
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Sun Aug 28 10:13:45 PDT 1994 by mhb                      
      modified on Fri Jun 11 23:23:22 PDT 1993 by meehan                   
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:06 PDT 1992 by muller                   
      modified on Fri Mar 20 22:37:08     1992 by steveg                   
      modified on Fri Feb  8 15:32:36 PST 1991 by brooks                   
<* PRAGMA LL                                                                 *>
A TypescriptVBT is a subtype of TextEditVBT, with additional features to make it serve as a ``glass teletype'' with a memory.

Abstractly, a typescript contains

      reader(v)           an intermittent, unseekable reader
      writer(v)           a buffered, unseekable writer
      readingThread(v)    a thread
reader(v) provides the client with input that the user typed. writer(v) is used to display output. The reader and writer are paired such that the writer is flushed whenever a seek blocks on the reader. The writer is not flushed at every newline.

All input to the typescript, once it has been read, and all output, become part of the {\em history} of the typescript, and is not modifiable; it remains until the client deletes it by calling ClearHistory. Selections that lie fully or partially within the history region are never ``replace-mode'' selections (see Section~\ref{ReplaceMode}, page~\pageref{ReplaceMode}). Any attempt to type or insert text in the history region becomes an insertion at the end of the typescript instead.

readingThread(v) is initially NIL. When a client reads from v, readingThread(v) is set to Thread.Self(). The handleInterrupt method (see below) alerts readingThread(v). This is useful when the reading thread is blocked waiting for input.

A typescript's textport, v.tp, must be of type TypescriptVBT.Port (which is a subtype of TextPort.T). The textport's returnAction method makes the text of the current type-in region available to the reader and no longer editable. The textport's setReadOnly method is a no-op.

Typescripts do not allow the use of Undo and Redo.


IMPORT Rd, TextEditVBT, TextPort, VBT, Wr, Thread;

  T <: Public;
  Public = TextEditVBT.T OBJECT
             <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
             init            (scrollable := TRUE): T;
             interrupt       (time: VBT.TimeStamp);
             handleInterrupt (time: VBT.TimeStamp);
             terminate       ();
             setThread       (thread: Thread.T := NIL);
  Port <: TextPort.T;
The call v.init() initializes v as an empty typescript.

It is a checked runtime error if v.tp is NIL or is not of type TypescriptVBT.Port, which is a subtype of TextPort.T.

The call v.interrupt(time) simulates an interrupt by flushing any pending type-in, writing the characters ^C, and then calling v.handleInterrupt(time).

The call v.handleInterrupt(time) alerts readingThread(v).

After v.terminate() is called, subsequent attempts to read from v will causes it to report end of file, and v becomes unresponsive to further user input, although it will continue to display output written to its output stream. This is appropriate when v is being discarded.

The call v.setThread(thread) changes readingThread(v). This can be used to protect Thread.Self() from being alerted after it has finished reading from reader(v). Subsequent reads on reader(v) will reset the readingThread(v) to Thread.Self().

  Reader <: PublicReader;
  PublicReader = Rd.T OBJECT METHODS typescript (): T END;

  Writer <: PublicWriter;
  PublicWriter = Wr.T OBJECT METHODS typescript (): T END;

PROCEDURE GetRd (v: T): Reader;
Get the input stream for v. By definition,
      GetRd(v).typescript() = v

PROCEDURE GetWr (v: T): Writer;
Get the output stream for v. By definition,
      GetWr(v).typescript() = v

PROCEDURE GetHistory (v: T): TEXT; <* LL <= VBT.mu *>
Return the ``history'' text of v.

PROCEDURE ClearHistory (v: T);  <*  LL <= VBT.mu *>
Clear the ``history'' text of v.

END TypescriptVBT.