
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Tue Mar 23 12:37:48 PST 1993 by meehan 
      modified on Sat Jan 30 01:50:53 PST 1993 by mhb    
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:21 PDT 1992 by muller 
      modified on Fri Mar 27 02:13:18 1992 by steveg 
The ScrollerVBTClass interface allows you to customize the user interface of a scrollbar.


IMPORT Axis, PaintOp, Pixmap, ScrollerVBT, VBT;

  ScrollerVBT.Private <: T;

  T <: Public;
  Public =
      <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
      init (axis := Axis.T.Ver; colors: PaintOp.ColorQuad := NIL): T;
      <* LL = VBT.mu *>
      scroll (READONLY cd        : VBT.MouseRec;
                       part      : INTEGER;
                       height    : INTEGER;
                       towardsEOF: BOOLEAN       );
      autoScroll (READONLY cd           : VBT.MouseRec;
                           linesToScroll: CARDINAL;
                           towardsEOF   : BOOLEAN       );
      thumb (READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec; part: INTEGER; height: INTEGER);

The call to v.init(axis, colors) initializes v as a ScrollerVBT in the axis orientation, and returns v. It is displayed using colors. If colors is NIL, PaintOp.bgFg will be used.

The default methods for scroll, autoScroll, and thumb are no-ops: the stripe within the scroller doesn't change.

When the user scrolls, the implementation calls

      v.scroll(cd, part, height, towardsEOF)
on the up-click. cd is the mouse event; height is the number of pixels in the domain of v in the v.axis orientation. part is number of pixels away from the top/left edge that the upclick happened. towardEOF is TRUE when invoked from a left-upclick, FALSE when invoked from a right-upclick. (Of these, only cd is really needed; the others can be computed from v and cd.)

While the user is in continuous or proportional scrolling, the implementation calls v.autoScroll(...) repeatedly. The linesToScroll is somewhat of a misnomer (but kept for historical purposes). For continuous scrolling, the value is always 1. For proportional scrolling, the value is the number of pixels the mouse has moved. Think of linesToScroll as simply the ``amount that should be scrolled.'' The cd field in proportional scrolling is fine, except it's really a position event, not a mouse event, that caused the action (this is a good use for an AnyEvent, but for historical reasons\dots). For continuous scrolling, cd is set to be the mouse record for the down-click that initiate the scrolling, but with cd.time = 0.

Finally, v.thumb(cd, part, height) is called when the user thumbs or continuous thumbs. height is the number of pixels in the domain of v in the v.axis orientation. part is the distance in pixels between the mouse and the top/left edge. The cd always has a valid time, cursor position, and modifier fields. (OK, it isn't the real event, since continuous thumbing is a position event whereas thumbing is a mouse event. Again, a good potential client of AnyEvent.)

By and large, these methods will change the position and size of the stripe. This is done using the following procedure:

PROCEDURE Update (v: T; start, end, length: CARDINAL);
<* LL.sup < v *>
Set new values of the stripe and (if they've changed) mark v for redisplay.
 The coordinate system for start, end, and length is as
   follows (we'll consider just a horizontal scrollbar): The left
   edge of the domain of v is at coordinate 0, and the right
   edge consider to be at length.  The stripe extends from
   max(start,0) to max(min(end,length),start).  The
   implementation will draw a stripe to represent these
   quantities, scaled to the actual length of the scrollbar.

The visual appearance of a ScrollerVBT is governed by the following data structures and procedures:

  Attributes = RECORD
                 axis               : Axis.T;
                 margin             : REAL;
                 scrollPaintOps     : ARRAY Axis.T OF PaintOp.T;
                 scrollPixmaps      : ARRAY Axis.T OF Pixmap.T;
                 minStripeLen       : REAL;
                 stripeWidth        : REAL;
                 stripePaintOps     : ARRAY Axis.T OF PaintOp.T;
                 stripePixmaps      : ARRAY Axis.T OF Pixmap.T;
                 stripeBorder       : REAL;
                 stripeBorderPaintOp: PaintOp.T;
                 stripeBorderPixmap : Pixmap.T;

PROCEDURE GetAttributes (v: T): Attributes;
Return the attribute currently in effect for v.

PROCEDURE SetAttributes (v: T; READONLY a: Attributes);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Change the attributes on v to be a. Mark v for redisplay and notify v's parent that its shape might have changed.

PROCEDURE Colorize (v: T; colors: PaintOp.ColorQuad);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Sets the paint op of all the scroller's textures and borders to be colors.bgFg. Mark v for redisplay.

END ScrollerVBTClass.