MODULEA handle is used during event construction to hold the information needed to build the event.SharedObjRT EXPORTSSharedObj ,SharedObjRT ,SharedObjRTF ,SharedObjError ; IMPORT Atom, AtomList, NetObj, Rd, Wr, Thread, EventWireRep, Text, EventCounter, EventStubLib, ObjectInfo, IO, SharedObjRep, EventConnList, EventConnListFuncs, Debug, RdWrMutex, EventPort, Message, ObjectInfoTbl, SpaceConn, EventNumber, EventNumberF, WeakRef, ThreadF, ObjectSpace, Event, ObjCopy, ObjCopyList, ObjCopyListFuncs, Process, Fmt, EventProtocol, EventSeq; FROM SharedObjRep IMPORT WireRep;
CONST Protocol: EventProtocol.StubProtocol = 1;The protocol implemented by this module.
Make this routine safe to be called repeatedly
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** * for adding and removing host connections ***************************************************************************Init (self: T): T = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "Initializing Sharedobj"); END; IF = NIL THEN := NEW(RdWrMutex.T).init(); END; IF self.wrep = EventWireRep.NullT THEN self.wrep := EventWireRep.New(); END; IF self.seqNoCnt = NIL THEN (* The next seqNo is not zero! *) self.seqNoCnt := EventCounter.New(, oneSeqNo); END; IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "New SharedObj: " & SharedObjRep.ToText(self)); END; RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDURENewMessage (ev: Event.T; h: EventStubLib.Handle; thread: INTEGER; objInfo: ObjectInfo.T): Message.T = VAR pm: Message.T; BEGIN LOCK msgMu DO IF freeMessage # NIL THEN pm := freeMessage; freeMessage :=; ELSE pm := NEW(Message.T, next := NIL); END; END; pm.ev := ev; pm.h := h; pm.thread := thread; pm.objInfo := objInfo; RETURN pm; END NewMessage; PROCEDUREFreeMessage (m: Message.T) = BEGIN LOCK msgMu DO m.ev := NIL; m.objInfo := NIL; m.h := NIL; := freeMessage; freeMessage := m; END; END FreeMessage; PROCEDUREDebugLevel (p: INTEGER) = BEGIN (* Who cares if someone is executing right when this changes. No big deal. We will use level 1 for external entry points, 10 for internal entry points. *) debug := NEW(Debug.T).init("SharedObj", p); debug_level := p; END DebugLevel;
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** * some utility routines ***************************************************************************EventPortConnect (conn: SpaceConn.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN TRY ep.connect(conn); EXCEPT | Event.Error(al) => RaiseEventFailure(al); END; END EventPortConnect; PROCEDUREEventPortDisconnect (conn: SpaceConn.T): EventSeq.T RAISES {Error} = VAR wrep: WireRep; objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; copy := NEW(ObjCopy.T, conn := conn); BEGIN (* Need to iterate through all objects and remove all traces of the connection we are dropping. *) IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "EventPortDisconnect: scanning for " & "objects with connections to the invalid port."); END; WITH iterator = objTbl.iterate() DO WHILE, objInfo) DO LOCK objInfo DO (* If this obj's sequencer connection has been lost, mark it as invalid *) IF objInfo.sequencer = conn THEN MarkObjectInvalid(objInfo); END; IF ObjCopyListFuncs.DeleteD(objInfo.clients, copy) # NIL THEN (* Delete the conn, if there is one, in the fastClient list. If it's not a fastClient, it will be in the conns list, so delete it from there. *) IF ObjCopyListFuncs.DeleteD(objInfo.fastClients, copy) = NIL THEN IF EventConnListFuncs.DeleteD(objInfo.conns, conn) = NIL THEN END; END; IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "EventPortDisconnect: removed client."); END; (*****************************************************) (* NEED TO CHECK FOR LOCK and OWNER and do something *) (* reasonable!!!!!!! *) (*****************************************************) <* ASSERT objInfo.lock = NIL *> <* ASSERT objInfo.owner = NIL *> CheckForLastClient(objInfo); END; END; END; END; IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "EventPortDisconnect: done scanning for " & "objects with connections to the invalid port."); END; TRY RETURN ep.disconnect(conn); EXCEPT | Event.Error(el) => RaiseEventFailure(el); (* To shut up the compiler. *) RETURN NIL; END; END EventPortDisconnect;
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** * dealing with sequencers ***************************************************************************MarkObjectInvalid (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; obj: T := NIL) = BEGIN IF obj = NIL THEN obj := GetObjRef(objInfo); END; IF obj # NIL THEN IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "MarkObjectInvalid: marking " & SharedObjRep.ToText(obj) & " invalid."); END; obj.ok := FALSE; (* Awake all the sleepers, who will then raise errors *) WITH blocked = objInfo.waiting DO FOR i := FIRST(blocked^) TO LAST(blocked^) DO IF blocked[i].used THEN IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "MarkObjectInvalid: signalling thread slot " & Fmt.Int(i) & "."); END; Thread.Signal(blocked[i].cv); END; END; END; END; END MarkObjectInvalid; PROCEDUREGetObjRef (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T): T = BEGIN IF objInfo.hasCopy THEN RETURN WeakRef.ToRef(objInfo.obj); END; RETURN NIL; END GetObjRef; PROCEDUREGetObjInfo (wrep: WireRep; VAR objInfo: ObjectInfo.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN objTbl.get(wrep, objInfo); END GetObjInfo;
PROCEDUREWe are a sequencer for an object if we are a sequencer and someone else is not this objects sequencer.SequencerFailed (<*UNUSED*>seq: SpaceConn.T; ec: AtomList.T) = BEGIN Debug.Crash("Sequencer Failure", ec); END SequencerFailed;
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** * use weak refs to cleanup shared objects ***************************************************************************IsObjSequencer (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN isSequencer AND objInfo.sequencer = NIL; END IsObjSequencer;
TYPE ObjectCleanerClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT mu: Thread.Mutex; cv: Thread.Condition; tbl: ObjectInfoTbl.T; it: ObjectInfoTbl.Iterator; METHODS init (): ObjectCleanerClosure := InitDeadObject; addObject (wrep: EventWireRep.T; o: ObjectInfo.T) := AddDeadObject; OVERRIDES apply := ObjectCleaner; END; PROCEDURE************************************************************************** * Adding and removing a client for an object **************************************************************************InitDeadObject (self: ObjectCleanerClosure): ObjectCleanerClosure = BEGIN := NEW(Thread.Mutex); := NEW(Thread.Condition); self.tbl := NEW(ObjectInfoTbl.Default).init(); := self.tbl.iterate(); RETURN self; END InitDeadObject; PROCEDUREAddDeadObject (self: ObjectCleanerClosure; wrep: EventWireRep.T; o: ObjectInfo.T) = BEGIN LOCK DO <*ASSERT self.tbl.put(wrep, o) = FALSE*> Thread.Broadcast(; END; END AddDeadObject; PROCEDUREObjectCleaner (self: ObjectCleanerClosure): REFANY = VAR obj: ObjectInfo.T; wrep: EventWireRep.T; BEGIN LOOP LOCK DO WHILE self.tbl.size() = 0 DO Thread.Wait(,; END; :=; <*ASSERT, obj)*> <*ASSERT self.tbl.delete(wrep, obj)*> END; (* Note that the weakref is no longer valid. *) obj.hasCopy := FALSE; IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ObjectCleaner: starting."); END; IF NOT IsObjSequencer(obj) THEN (* We are not this objects sequencer. If obj.fastClient # NIL, the sequencer will know this and handle it, so we don't need to worry about it. *) IF obj.sequencer # NIL THEN TRY IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ObjectCleaner: deleting from custom sequencer."); END; obj.sequencer.objSpace.deleteCopy(, wrep); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ObjectCleaner: deleted from custom sequencer."); END; EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => SequencerFailed(obj.sequencer, ec); | Error(ec) => SequencerFailed(obj.sequencer, ec); | Thread.Alerted => SequencerFailed(obj.sequencer, NIL); END; ELSIF sequencer # NIL THEN TRY IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "ObjectCleaner: deleting from default sequencer."); END; sequencer.objSpace.deleteCopy(, wrep); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "CleanupSharedObj: deleted from default sequencer."); END; EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => SequencerFailed(sequencer, ec); | Error(ec) => SequencerFailed(sequencer, ec); | Thread.Alerted => SequencerFailed(sequencer, NIL); END; END; (* We've notified the sequencer, if needed, and the last reference to this is gone. Get rid of all traces! *) ELSE CheckForLastClient(obj); END; END; END ObjectCleaner; PROCEDURECleanupSharedObj (<*UNUSED*> READONLY w: WeakRef.T; r: REFANY) = VAR obj := NARROW(r, T); o: ObjectInfo.T; BEGIN (* Have to do all of this within the localspace lock. MIGHT CHANGE THIS: if one of the netobj calls hangs, we will lock out the localspace for a _long_ time! *) IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "CleanupSharedObj: begin!"); END; LOCK objTblMu DO IF NOT GetObjInfo(obj.wrep, o) THEN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "CleanupSharedObj: Already clean. Return!"); END; RETURN; END; LOCK o DO WITH realObj = GetObjRef(o) DO IF realObj # NIL AND realObj # obj THEN IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "CleanupSharedObj: cleaning a fake copy! Return"); END; RETURN; END; END; EVAL objTbl.delete(obj.wrep, o); objCleaner.addObject(obj.wrep, o); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "CleanupSharedObj: deleted object info."); END; END; END; IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "CleanupSharedObj: end."); END; END CleanupSharedObj; PROCEDURERegisterObject (obj: T; wrep: WireRep; sequencer: SpaceConn.T; standAlone: BOOLEAN; seqNo: SequenceNumber): ObjectInfo.T = VAR objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; objRef := WeakRef.T{ARRAY [0..7] OF BITS 8 FOR [0..255] {0, ..}}; hasCopy := FALSE; BEGIN (* Put it in the local table. *) IF obj # NIL THEN objRef := WeakRef.FromRef(obj, CleanupSharedObj); hasCopy := TRUE; END; objInfo := NEW(ObjectInfo.T, obj := objRef, hasCopy := hasCopy, sequencer := sequencer, isStandalone := standAlone, wrep := wrep).init(seqNo); EVAL objTbl.put(wrep, objInfo); IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "RegisterObject: object registered."); END; RETURN objInfo; END RegisterObject;
PROCEDURE************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ** Handling of incoming messages *************************************************************************** **************************************************************************AddClient (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; conn: SpaceConn.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN WITH copy = NEW(ObjCopy.T, conn := conn) DO IF ObjCopyList.Member(objInfo.clients, copy) THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Object doesn't exist but in client list??")); END; objInfo.clients := ObjCopyList.Cons(copy, objInfo.clients); objInfo.conns := EventConnList.Cons(conn, objInfo.conns); IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "AddClient: added to clients and conns."); END; END; END AddClient; PROCEDUREDeleteClient (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; conn: SpaceConn.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN WITH copy = NEW(ObjCopy.T, conn := conn) DO DeleteCopy(objInfo, conn, copy); END; END DeleteClient; PROCEDUREDeleteCopy (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; conn: SpaceConn.T; copy: ObjCopy.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN IF ObjCopyListFuncs.DeleteD(objInfo.clients, copy) = NIL THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Object exists but isn't in client list??")); END; (* Delete the conn, if there is one, in the fastClient list. If it's not a fastClient, it will be in the conns list, so delete it from there. *) IF ObjCopyListFuncs.DeleteD(objInfo.fastClients, copy) = NIL THEN IF EventConnListFuncs.DeleteD(objInfo.conns, conn) = NIL THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Object exists but isn't in conns list??")); END; END; IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "DeleteCopy: removed client."); END; (*****************************************************) (* NEED TO CHECK FOR LOCK and OWNER and do something *) (* reasonable!!!!!!! *) (*****************************************************) <* ASSERT objInfo.lock = NIL *> <* ASSERT objInfo.owner = NIL *> CheckForLastClient(objInfo); END DeleteCopy;
PROCEDUREIncoming message are distributed here.MethodDispatcher (ev: Event.T; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR h : EventStubLib.Handle; wrep : WireRep; objInfo : ObjectInfo.T; thread : INTEGER; m : Message.T; msgApplied: BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN TRY IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "MethodDispatcher: new event (" & Event.ToText(ev) & ")"); END; h := EventStubLib.StartRead(ev); EventStubLib.InBytes(h, wrep.byte); LOCK objTblMu DO (* If we don't have any info for this object, return. *) IF NOT GetObjInfo(wrep, objInfo) THEN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "MethodDispatcher: non-existant object. done."); END; RETURN; END; END; thread := EventStubLib.InInteger(h); IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "MethodDispatcher: distributing event"); END; TRY m := NewMessage(ev, h, thread, objInfo); WITH obj = DistributeMsg(m) DO IF obj # NIL THEN msgApplied := ApplyMsg(m, obj); END; END; FINALLY FreeMessage(m); IF msgApplied THEN EventStubLib.EndRead(h); END; END; IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "MethodDispatcher: done distributing event"); END; EXCEPT | Error (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("Dispatcher SharedObj.Error", al); | Event.Error (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("Dispatcher Event.Error", al); | Rd.Failure (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("Dispatcher Rd.Failure", al); | Wr.Failure (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("Dispatcher Wr.Failure", al); END; END MethodDispatcher;
PROCEDURE************************************************************************* * Incoming message are applied here. * Either apply now, or defer it till later using a HandlerEvent *************************************************************************DistributeMsg (m: Message.T) : T RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR obj: T := NIL; BEGIN (********************************************) (* We Don't handle owning or locking yet!!! *) (* Just sequence and forward ... *) (********************************************) IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "DistributeMsg: message received [" & Message.ToText(m) & "]"); END; LOCK m.objInfo DO TRY (* If the seqNo is zero, this is unsequenced. Sequence it. *) IF = 0 THEN IF NOT SequenceMsg(m) THEN (* If it is still not sequenced, return. We have sent it to the sequencer and will handle it upon return. *) RETURN NIL; END; END; <* ASSERT # 0 *> (* Update to the local object if present. First, get a tangible reference to it. If this is a sequenced reply to a message we sent, signal the waiting thread and return. *) obj := GetObjRef(m.objInfo); IF obj # NIL THEN IF m.ev.from = THEN (* If we sent this out, and its sequenced, we should have a thread blocked waiting on it! If not, and the object is not ok, we'll just drop the event. Otherwise, we'll forward the messages. *) IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "DistributeMsg: our message! Signalling thread"); END; IF SignalWaiting(m) THEN RETURN NIL END; IF NOT obj.ok THEN RETURN NIL END; END; END; (* Forward this message to our clients. Do this after the SignalWaiting, since it should only be done it one place! *) IF m.objInfo.conns # NIL THEN IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "DistributeMsg: sending message to clients."); END; ep.mcast(m.objInfo.conns, m.ev); END; EXCEPT | Event.Error(ec) => RaiseEventFailure(ec); | NetObj.Error(ec) => RaiseNetObjFailure(ec); END; END; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "DistributeMsg: done."); END; (* Return the local object, if there is one. *) RETURN obj; END DistributeMsg; PROCEDURESignalWaiting (m: Message.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN (* blocked.used should normally be TRUE, it's in use. The blocked thread will reset it to FALSE when it runs. Furthermore, the blocked entry maintains the eventnumber that was last woken on it. If the entry in the event is no longer used, or it is used by has an event number at least as big as the incoming event, then the event has already woken the thread and thus this event is a duplicate OR the blocked thread was Alerted. In the latter case, we will end up trying to apply the event again. Chances are, it's been applied so we will get a "Duplicate" error when we try to grab the EventCounter. That's cool. *) WITH blocked = m.objInfo.waiting[m.thread] DO IF NOT blocked.used OR >= 0 THEN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SignalWaiting: thread " & Fmt.Int(m.thread) & " has already been signalled or alerted."); END; RETURN FALSE; ELSE IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SignalWaiting: signalling thread " & Fmt.Int(m.thread) & "."); END; EVAL blocked.en.init(m.ev.num); Thread.Signal(; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END SignalWaiting;
PROCEDURE************************************************************************* * sequencing of updates *************************************************************************ApplyMsg (m: Message.T; obj: T): BOOLEAN RAISES {Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ApplyMsg: message received [" & Message.ToText(m) & "]."); END; (* see if we are in sequence. *) TRY IF obj.seqNoCnt.tryAcquire(m.ev.num) THEN IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "ApplyMsg: acquired counter, applying."); END; LOCK m.objInfo DO (* Now, the actual object might have changed while we were blocked, so we will get it again! *) obj := GetObjRef(m.objInfo); IF obj = NIL THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("DistributedMsg: Obj Disappeared!")); END; (* Set the sequence number in the objinfo struct to reflect this latest successful update. The objInfo.seqNo should be the same as seqNoCnt, after the release below. *) IF NOT IsObjSequencer(m.objInfo) THEN TRY m.objInfo.seqNo.init(m.ev.num).inc(); EXCEPT | EventNumber.Overflow => END; END; END; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ApplyMsg: trying to applyUpdate()."); END; TRY TRY obj.applyUpdate(m.ev, m.h); IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "ApplyMsg: applyUpdate() succeeded."); END; FINALLY obj.seqNoCnt.release(); END; EXCEPT | Fatal (ec) => (* obj.ok := FALSE;*) MarkObjectInvalid(m.objInfo, obj); RAISE Error(AtomList.Cons(DeadObject, ec)); (* IO.Put("*** FATAL Error called object method.\n"); Debug.PrintAtomList( " Add code to Pickle reader so we can recover!!\n", ec); *) | Event.Error (ec) => RaiseEventFailure(ec); END; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ApplyMsg: done."); END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE IF debug_level >= 11 THEN debug.print(11, "ApplyMsg: couldn't acquire, enqueueing event."); IF debug_level = 11 THEN debug.print(11, "ApplyMsg: event " & Event.ToText(m.ev)); END; END; WITH handler = NEW(EventHandler, objInfo := m.objInfo, ev := m.ev, h := m.h) DO obj.seqNoCnt.enqueueAction(m.ev.num, handler); END; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "ApplyMsg: done."); END; RETURN FALSE; END; EXCEPT | EventCounter.Duplicate => (* Ignore duplicates. output something now, since we shouldn't get any with TCP! *) IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "*** Duplicate event " & Event.ToText(m.ev) & " with #" & obj.seqNoCnt.value().fmt()); END; RETURN TRUE; END; END ApplyMsg; TYPE EventHandler = EventCounter.Handler OBJECT objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; ev: Event.T; h: EventStubLib.Handle; OVERRIDES handle := HandlerHandleMethod; duplicate := HandlerDuplicateMethod; END; PROCEDUREHandlerHandleMethod (self: EventHandler) = VAR obj: T; BEGIN IF debug_level >= 11 THEN debug.print(11, "MsgHandlerMeth: enqueued event applying."); END; (* Now, the actual object might have changed while we were blocked, so we will get it again! *) LOCK self.objInfo DO obj := GetObjRef(self.objInfo); IF obj = NIL THEN EventStubLib.EndRead(self.h); RETURN; END; (* Set the sequence number in the objinfo struct to reflect this latest successful update *) IF NOT IsObjSequencer(self.objInfo) THEN TRY self.objInfo.seqNo.init(self.ev.num).inc(); EXCEPT | EventNumber.Overflow => END; END; END; IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "MsgHandlerMeth: trying to applyUpdate()."); END; TRY TRY obj.applyUpdate(self.ev, self.h); FINALLY EventStubLib.EndRead(self.h); END; IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "MsgHandlerMeth: applyUpdate() succeeded."); END; EXCEPT | Fatal (ec) => (* obj.ok := FALSE;*) MarkObjectInvalid(self.objInfo, obj); Debug.PrintAtomList("MsgHandler SharedObj.Fatal", ec); (* IO.Put("*** FATAL Error called object method.\n"); Debug.PrintAtomList(" Add code to Pickle reader so we can recover!!\n", ec); *) | Error (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("MsgHandler SharedObj.Error", al); | Event.Error (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("MsgHandler Event.Error", al); | Rd.Failure (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("MsgHandler Rd.Failure", al); | Wr.Failure (al) => Debug.PrintAtomList("MsgHandler Wr.Failure", al); | Thread.Alerted => IO.Put("MsgHandler Thread.Alerted\n"); END; END HandlerHandleMethod; PROCEDUREHandlerDuplicateMethod (self: EventHandler) = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "DuplicateMethod: enqueued event is a duplicate."); END; EventStubLib.EndRead(self.h); END HandlerDuplicateMethod;
PROCEDURE************************************************************************* * If a client of the sequencer is deleted, or the copy of the object * that resides on the sequencer is deleted, we must check to see if * that was the last copy switch the object back to residing only on * the machine with that copy! *************************************************************************SequenceMsg (m: Message.T): BOOLEAN RAISES {Error} = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SequenceMsg: begin."); END; TRY IF m.objInfo.sequencer # NIL THEN (* We are a sequencer, but not for this object. Forward it to its sequencer. *) IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceMsg: message unsequenced, fwd to obj seq."); END; ep.send(m.objInfo.sequencer, m.ev); IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SequenceMsg: fwded to obj seq."); END; RETURN FALSE; ELSIF sequencer # NIL THEN (* We are not a sequencer, and we have had our sequencer set. Send it off to its sequencer. *) IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceMsg: message unsequenced, fwd to dflt seq"); END; ep.send(sequencer, m.ev); IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SequenceMsg: fwded to dflt seq."); END; RETURN FALSE; ELSIF isSequencer THEN (* Sequence ourselves and continue. *) IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceMsg: Distributing message locally."); END; (* The current value of seqNo is the next sequence number! *) EventStubLib.ChangeNumber(m.ev, m.objInfo.seqNo); IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SequenceMsg: assigned seqNo " & m.objInfo.seqNo.fmt(10) & " to message"); END; TRY; EXCEPT | EventNumber.Overflow => Process.Crash("Event Number Overflowed!"); END; ELSE RaiseError( Atom.FromText("SequenceMsg: Obj shared, but no sequencer.")); END; EXCEPT | Event.Error(ec) => RaiseEventFailure(ec); END; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SequenceMsg: end."); END; RETURN TRUE; END SequenceMsg; PROCEDURESequenceCall (obj: T; ev: Event.T; thread: INTEGER; objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; en: SequenceNumber; VAR alerted: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN alerted := FALSE; (* Can't be alerted for now! *) TRY (* Need the TRY in case AlertWait is Alerted. *) VAR m: Message.T := NewMessage(ev, NIL, thread, objInfo); sequenced: BOOLEAN; BEGIN TRY IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: message created [" & Message.ToText(m) & "]"); END; LOCK objInfo DO (* If the object died between the start of our method call and here, raise an exception! *) IF NOT obj.ok THEN RaiseDeadObject() END; sequenced := SequenceMsg(m); IF NOT sequenced THEN (* Wait for reply. *) IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SequenceCall: forwarded, threadID " & Fmt.Int(ThreadF.MyId()) & " waiting as thread " & Fmt.Int(m.thread)); END; (* Just before going to sleep, we must tell the event port that this thread is no longer available for handling incoming events, if it is such a thread *) EVAL ep.stealWorker();, m.objInfo.waiting[m.thread].cv); (* If we are Alerted, we will just return from here. This should be ok. *) (* If the object died while we were asleep, raise an exception! *) IF NOT obj.ok THEN RaiseDeadObject() END; IF debug_level >= 12 THEN debug.print(12, "SequenceCall: threadID " & Fmt.Int(ThreadF.MyId()) & " (thread " & Fmt.Int(m.thread) & ") has been woken."); END; (* The event number is put in tht thread slot before we are woken, since I don't want to change the event itself. *) EVAL en.init(objInfo.waiting[thread].en); ELSE (* The event number was sequenced locally, so the event number is in the event itself. *) EVAL en.init(ev.num); END; END; FINALLY IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: done, releasing thread slot " & Fmt.Int(thread)); END; LOCK objInfo DO objInfo.releaseThreadSlot(thread); END; FreeMessage(m); END; END; TRY LOCK objInfo DO IF objInfo.conns # NIL THEN IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: sending message to clients."); END; ep.mcast(objInfo.conns, ev); END; END; EXCEPT | Event.Error => (* Toss this error! ConnProblem will be notified. *) IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "SequenceCall: tossing Event.Error from mcast."); END; END; FINALLY ev.dropRef(); END; RETURN; END SequenceCall;
PROCEDURE---------------------Sequencer Control---------------------CheckForLastClient (objInfo: ObjectInfo.T) = BEGIN IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "CheckForLastClient: begin"); END; (* First check to see if there are any clients. If not, we are either standalone, or the object is completely gone. *) IF objInfo.clients = NIL THEN IF objInfo.hasCopy THEN IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "CheckForLastClient: Sequencer has last copy!"); END; objInfo.isStandalone := TRUE; ELSE (* We removed both the last client and the local reference to this object. Get rid of all traces! *) EVAL objTbl.delete(objInfo.wrep, objInfo); IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "CheckForLastClient: No clients left!"); END; END; ELSIF objInfo.clients.tail = NIL AND NOT objInfo.hasCopy THEN (* Last client! Inform them of it and then delete our info. Won't do it for now! Just remind me! We may need to do more than the code commented out here, since the last copy client may have sent some events we haven't gotten and processed yet! Or, we could have the client wake up the blocked threads and sequence them, probably a better solution. Not for now, though. Perhaps have the client count the number of outstanding methods and add to their sequence number. We will add a "wait" after that sequence number to remove the object in the sequencer, and the client will add a "wait" to revert to standalone *) (* TRY objInfo.clients.head.conn.objSpace.lastCopy (objInfo.wrep, objInfo.seqNo); (* if the lastCopy command suceeded (which it won't yet!) then we will need to delete the object locally eventually, but we can't yet because we might be getting messages back that need to be forwarded, which require that we have an objectInfo structure! There might also be messages coming from this client that need to be returned. To handle this, we will need to have the client (when it reaches the object sequence number we currently are at that we sent above) send us a message to delete the objectInfo structure, since we will then not get any more messages. *) (* EVAL objTbl.delete(obj.wrep, objInfo); *) EXCEPT | SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted => (* the connection is most likely dead, so just toss this puppy! *) END; *) (* IO.Put("CheckForLastClient: Only one client left! "); IO.Put("Write the code to revert it to standalone!\n"); *) ELSE IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "CheckForLastClient: not last client."); END; END; IF debug_level >= 5 THEN debug.print(5, "CheckForLastClient: end"); END; END CheckForLastClient;
PROCEDURE-------------------SharedObj Procedures-----------------------LocalSpace (): ObjectSpace.T = BEGIN RETURN localSpace; END LocalSpace; PROCEDURESetDfltSequencer (space: ObjectSpace.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN LOCK objTblMu DO IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetDfltSequencer: begin."); END; IF space = localSpace THEN IF sequencer # NIL THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Space is not a sequencer!")); END; isSequencer := TRUE; IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetDfltSequencer: we are a sequence"); END; RETURN; ELSE IF isSequencer THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Space is a Sequencer!")); END; IF sequencer # NIL AND sequencer.objSpace # space THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Sequencer already set!")); END; (* done below *) END; (* Ok, so register it with the sequencer. It might be registered already, but that's ok. *) IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetDfltSequencer: setting sequence"); END; sequencer := localSpace.newSpace(space); IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "SetDfltSequencer: done setting sequence. " & "Waking sleepers."); END; Thread.Broadcast(seqCV); END; END SetDfltSequencer; PROCEDUREWaitForSequencer () = BEGIN IF isSequencer OR sequencer # NIL THEN IF debug_level >= 15 THEN debug.print(15, "WaitForSequencer: sequencer defined."); END; RETURN; END; IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "WaitForSequencer: sequencer not defined. " & "Making ourself a sequencer."); END; isSequencer := TRUE; RETURN; (* IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "WaitForSequencer: sequencer not defined. Waiting."); END; Thread.AlertWait(objTblMu, seqCV); IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "WaitForSequencer: sequencer defined. returning."); END; *) END WaitForSequencer; PROCEDUREGetDfltSequencer (): ObjectSpace.T = BEGIN WaitForSequencer(); IF isSequencer THEN RETURN localSpace; ELSE RETURN sequencer.objSpace; END; END GetDfltSequencer; PROCEDUREGetSequencer (wrep: WireRep): ObjectSpace.T RAISES {Error} = VAR objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; BEGIN (* If we aren't a sequencer, ask our sequencer who sequences for this object, or raise and exception if our sequencer hasn't been set. *) IF debug_level >= 1 THEN debug.print(1, "GetSequencer: get seq for " & EventWireRep.ToText(wrep)); END; IF NOT isSequencer THEN IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "GetSequencer: not seq. Asking our seq."); END; IF sequencer = NIL THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Sequencer is NIL")); END; TRY RETURN sequencer.objSpace.getSequencer(wrep); EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => SequencerFailed(sequencer, ec); | Thread.Alerted => SequencerFailed(sequencer, NIL); END; END; LOCK objTblMu DO (* If we are a sequencer, either ask the sequencer for this object who sequences it, or return ourself as the sequencer. *) IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "GetSequencer: we are a seq. looking up object."); END; IF NOT GetObjInfo(wrep, objInfo) THEN RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Object doesn't exist")); END; END; IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "GetSequencer: found objinfo."); END; IF objInfo.sequencer # NIL THEN TRY IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "GetSequencer: return custom seq " & SpaceConn.ToText(objInfo.sequencer)); END; RETURN objInfo.sequencer.objSpace.getSequencer(wrep); EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => SequencerFailed(objInfo.sequencer, ec); | Thread.Alerted => SequencerFailed(objInfo.sequencer, NIL); END; END; IF debug_level >= 10 THEN debug.print(10, "SpaceGetSequencer: return localSpace."); END; RETURN localSpace; END GetSequencer; PROCEDUREExportSpace (name: Text.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN LOCK objTblMu DO TRY NetObj.Export("SharedObjRT-" & name, localSpace, NIL); EXCEPT | NetObj.Error(ec) => RaiseNetObjFailure(ec); | Thread.Alerted => RaiseNetObjAlerted(); END; END; END ExportSpace; PROCEDUREImportSpace (host: Text.T; name: Text.T): ObjectSpace.T RAISES {Error} = VAR agent: NetObj.Address; space: ObjectSpace.T; BEGIN TRY agent := NetObj.Locate(host); space := NetObj.Import("SharedObjRT-" & name, agent); EXCEPT | NetObj.Invalid => RaiseNetObjFailure(AtomList.List1(Atom.FromText("Invalid Hostname"))); | NetObj.Error(ec) => RaiseNetObjFailure(ec); | Thread.Alerted => RaiseNetObjAlerted(); END; RETURN space; END ImportSpace; PROCEDUREFlushIncomingUpdates () RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN ep.flushReader(); END FlushIncomingUpdates; PROCEDUREFlushQueuedUpdates () RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN ep.flushWork(); END FlushQueuedUpdates;
PROCEDURE---------------------Error Procedures---------------------Wait (obj: T; c: Thread.Condition; m: Thread.Mutex := NIL) = VAR o: ObjectInfo.T := NIL; BEGIN IF m = NIL THEN (* Get the object info, creating a new info entry for objects for whom this is their first method call. *) LOCK objTblMu DO IF NOT GetObjInfo(obj.wrep, o) THEN o := RegisterObject(obj, obj.wrep, NIL, TRUE, obj.seqNoCnt.value()); END; END; Thread.Acquire(o); m := o; END; (* Just before going to sleep, we must tell the event port that this thread is no longer available for handling incoming events, if it is such a thread *) EVAL ep.stealWorker();, c); IF o # NIL THEN Thread.Release(o); END; END Wait; PROCEDUREAcquireGlobalLock (<*UNUSED*>obj: T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN (* Not implemented yet. Raise exception. *) RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Locking not yet implemented.")); END AcquireGlobalLock; PROCEDUREReleaseGlobalLock (<*UNUSED*>obj: T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN (* Not implemented yet. Raise exception. *) RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Locking not yet implemented.")); END ReleaseGlobalLock; PROCEDURESetTimeliness (<*UNUSED*>obj: T; <*UNUSED*>value: Timeliness) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN (* Not implemented yet. Raise exception. *) RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Timeliness not yet implemented.")); END SetTimeliness; PROCEDUREOwn (<*UNUSED*>obj: T; <*UNUSED*>willingness: Timeliness := 0) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN (* Not implemented yet. Raise exception. *) RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Ownership not yet implemented.")); END Own; PROCEDUREDisown (<*UNUSED*>obj: T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN (* Not implemented yet. Raise exception. *) RaiseError(Atom.FromText("Ownership not yet implemented.")); END Disown;
PROCEDURE----------------------Debugging-------------------------RaiseCommFailure (ec: AtomList.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RAISE Error(AtomList.Cons(CommFailure, ec)); END RaiseCommFailure; PROCEDURERaiseNetObjFailure (ec: AtomList.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RAISE Error(AtomList.Cons(NetObjFailure, ec)); END RaiseNetObjFailure; PROCEDURERaiseIPFailure (ec: AtomList.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RAISE Error(AtomList.Cons(IPFailure, ec)); END RaiseIPFailure; PROCEDURERaiseNetObjAlerted () RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RAISE Error(AtomList.List1(NetObjAlerted)); END RaiseNetObjAlerted; PROCEDURERaiseAlerted () RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RAISE Error(AtomList.List1(Alerted)); END RaiseAlerted; PROCEDURERaiseEventFailure (ec: AtomList.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RAISE Error(AtomList.Cons(EventFailure, ec)); END RaiseEventFailure; PROCEDURERaiseDeadObject () RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RaiseError(DeadObject); END RaiseDeadObject; PROCEDURERaiseRecursiveUpdate () RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RaiseError(RecursiveUpdate); END RaiseRecursiveUpdate; PROCEDURERaiseError (a: Atom.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN RAISE Error(AtomList.List1(a)); END RaiseError;
PROCEDUREObjTblToText (): TEXT = VAR t := ""; wrep: WireRep; objInfo: ObjectInfo.T; BEGIN LOCK objTblMu DO t := t & "Object Table: " & Fmt.Int(objTbl.size()) & " objects\n"; WITH iterator = objTbl.iterate() DO WHILE, objInfo) DO LOCK objInfo DO t := t & " " & ObjectInfo.ToText(objInfo) & "\n"; WITH obj = GetObjRef(objInfo) DO IF obj # NIL THEN t := t & " " & SharedObjRep.ToText(obj) & "\n"; t := t & " " & EventCounter.ToText(obj.seqNoCnt) & "\n"; END; END; END; END; END; END; RETURN t; END ObjTblToText; VAR ep: EventPort.T := NIL; seqCV : Thread.Condition; sequencer: SpaceConn.T := NIL; isSequencer: BOOLEAN := FALSE; (* Are we a sequencer? *) objTbl: ObjectInfoTbl.T; (* The objects we know about. *) (* For saving Messages *) msgMu: MUTEX; freeMessage: Message.T := NIL; objCleaner :ObjectCleanerClosure; BEGIN (* Standard errors. *) NetObjFailure := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.NetObjError"); NetObjAlerted := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.NetObjAlerted"); IPFailure := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.IPError"); CommFailure := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.CommFailure"); EventFailure := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.EventError"); DeadObject := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.DeadObject"); Alerted := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.Alerted"); RecursiveUpdate := Atom.FromText("SharedObj.RecursiveUpdate"); (* Want a static sequence number of value 1 *) zeroSeqNo := EventNumber.New(); oneSeqNo := EventNumber.New(); TRY; EXCEPT | EventNumber.Overflow => END; debug := NEW(Debug.T).init("SharedObj", 0); msgMu := NEW(MUTEX); ep := NEW(EventPort.T).init(FALSE); TRY ep.register(ORD(Op.MethodCall), Protocol, MethodDispatcher, NIL);
ep.register(ORD(Op.MethodAck), Protocol, Space, NIL);
EXCEPT | Event.Error => Process.Crash("Failed to register Shared Object Event callback handler"); END; objTbl := NEW(ObjectInfoTbl.Default).init(); objTblMu := NEW(MUTEX); objCleaner := NEW(ObjectCleanerClosure).init(); seqCV := NEW(Thread.Condition); END SharedObjRT.