<* PRAGMA LL *>12/15/1998: Summary of Patches by R. C. Coleburn
I was having trouble with calls to ClearHistory getting a checked runtime error on the DEC() call. After looking at the code, it seems that the typeinStart and outputEnd fields are not being properly protected to ensure they are updated/used in sync with one another in a multithreaded environment. I patched the code to move lines that modified typeinStart to be inside the lock of v.mu that is being held for modifications of the outputEnd field.
MODULE* Here's how the typescript works:; TypescriptVBT
The vtext holds the underlying text. 0 <= outputEnd <= tp.typeinStart <= len(vtext).
vtext[0 .. outputEnd-1] is the history
. It is accessible to
neither the reader nor the writer. ClearHistory erases
i.e., deletes that section of the vtext and decrements outputEnd
and tp.typeinStart accordingly.
Wr.Flush inserts characters at outputEnd, in the middle
of the
vtext. After the insertion, outputEnd and tp.typeinStart are
incremented by the number of inserted characters.
vtext[outputEnd .. tp.typeinStart-1] is the section that's accessible to the reader. RSeek copies characters from this part of the vtext. If outputEnd = tp.typeinStart (i.e., if there are no characters available) and dontBlock is false, then RSeek calls Wr.Flush and waits for inputReady to be signaled.
vtext[typeinStart .. len(vtext) - 1] contains typed-in characters. That is, keyboard input is appended to the end of the vtext. This segment is editable. When Return is typed, a Newline is appended, tp.typeinStart is set to len(vtext), and inputReady is signaled, thus making the input line accessible to the reader.
IMPORT RdClass, Text, TextEditVBT, TextPort, TextPortClass, Thread, VBT, Wr, WrClass; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT mu: MUTEX; <* LL = mu *> rd : Reader; wr : Writer; lastReader: Thread.T; (* whom to alert on ^C *) inputReady: Thread.Condition; terminated: BOOLEAN; outputEnd : CARDINAL; OVERRIDES init := Init; interrupt := Interrupt; handleInterrupt := HandleInterrupt; setThread := SetThread; terminate := Terminate; END; Reader = PublicReader BRANDED "Typescript.Reader" OBJECT v: T OVERRIDES seek := RSeek; typescript := RdTypescript END; Writer = PublicWriter BRANDED OBJECT v: T OVERRIDES seek := WSeek; flush := WFlush; typescript := WrTypescript END; REVEAL Port = TextPort.T BRANDED OBJECT v: T OVERRIDES returnAction := ReturnAction; setReadOnly := SetReadOnly END; EXCEPTION Error; PROCEDURE********************** Typescript-specific code **********************Init (v: T; scrollable := TRUE): T = <* FATAL Error *> CONST TerminalReaderBuffSize = 4096; TerminalWriterBuffSize = 4096; BEGIN v := TextEditVBT.T.init (v, scrollable); v.inputReady := NEW (Thread.Condition); v.rd := NEW (Reader, v := v, lo := 0, cur := 0, hi := 0, st := 0, buff := NEW (REF ARRAY OF CHAR, TerminalReaderBuffSize), closed := FALSE, seekable := FALSE, intermittent := TRUE); v.wr := NEW (Writer, v := v, lo := 0, cur := 0, hi := TerminalWriterBuffSize, st := 0, buff := NEW (REF ARRAY OF CHAR, TerminalWriterBuffSize), closed := FALSE, seekable := FALSE, buffered := TRUE); v.lastReader := NIL; v.terminated := FALSE; v.outputEnd := 0; v.mu := NEW (MUTEX); TYPECASE v.tp OF | NULL => | Port (p) => p.v := v; RETURN v ELSE END; RAISE Error END Init;
PROCEDURE************************* Special controls *************************WSeek (wr: Writer; <* UNUSED *> n: CARDINAL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN wr.flush () END WSeek; PROCEDUREWFlush (wr: Writer) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR v := wr.v; tp := v.tp; normP := TextPort.IsVisible (v.tp, TextPort.Index (tp)); nchars := wr.cur - wr.lo; BEGIN LOCK v.mu DO TextPort.Replace (tp, v.outputEnd, v.outputEnd, Text.FromChars (SUBARRAY (wr.buff^, 0, nchars))); INC (v.outputEnd, nchars); INC (tp.typeinStart, nchars); (* moved this line to be inside the LOCK -RCC *) END; wr.lo := wr.cur; wr.hi := wr.lo + NUMBER (wr.buff^); IF normP THEN TextPort.Normalize (tp) ELSE VBT.Mark (tp) END; IF Thread.TestAlert () THEN RAISE Thread.Alerted END END WFlush; PROCEDURERSeek (rd: Reader; <*UNUSED*> n: CARDINAL; dontBlock: BOOLEAN): RdClass.SeekResult RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR nchars: CARDINAL; v := rd.v; BEGIN LOCK v.mu DO v.lastReader := Thread.Self (); nchars := v.tp.typeinStart - v.outputEnd; IF nchars > 0 THEN ELSIF v.terminated THEN rd.buff := NIL; RETURN RdClass.SeekResult.Eof ELSIF dontBlock THEN RETURN RdClass.SeekResult.WouldBlock ELSE REPEAT Thread.Release (v.mu); TRY TRY Wr.Flush (v.wr) EXCEPT Wr.Failure => END FINALLY Thread.Acquire (v.mu) END; Thread.AlertWait (v.mu, v.inputReady); nchars := v.tp.typeinStart - v.outputEnd UNTIL nchars > 0 END; WITH n = MIN (nchars, NUMBER (rd.buff^)), txt = TextPort.GetText (v.tp, v.outputEnd, v.outputEnd + n) DO Text.SetChars (rd.buff^, txt); INC (v.outputEnd, n); rd.lo := rd.cur; rd.hi := rd.lo + n; (* NOT v.outputEnd! *) RETURN RdClass.SeekResult.Ready END (* WITH n *) END (* LOCK *) END RSeek; PROCEDUREReturnAction (tp: Port; READONLY event: VBT.KeyRec) = (* Input action, called when the user presses Return in the input area. Unblocks RSeek if it was blocked. *) BEGIN IF event.modifiers = VBT.Modifiers {} AND NOT tp.getReadOnly () THEN TextPort.Seek (tp, TextPort.Length (tp)); TextPort.Insert (tp, Wr.EOL); LOCK tp.v.mu DO (* added LOCK -RCC *) tp.typeinStart := TextPort.Length (tp) END; (* activate the reading client *) Thread.Signal (tp.v.inputReady); TextPort.Normalize (tp) END END ReturnAction; PROCEDURESetReadOnly (<* UNUSED *> tp: Port; <* UNUSED *> flag: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN END SetReadOnly; PROCEDUREInterrupt (v: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp) = (* Interrupt. It flushes (ignores) all pending typein, then calls the interrupt handler. *) VAR length := TextPort.Length (v.tp); BEGIN TextPort.Seek (v.tp, length); TextPort.Insert (v.tp, "^C"); LOCK v.mu DO (* flush all pending typein *) v.outputEnd := length + 2; v.tp.typeinStart := length + 2; (* moved this line to be inside the LOCK -RCC *) END; v.handleInterrupt (time) END Interrupt; PROCEDUREHandleInterrupt (v: T; <* UNUSED *> time: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN LOCK v.mu DO IF v.lastReader # NIL THEN Thread.Alert (v.lastReader) END END END HandleInterrupt; PROCEDUREGetRd (v: T): Reader = BEGIN RETURN v.rd END GetRd; PROCEDUREGetWr (v: T): Writer = BEGIN RETURN v.wr END GetWr; PROCEDURERdTypescript (r: Reader): T = BEGIN RETURN r.v END RdTypescript; PROCEDUREWrTypescript (r: Writer): T = BEGIN RETURN r.v END WrTypescript; PROCEDUREGetHistory (v: T): TEXT = BEGIN LOCK v.mu DO RETURN TextPort.GetText (v.tp, 0, v.outputEnd) END END GetHistory; PROCEDUREClearHistory (v: T) = BEGIN LOCK v.mu DO TextPort.Replace (v.tp, 0, v.outputEnd, ""); DEC (v.tp.typeinStart, v.outputEnd); v.outputEnd := 0 END; VBT.Mark (v.tp) END ClearHistory;
PROCEDURESetThread (v: T; thread: Thread.T := NIL) = BEGIN LOCK v.mu DO IF thread = NIL THEN v.lastReader := Thread.Self () ELSE v.lastReader := thread END END END SetThread; PROCEDURETerminate (v: T) = BEGIN LOCK v.mu DO v.terminated := TRUE END; v.tp.setReadOnly (TRUE); Thread.Signal (v.inputReady) END Terminate; BEGIN END TypescriptVBT.