
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Wed Aug 10 14:39:17 PDT 1994 by mhb                      
      modified on Fri Jun 11 15:57:37 PDT 1993 by meehan                   
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:01 PDT 1992 by muller                   
A ZChassisVBT multi-filter provides a {\em chassis} for a subwindow. The visual display of the chassis is hard-wired into this module; in particular, it won't look like a top-level window of most of the common X window managers. The top of the chassis is a banner containing (from left to right) a {\em close button}, {\em draggable title}, and a {\em grow button}. (See Figure~\ref{fig:zchassis}.)

Clicking on the close button unmaps the ZChassisVBT, thereby causing it to disappear. Dragging the title allows the user to reposition the ZChassisVBT within its parent. Clicking on the grow button allows the user to change the size of the ZChassisVBT, subject to its size constraints. That is, the user isn't allowed to make the interior of the chassis smaller or larger than its reported bounds along each dimension.


IMPORT Shadow, VBT, ZChildVBT, ZSplit;

  <* SUBTYPE T <: MultiFilter.T *>
  T <: Public;
  Public =
      <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
      init (ch      : VBT.T;
            title   : VBT.T;
            shadow  : Shadow.T := NIL;
            closable: BOOLEAN  := TRUE;
            open    : BOOLEAN  := TRUE;
            h, v               := 0.5;
            loc                := ZChildVBT.Location.Center;
            type               := ZChildVBT.CoordType.Scaled;
            shaper: ZSplit.ReshapeControl := NIL):
      initFromEdges (ch        : VBT.T;
                     title     : VBT.T;
                     w, e, n, s: REAL;
                     shadow    : Shadow.T := NIL;
                     closable  : BOOLEAN  := TRUE;
                     open      : BOOLEAN  := TRUE;
                     type := ZChildVBT.CoordType.Absolute;
                     shaper: ZSplit.ReshapeControl := NIL): T;

      <* LL = VBT.mu *>
      callback (READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec);

END ZChassisVBT.
The call v.init(...) initializes v as a ZChassisVBT. It is assumed that v will be a subwindow. The interior of the chassis, ch, is v's child in the multi-child sense.

An alternative method, v.initFromEdges, also initializes v, using different information for specifying the initial location of the subwindow. (See the ZChildVBT interface on page~\pageref{ZChildVBTSection} for details of the h, v, loc, and type parameters to init, as well as for details of the w, e, n, s, and type parameters to initFromEdges.)

A close button is displayed iff closable is set. The grow button is implemented with a ZGrowVBT. title also functions as a drag bar. It is implemented by a ZMoveVBT. The looks of these buttons is governed by the shadow parameter.

If open is TRUE, then v will be visible when it is inserted as a child of its parent ZSplit.

In the current implementation, a chassis has the following general structure (using FormsVBT notation):

             (HBox (CloseButton "C")
                   (ZMove {\it title})
                   (ZGrow "G"))
             (Frame {\it ch})))))
See Figure~\ref{fig:zchassis}.

However, don't try to traverse the VBT tree directly; it is subject to change. To retrieve the contents of a chassis v, use MultiFilter.Child(v).

v.callback(cd) is invoked when the close button is activated. The default method is a no-op.

A ZChassisVBT's move, grow, and close buttons are not effective unless the ZChassis is a non-background child of a ZSplit.