Created by Susan Owicki Last modified on Fri Feb 11 14:16:02 PST 1994 by wobber modified on Wed Jun 9 12:12:32 PDT 1993 by owicki modified on Mon May 17 14:59:50 PDT 1993 by mjordan
MODULE; IMPORT Atom, CodeForType, Fmt, Formatter, RefList, Protocol, AtomRefTbl, StubCode, StubUtils, Text, Type, Value, Wr; IMPORT TextRefTbl AS TextSet; <* FATAL Wr.Failure *> CONST PerfComment = " (* Performance Monitoring *)"; PROCEDURE ModuleStubCode Header (modWr: Formatter.T; <* UNUSED *>t: Type.Object; typeName: Atom.T; objName: Type.Qid; methods: StubCode.MethodList; lastNewMethod: INTEGER; VAR returnCodes: RefList.T; importList: AtomRefTbl.T) = BEGIN Formatter.PutText(modWr, "MODULE " & StubUtils.FileName(typeName) & " EXPORTS " & Atom.ToText(objName.intf) & ", " & StubUtils.FileName(typeName) & ";" & Wr.EOL & Wr.EOL); CodeForType.ProduceImports(modWr, objName, importList); CodeForType.ImportSuperStubs(modWr, methods, lastNewMethod, typeName); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN Formatter.PutText(modWr, "IMPORT NetObjPerf, PerfUtil;" & PerfComment); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, "CONST Protocol: StubLib.StubProtocol = " & Fmt.Int(Protocol.version) & ";" & Wr.EOL & Wr.EOL); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "TYPE "); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 1); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); EnumerateMethods(modWr, methods); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); EnumerateReturnCodes(modWr, methods, lastNewMethod, returnCodes); Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr); END Header; PROCEDUREEnumerateMethods (modWr: Formatter.T; methods: StubCode.MethodList) = BEGIN Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "Methods = {"); FOR i := LAST(methods^) TO 0 BY -1 DO IF i < LAST(methods^) THEN Formatter.PutText(modWr, ", "); END; Formatter.Break(modWr, type := Formatter.BreakType.NonOptimal); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Atom.ToText(methods[i].name)); END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, "};"); Formatter.End(modWr); END EnumerateMethods; PROCEDUREEnumerateReturnCodes (modWr: Formatter.T; methods: StubCode.MethodList; lastNewMethod: INTEGER; VAR returnList: RefList.T) = VAR returnCodes := NEW(TextSet.Default).init(8); ename: TEXT; BEGIN Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "ReturnCodes = {OK"); FOR i := 0 TO lastNewMethod DO IF methods[i].sig.raises # NIL THEN FOR j := 0 TO LAST(methods[i].sig.raises^) DO ename := QidToText(methods[i].sig.raises[j].qid, "_"); IF NOT returnCodes.put(ename, NIL) AND NOT Text.Equal(ename, "Thread_Alerted") AND NOT Text.Equal(ename, "NetObj_Error") THEN returnList := RefList.Cons(methods[i].sig.raises[j], returnList); Formatter.PutText(modWr, ", "); Formatter.Break(modWr, type := Formatter.BreakType.NonOptimal); Formatter.PutText(modWr, ename); END; END; END; END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, "};" & Wr.EOL); Formatter.End(modWr); END EnumerateReturnCodes; PROCEDUREQidToText (qid: Type.Qid; sep: TEXT): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN Atom.ToText(qid.intf) & sep & Atom.ToText(qid.item); END QidToText; PROCEDURESurrogates (modWr: Formatter.T; t: Type.Object; methods: StubCode.MethodList; lastNewMethod: INTEGER) RAISES {StubUtils.Failure} = VAR procedureName, eName, text: TEXT; BEGIN Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); FOR i := 0 TO lastNewMethod DO procedureName := "Surrogate_" & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); CodeForType.ProcHeader(modWr, t, procedureName, methods[i].sig, suffix := "_arg"); PutLine(modWr, " = "); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 4); PutLine(modWr, "VAR reuse := FALSE;"); PutLine(modWr, "rep: StubLib.DataRep;"); PutLine(modWr, "c: StubLib.Conn;"); PutLine(modWr, "dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *>");
PutLine(modWr, stubProt: StubLib.StubProtocol;
IF methods[i].sig.result # NIL THEN PutLine(modWr, "res: " & CodeForType.ToText(methods[i].sig.result) & ";"); END; IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, "wridx, rdidx: INTEGER;" & PerfComment); END; Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); PutLine(modWr, "BEGIN"); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); PutLine(modWr, "TRY"); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, "IF NetObjPerf.enabled THEN" & PerfComment); PutLine(modWr, " NetObjPerf.StartCall(PerfUtil.ThreadId(), " & Fmt.Int(NUMBER(methods[i].sig.formals^)) & ");"); PutLine(modWr, "END;"); END; PutLine(modWr, "c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol);"); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); PutLine(modWr, "TRY"); PutLine(modWr, "StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods." & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & "));"); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, "wridx := Wr.Index(c.wr);" & PerfComment); END; FOR j := 0 TO LAST(methods[i].sig.formals^) DO WITH f = methods[i].sig.formals[j] DO MarshalTypedVal(modWr, Atom.ToText( & "_arg", f.type, Direction.Out, calling := TRUE, maySuppress := TRUE); END; END; IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, "wridx := Wr.Index(c.wr) - wridx;" & PerfComment); END; PutLine(modWr, "rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c);"); PutLine(modWr, "CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF"); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); PutLine(modWr, "| ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => "); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, "rdidx := Rd.Index(c.rd);" & PerfComment); END; FOR j := 0 TO LAST(methods[i].sig.formals^) DO WITH f = methods[i].sig.formals[j] DO IF f.mode = Type.Mode.Var THEN MarshalTypedVal(modWr, Atom.ToText( & "_arg", f.type, Direction.In, calling := FALSE); END; END; END; IF methods[i].sig.result # NIL THEN MarshalTypedVal(modWr, "res", methods[i].sig.result, Direction.In, calling := FALSE); END; Formatter.End(modWr); PutLine(modWr, "reuse := TRUE;"); IF methods[i].sig.raises = NIL THEN StubUtils.Message("Network object method cannot have RAISES ANY."); RAISE StubUtils.Failure; END; (* A network object method can't have a RAISES ANY clause *) FOR j := 0 TO LAST(methods[i].sig.raises^) DO WITH excp = methods[i].sig.raises[j] DO eName := QidToText(excp.qid, "_"); IF NOT Text.Equal(eName, "Thread_Alerted") AND NOT Text.Equal(eName, "NetObj_Error") THEN PutLine(modWr, "| ORD(ReturnCodes." & eName & ") => "); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, " rdidx := Rd.Index(c.rd);" & PerfComment); END; IF excp.arg # NIL THEN Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); PutLine(modWr, " VAR arg: " & CodeForType.ToText(excp.arg) & ";"); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 2); PutLine(modWr, "BEGIN"); MarshalTypedVal(modWr, "arg", excp.arg, Direction.In, calling := FALSE); text := "(arg)"; ELSE text := ""; END; PutLine(modWr, "reuse := TRUE;"); PutLine(modWr, "RAISE " & QidToText(excp.qid, ".") & text & ";"); IF excp.arg # NIL THEN Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr); Formatter.End(modWr); PutLine(modWr, "END;"); END; END; END; END; PutLine(modWr, "ELSE"); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, " rdidx := Rd.Index(c.rd);" & PerfComment); END; PutLine(modWr, " StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure();"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "END"); Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); PutLine(modWr, "FINALLY"); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, " rdidx := Rd.Index(c.rd) - rdidx;" & PerfComment); END; PutLine(modWr, " StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse);"); IF StubUtils.perfMon THEN PutLine(modWr, " IF NetObjPerf.enabled THEN" & PerfComment); PutLine(modWr, " NetObjPerf.EndCall(PerfUtil.ThreadId(), " & "wridx, rdidx);"); PutLine(modWr, " END;"); END; PutLine(modWr, "END;"); Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr); PutLine(modWr, "EXCEPT"); PutLine(modWr, "| Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec);"); PutLine(modWr, "| Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec);"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "END;"); IF methods[i].sig.result # NIL THEN Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "RETURN res;"); END; Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "END " & procedureName & ";"); Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); END; Formatter.End(modWr); END Surrogates; PROCEDUREDispatcher (modWr: Formatter.T; t: Type.Object; typeName: Atom.T; methods: StubCode.MethodList; returnCodes: RefList.T) RAISES {StubUtils.Failure} = VAR e: Type.Exception; ename: TEXT; l: RefList.T; BEGIN Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & "PROCEDURE Invoke("); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " c: StubLib.Conn;"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " obj: NetObj.T;"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " rep: StubLib.DataRep;"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " stubProt: StubLib.StubProtocol)"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure,"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} ="); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " VAR t := NARROW(obj, " & CodeForType.ToText(t) & ");"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " BEGIN"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " IF stubProt # Protocol" & " THEN StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure() END;"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " TRY"); Formatter.Begin(modWr, -1); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF"); FOR i := FIRST(methods^) TO LAST(methods^) DO Formatter.NewLine(modWr, freshLine := FALSE); Formatter.PutText(modWr,"| ORD(Methods." & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & ") => "); IF methods[i].intf # typeName THEN Formatter.PutText(modWr, Atom.ToText(methods[i].intf) & "."); END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, "Stub_" & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & "(t, c, rep);"); END; Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " ELSE"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure();"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " END;"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " EXCEPT"); l := returnCodes; IF l = NIL THEN PutLine(modWr, ""); END; WHILE l # NIL DO e := NARROW(l.head, Type.Exception); l := l.tail; ename := QidToText(e.qid, "_"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " | " & QidToText(e.qid, ".") ); IF e.arg # NIL THEN Formatter.PutText(modWr, "(arg)"); END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, " => "); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " StubLib.StartResult(c);"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes." & ename & "));"); IF e.arg # NIL THEN Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " "); MarshalTypedVal(modWr, "arg", e.arg, Direction.Out, calling := FALSE); ELSE PutLine(modWr, ""); END END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, " END;"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, Wr.EOL & " END Invoke;" & Wr.EOL & Wr.EOL); END Dispatcher; PROCEDUREOwnerStubs (modWr: Formatter.T; t: Type.Object; methods: StubCode.MethodList; lastNewMethod: INTEGER) RAISES {StubUtils.Failure} = VAR varType: Type.T; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO lastNewMethod DO CodeForType.ProcHeader(modWr, t, "Stub_" & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name), StubCode.SigForStub(methods[i].sig), StubCode.PragmasForStub()); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "=" & Wr.EOL); WITH sig = methods[i].sig DO IF NUMBER(sig.formals^) > 0 OR sig.result # NIL THEN Formatter.Begin(modWr, 6); Formatter.PutText(modWr, " VAR "); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(sig.formals^) DO WITH f = sig.formals[j] DO TYPECASE f.type OF | Type.OpenArray (oa) => varType := oa.refArray ELSE varType := f.type; END; PutLine(modWr, Atom.ToText( & "_arg: " & CodeForType.ToText(varType) & ";"); END; END; IF sig.result # NIL THEN PutLine(modWr, "res: " & CodeForType.ToText(sig.result) & ";"); END; PutLine(modWr, "dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>;"); Formatter.End(modWr); END; Formatter.NewLine(modWr); Formatter.Begin(modWr, 4); PutLine(modWr, " BEGIN"); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(sig.formals^) DO WITH f = sig.formals[j] DO MarshalTypedVal(modWr, Atom.ToText( & "_arg", f.type, Direction.In, calling := TRUE, maySuppress := TRUE); END; END; IF sig.result # NIL THEN Formatter.PutText(modWr, "res := "); END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, "self." & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) &"("); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(methods[i].sig.formals^) DO IF j > 0 THEN Formatter.PutText(modWr, ", "); END; Formatter.PutText(modWr, Atom.ToText(methods[i].sig.formals[j].name) & "_arg"); TYPECASE methods[i].sig.formals[j].type OF | Type.OpenArray => Formatter.PutText(modWr, "^"); ELSE END; END; PutLine(modWr, ");"); PutLine(modWr, "StubLib.StartResult(c);"); PutLine(modWr, "StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK));"); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(sig.formals^) DO WITH f = sig.formals[j] DO IF f.mode = Type.Mode.Var THEN MarshalTypedVal(modWr, Atom.ToText( & "_arg", f.type, Direction.Out, calling := FALSE); END; END; END; IF sig.result # NIL THEN MarshalTypedVal(modWr, "res", sig.result, Direction.Out, calling := FALSE); END; Formatter.End(modWr); Formatter.NewLine(modWr); Formatter.PutText(modWr, " END " & "Stub_" & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & ";" & Wr.EOL & Wr.EOL); END; END; END OwnerStubs; TYPE Direction = {In, Out}; PROCEDUREMarshalTypedVal (fmtWr: Formatter.T; varName: TEXT; t: Type.T; d: Direction; calling: BOOLEAN; indexDepth := 0; maySuppress := FALSE) RAISES {StubUtils.Failure} = BEGIN TYPECASE t OF | Type.Char (ch) => Enumeration(fmtWr, varName, ch, d, 0, ORD(LAST(CHAR))); | Type.WideChar (wch) => Enumeration(fmtWr, varName, wch, d, 0, ORD(LAST(WIDECHAR))); | Type.UserDefined (ud) => Enumeration(fmtWr, varName, t, d, 0, LAST(ud.elts^)); | Type.Subrange (sub) => IF t = Type.integer THEN StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Integer", varName, d); ELSIF t = Type.longint THEN StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Longint", varName, d); ELSE SubRange(fmtWr, varName, t, d, sub.min, sub.max); END; | Type.Real => StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Real", varName, d); | Type.LongReal => StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Longreal", varName, d); | Type.Extended => StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Extended", varName, d); | Type.Reference (r) => IF Type.MayBeRefAny(r) OR NOT Type.NamedType(r) THEN StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Ref", varName, d, ", -1"); ELSE StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Ref", varName, d, ", TYPECODE(" & CodeForType.ToText(r) & ")"); END; | Type.Array (a) => IF a.index = NIL THEN MarshalOpenArray(fmtWr, varName, t, d, calling, indexDepth, maySuppress); ELSE BeginOutOnly(fmtWr, t, d, maySuppress); Formatter.Begin(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " := FIRST(" & CodeForType.ToText(a.index) & ") TO LAST(" & CodeForType.ToText(a.index) & ") DO"); MarshalTypedVal(fmtWr, varName & "[i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & "]", a.element, d, calling, indexDepth+1); Formatter.End(fmtWr); PutLine(fmtWr, "END;"); EndOutOnly(fmtWr, maySuppress); END; | Type.Packed (p) => BeginOutOnly(fmtWr, t, d, maySuppress); MarshalTypedVal(fmtWr, varName, p.base, d, calling, indexDepth); EndOutOnly(fmtWr, maySuppress); | Type.Record (rec) => BeginOutOnly(fmtWr, t, d, maySuppress); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(rec.fields^) DO MarshalTypedVal(fmtWr, varName & "." & Atom.ToText(rec.fields[i].name), rec.fields[i].type, d, calling, indexDepth); END; EndOutOnly(fmtWr, maySuppress); | Type.Set (s) => BeginOutOnly(fmtWr, t, d, maySuppress); IF d = Direction.In THEN PutLine(fmtWr, varName & ":=" & CodeForType.ToText(s) & "{};"); Formatter.Begin(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " := FIRST(" & CodeForType.ToText(s.range) & ") TO LAST(" & CodeForType.ToText(s.range) & ") DO"); Formatter.Begin(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "IF StubLib.InBoolean(c) THEN"); PutLine(fmtWr, varName & " := " & varName & " + " & CodeForType.ToText(s) & "{i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & "};"); Formatter.End(fmtWr); PutLine(fmtWr, "END") ELSE Formatter.Begin(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " := FIRST(" & CodeForType.ToText(s.range) & ") TO LAST(" & CodeForType.ToText(s.range) & ") DO"); PutLine(fmtWr, "StubLib.OutBoolean(c, i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " IN " & varName & ");"); END; Formatter.End(fmtWr); PutLine(fmtWr, "END;"); EndOutOnly(fmtWr, maySuppress); | Type.Procedure => StubUtils.Message("Can't have a procedure as argument or result " & "of a network object method."); RAISE StubUtils.Failure; ELSE StubUtils.Die("ModuleStubCode.MarshalTypedVal: attempt to marshal unsupported type"); END; END MarshalTypedVal; PROCEDURESubRange (fmtWr: Formatter.T; varName: TEXT; t: Type.Subrange; d: Direction; min, max: Value.T) = BEGIN IF t = Type.longint OR t.base = Type.longint THEN WITH min = NARROW(min, Value.Longint).val, max = NARROW(max, Value.Longint).val DO StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Longint", varName, d, ", " & Fmt.LongInt(min) & ", " & Fmt.LongInt(max)); END; ELSIF t = Type.integer OR t.base = Type.integer THEN WITH min = NARROW(min, Value.Integer).val, max = NARROW(max, Value.Integer).val DO StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Integer", varName, d, ", " & Fmt.Int(min) & ", " & Fmt.Int(max)); END; ELSE TYPECASE t.base OF | Type.Enumeration => WITH min = NARROW(min, Value.Integer).val, max = NARROW(max, Value.Integer).val DO Enumeration(fmtWr, varName, t.base, d, min, max); END; | Type.Subrange => SubRange(fmtWr, varName, t.base, d, min, max); ELSE StubUtils.Die("ModuleStubCode.SubRange: unsupported subrange type"); END; END; END SubRange; PROCEDUREEnumeration (fmtWr: Formatter.T; varName: TEXT; t: Type.Enumeration; d: Direction; min, max: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF d = Direction.In THEN PutLine(fmtWr, varName & " := VAL(StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, " & Fmt.Int(min) & "," & Fmt.Int(max) & "), " & CodeForType.ToText(t) &");"); ELSE PutLine(fmtWr, "StubLib.OutInteger(c, ORD(" & varName &"));"); END; END Enumeration; PROCEDUREPutLine (fmtWr: Formatter.T; text: TEXT) = BEGIN Formatter.PutText(fmtWr, text); Formatter.NewLine(fmtWr, freshLine := FALSE); END PutLine; PROCEDUREStubLibCall (fmtWr: Formatter.T; proc: TEXT; varName: TEXT; d: Direction; extra := "") = BEGIN IF d = Direction.In THEN PutLine(fmtWr, varName & " := StubLib.In" & proc & "(c, rep" & extra & ");"); ELSE PutLine(fmtWr, "StubLib.Out" & proc & "(c, " & varName & ");"); END; END StubLibCall; PROCEDUREStubLibCallNoRep (fmtWr: Formatter.T; proc: TEXT; varName: TEXT; d: Direction; extra := "") = BEGIN IF d = Direction.In THEN PutLine(fmtWr, varName & " := StubLib.In" & proc & "(c" & extra & ");"); ELSE PutLine(fmtWr, "StubLib.Out" & proc & "(c, " & varName & ");"); END; END StubLibCallNoRep; PROCEDUREBeginOutOnly (fmtWr: Formatter.T; <*UNUSED*> t: Type.T; d: Direction; maySuppress: BOOLEAN) = VAR dataPresent:= TRUE; (* Could check for size *) (* When recognizing pragma, dataPresent determined by methods[i].formals[j].outOnly *) BEGIN IF maySuppress THEN IF d = Direction.Out THEN PutLine(fmtWr, "dataPresent := " & Fmt.Bool(dataPresent) &";" ); END; StubLibCallNoRep(fmtWr, "Boolean", "dataPresent", d); Formatter.Begin(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "IF dataPresent THEN "); END; END BeginOutOnly; PROCEDUREEndOutOnly (fmtWr: Formatter.T; maySuppress: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF maySuppress THEN PutLine(fmtWr, "END;"); Formatter.End(fmtWr); END; END EndOutOnly; PROCEDUREMarshalOpenArray (fmtWr: Formatter.T; varName: TEXT; a: Type.OpenArray; d: Direction; calling: BOOLEAN; indexDepth: INTEGER; maySuppress: BOOLEAN) RAISES {StubUtils.Failure} = VAR nDimensions:= a.openDimensions; aName, baseName, boundList: Text.T; component: Type.T; BEGIN IF calling THEN (* Must marshal/unmarshal array bounds *) IF d = Direction.Out THEN StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Integer", "NUMBER(" & varName & ")",d); aName := varName & "[0"; FOR i := 2 TO nDimensions DO StubLibCall(fmtWr, "Integer", "NUMBER(" & aName & "])",d); aName := aName & ", 0"; END; baseName := varName; ELSE Formatter.PutText(fmtWr, "WITH n1 = StubLib.InInteger(c, rep)"); boundList := "n1"; FOR i := 2 TO nDimensions DO PutLine(fmtWr, ","); Formatter.PutText(fmtWr, " n" & Fmt.Int(i) & " = StubLib.InInteger(c, rep)"); boundList := boundList & ", n" & Fmt.Int(i); END; PutLine(fmtWr, " DO"); PutLine(fmtWr, " " & varName & " := NEW(" & CodeForType.ToText(a.refArray) & ", " & boundList & ");"); PutLine(fmtWr, "END;"); baseName := varName & "^"; END; ELSE IF d = Direction.Out THEN baseName := varName & "^"; ELSE baseName := varName; END; END; (* Suppress actual data for <*OUTPUT*> params on call *) BeginOutOnly(fmtWr, a, d, maySuppress); Formatter.Begin(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR n1 := 0 TO LAST(" & baseName & ") DO" ); aName := varName & "[n1"; component := a.element; FOR i := 2 TO nDimensions DO Formatter.Begin(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR n" & Fmt.Int(i) & " := 0 TO LAST(" & aName & "]) DO"); aName := aName & ", n" & Fmt.Int(i); component := NARROW(component, Type.OpenArray).element; END; MarshalTypedVal(fmtWr, aName & "]", component, d, calling, indexDepth); FOR i := 1 TO nDimensions DO Formatter.End(fmtWr); PutLine(fmtWr, "END;"); (* End FOR Loop *) END; EndOutOnly(fmtWr, maySuppress); END MarshalOpenArray; BEGIN END ModuleStubCode.