MODULE; IMPORT Atom, NetObj, Pickle2 AS Pickle, Rd, Wr, Thread, EventWireRep, EventCounter, EventStubLib, ObjectInfo, RdWrMutex, Debug, SpaceConn, EventNumber, EventNumberF, WeakRef, PickleStubs, ObjectSpace, Event, Process, Fmt, NetObjF, Word; SharedObjStubLib
IMPORT AckInfo, AckList;
IMPORT SharedObjRTF, SharedObj, SharedObjRep, SharedObjError; FROM SharedObjRTF IMPORT debug, debug_level, zeroSeqNo, oneSeqNo, localSpace; FROM EventProtocol IMPORT Byte8, Int32;A handle is used during event construction to hold the information needed to build the event.
REVEAL Handle = PublicHandle BRANDED "SharedObjStubLib.Handle" OBJECT next: Handle := NIL; objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; obj: SharedObj.T; thread: INTEGER; alerted: BOOLEAN := FALSE; (* Used during sequencing. *) en: SharedObj.SequenceNumber := NIL; END; VAR (* For saving Handles *) handleMu: MUTEX; freeHandle: Handle := NIL; PROCEDUREWe create wrapper here for the InRef/OutRef of the Event library. These wrappers handle passing of Shared Objects inside events. Eventually they will hopefully handle Network Objects as well. (But not bloodly likely, since I'd have to integrate it more tightly with the network object package, and that seems a little hairy).NewHandle (o: ObjectInfo.T; obj: SharedObj.T; eh: EventStubLib.Handle; local: BOOLEAN): Handle = VAR ph: Handle; BEGIN LOCK handleMu DO IF freeHandle # NIL THEN ph := freeHandle; freeHandle :=; ELSE ph := NEW(Handle, next:=NIL); ph.en := EventNumber.New(); END; END; := eh; ph.local := local; ph.objInfo := o; ph.obj := obj; ph.thread := o.pickThreadSlot(); ph.alerted := FALSE; RETURN ph; END NewHandle; PROCEDUREFreeHandle (h: Handle) = BEGIN LOCK handleMu DO := NIL; h.objInfo := NIL; h.obj := NIL; := freeHandle; freeHandle := h; END; END FreeHandle; PROCEDUREIncMsgSeqNo (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; old: SharedObj.SequenceNumber) = BEGIN (* Set the old number to the current value sequence number. *) EVAL old.init(objInfo.seqNo); IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceMsgStandalone: assigned seqNo " & objInfo.seqNo.fmt(10) & "to update"); END; TRY; EXCEPT | EventNumber.Overflow => Process.Crash("Event Number Overflowed!"); END; END IncMsgSeqNo; PROCEDUREStartCall (obj: SharedObj.T): Handle RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR o: ObjectInfo.T; BEGIN (* Get the object info, creating a new info entry for objects for whom this is their first method call. *) LOCK SharedObjRTF.objTblMu DO IF NOT SharedObjRTF.GetObjInfo(obj.wrep, o) THEN IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "StartCall: new object."); END; o := SharedObjRTF.RegisterObject( obj, obj.wrep, NIL, TRUE, obj.seqNoCnt.value()); END; END; (* If the object is currently standalone, we can execute the procedure without packing the args. However, to do this we must lock the objectInfo structure until we sequence the object. Otherwise, it might be passed off the machine before we hit the sequencer and then we cannot execute the event without forwarding it. So, lock the object info till we are reading to try to sequence it. *) LOCK o DO IF o.isStandalone THEN IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "StartCall: standalone, returning local=TRUE."); END; WITH h = NewHandle(o, obj, NIL, TRUE) DO IncMsgSeqNo(h.objInfo, o.waiting[h.thread].en); RETURN h; END; END; WITH h = NewHandle(o, obj, EventStubLib.StartCreate(), FALSE) DO (* Encode the default, non-sequenced EventNumber.T *) EventStubLib.OutBytes(, obj.wrep.byte); EventStubLib.OutInteger(, h.thread); IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print( 15, "StartCall: new handle (thread " & Fmt.Int(h.thread) & ")."); END; RETURN h; END; END; END StartCall; PROCEDUREMarshalArgs (m: Handle): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN NOT m.local; END MarshalArgs; PROCEDURESequenceCall (h: Handle; stubProt: StubProtocol) RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR obj: SharedObj.T := h.obj; BEGIN IF h.local THEN (* We have the objInfo locked until we get a sequence number. *) IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: standalone, already sequenced."); END; EVAL h.en.init(h.objInfo.waiting[h.thread].en); LOCK h.objInfo DO h.objInfo.releaseThreadSlot(h.thread); END; ELSE IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: creating message."); END; WITH ev = EventStubLib.EndCreate(, ORD(SharedObjRTF.Op.MethodCall), stubProt, zeroSeqNo) DO SharedObjRTF.SequenceCall(h.obj, ev, h.thread, h.objInfo, h.en, h.alerted); END; (* just in case it's changed while we were sequencing *) obj := h.obj; END; IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: waiting for counter."); END; TRY obj.seqNoCnt.acquire(h.en); EXCEPT | EventCounter.Duplicate => SharedObjError.RaiseError( Atom.FromText("Update applied by someone else.")); END; IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: got counter. returning."); END; END SequenceCall; PROCEDUREEndCall (h: Handle) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "EndCall: releasing counter."); END; h.obj.seqNoCnt.release(); IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "EndCall: counter released."); END; (* Free the handle *) FreeHandle(h); (* Now that we have at least tried to apply the event, we can reraise the Alerted exception. *) IF h.alerted THEN RAISE Thread.Alerted END; END EndCall;
TYPE MSpec = {NetObjRef, SharedObjRef, Ref}; TYPE InRefFindCB = ObjectSpace.FindObjCallBack OBJECT wrep: SharedObjRep.WireRep; obj: SharedObj.T := NIL; OVERRIDES try := InRefTry; END; PROCEDUREWe now create a new pickle special for NetObj.T that will send/recieve the wirerep if it's one of our writers/readers. Otherwise it will call the old oneInRefTry (self: InRefFindCB; seqNo: SharedObj.SequenceNumber; space: ObjectSpace.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, NetObj.Error, SharedObj.Error} = BEGIN self.obj := space.get(self.wrep, seqNo); END InRefTry; PROCEDUREInRef (h: EventStubLib.Handle; tc: INTEGER): REFANY RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR r : REFANY; wrep : SharedObjRep.WireRep; objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; BEGIN TRY CASE EventStubLib.InByte(h) OF | ORD(MSpec.SharedObjRef) => BEGIN EventStubLib.InBytes(h, wrep.byte); LOCK SharedObjRTF.objTblMu DO IF SharedObjRTF.GetObjInfo(wrep, objInfo) THEN r := SharedObjRTF.GetObjRef(objInfo); IF r # NIL THEN RETURN r END; END; END; WITH trycb = NEW(InRefFindCB, wrep := wrep), seq = SharedObjRTF.GetDfltSequencer() DO TRY TRY RETURN seq.get(wrep, zeroSeqNo); EXCEPT SharedObj.Error => (* if our sequencer doesn't have it, ask it if it can find it! *) END; TRY seq.findObj(wrep, trycb); EXCEPT | SharedObj.Error => (* if our sequencer doesn't know where it is, repeat the whole process with the senders sequencer. *) VAR objseq: ObjectSpace.T; nwrep: NetObjF.WRep; where: NetObj.Address; BEGIN EventStubLib.InBytes(h, nwrep.byte); where := EventStubLib.InRef(h); objseq := NetObjF.FromWireRep(nwrep, where); TRY RETURN objseq.get(wrep, zeroSeqNo); EXCEPT SharedObj.Error => (* if the sequencer doesn't have it, ask it if it can find it! *) END; objseq.findObj(wrep, trycb); END; END; EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseNetObjFailure(ec); END; (* If we make it this far, we have the object in "trycb.obj" *) <* ASSERT trycb.obj # NIL *> RETURN trycb.obj; END; END; | ORD(MSpec.NetObjRef) => VAR nwrep: NetObjF.WRep; where: NetObj.Address; BEGIN EventStubLib.InBytes(h, nwrep.byte); where := EventStubLib.InRef(h); TRY r := NetObjF.FromWireRep(nwrep, where); RETURN r; EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseNetObjFailure(ec); (* To shut up the compiler. Will never get here. *) <* ASSERT FALSE *> (**********************************************) END; END; | ORD(MSpec.Ref) => RETURN EventStubLib.InRef(h, tc); ELSE EventStubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); (* To shut up the compiler. Will never get here. *) RETURN NIL; END; EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN NIL; (*shut up the compiler *) END; END InRef; PROCEDUREOutRef (h: Handle; r: REFANY) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR wrep: NetObjF.WRep; where: NetObj.Address; BEGIN TYPECASE r OF | NULL => EventStubLib.OutByte(, ORD(MSpec.Ref)); EventStubLib.OutRef(, r); | SharedObj.T(o) => TRY EVAL CheckObjectRegistered(o); EXCEPT | SharedObj.Error(el) => RAISE Wr.Failure(el); | NetObj.Error(el) => RAISE Wr.Failure(el); END; EventStubLib.OutByte(, ORD(MSpec.SharedObjRef)); EventStubLib.OutBytes(, o.wrep.byte); NetObjF.ToWireRep(SharedObjRTF.GetDfltSequencer(), wrep, where); EventStubLib.OutBytes(, wrep.byte); EventStubLib.OutRef(, where); | NetObj.T(o) => EventStubLib.OutByte(, ORD(MSpec.NetObjRef)); NetObjF.ToWireRep(o, wrep, where); EventStubLib.OutBytes(, wrep.byte); EventStubLib.OutRef(, where); ELSE EventStubLib.OutByte(, ORD(MSpec.Ref)); EventStubLib.OutRef(, r); END; END OutRef;
TYPE NetObjTSpecial = Pickle.Special OBJECT OVERRIDES write := Write_NetObjT; read := Read_NetObjT; END; PROCEDURE***************************************************** Wrappers around the EventStubLib routines *****************************************************Write_NetObjT (ts: NetObjTSpecial; ref: REFANY; out: Pickle.Writer) RAISES {Pickle.Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR o := NARROW(ref, NetObj.T); BEGIN IF EventStubLib.IsEventWriter(out) THEN VAR wrep: NetObjF.WRep; where: NetObj.Address; BEGIN NetObjF.ToWireRep(o, wrep, where); PickleStubs.OutBytes(out, wrep.byte); PickleStubs.OutRef(out, where); END; ELSE ts.prev.write(ref,out); END; END Write_NetObjT; PROCEDURERead_NetObjT (ts: NetObjTSpecial; in: Pickle.Reader; id: Pickle.RefID):REFANY RAISES {Pickle.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF EventStubLib.IsEventReader(in) THEN VAR nwrep: NetObjF.WRep; where: NetObj.Address; BEGIN PickleStubs.InBytes(in, nwrep.byte); where := PickleStubs.InRef(in); TRY RETURN NetObjF.FromWireRep(nwrep, where); EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => RAISE Pickle.Error("NetObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(ec)); END; END; ELSE RETURN, id); END; END Read_NetObjT;
PROCEDURE*****************************************************OutChars (h: Handle; READONLY chars: ARRAY OF CHAR) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutChars(,chars); END OutChars; PROCEDUREOutBytes (h: Handle; READONLY bytes: ARRAY OF Byte8) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutBytes(,bytes); END OutBytes; PROCEDUREOutInteger (h: Handle; i: INTEGER) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutInteger(,i); END OutInteger; PROCEDUREOutInt32 (h: Handle; i: Int32) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutInt32(,i); END OutInt32; PROCEDUREOutByte (h: Handle; i: Byte8) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted}= BEGIN EventStubLib.OutByte(,i); END OutByte; PROCEDUREOutBoolean (h: Handle; bool: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutBoolean(,bool); END OutBoolean; PROCEDUREOutReal (h: Handle; r: REAL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutReal(,r); END OutReal; PROCEDUREOutLongreal (h: Handle; card: LONGREAL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutLongreal(,card); END OutLongreal; PROCEDUREOutExtended (h: Handle; card: EXTENDED) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutExtended(,card); END OutExtended; PROCEDUREOutCardinal (h: Handle; card: CARDINAL) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN EventStubLib.OutCardinal(,card); END OutCardinal; PROCEDUREInChars (h: EventStubLib.Handle; VAR chars: ARRAY OF CHAR) RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY EventStubLib.InChars(h, chars); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); END; END InChars; PROCEDUREInBytes (h: EventStubLib.Handle; VAR bytes: ARRAY OF Byte8) RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY EventStubLib.InBytes(h,bytes); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); END; END InBytes; PROCEDUREInInteger (h: EventStubLib.Handle; min := FIRST(INTEGER); max := LAST(INTEGER) ): INTEGER RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InInteger(h, min, max); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN 0; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InInteger; PROCEDUREInInt32 (h: EventStubLib.Handle; min := FIRST(Int32); max := LAST(Int32)): Int32 RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InInt32(h, min, max); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN 0; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InInt32; PROCEDUREInByte (h: EventStubLib.Handle; max := LAST(Byte8)): Byte8 RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InByte(h, max); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN 0; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InByte; PROCEDUREInBoolean (h: EventStubLib.Handle): BOOLEAN RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InBoolean(h); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN FALSE; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InBoolean; PROCEDUREInReal (h: EventStubLib.Handle): REAL RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InReal(h); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN 0.0; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InReal; PROCEDUREInLongreal (h: EventStubLib.Handle): LONGREAL RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InLongreal(h); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN 0.0D0; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InLongreal; PROCEDUREInExtended (h: EventStubLib.Handle): EXTENDED RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InExtended(h); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN 0.0X0; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InExtended; PROCEDUREInCardinal (h: EventStubLib.Handle; lim: CARDINAL := LAST(CARDINAL)): CARDINAL RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY RETURN EventStubLib.InCardinal(h, lim); EXCEPT | Event.Error (ec) => SharedObjError.RaiseEventFailure(ec); RETURN 0; (* not reached, to shut up the compiler *) END; END InCardinal;
PROCEDURE*****************************************************CheckObjectRegistered (obj: SharedObj.T): ObjectInfo.T RAISES {Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error} = VAR objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; BEGIN (* we must wait until the sequencer has been set, or we have identified ourself as a sequencer. *) LOCK SharedObjRTF.objTblMu DO SharedObjRTF.WaitForSequencer(); END; (* Get the objInfo. If it doesn't exist, we have never called a method or sent this object before, so register it. *) LOCK SharedObjRTF.objTblMu DO IF NOT SharedObjRTF.GetObjInfo(obj.wrep, objInfo) THEN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "CheckObjectRegistered: new object. " & "Register locally first."); END; objInfo := SharedObjRTF.RegisterObject(obj, obj.wrep, NIL, TRUE, obj.seqNoCnt.value()); END; END; (* If it's standalone, this is the first time we've sent it, so register a new object with the sequencer if we are writing across the net. *) LOCK objInfo DO IF objInfo.isStandalone THEN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "CheckObjectRegistered: standalone object. " & "register with seq"); END; WITH seq = SharedObjRTF.GetDfltSequencer() DO IF seq # localSpace THEN seq.newObject(, obj.wrep, objInfo.seqNo); END; END; objInfo.isStandalone := FALSE; IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: registered with seq"); END; END; END; RETURN objInfo; END CheckObjectRegistered;
PROCEDURE---------------------Object Locking Procedures---------------------StartWritePickle (obj: SharedObj.T; wr: Pickle.Writer) RAISES {Pickle.Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; BEGIN (* First, if it is not ok, we can't pass it. Fail! *) IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "WriteSharedObjPickle: begin pickling " & SharedObjRep.ToText(obj) &" "); END; IF NOT obj.ok THEN IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: object invalid"); END; RAISE Pickle.Error("Object is invalid."); END; TRY objInfo := CheckObjectRegistered(obj); EXCEPT | SharedObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("SharedObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); | NetObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("NetObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); END; IF NetObjF.IsNetObjWriter(wr) OR EventStubLib.IsEventWriter(wr) THEN (* Netobj transfer, so write our space object across. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: netobj call."); END; wr.write(SharedObjRTF.localSpace); ELSE (* Other pickling action, so don't write our space. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: write to normal file."); END; wr.write(NIL); END; (* Now, aquire a read lock on the object, since we need to read it without it changing. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: acquire read lock."); END; AcquireReadLock(obj); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: read lock acquired."); END; IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: writing basic obj info."); END; PickleStubs.OutBytes(wr, obj.wrep.byte); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: wrep: " & EventWireRep.ToText(obj.wrep)); END; PickleStubs.OutBoolean(wr, obj.ok); WITH val = obj.seqNoCnt.value() DO PickleStubs.OutInteger(wr, val.hi); PickleStubs.OutInteger(wr, val.lo); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: counter: " & val.fmt(10)); END; END; END StartWritePickle; PROCEDUREEndWritePickle (obj: SharedObj.T; wr: Pickle.Writer) RAISES {Pickle.Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN PickleStubs.OutRef(wr, obj.proxy); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "WriteSharedObjPickle: release read lock."); END; ReleaseReadLock(obj); IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "WriteSharedObjPickle: done pickling."); END; END EndWritePickle; PROCEDUREStartReadPickle (obj: SharedObj.T; rd: Pickle.Reader; from: ObjectSpace.T) RAISES {Pickle.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR hi, lo: Word.T; en: EventNumber.T; BEGIN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "ReadSharedObjPickle: read basic object."); END; PickleStubs.InBytes(rd, obj.wrep.byte); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ReadSharedObjPickle: wrep: " & EventWireRep.ToText(obj.wrep)); END; obj.ok := PickleStubs.InBoolean(rd); hi := PickleStubs.InInteger(rd); lo := PickleStubs.InInteger(rd); en := NEW(EventNumber.T, hi := hi, lo := lo); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ReadSharedObjPickle: counter: " & en.fmt(10)); END; IF from = NIL THEN IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ReadSharedObjPickle: from=NIL, " & "new object read from file."); END; (* This is a new object. *) obj.wrep := EventWireRep.New(); InitFromPickle(obj, oneSeqNo); ELSE IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ReadSharedObjPickle: new copy of shared obj read."); END; InitFromPickle(obj, en); END; IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ReadSharedObjPickle: unmarshalled obj."); END; END StartReadPickle; PROCEDUREInitFromPickle (self: SharedObj.T; seqNo: EventNumber.T) = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "Initializing Sharedobj from Pickle"); END; := NEW(RdWrMutex.T).init(); self.seqNoCnt := EventCounter.New(, seqNo); IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "New SharedObj from Pickle: " & SharedObjRep.ToText(self)); END; END InitFromPickle; PROCEDURESetupNewCopy (obj: SharedObj.T; rd: Pickle.Reader; id: Pickle.RefID; from: ObjectSpace.T): SharedObj.T RAISES {Pickle.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; nextSeqNo: SharedObj.SequenceNumber := NIL; objSeq : ObjectSpace.T := NIL; oldObj: SharedObj.T; seqConn : SpaceConn.T := NIL; BEGIN (* Now, if the object is new, we can just return. The rest of the setup will happen when it is passed off machine. *) IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetupNewCopy: setting up new copy of object."); END; IF from = NIL THEN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetupNewCopy: new object, no setup required."); END; rd.noteRef(obj, id); RETURN obj; END; (* As with WriteT above, we must wait for our sequencer to be properly set up before trying to set up the new copy. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: first, wait for sequencer to be defined."); END; LOCK SharedObjRTF.objTblMu DO SharedObjRTF.WaitForSequencer(); END; IF debug_level >= 20 THEN debug.print(20, "SetupNewCopy: sequencer defined."); END; (* Get the objInfo record, or create a new one. When we create it, we must fetch the sequencer for this object and pass it to our default sequencer for setting up our new copy of the object. *) LOCK SharedObjRTF.objTblMu DO IF NOT SharedObjRTF.GetObjInfo(obj.wrep, objInfo) THEN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetupNewCopy: new object."); END; TRY (* We can ask for the sequencer for this object without worry, because if we are the sequencer (and would thus get called from the remote machine as a result of this call), we wouldn't be here because the objInfo entry would already exist! *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: get seq from sender."); END; TRY Thread.Release(SharedObjRTF.objTblMu); objSeq := from.getSequencer(obj.wrep); FINALLY Thread.Acquire(SharedObjRTF.objTblMu); END; EXCEPT | SharedObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("SharedObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); | NetObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("NetObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); END; END; END; (* now, we have the object sequencer, but check to see if the object got created in the mean time *) LOCK SharedObjRTF.objTblMu DO IF NOT SharedObjRTF.GetObjInfo(obj.wrep, objInfo) THEN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetupNewCopy: new object."); END; TRY WITH seq = SharedObjRTF.GetDfltSequencer() DO IF seq # localSpace THEN (* Create our new object info. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: register local copy."); END; objInfo := SharedObjRTF.RegisterObject(obj, obj.wrep, NIL, FALSE, obj.seqNoCnt.value()); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: notify our " & "sequencer of new copy."); END; nextSeqNo := seq.newCopy(, objSeq, obj.wrep, obj.seqNoCnt.value()); ELSE (* I'm a sequencer! *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: we are a sequencer." & " Notify obj seq of our copy."); END; seqConn := localSpace.newSpace(objSeq); (* Create our new object info. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: register local copy."); END; objInfo := SharedObjRTF.RegisterObject(obj, obj.wrep, seqConn, FALSE, obj.seqNoCnt.value()); (* We haven't seen this object before so register a new copy! *) nextSeqNo := objSeq.newCopy (, objSeq, obj.wrep, obj.seqNoCnt.value()); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: register copy with obj seq." & " seqno=" & nextSeqNo.fmt(10) & "."); END; END; END; IF obj.seqNoCnt.value().compare(nextSeqNo) >= 0 THEN (* The copy is recent enough, so we can just use it! *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: local copy is new enough."); END; nextSeqNo := NIL; ELSE (* Register the object so that we know what sequence number we need, and we also can tell that we haven't got it since the object sequence number counter will be less than the object info sequence number! *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: local copy is too old."); END; objInfo.seqNo := nextSeqNo; END; EXCEPT | SharedObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("SharedObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); | NetObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("NetObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); END; END; END; (* make sure nobody changes obj or objInfo *) AcquireReadLock(obj); Thread.Acquire(objInfo); IF obj.seqNoCnt.value().compare(objInfo.seqNo) >= 0 THEN IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: new copy at least" & " as new as local one."); END; (* the object we are unpickling is newer, so replace the one in the object info structure {\it iff} the value of the object stored in the objInfo structure is older than the value in the objInfo structure. This corresponds to the case where someone is waiting for a new version and we have not yet received it. Otherwise, we will always use the older, local version. This is because we want all the events to be applied locally so that all the callbacks will be applied. *) oldObj := SharedObjRTF.GetObjRef(objInfo); IF oldObj # NIL AND oldObj # obj THEN (* we need to release objInfo while we try to acquire the read lock. *) Thread.Release(objInfo); (* Make sure nobody changes oldObj *) AcquireReadLock(oldObj); (* reaquire *) Thread.Acquire(objInfo); IF oldObj.seqNoCnt.value().compare(objInfo.seqNo) < 0 THEN VAR (* Save the mutex, so we can release it after we have blown away obj. *) tempMu :=; BEGIN IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: local copy is out of date, "& "set new seqno=" & obj.seqNoCnt.value().fmt(10) & "."); END; (* we need to release objInfo while we try to call set obj oldObj *) Thread.Release(objInfo); (* Got the one we are waiting for, so use it! First, set the old sequence number counter to the new value. Then, replace the counter in the new object with the old one. Must do this, since there could be events blocked on the old counter. Copy the other old fields, as well. *) TRY oldObj.seqNoCnt.set(obj.seqNoCnt.value()); EXCEPT | EventCounter.Invalid => (* We know this will succeed, so don't do anything. The only way to get this exception is if obj.seqNoCnt < oldObj.seqNoCnt, which we check for above (since obj.seqNoCnt < objInfo.seqNo) *) END; obj.seqNoCnt := oldObj.seqNoCnt; :=; obj.timeliness := oldObj.timeliness; obj.callbacks := oldObj.callbacks; LOCK objInfo DO IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: replace old obj."); END; objInfo.obj := WeakRef.FromRef(obj, SharedObjRTF.CleanupSharedObj); END; obj.seqNoCnt.release(); tempMu.releaseRead(); (* instead of ReleaseReadLock(obj); *) END; ELSE (* Drop the newer one in favour of the older one already in use on this machine! *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: use older copy."); END; obj := oldObj; Thread.Release(objInfo); END; ELSIF oldObj = NIL THEN (* The old ref is gone, so we can just use the new one. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: old ref gone. use new copy."); END; objInfo.obj := WeakRef.FromRef(obj, SharedObjRTF.CleanupSharedObj); objInfo.hasCopy := TRUE; Thread.Release(objInfo); ELSE IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: old and new copies are the same."); END; Thread.Release(objInfo); END; ELSE (* We will arrive here in two ways. First, the first time through, if the object is too old for the sequencer, we will arrive here. In that case, this assignment is harmless, and we will request the the new copy below. In the second case, while waiting for the newer copy of the object to arrive, another old copy arrives! So, we'll force this thread to also request a newer copy. A tad wasteful, but that's ok, since it will force it to wait for a reasonable copy too. Otherwise we'll have to add a condition variable to all objects, which is very wasteful, considering the tiny chance of this happening. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: obj too old, ask for a recent one."); END; nextSeqNo := objInfo.seqNo; Thread.Release(objInfo); END; ReleaseReadLock(obj); (* Request a newer copy of the object. While we are waiting for the reply, the netobj package will unpickle the reply object, which will flow though here (since it will retrieve an objInfo entry above). *) IF nextSeqNo # NIL THEN (* Get one that is recent enough! If there is an exception, we could manually remove our copy, but let's just let it all clean up itself someday ... if there are no more refs, the copy will be collected, for example. *) IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: asking for more recent one."); END; TRY nextSeqNo := NEW(SharedObj.SequenceNumber).init(nextSeqNo); nextSeqNo.dec(); obj := from.get(obj.wrep, nextSeqNo); EXCEPT | EventNumber.Overflow => Process.Crash("Event Number Underflowed!"); | SharedObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("SharedObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); | NetObj.Error(el) => RAISE Pickle.Error("NetObj.Error: " & Debug.AtomListToText(el)); END; IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "SetupNewCopy: got more recent one."); END; END; rd.noteRef(obj, id); RETURN obj; END SetupNewCopy; TYPE InhibitSpecial = Pickle.Special OBJECT reason: TEXT; OVERRIDES write := WriteInhibitTransmission; read := ReadInhibitTransmission; END; PROCEDUREWriteInhibitTransmission ( self: InhibitSpecial; <*UNUSED*> ref : REFANY; <*UNUSED*> wr : Pickle.Writer ) RAISES {Pickle.Error} = BEGIN RAISE Pickle.Error(self.reason); END WriteInhibitTransmission; PROCEDUREReadInhibitTransmission ( self: InhibitSpecial; <*UNUSED*> rd : Pickle.Reader; <*UNUSED*> id : Pickle.RefID ): REFANY RAISES {Pickle.Error} = BEGIN RAISE Pickle.Error(self.reason); END ReadInhibitTransmission; PROCEDUREInhibitTransmission (tc: INTEGER; reason: TEXT) = BEGIN Pickle.RegisterSpecial(NEW(InhibitSpecial, sc := tc, reason := reason)); END InhibitTransmission;
PROCEDUREReleaseReadLock (self: SharedObj.T) = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ReleaseReadLock: releasing..."); END;; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ReleaseReadLock: released."); END; END ReleaseReadLock; PROCEDUREAcquireReadLock (self: SharedObj.T) = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "AcquireReadLock: acquiring..."); END; IF = NIL THEN EVAL SharedObj.Init(self); END;; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "AcquireReadLock: acquired."); END; END AcquireReadLock; PROCEDUREReleaseWriteLock (self: SharedObj.T) = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ReleaseWriteLock: releasing..."); END;; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ReleaseWriteLock: released."); END; END ReleaseWriteLock; PROCEDUREAcquireWriteLock (self: SharedObj.T) = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "AcquireWriteLock: acquiring..."); END; IF = NIL THEN EVAL SharedObj.Init(self); END;; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "acquireWrite: acquired."); END; END AcquireWriteLock; BEGIN handleMu := NEW(MUTEX); Pickle.ReRegisterSpecial(NEW(NetObjTSpecial, sc := TYPECODE(NetObj.T))); END SharedObjStubLib.