* See file COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA for details.
MODULEObjectSpace_T_v2 EXPORTSObjectSpace ,ObjectSpace_T_v2 ; IMPORT IP, Rd, EventNumber, StubLib, SharedObjRep, EventWireRep, Wr, SharedObj, NetObj, AtomList, Thread, Fingerprint, ObjectSpace; CONST Protocol: StubLib.StubProtocol = 2; TYPE Methods = {printState, findObj, get, lastCopy, deleteCopy, newCopy, newObject, disconnect, connect, endpoint, space, getSequencer, getDfltSequencer, setDfltSequencer}; ReturnCodes = {OK, SharedObj_Error}; PROCEDURESurrogate_setDfltSequencer ( self: ObjectSpace.T; seq_arg: ObjectSpace.T) RAISES {SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.setDfltSequencer)); StubLib.OutRef(c, seq_arg); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_setDfltSequencer; PROCEDURESurrogate_getDfltSequencer (self: ObjectSpace.T): ObjectSpace.T RAISES {SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> res: ObjectSpace.T; BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.getDfltSequencer)); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => res := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(ObjectSpace.T)); reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; RETURN res; END Surrogate_getDfltSequencer; PROCEDURESurrogate_getSequencer ( self: ObjectSpace.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T): ObjectSpace.T RAISES {SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> res: ObjectSpace.T; BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.getSequencer)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, wrep_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => res := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(ObjectSpace.T)); reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; RETURN res; END Surrogate_getSequencer; PROCEDURESurrogate_space (self: ObjectSpace.T): Fingerprint.T RAISES {NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> res: Fingerprint.T; BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.space)); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO res.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; reuse := TRUE; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; RETURN res; END Surrogate_space; PROCEDURESurrogate_endpoint (self: ObjectSpace.T): IP.Endpoint RAISES {NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> res: IP.Endpoint; BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.endpoint)); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => FOR i0 := FIRST([0..3]) TO LAST([0..3]) DO res.addr.a[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; res.port := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 65535); reuse := TRUE; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; RETURN res; END Surrogate_endpoint; PROCEDURESurrogate_connect (self: ObjectSpace.T; from_arg: ObjectSpace.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, NetObj.Error, SharedObj.Error} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.connect)); StubLib.OutRef(c, from_arg); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_connect; PROCEDURESurrogate_disconnect ( self: ObjectSpace.T; id_arg: Fingerprint.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, NetObj.Error, SharedObj.Error} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.disconnect)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, id_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_disconnect; PROCEDURESurrogate_newObject ( self: ObjectSpace.T; id_arg: Fingerprint.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T) RAISES {SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.newObject)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, id_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, wrep_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; StubLib.OutRef(c, seqNo_arg); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_newObject; PROCEDURESurrogate_newCopy ( self: ObjectSpace.T; id_arg: Fingerprint.T; seq_arg: ObjectSpace.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T): EventNumber.T RAISES {SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> res: EventNumber.T; BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.newCopy)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, id_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; StubLib.OutRef(c, seq_arg); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, wrep_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; StubLib.OutRef(c, seqNo_arg); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => res := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(EventNumber.T)); reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; RETURN res; END Surrogate_newCopy; PROCEDURESurrogate_deleteCopy ( self: ObjectSpace.T; id_arg: Fingerprint.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T) RAISES {SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.deleteCopy)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, id_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, wrep_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_deleteCopy; PROCEDURESurrogate_lastCopy ( self: ObjectSpace.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T) RAISES {SharedObj.Error, NetObj.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.lastCopy)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, wrep_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; StubLib.OutRef(c, seqNo_arg); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_lastCopy; PROCEDURESurrogate_get ( self: ObjectSpace.T; obj_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T): SharedObj.T RAISES {Thread.Alerted, NetObj.Error, SharedObj.Error} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> res: SharedObj.T; BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.get)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, obj_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; StubLib.OutRef(c, seqNo_arg); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => res := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(SharedObj.T)); reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; RETURN res; END Surrogate_get; PROCEDURESurrogate_findObj ( self: ObjectSpace.T; obj_arg: EventWireRep.T; cbobj_arg: ObjectSpace.FindObjCallBack) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, NetObj.Error, SharedObj.Error} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.findObj)); dataPresent := TRUE; StubLib.OutBoolean(c, dataPresent); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, obj_arg.byte[i0]); END; END; StubLib.OutRef(c, cbobj_arg); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; | ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error) => VAR arg: AtomList.T; BEGIN arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(AtomList.T)); reuse := TRUE; RAISE SharedObj.Error(arg); END; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_findObj; PROCEDURESurrogate_printState (self: ObjectSpace.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, NetObj.Error} = VAR reuse := FALSE; rep: StubLib.DataRep; c: StubLib.Conn; dataPresent: BOOLEAN; <* NOWARN *> BEGIN TRY c := StubLib.StartCall(self, Protocol); TRY StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(Methods.printState)); rep := StubLib.AwaitResult(c); CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(ReturnCodes.OK) => reuse := TRUE; ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END FINALLY StubLib.EndCall(c, reuse); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); | Wr.Failure(ec) => StubLib.RaiseCommFailure(ec); END; END Surrogate_printState; PROCEDUREInvoke ( c: StubLib.Conn; obj: NetObj.T; rep: StubLib.DataRep; stubProt: StubLib.StubProtocol) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR t := NARROW(obj, ObjectSpace.T); BEGIN IF stubProt # Protocol THEN StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure() END; TRY CASE StubLib.InInt32(c, rep) OF | ORD(Methods.setDfltSequencer) => Stub_setDfltSequencer(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.getDfltSequencer) => Stub_getDfltSequencer(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.getSequencer) => Stub_getSequencer(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.space) => Stub_space(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.endpoint) => Stub_endpoint(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.connect) => Stub_connect(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.disconnect) => Stub_disconnect(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.newObject) => Stub_newObject(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.newCopy) => Stub_newCopy(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.deleteCopy) => Stub_deleteCopy(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.lastCopy) => Stub_lastCopy(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.get) => Stub_get(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.findObj) => Stub_findObj(t, c, rep); | ORD(Methods.printState) => Stub_printState(t, c, rep); ELSE StubLib.RaiseUnmarshalFailure(); END; EXCEPT | SharedObj.Error(arg) => StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.SharedObj_Error)); StubLib.OutRef(c, arg); END; END Invoke; PROCEDUREStub_setDfltSequencer ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR seq_arg: ObjectSpace.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN seq_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(ObjectSpace.T)); self.setDfltSequencer(seq_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_setDfltSequencer; PROCEDUREStub_getDfltSequencer ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR res: ObjectSpace.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN res := self.getDfltSequencer(); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); StubLib.OutRef(c, res); END Stub_getDfltSequencer; PROCEDUREStub_getSequencer ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; res: ObjectSpace.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO wrep_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; res := self.getSequencer(wrep_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); StubLib.OutRef(c, res); END Stub_getSequencer; PROCEDUREStub_space ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted}= VAR res: Fingerprint.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN res := self.space(); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, res.byte[i0]); END; END Stub_space; PROCEDUREStub_endpoint ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted}= VAR res: IP.Endpoint; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN res := self.endpoint(); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); FOR i0 := FIRST([0..3]) TO LAST([0..3]) DO StubLib.OutInteger(c, res.addr.a[i0]); END; StubLib.OutInteger(c, res.port); END Stub_endpoint; PROCEDUREStub_connect ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR from_arg: ObjectSpace.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN from_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(ObjectSpace.T)); self.connect(from_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_connect; PROCEDUREStub_disconnect ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR id_arg: Fingerprint.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO id_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; self.disconnect(id_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_disconnect; PROCEDUREStub_newObject ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR id_arg: Fingerprint.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO id_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO wrep_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; seqNo_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(EventNumber.T)); self.newObject(id_arg, wrep_arg, seqNo_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_newObject; PROCEDUREStub_newCopy ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR id_arg: Fingerprint.T; seq_arg: ObjectSpace.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T; res: EventNumber.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO id_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; seq_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(ObjectSpace.T)); dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO wrep_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; seqNo_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(EventNumber.T)); res := self.newCopy(id_arg, seq_arg, wrep_arg, seqNo_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); StubLib.OutRef(c, res); END Stub_newCopy; PROCEDUREStub_deleteCopy ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR id_arg: Fingerprint.T; wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..7]) TO LAST([0..7]) DO id_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO wrep_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; self.deleteCopy(id_arg, wrep_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_deleteCopy; PROCEDUREStub_lastCopy ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR wrep_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO wrep_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; seqNo_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(EventNumber.T)); self.lastCopy(wrep_arg, seqNo_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_lastCopy; PROCEDUREStub_get ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR obj_arg: EventWireRep.T; seqNo_arg: EventNumber.T; res: SharedObj.T; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO obj_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; seqNo_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(EventNumber.T)); res := self.get(obj_arg, seqNo_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); StubLib.OutRef(c, res); END Stub_get; PROCEDUREStub_findObj ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, SharedObj.Error}= VAR obj_arg: EventWireRep.T; cbobj_arg: ObjectSpace.FindObjCallBack; dataPresent: BOOLEAN <* NOWARN *>; BEGIN dataPresent := StubLib.InBoolean(c); IF dataPresent THEN FOR i0 := FIRST([0..15]) TO LAST([0..15]) DO obj_arg.byte[i0] := StubLib.InInteger(c, rep, 0, 255); END; END; cbobj_arg := StubLib.InRef(c, rep, TYPECODE(ObjectSpace.FindObjCallBack)); self.findObj(obj_arg, cbobj_arg); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_findObj; PROCEDUREStub_printState ( self: ObjectSpace.T; c: StubLib.Conn; <* NOWARN *> rep: StubLib.DataRep) RAISES {NetObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted}= BEGIN self.printState(); StubLib.StartResult(c); StubLib.OutInt32(c, ORD(ReturnCodes.OK)); END Stub_printState; BEGIN StubLib.Register(TYPECODE(ObjectSpace.T), 2, TYPECODE(Surrogate_ObjectSpace_T), Invoke); END ObjectSpace_T_v2.