-*- Mode: Modula-3 -*-
* For information about this program, contact Blair MacIntyre
* (bm@cs.columbia.edu) or Steven Feiner (feiner@cs.columbia.edu)
* at the Computer Science Dept., Columbia University,
* 1214 Amsterdam Ave. Mailstop 0401, New York, NY, 10027.
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the
* City of New York. Blair MacIntyre, Computer Science Department.
* See file COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA for details.
* Author : Blair MacIntyre
* Created On : Mon Apr 17 13:49:21 1995
* Last Modified By: Blair MacIntyre
* Last Modified On: Mon Dec 2 21:27:36 1996
* Update Count : 160
* $Source: /opt/cvs/cm3/doc/help/gen_html/sharedobj/src/SharedObjRep.i3.html,v $
* $Date: 2010-04-29 17:19:55 $
* $Author: wagner $
* $Revision: 1.5 $
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 2010-04-15 21:00:25 wagner
* update generated HTML doc to RC5
* Revision 1.2 2001/12/02 13:41:17 wagner
* add copyright notes, fix overrides for cm3, and make everything compile(except tests)
* added: sharedobj/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
* added: sharedobj/src/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
* modified: sharedobj/src/LocalObjectSpace.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/LocalObjectSpace.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/Message.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/Message.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjCopy.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjCopy.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectInfo.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectInfo.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v1.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v1.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v2.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v2.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v1.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v1.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v2.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v2.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObj.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjError.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjF.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjF.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRT.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRT.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRTF.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRep.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRep.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjStubLib.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjStubLib.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SpaceConn.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/SpaceConn.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/WeakerRef.i3
* modified: sharedobj/src/WeakerRef.m3
* modified: sharedobj/src/m3makefile
* modified: sharedobj/src/m3overrides
* modified: sharedobj/tests/netobjtest/src/m3makefile
* modified: sharedobj/tests/obsequence/src/m3makefile
* modified: sharedobj/tests/tracker/src/m3makefile
* Revision 2001/12/02 13:14:14 wagner
* Blair MacIntyre's sharedobj package
* Revision 1.5 1997/01/23 15:27:19 bm
* Lot's of little bug fixes.
* Revision 1.4 1996/11/22 19:02:39 bm
* fixed header
The module SharedRep
provides the part of the implementation of shared
objects SharedObj.T
that is independent of any particular shared
object. It is not intended that any client accesses any of the fields
of the SharedObj.T directly. Only the generated code references this
IMPORT SharedObj, RdWrMutex, Thread, EventWireRep, EventCounter,
WeakRefList, Wr, Rd, Event, EventStubLib, ThreadF;
TYPE WireRep = EventWireRep.T;
The wire representation of our objects is represented using the
WireRep provided by the event package.
SharedObj.T = SharedObj.Public BRANDED SharedObj.Brand OBJECT
(* Is it ok, or has an update raised a fatal error? *)
(* Who is performing an update right now? *)
updating: ThreadF.Id := -1;
(* A shareable lock. *)
mu : RdWrMutex.T := NIL;
(* The wire representation of the object. *)
wrep : WireRep := EventWireRep.NullT;
(* Current sequence number. *)
seqNoCnt: EventCounter.T := NIL;
(* How fast do we require updates? *)
timeliness: SharedObj.Timeliness := 0;
(* the currently registered callbacks on this object. Stored
as "WeakRef.T"s *)
callbacks: WeakRefList.T := NIL;
applyUpdate(ev: Event.T; h: EventStubLib.Handle)
RAISES {SharedObj.Error, SharedObj.Fatal, Event.Error,
Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
for debugging.
PROCEDURE ToText(self: SharedObj.T): TEXT;
END SharedObjRep.