
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

File: Type.i3 Last Modified On Tue May 23 15:17:25 PDT 1995 by kalsow Modified On Fri Dec 21 00:57:36 1990 by muller


IMPORT M3, CG, Target;

  T          = M3.Type;
  Assumption = M3.EqAssumption;
  ModuleInfo <: REFANY;

  Class = { Error, Named, Integer, Longint, Real, Longreal, Extended,
            Array, Enum, Object, Opaque, OpenArray, Packed,
            Procedure, Record, Ref, Set, Subrange };

  recursionDepth: INTEGER := 0;
  (* incremented(decremented) every time the type checker enters(leaves)
     one of the types that's allowed to introduce recursions.
     (ie. REF, OBJECT, PROC) *)

  Info = RECORD
    size      : INTEGER;  (* size in bits, -1 if variable sized *)
    min_size  : INTEGER;  (* minimum size in bits. *)
    alignment : INTEGER;  (* minimum alignment in bits *)
    hash      : INTEGER;  (* internal hash code *)
    stk_type  : CG.Type;  (* code generator representation on operator stack *)
    mem_type  : CG.Type;  (* code generator representation as a variable *)
    class     : Class;
    isTraced  : M3.Flag;
    isEmpty   : M3.Flag;
    isSolid   : M3.Flag;
    lazyAligned: M3.Flag;
** phase 0 **

PROCEDURE Initialize ();
initializes the module and all other type modules.
** phase 1 **

PROCEDURE Parse (): T;
parse a type expression

PROCEDURE SetModule (x: ModuleInfo): ModuleInfo;
sets the current module's type info to 'x' and returns the previous module's type info. This routine is only called when the current module changes.
** phase 2 **

PROCEDURE Check (t: T): T;
type check type 't'. Return the underlying constructed (ie. class # Class.Named) type node.

PROCEDURE CheckInfo (t: T;  VAR(*OUT*) x: Info): T;
type check type 't'. Return the underlying constructed (ie. class # Class.Named) type node and in 'x' its info.

PROCEDURE IsAlignedOk (t: T;  offs: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
Returns TRUE iff no scalars within a value of type 't' at a bit offset of 'offs' cross word boundaries.

PROCEDURE Strip (t: T): T;
return the constructed type of 't' (ie. strip renaming)

PROCEDURE Base (t: T): T;
return the base type of 't' (strip renaming, packing & subranges)

PROCEDURE CGType (t: T;  in_memory: BOOLEAN := FALSE): CG.Type;
returns the code generator's representation for 't', either as a variable in memory or as an operand on the evaluation stack depending on 'in_memory'

PROCEDURE IsStructured (t: T): BOOLEAN;
<=> rec, set, or array <=> is represented as an address on the CG stack

PROCEDURE LoadScalar (t: T);
If 't' is not a structured type, generate code to load the scalar pointed to by the address on the CG stack

PROCEDURE IsLazyAligned (t: T): BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE SetLazyAlignment (t: T; on: BOOLEAN);
** phase 3 **

PROCEDURE BeginSetGlobals ();
Prepares the types of the current module for calls to SetGlobals

PROCEDURE SetGlobals (origin: INTEGER);
assign offsets to any needed global data for any types in the current module that occured lexically at or before 'origin'.

return TRUE if the type is an ordinal (Integer, Enum, Subrange)

PROCEDURE Number (t: T): Target.Int;
return the number of values of the type; -1 if t is not an ordinal type

PROCEDURE GetBounds (t: T;  VAR min, max: Target.Int): BOOLEAN;
return the bounds and true for ordinal types, [0,-1] and FALSE for non-ordinal types

PROCEDURE IsEqual (a, b: T;  x: Assumption): BOOLEAN;
TRUE iff (a == b) given the assumptions x

PROCEDURE IsSubtype (a, b: T): BOOLEAN;
TRUE iff (a <: b)

PROCEDURE IsAssignable (a, b: T): BOOLEAN;
TRUE iff (a := b) typechecks

return the unique id for the type in the generated code
** phase 4 **

PROCEDURE CompileAll ();
compile all the local types for the current module

PROCEDURE Compile (t: T);
generates the debugging declarations for 't'

PROCEDURE LoadInfo (t: T;  offset: INTEGER;  addr := FALSE);
loads the specified field of 't's typecell. If 'offset' is less than zero, 'LoadInfo' loads the address of the typecell.

PROCEDURE InitValue (t: T;  zeroed: BOOLEAN);
initialize the variable addressed by s0.A to an arbitrary value of type 't'. If 'zeroed' the variable is assumed to already have all bits set to zero.

PROCEDURE Zero (t: T);
initialize the variable of type 't' addressed by s0.A to zeros.

PROCEDURE InitCost (t: T;  ifZeroed: BOOLEAN): INTEGER;
the cost of initializing a 't'. (0 IFF no init required)

PROCEDURE GenMap (t: T;  offset, size: INTEGER;  refs_only: BOOLEAN);
emits the type map for type 't' occupying 'size' bits at 'offset'.

PROCEDURE GenDesc (t: T);
generate the runtime description for type 't'

PROCEDURE GenTag (t: T;  tag: TEXT;  offset: INTEGER);
generate a comment with 'tag' and 't's name

PROCEDURE LinkName (t: T;  tag: TEXT): TEXT;
Return a name for t that includes tag and will be unique to this compilation unit.
** phase 5 **

generate the current module's linked list of typecells and return its offset in the module global data.

generate the current module's linked list of pointers to typecells and return its offset in the module global data.

END Type.

The following sets of procedures are may be called during the various phases of the compilation:

initialization: { Initialize* } parsing: { Parse, NoteDeclaration } type checking: { Check, Number, GetBounds, Base, IsEqual, IsSubtype, IsAssignable } code generation: { Name, Number, GetBounds, Base, IsEqual, IsSubtype, IsAssignable }

( * => may only be called once )

Type's implementation is in: