
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Mon Mar  6 17:44:16 PST 1995 by msm     

INTERFACE TrestleImpl;

IMPORT Trestle, VBT, TrestleClass, TrestleComm, TrestleConf;

PROCEDURE SetDefault(t: Trestle.T);
Set the default trestle to t

PROCEDURE RootChild(v: VBT.T; VAR trsl: Trestle.T; VAR ch: VBT.T): BOOLEAN;
If v is installed in a Trestle, return that Trestle, and the VBT child of that Trestle corresponding to v, and return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE
 In the following procedures, ch must be a root child. 

PROCEDURE GetDecor(ch: VBT.T): TrestleClass.Decoration;

PROCEDURE InnerDecorate(trsl: Trestle.T; ch: VBT.T;
                        new: TrestleClass.Decoration)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};

PROCEDURE UpdateChalk(ch: VBT.T);
For all the buddies of ch, call updateChalk on their Trestle

PROCEDURE UpdateBuddies(ch: VBT.T);
For all the buddies of ch, call updateBuddies on their Trestle

PROCEDURE SetConfCtl(t: Trestle.T; on: BOOLEAN := FALSE);
By default, a Trestle.T automatically installs its children on all of the workstations in the same conference as the user attached to this Trestle, in the sense of the TrestleConf interface. By setting on to FALSE, new applications will connect only to the Trestle t

  App <: AppPublic;
  AppPublic = TrestleConf.App OBJECT primary: User := NIL;  END;
  User <: TrestleConf.User;
  TPublic = TrestleClass.Public OBJECT
              conf       : User := NIL;
              confEnabled       := TRUE

REVEAL Trestle.T <: TPublic;

PROCEDURE ChildApp(ch: VBT.T): App;
Each root child, even if conferencing is disabled, has an associated App. This returns it.

END TrestleImpl.