modified on Tue Oct 22 20:16:39 PDT 1991 by gnelson
<*PRAGMA LL*> MODULEIf v.mouseRef=NIL, then mouseFocus, and current are NIL, and cache is VBT.GoneCage.; IMPORT VBT, VBTClass, ScrnCursor, Rect, VBTRep; REVEAL MouseRef = BRANDED REF RECORD (* All fields protected by; mouseFocus, current, cache, and tracking are also protected by the parent *) mouseFocus: VBT.T := NIL; current: VBT.T := NIL; (* the child containing the last reported position of the cursor, or NIL if this position was not over any child. *) cache: VBT.Cage := VBT.GoneCage; (* If meth is the mouseRef of the VBT c and meth.cache.inOut = {FALSE} then for all points p in meth.cache.rect, Locate(c, p, ...) returns meth.current. Otherwise meth.cache.inOut = {TRUE}, and the last position received by the parent was gone. In any case, if meth.cache is non-empty then it contains the last position received by the parent. *) tracking: BOOLEAN := FALSE; (* TRUE if some child other than current or the mouseFocus has a cage that does not contain GoneCage. *) link: MouseRef := NIL; (* For the free list *) END; MouseSplit
VAR mu := NEW(MUTEX); avail: MouseRef := NIL; (* The free-list; protected by mu. *)Invariants:
(Q1) v.mouseFocus # NIL => v.effectiveCursor = v.mouseFocus.getcursor() (Q2) v.mouseFocus = NIL AND v.current # NIL => v.effectiveCursor = v.current.getcursor() (Q3) v.mouseFocus = NIL AND v.current = NIL AND last delivered position isn't gone => v..effectiveCursor = ScrnCursor.DontCare
PROCEDURECage setting depends on the following invariants:Getcursor (v: VBT.Split): ScrnCursor.T RAISES {} = BEGIN (* LL=v *) IF v.effectiveCursor = NIL THEN v.effectiveCursor := ScrnCursor.DontCare END; IF v.effectiveCursor = ScrnCursor.DontCare THEN RETURN VBT.Leaf.getcursor(v) ELSE RETURN v.effectiveCursor END END Getcursor; PROCEDURESetcursor (v: VBT.Split; ch: VBT.T) RAISES {} = VAR cs: ScrnCursor.T; BEGIN (* LL=ch *) LOCK v DO WITH r = v.mouseRef DO IF r = NIL OR ch # r.mouseFocus AND (ch # r.current OR r.mouseFocus # NIL) THEN RETURN END END END; cs := ch.getcursor(); LOCK v DO WITH r = v.mouseRef DO IF r # NIL AND (ch = r.mouseFocus OR ch = r.current AND r.mouseFocus = NIL) THEN SetCursor2(v, cs) END END END END Setcursor; <*INLINE*> PROCEDURESetCursor2 (v: VBT.Split; cs: ScrnCursor.T) RAISES {} = BEGIN (* LL=v *) IF cs # v.effectiveCursor THEN v.effectiveCursor := cs; IF v.parent # NIL THEN v.parent.setcursor(v) END END END SetCursor2; <*INLINE*> PROCEDURESetCursor3 (v: VBT.Split; ch: VBT.T) RAISES {} = BEGIN IF ch # NIL THEN LOCK ch DO VAR cs := ch.getcursor(); BEGIN LOCK v DO SetCursor2(v, cs) END END END ELSE LOCK v DO SetCursor2(v, ScrnCursor.DontCare) END END END SetCursor3;
(R1) v's cage is contained in the intersection of its children's cages. This guarantees that v will get a position whenever any child is owed one.
(R2) v's cage is contained in v.cache. This guarantees that v will
get a position whenever current
should be changed.
(R3) v.tracking OR for each ch # v.mouseFocus AND ch # v.current, ch.cage contains GoneCage.
When the parent receives a position its cage is set arbitrarily, so the invariants are destroyed. It sets its cage to satisfy R2, and then delivers positions to its children. The SetCages which they do in response to the positions reestablish R1 and R3 before the parent Position returns.
PROCEDURESetcage (v: VBT.Split; ch: VBT.T) RAISES {} = VAR cg := VBTClass.Cage(ch); BEGIN (*LL=ch*) LOCK v DO WITH r = v.mouseRef, notCurrent = (r = NIL) OR (ch # r.current) DO IF NOT (notCurrent IN cg.inOut) THEN cg := VBT.EmptyCage END; cg.inOut := VBT.InOut{FALSE, TRUE}; IF notCurrent AND (r = NIL OR ch # r.mouseFocus) AND ((NOT Rect.Equal(cg.rect, Rect.Full)) OR (cg.screen # VBT.AllScreens)) THEN CreateMouseRef(r); r.tracking := TRUE END; IF r # NIL THEN VBTClass.SetCage(v, cg) END END END END Setcage; PROCEDUREPosition (v: VBT.Split; READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec) RAISES {} = VAR current, mouseFocus, newCurrent: VBT.T := NIL; goneCd := cd; changed := TRUE; newCache: VBT.Cage; tracking := FALSE; BEGIN (* LL = *) goneCd.cp.gone := TRUE; WITH r = v.mouseRef DO IF r # NIL THEN current := r.current; mouseFocus := r.mouseFocus; tracking := r.tracking END; IF cd.cp.gone THEN changed := (current # NIL) OR (r # NIL) AND (FALSE IN r.cache.inOut); newCurrent := NIL; newCache := VBT.GoneCage; VBT.SetCage(v, newCache) ELSIF (r # NIL) AND NOT VBT.Outside(cd.cp, r.cache) THEN changed := FALSE; newCurrent := current; VBT.SetCage(v, r.cache) ELSE newCurrent := v.locate(, newCache.rect); IF newCurrent # NIL THEN newCache.rect := Rect.Meet(newCache.rect, newCurrent.domain) ELSE newCache.rect := Rect.Meet(newCache.rect, v.domain) END; newCache.inOut := VBT.InOut{FALSE}; newCache.screen := cd.cp.screen; VBT.SetCage(v, newCache) END; IF changed OR tracking THEN LOCK v DO CreateMouseRef(r); r.current := newCurrent; r.cache := newCache; r.tracking := FALSE; CheckMouseRef(r) END END END; IF current # newCurrent THEN (* possibly deliver "gone" to old current; possibly change cursors. *) IF current # NIL AND current # mouseFocus THEN VBTClass.Position(current, goneCd) END; IF mouseFocus = NIL AND NOT cd.cp.gone THEN SetCursor3(v, newCurrent) END ELSIF newCurrent = NIL AND NOT cd.cp.gone THEN SetCursor3(v, NIL) END; IF mouseFocus # NIL AND mouseFocus # newCurrent THEN VBTClass.Position(mouseFocus, goneCd) END; IF tracking THEN VAR ch := v.succ(NIL); BEGIN WHILE ch # NIL DO IF ch # mouseFocus AND ch # current AND ch # newCurrent THEN VBTClass.Position(ch, goneCd) END; ch := v.succ(ch) END END END; IF newCurrent # NIL THEN VBTClass.Position(newCurrent, cd) END END Position; PROCEDUREBecomeMF (v: VBT.Split; mf: VBT.T) = BEGIN LOCK v DO IF mf # NIL THEN CreateMouseRef(v.mouseRef) END; IF v.mouseRef # NIL THEN v.mouseRef.mouseFocus := mf END; IF mf = NIL THEN CheckMouseRef(v.mouseRef) END END; IF mf # NIL THEN SetCursor3(v, mf) ELSIF v.mouseRef # NIL THEN SetCursor3(v, v.mouseRef.current) ELSE SetCursor3(v, NIL) END END BecomeMF; PROCEDUREMouse (v: VBT.Split; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) RAISES {} = VAR ch: VBT.T; junk: Rect.T; goneCd: VBT.MouseRec; (*r := v.mouseRef;*) BEGIN (* Set ch to the child containing the position of cd. *) WITH r = v.mouseRef DO IF cd.cp.gone THEN ch := NIL ELSIF r # NIL AND (FALSE IN r.cache.inOut) AND Rect.Member(, r.cache.rect) THEN ch := r.current ELSE ch := v.locate(, junk) END; (* Deliver the mouse code. *) IF ch # NIL THEN VBTClass.Mouse(ch, cd) END; (* Possibly deliver cd to the mouseFocus *) IF r # NIL AND r.mouseFocus # NIL AND r.mouseFocus # ch THEN goneCd := cd; goneCd.cp.gone := TRUE; VBTClass.Mouse(r.mouseFocus, goneCd) END END; (* reset the mouseFocus *) IF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.FirstDown THEN BecomeMF(v, ch) ELSIF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.LastUp THEN BecomeMF(v, NIL) END END Mouse; PROCEDUREInvalidateCache (v: VBT.Split) = BEGIN LOCK v DO WITH r = v.mouseRef DO IF r # NIL AND (FALSE IN r.cache.inOut) THEN r.cache.rect := Rect.Empty; VBTClass.SetCage(v, r.cache) END END END END InvalidateCache; <*INLINE*> PROCEDURECheckMouseRef (VAR r: MouseRef) = BEGIN IF r # NIL AND r.mouseFocus = NIL AND r.current = NIL AND (TRUE IN r.cache.inOut) AND NOT r.tracking THEN LOCK mu DO := avail; avail := r END; r := NIL END END CheckMouseRef; <*INLINE*> PROCEDURECreateMouseRef (VAR r: MouseRef) = BEGIN IF r = NIL THEN LOCK mu DO IF avail # NIL THEN r := avail; avail := ELSE r := NEW(MouseRef); END END END END CreateMouseRef; BEGIN END MouseSplit.