MODULEa hack: call this proc to ensure that the focus is reacquired after changing which pane is focused.; IMPORT HVSplit, HVBar; IMPORT PaneFrame; IMPORT KeyDaemon; IMPORT RequestDaemon; IMPORT PaneList, PaneListExtras; IMPORT VBT; IMPORT Text; IMPORT Pixmap; IMPORT Fmt, Debug; IMPORT Split, Axis; IMPORT StarterList; IMPORT StarterScan; IMPORT StarterScanList; IMPORT ListPaneStarter; IMPORT MiniPane; IMPORT PathnameUtils; CONST DebugLevel = 90; <* FATAL Split.NotAChild *> REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT daemon: KeyDaemon.T; visPanes, primPanes: PaneList.T; (* visPanes.head is selected *) (* primPanes: all panes excluding clones *) starters: StarterList.T; miniPane: MiniPane.T; inputPane: PaneFrame.T; (* the pane that caused input to be called *) inputPrompt: TEXT; inputCallback: InputCallback := NIL; pathCallback: PathCallback; paneUpdater: PaneUpdater; OVERRIDES (* anyone calling these methods must lock mu. *) focusTo := FocusTo; rotFocus := RotFocus; splitPane := SplitPane; unSplit := UnSplit; unSplit1 := UnSplit1; setPane := SetPane; listPanes := ListPanes; inputPath := InputPath; cookedKey := CookedKey; print := Print; input := Input; setPaneUpdater := SetPaneUpdater; getSelectedPane := GetSelectedPane; (* these methods lock mu. *) init := Init; misc := Misc; key := Key; END; TYPE Act={Replace, Delete}; NullPaneUpdater = PaneUpdater OBJECT OVERRIDES apply := NullApply; END; PROCEDURE PaneManVBT NullApply (<*UNUSED*>self: NullPaneUpdater; <*UNUSED*>pane: VBT.T) = BEGIN END NullApply; PROCEDURESetPaneUpdater (self: T; pu: PaneUpdater) = VAR cur := self.visPanes; BEGIN self.paneUpdater := pu; WHILE cur # NIL DO pu.apply(cur.head); cur := cur.tail; END; END SetPaneUpdater; PROCEDURETwoStepReplace (s: Split.T; old, new: VBT.T) = VAR pred: VBT.T; BEGIN pred := Split.Pred(s, old); Debug.S("2SR: Gonna Delete.", DebugLevel); Split.Delete(s, old); Debug.S("2SR: Gonna Secret Delete.", DebugLevel); Split.Delete(old, new); Debug.S("2SR: Gonna Insert.", DebugLevel); Split.Insert(s, pred, new); Debug.S("2SR: Didn't we make it", DebugLevel); END TwoStepReplace; PROCEDUREFindHead (self: T; action: Act; elem: VBT.T := NIL) = VAR head := self.visPanes.head; PROCEDURE Search(fromnode, parent: VBT.T) = VAR ch1,ch2: VBT.T; BEGIN Debug.S("FindHead.Search", DebugLevel); TYPECASE fromnode OF | T (e) => BEGIN <* ASSERT e = self *> Debug.S("Looking at first PaneManVBT child", DebugLevel); ch1 := Split.Nth(e, 0); IF ch1=head THEN Debug.S("Found in PaneManVBT", DebugLevel); IF action=Act.Replace THEN Split.Replace(e, ch1, elem); END; ELSE <* ASSERT ISTYPE(ch1, PaneFrame.T) OR ISTYPE(ch1, HVSplit.T) *> Search(ch1, e); END; END; | PaneFrame.T (e) => Debug.S("Leaf: " & e.title, DebugLevel); | Split.T (e) => BEGIN <*ASSERT e # self *> Debug.S("Looking at Split children", DebugLevel); ch1 := Split.Nth(e, 0); ch2 := Split.Nth(e, 2); IF ch1=head THEN Debug.S("Found in Split[1]", DebugLevel); IF action=Act.Replace THEN Split.Replace(e, ch1, elem); ELSE TwoStepReplace(parent, e, ch2); Split.Delete(e, ch1); END; ELSIF ch2=head THEN Debug.S("Found in Split[3]"); IF action=Act.Replace THEN Split.Replace(e, ch2, elem); ELSE TwoStepReplace(parent, e, ch1); Split.Delete(e, ch2); END; END; Search(ch1, e); Search(ch2, e); END; (* Split.T *) ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; (* TYPECASE *) END Search; BEGIN Search(self, NIL); END FindHead; PROCEDURECountFocusable (self: T): INTEGER = VAR cur := self.visPanes; count: INTEGER := 0; BEGIN WHILE cur # NIL DO IF cur.head.canHilite THEN count := count + 1; IF count >= 2 THEN RETURN count; END; END; cur := cur.tail; END; RETURN count; END CountFocusable; PROCEDURERotForward (self: T) = BEGIN self.visPanes := PaneList.Cons( PaneListExtras.LastDelD(self.visPanes), self.visPanes); END RotForward; PROCEDURERotFocus (self: T; reverse: BOOLEAN := FALSE) = VAR count := CountFocusable(self); BEGIN IF (count >= 2) OR (count=1 AND NOT self.visPanes.head.hilited) THEN IF self.visPanes.head.hilited THEN self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(FALSE); END; REPEAT IF reverse THEN self.visPanes := PaneList.AppendD(self.visPanes.tail, PaneList.List1(self.visPanes.head)); ELSE RotForward(self); END; UNTIL self.visPanes.head.canHilite; self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(TRUE); END; END RotFocus; PROCEDUREFocusTo (self: T; pane: VBT.T) = VAR original := self.visPanes.head; BEGIN IF NOT NARROW(pane, PaneFrame.T).hilited THEN WHILE self.visPanes.head # pane DO RotForward(self); <* ASSERT original # self.visPanes.head *> (*not found*) END; Debug.S("Re-hiliting due to a Focus-to", DebugLevel); IF original.hilited THEN Debug.S("FocusTo unhilites original", DebugLevel); original.frameHilite(FALSE); END; Debug.S("FocusTo hilites pane", DebugLevel); self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(TRUE); END; END FocusTo; PROCEDURESwapFocus (self: T; to: PaneFrame.T) = BEGIN to.canHilite := TRUE; IF to # self.visPanes.head THEN self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(FALSE); self.visPanes := PaneList.Cons(to, PaneListExtras.DeleteD( self.visPanes, to)); to.frameHilite(TRUE); END; END SwapFocus; PROCEDURESplitPane (self: T; hv: Axis.T) = BEGIN IF self.miniPane = self.visPanes.head THEN self.print("Cannot split minipane"); ELSE VAR ch1 := self.visPanes.head; ch2 := ch1.frameClone(); split := HVSplit.New(hv); bar := HVBar.New(size := 1.0, txt := Pixmap.Solid); BEGIN Debug.S("PaneManVBT.SplitPane", DebugLevel); self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(FALSE); Debug.S("SplitPane: FindHead"); <* ASSERT ch1 # NIL *> <* ASSERT ch2 # NIL *> (* self.paneUpdater.apply(ch2); *) FindHead(self, Act.Replace, split); Debug.S("SplitPane: AddChild", DebugLevel); Split.AddChild(split, ch1, bar, ch2); Debug.S("SplitPane: Augment visPanes", DebugLevel); self.visPanes := PaneList.Cons(ch2, self.visPanes); ch2.frameHilite(TRUE); ch2.frameVisible(TRUE); Debug.S("Completed SplitPane", DebugLevel); END; END; END SplitPane; PROCEDUREHidePane (p: PaneFrame.T) = BEGIN IF p.hilited THEN p.frameHilite(FALSE); p.frameVisible(FALSE); IF NOT p.primary THEN p.frameDiscard(); END; END; END HidePane;
PROCEDUREReAcquire (self: T) = VAR cd: VBT.MiscRec; BEGIN Debug.S("PaneMan: ReAcquire", DebugLevel); cd.type := VBT.TakeSelection; cd.time := self.time; cd.detail := VBT.NullDetail; cd.selection := VBT.KBFocus; self.visPanes.head.focusWarn(); MiscNoLock(self, cd); self.visPanes.head.hilited := FALSE; END ReAcquire; PROCEDUREUnSplit (self: T) = VAR base := Split.Nth(self, 0); head := self.visPanes.head; BEGIN IF base = head THEN ELSIF head = self.miniPane THEN ELSE
FindHead(self, Act.Delete); base := Split.Nth(self, 0); <* ASSERT base # self.visPanes.head *> Split.Replace(self, base, self.visPanes.head); Debug.S("UnSplit: Replaced base with head", DebugLevel); WHILE self.visPanes.tail # NIL DO self.visPanes := self.visPanes.tail; IF self.visPanes.head # self.miniPane THEN FindHead(self, Act.Delete); HidePane(self.visPanes.head); END; END; self.visPanes := PaneList.List2(head, self.miniPane); ReAcquire(self); END; END UnSplit; PROCEDUREUnSplit1 (self: T) = VAR base := Split.Nth(self, 0); BEGIN IF base = self.visPanes.head THEN self.print("Cannot hide sole visible pane"); ELSE FindHead(self, Act.Delete); HidePane(self.visPanes.head); self.visPanes := self.visPanes.tail; IF self.visPanes.head.canHilite THEN self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(TRUE); ELSE RotFocus(self); END; END; END UnSplit1; PROCEDUREMisc (self: T; READONLY cd: VBT.MiscRec) = BEGIN LOCK DO MiscNoLock(self, cd); END; END Misc; PROCEDUREMiscNoLock (self: T; READONLY cd: VBT.MiscRec) = BEGIN self.time := cd.time; IF cd.type = VBT.TakeSelection THEN TRY VBT.Acquire(self, cd.selection, cd.time); EXCEPT VBT.Error => END; self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(TRUE); ELSIF cd.type = VBT.Lost THEN IF self.stealFocusWarning THEN Debug.S("PaneMan: Not unhiliting because of the focus warning.", DebugLevel); self.stealFocusWarning := FALSE; ELSE Debug.S("PaneMan: Unhilighting due to focus loss.", DebugLevel); self.visPanes.head.frameHilite(FALSE); END; ELSE HVSplit.T.misc(self, cd); END; END MiscNoLock; PROCEDUREKey (self: T; READONLY key: VBT.KeyRec) = VAR head := self.visPanes.head; BEGIN LOCK DO self.time := key.time; Debug.S("PaneMan Got Key.", DebugLevel); IF head.canHilite AND NOT head.hilited THEN (* hack: See ReAcquire. *) Debug.S("Noticed head was not hilited. Fixing."); head.frameHilite(TRUE); END; self.daemon.key(key); END; END Key; PROCEDURECookedKey (self: T; READONLY key: VBT.KeyRec) = VAR cb := self.inputCallback; t: TEXT; hook := FALSE; PROCEDURE Parse(): BOOLEAN = BEGIN t := self.miniPane.getText(); IF Text.Equal(Text.Sub(t, 0, Text.Length(self.inputPrompt)), self.inputPrompt) THEN t := Text.Sub(t, Text.Length(self.inputPrompt), LAST(INTEGER)); RETURN TRUE; ELSE self.print("prompt was changed"); RETURN FALSE; END; END Parse; BEGIN Debug.S("Cooked: " & Fmt.Bool(key.wentDown) & Fmt.Int(key.whatChanged), DebugLevel); IF key.wentDown AND self.miniPane.hilited AND self.inputCallback # NIL THEN CASE key.whatChanged OF | 65293, 65241 => hook := TRUE; self.focusTo(self.inputPane); self.miniPane.canHilite := FALSE; self.inputCallback := NIL; IF Parse() THEN cb.accept(t); END; | 65289 => hook := TRUE; IF Parse() THEN cb.complete(t); self.miniPane.setText(self.inputPrompt & t); END; | ORD('g') => IF VBT.Modifier.Control IN key.modifiers THEN self.focusTo(self.inputPane); self.miniPane.canHilite := FALSE; self.inputCallback := NIL; self.print("cancel"); END; ELSE END; END; IF NOT hook THEN self.visPanes.head.key(key); END; END CookedKey; PROCEDUREFindPane (self: T; path: TEXT): PaneFrame.T = VAR cur: PaneList.T; BEGIN
IF path # NIL THEN cur := self.primPanes; WHILE cur # NIL DO
Debug.S(cur.head.path & &
& path,0);
(* I want Pathname.Equal *) IF Text.Equal(cur.head.path, path) THEN RETURN cur.head; END; cur := cur.tail; END; END; RETURN NIL; END FindPane; PROCEDURESetPane (self: T; from: StarterScan.T): BOOLEAN = VAR elem: PaneFrame.T; path: TEXT; BEGIN Debug.S("PaneManVBT.SetPane", DebugLevel); path := StarterScan.GetPath(from); elem := FindPane(self, path); IF elem = NIL THEN Debug.S("Not an existing path", DebugLevel); elem := StarterScan.NewPaneFrame(self.starters, self, from); ELSIF elem.visible THEN Debug.S("An existing path", DebugLevel); IF elem = self.visPanes.head THEN elem := NIL; ELSE elem := elem.frameClone(); END; END; IF elem # NIL THEN self.paneUpdater.apply(elem); FindHead(self, Act.Replace, elem); HidePane(self.visPanes.head); self.visPanes := PaneList.Cons(elem, self.visPanes.tail); self.primPanes := PaneList.Cons(elem, self.primPanes); elem.frameHilite(TRUE); elem.frameVisible(TRUE); RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN FALSE; END SetPane; PROCEDUREListPanes (self: T) = BEGIN IF self.miniPane = self.visPanes.head THEN self.print("Cannot list panes in minipane") ELSE EVAL self.setPane(StarterScan.FromStarter(ListPaneStarter.S, "All Panes")); END; END ListPanes; PROCEDUREInput (self: T; prompt, default: TEXT; result: InputCallback) = BEGIN IF self.miniPane = self.visPanes.head THEN self.print("Command attempted to use minipane while in minipane"); ELSE self.inputPane := self.visPanes.head; self.inputPrompt := prompt; self.print(prompt & default); SwapFocus(self, self.miniPane); self.inputCallback := result; ReAcquire(self); END; END Input; TYPE PathCallback = InputCallback OBJECT v: T; forWrite: BOOLEAN; OVERRIDES accept := AcceptPath; complete := CompletePath; END; PROCEDURECompletePath (<*UNUSED*>cb: PathCallback; VAR t: TEXT) = BEGIN t := PathnameUtils.Complete(t); END CompletePath; PROCEDUREAcceptPath (cb: PathCallback; result: TEXT) = VAR self := cb.v; BEGIN IF cb.forWrite THEN self.visPanes.head.frameWrite(result); ELSE EVAL self.setPane(StarterScan.FromPath(result)); ReAcquire(self); END; END AcceptPath; PROCEDUREInputPath (self: T; forWrite: BOOLEAN) = VAR path := self.visPanes.head.path; prompt: TEXT; BEGIN IF forWrite THEN prompt := "Write file: "; ELSE prompt := "Find file: "; path := PathnameUtils.SlashedPrefix(path); END; self.pathCallback.forWrite := forWrite; self.input(prompt, path, self.pathCallback); END InputPath; PROCEDUREInit (self: T; starters: StarterList.T; startingStarters: StarterScanList.T := NIL): T = VAR bar := HVBar.New(size := 1.0, txt := Pixmap.Solid); docPane: PaneFrame.T; starts := startingStarters; BEGIN := NEW(MUTEX); LOCK DO Debug.S("Initing the PaneMan."); EVAL HVSplit.T.init(self, Axis.T.Ver, adjustable := FALSE); self.paneUpdater := NEW(NullPaneUpdater); self.pathCallback := NEW(PathCallback, v := self); self.starters := starters; self.request := NEW(RequestDaemon.T).init(self); self.daemon := NEW(KeyDaemon.T).init(self); self.miniPane := NEW(MiniPane.T).init("No MiniPane Path", "MiniPane", "MiniPane", self, NIL); self.miniPane.canHilite := FALSE; IF starts = NIL THEN starts := StarterScanList.List1(StarterScan.Default()); END; docPane := StarterScan.NewPaneFrame(self.starters, self, starts.head); starts := starts.tail; self.visPanes := PaneList.List2(docPane, self.miniPane); self.primPanes := PaneList.List1(docPane); self.visPanes.head.hilite(TRUE); Split.AddChild(self, docPane, bar, self.miniPane); WHILE starts # NIL DO SplitPane(self, Axis.T.Ver); EVAL SetPane(self, starts.head); starts := starts.tail; END; RETURN self; END; END Init; PROCEDUREGetSelectedPane (self: T): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN self.visPanes.head; END GetSelectedPane; BEGIN END PaneManVBT.