, proc); IF (mach # NIL) THEN TRY saved_echo := mach.exec_echo (ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Verbose_log].bool); saved_wr := mach.cur_wr (); mach.set_wr (mach_wr); mach.start_call (proc); IF (s.arg1 # NIL) THEN QMachine.PushText (mach, s.arg1); INC (n_args); END; IF (s.arg2 # NIL) THEN QMachine.PushText (mach, s.arg2); INC (n_args); END; mach.call_proc (n_args, isFunc := FALSE); mach.set_wr (saved_wr); EVAL mach.exec_echo (saved_echo); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => Wr.PutText (mach_wr, msg); LineWr.Clear (mach_wr); ErrLog.Msg ("** error while running " & s.cmd, arg_txt, " **"); ErrLog.Msg (msg); END; END; (* process any remaining output *) LineWr.Clear (mach_wr); Put (s, "\n<P><STRONG>Done.</STRONG><BR>\n"); Flush (s); END RunCmd; TYPE LineInfo = RECORD header : TEXT; output : TEXT; log : TEXT; END; PROCEDUREProcessLine (ref: REFANY; line: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR s: State := ref; info: LineInfo; BEGIN IF s.abort THEN Put (s, "<P><STRONG>Build aborted.</STRONG><BR>\n"); RAISE Thread.Alerted; END; ParseLine (s, line, info); IF info.log # NIL THEN ErrLog.Msg (info.log); END; IF info.header # NIL THEN Put (s, info.header); Put (s, "<BR>\n"); END; IF info.output # NIL THEN Put (s, "<TT>"); Put (s, info.output); Put (s, "</TT><BR>\n"); END; Flush (s); END ProcessLine; PROCEDUREParseLine (s: State; line: TEXT; VAR(*OUT*) info: LineInfo) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN info.output := line; info.log := NIL; info.header := NIL; IF (line # NIL) AND (Text.Length (line) > 1) THEN CASE Text.GetChar (line, 0) OF | '/' => ParseCmd (line, info); (* "/usr/local/bin/stubgen ..." *) | ' ' => ParseMisc (line, info); (* " -> linking" ? *) | '\"' => ParseError (s, line, info); (* "../src/foobar.i3"... *) ELSE ParseCompileStep (line, info); (* "stale -> compiling foo.i3" *) END; END; END ParseLine; PROCEDUREParseCmd (line: TEXT; VAR info: LineInfo) = (* expecting: /foo/baz/command arg0 arg1 ... *) VAR cmd, stmt: TEXT; space := Text.FindChar (line, ' '); BEGIN IF space = -1 THEN RETURN END; cmd := Pathname.Last (Text.Sub (line, 0, space)); IF Text.Equal (cmd, "m3bundle") THEN stmt := "Bundling resources"; ELSIF Text.Equal (cmd, "stubgen") THEN stmt := "Preprocessing for Network Objects"; ELSIF Text.Equal (cmd, "stablegen") THEN stmt := "Preprocessing for Stable Objects"; ELSE stmt := "Running " & cmd; END; info.log := stmt; info.header := stmt; END ParseCmd; PROCEDUREParseMisc (line: TEXT; VAR info: LineInfo) = VAR len := Text.Length (line); BEGIN IF (len > 2) AND (Text.GetChar (line, 1) = '-') THEN (* something like: " -> linking ..." *) WITH space = Text.FindChar (line, ' ', 1) + 1, what = Text.Sub (line, space) DO info.log := what; info.header := what; info.output := NIL; END; END; END ParseMisc; PROCEDUREParseError (s: State; line: TEXT; VAR info: LineInfo) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = CONST Tag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "error", "warn" }; VAR x0, x1, x2, x3: INTEGER; file, err_line, msg: TEXT; n: Node.T; BEGIN (* extract the file name *) x0 := Text.FindChar (line, '\"', 1); IF (x0 < 2) THEN RETURN END; file := Text.Sub (line, 1, x0-1); (* find the line number *) x1 := Text2.FindSubstring (line, "line "); x2 := Text.FindChar (line, ':', x1+5); IF (x1 > 0) AND (x2 > x1) THEN err_line := Text.Sub (line, x1+5, x2 - x1 - 5); ELSE err_line := "1"; END; (* is it an error or warning? *) x3 := Text2.FindSubstring (line, "warning:"); IF (x3 >= 0) THEN msg := Text.Sub (line, x3); ELSIF (x2 >= 0) THEN msg := Text.Sub (line, x2 + 1); ELSE msg := Text.Sub (line, x0 + 3); END; IF (s.cache # NIL) THEN n := BuildCache.AddError (s.cache, file, err_line, msg, x3 >= 0); PutImg (s, Tag [x3 >= 0]); Put (s, " <TT>"); PutRef (s, n, "ERROR-LINE-" & err_line); Put (s, Text.Sub (line, x0+3)); Put (s, "</A> "); PutActionRef (s, n, "edit." & err_line, "ERROR-LINE-" & err_line); Put (s, "[edit]"); (** PutImg (s, "edit"); **) Put (s, "</A>"); Put (s, "</TT><BR>\n"); info.output := NIL; ELSE info.output := line; END; END ParseError; PROCEDUREParseCompileStep (line: TEXT; VAR info: LineInfo) = VAR arrow, space: INTEGER; file, reason, unit: TEXT; ch: CHAR; BEGIN arrow := Text2.FindSubstring (line, " -> "); IF (arrow < 0) THEN RETURN; END; space := Text.FindCharR (line, ' '); file := Text.Sub (line, space+1); reason := Text.Sub (line, 0, arrow); unit := Pathname.Last (file); ch := Text.GetChar (unit, Text.Length (unit) - 1); IF (ch = '3') OR (ch = 'g') THEN (* mumble.{i3,m3,ig,mg} *) info.header := "Compiling <B>" & file & "</B> (" & reason & ")"; ELSE info.header := Text.Sub (line, arrow+4); END; info.log := "Compiling " & file & " (" & reason & ")"; info.output := NIL; END ParseCompileStep; PROCEDURENoteAttachments (s: State) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR txt: TEXT; p: Port; BEGIN LOCK ongoing_mu DO IF (s.attaching # NIL) THEN (* grab a copy of what's been produced so far *) txt := s.buf_wx.toText (); TRY s.buf_wx.put (txt); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (ec) => KillPort (s, s.buffer, ec); END; (* and push it out to each of the new ports as they become active *) WHILE (s.attaching # NIL) DO p := s.attaching; s.attaching :=; :=; := p; INC (s.n_live); TRY p.wx.put (txt); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (ec) => KillPort (s, p, ec); END; END; END; END; END NoteAttachments; PROCEDUREPut (s: State; txt: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR p: Port; BEGIN IF (s.attaching # NIL) THEN NoteAttachments (s); END; p :=; WHILE (p # NIL) DO IF (p.wx # NIL) THEN TRY p.wx.put (txt); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (ec) => KillPort (s, p, ec); END; END; p :=; END; END Put; PROCEDUREPutImg (s: State; icon: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR p: Port; BEGIN IF (s.attaching # NIL) THEN NoteAttachments (s); END; p :=; WHILE (p # NIL) DO IF (p.wx # NIL) THEN TRY HTML.PutImg (icon, p.wx); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (ec) => KillPort (s, p, ec); END; END; p :=; END; END PutImg; PROCEDUREPutRef (s: State; node: Node.T; tag: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR p: Port; BEGIN IF (s.attaching # NIL) THEN NoteAttachments (s); END; p :=; WHILE (p # NIL) DO IF (p.wx # NIL) THEN TRY HTML.GenRef (node, p.wx, tag); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (ec) => KillPort (s, p, ec); END; END; p :=; END; END PutRef; PROCEDUREPutActionRef (s: State; node: Node.T; action, tag: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR p: Port; BEGIN IF (s.attaching # NIL) THEN NoteAttachments (s); END; p :=; WHILE (p # NIL) DO IF (p.wx # NIL) THEN TRY HTML.GenActionRef (node, p.wx, action, tag); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (ec) => KillPort (s, p, ec); END; END; p :=; END; END PutActionRef; PROCEDUREFlush (s: State) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR p: Port; BEGIN IF (s.attaching # NIL) THEN NoteAttachments (s); END; p :=; WHILE (p # NIL) DO IF (p.wx # NIL) THEN TRY p.wx.flush (); EXCEPT Wr.Failure (ec) => KillPort (s, p, ec); END; END; p :=; END; END Flush; PROCEDUREKillPort (s: State; p: Port; ec: AtomList.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF (p.wx # NIL) THEN p.wx := NIL; p.wr_error := ec; DEC (s.n_live); END; IF (s.n_live <= 0) THEN RAISE Wr.Failure (ec); END; END KillPort; PROCEDURESignalDone (s: State) = BEGIN LOCK DO s.done := TRUE; END; Thread.Broadcast (s.changed); END SignalDone; BEGIN END Builder.