
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                       
 All rights reserved.                                                    
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                          
 Last modified on Fri Jun 11 22:55:20 PDT 1993 by meehan                 
      modified on Tue Feb  2 00:38:05 PST 1993 by mhb                    
      modified on Tue Jun 16 21:55:35 PDT 1992 by muller                 
The XParam interface provides utilities for handling X-style -display and -geometry command-line arguments. If your application installs a single top-level window, the XTrestle interface may be more appropriate than this interface.


IMPORT Point, Rect, Trestle, TrestleComm;
Here are routines for manipulating the -display argument:

  Display = RECORD
              hostname: TEXT     := "";
              display : CARDINAL := 0;
              screen  : CARDINAL := 0;
              DECnet  : BOOLEAN  := FALSE

PROCEDURE ParseDisplay (spec: TEXT): Display RAISES {Error};
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Return a parsed version of the -display argument in spec.
 For example, if spec contains the string
   myrtle.pa.dec.com:0.2, the record returned would be
        Display{hostname := "myrtle.pa.dec.com",
                display := 0, screen := 2, DECnet := FALSE}

PROCEDURE UnparseDisplay (READONLY d: Display): TEXT;
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Return the text-version of the -display argument d.
 Here are routines for manipulating the -geometry argument: 

CONST Missing = Point.T{-1, -1};

  Geometry =
      vertex := Rect.Vertex.NW;  (* corner for displacement *)
      dp     := Point.Origin;    (* displacement *)
      size   := Missing;         (* width, height *)

PROCEDURE ParseGeometry (spec: TEXT): Geometry RAISES {Error};
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Return a parsed version of the -geometry argument in spec.
 For example, if spec contains the string
   1024x800-0-10, the returned record would be
          Geometry {Rect.Vertex.SE,
                    Point.T {0, 10},
                    Point.T {1024, 800}}
The size field defaults to Missing. The horizontal and vertical displacements default to Point.Origin (no displacement). The displacements are always positive values; use the vertex field to find out from which corner they are to be offset.

PROCEDURE UnparseGeometry (READONLY g: Geometry): TEXT;
<* LL = arbitrary *>
Return the text-version of the -geometry argument g.

PROCEDURE Position (         trsl: Trestle.T;
                             id  : Trestle.ScreenID;
                    READONLY g   : Geometry          ): Point.T
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the position specified by g in the screen coordinates for the screenID id on the window system connected to trsl (cf. Trestle.GetScreens). The value of g.size must not be Missing, unless g.vertex is the northwest corner.
 Here is the definition of the Error exception: 

  Info = OBJECT
           spec : TEXT;
           index: CARDINAL
  GeometryInfo = Info BRANDED OBJECT END;
  DisplayInfo  = Info BRANDED OBJECT END;

EXCEPTION Error(Info);
Parsing errors are reported with the text (spec) and position (index) of the first illegal character in the text.

END XParam.
\subsubsection{An example}

Here is an example of how to use this interface to install a VBT v as a top level window, obeying the display and geometry arguments given to the application. It relies on the Params interface, which provides the number of arguments passed to the program, Params.Count, and a procedure to retrieve the value of the nth argument, Params.Get(n).

       EXCEPTION Error (TEXT);
         display, geometry: TEXT := NIL;
         d: XParam.DisplayRec;
         g: XParam.Geometry;
         i: CARDINAL := 1;
           IF i >= Params.Count - 1 THEN EXIT END;
           WITH argument = Params.Get (i) DO
             IF Text.Equal (argument, "-display") THEN
               display := Params.Get (i + 1);
               TRY d := XParam.ParseDisplay (display)
               EXCEPT XParam.Error (info) =>
                 RAISE Error ("Illegal -display argument: "
                               & info.spec)
               INC (i, 2)
             ELSIF Text.Equal (argument, "-geometry") THEN
               geometry := Params.Get (i + 1);
                 g := XParam.ParseGeometry (geometry);
                 IF g.size = XParam.Missing THEN
                   WITH shapes = VBTClass.GetShapes (v, FALSE) DO
                     g.size.h := shapes [Axis.T.Hor].pref;
                     g.size.v := shapes [Axis.T.Ver].pref
               EXCEPT XParam.Error (info) =>
                 RAISE Error ("Illegal -geometry argument: "
                               & info.spec);
               INC (i, 2)
             ELSE INC (i)
             END          (* IF 

|      END            (* WITH *)
|    END;             (* LOOP *)

   At this point, if "display" is non-"NIL", then "d" contains the
   information from the "-display" argument.  Similarly, if "geometry"
   is non-"NIL", then "g" contains the information from the
   "-geometry" argument.  If the window-size specificiation was
   missing, the preferred shape of the window is used.

   Finally, we now process the "display" and "geometry" information:

|    VAR
|      trsl := Trestle.Connect (display);
|      screen: CARDINAL;
|    BEGIN
|      TrestleImpl.SetDefault (trsl);
|      Trestle.Attach (v, trsl);
|      Trestle.Decorate (v, ...);
|      IF geometry = NIL THEN
|        Trestle.MoveNear (v, NIL)
|      ELSE
|        StableVBT.SetShape (v, g.size.h, g.size.v)
|        IF d = NIL THEN
|          screen := Trestle.ScreenOf (v, Point.Origin).id
|        ELSE
|          screen := d.screen
|        END;
|        Trestle.Overlap (
|          v, screen, XParam.Position(trsl, screen, g))
|      END      (* IF *)
|    END        (* BEGIN *)
|  END;         (* BEGIN *)

   The call to "TrestleImpl.SetDefault" establishes the value of the
   "-display" argument as the default Trestle connection.  The call to
   "StableVBT.SetShape" is used to control the size of a top-level
   window. The "TrestleImpl" and "StableVBT" interfaces are part of