MODULE; IMPORT VBT; IMPORT Axis; IMPORT Thread; IMPORT KeyRec, KeyList, KeyListExtras, KeyChan; IMPORT Fmt, Debug, Text; IMPORT PaneManVBT; IMPORT StarterScan; IMPORT Trestle; KeyDaemon
IMPORT Latin1Key as LK; IMPORT KeyboardKey as KK;
CONST DebugLevel = 90; TYPE KeyClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT daemon: T; OVERRIDES apply := Apply; END; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT pm: PaneManVBT.T; t: Thread.T; kc: KeyChan.T; eatups: KeyList.T; OVERRIDES init := Init; key := Key; END; PROCEDUREInit (self: T; pm: VBT.T): T = VAR k := NEW(KeyClosure, daemon := self); BEGIN Debug.S("Initing the KeyDaemon.", DebugLevel); := NARROW(pm, PaneManVBT.T); self.kc := NEW(KeyChan.T).init(); self.eatups := NIL; Debug.S("About to fork thread.", DebugLevel); self.t := Thread.Fork(k); RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREKey (self: T; key: VBT.KeyRec) = BEGIN self.kc.send(key); END Key; PROCEDUREGetKey (self: T): VBT.KeyRec = VAR key: KeyRec.T; BEGIN Debug.S("Called GetKey.", DebugLevel); REPEAT key := self.kc.recv(); Debug.S("GetKey1"); UNTIL NOT KeyListExtras.MemberDelD(self.eatups, key); Debug.S("GetKey Done.", DebugLevel); RETURN key; END GetKey; PROCEDUREEatKeyUp (self: T; key: VBT.KeyRec) = BEGIN self.eatups := KeyList.Cons(key, self.eatups); END EatKeyUp; PROCEDUREFunc (self: T; char: CHAR) = VAR pm :=; BEGIN Debug.S("Function Key.", DebugLevel); IF NOT pm.setPane(StarterScan.FromKey(char)) THEN Debug.S("Daemon.Func: Not starting new pane."); IF char = 'c' THEN Trestle.Delete(pm); END; LOCK DO CASE char OF | 'b' => pm.listPanes(); | 'f' => pm.inputPath(FALSE); | 'w' => pm.inputPath(TRUE); | 'o' => pm.rotFocus(); | '0' => pm.unSplit1(); | '1' => pm.unSplit(); | '2' => pm.splitPane(Axis.T.Ver); | '3' => pm.splitPane(Axis.T.Hor); ELSE END; END; END; END Func; PROCEDUREApply (k: KeyClosure): REFANY = VAR self := k.daemon; key: VBT.KeyRec; char: CHAR; func := FALSE; BEGIN Debug.S("Beginning Daemon Thread.", DebugLevel); WHILE TRUE DO key := GetKey(self); char := KeyRec.LowerChar(key); Debug.S("Daemon.Apply sees " & Text.FromChar(char) & " " & Fmt.Bool(key.wentDown), DebugLevel); IF key.wentDown AND (func OR VBT.Modifier.Mod0 IN key.modifiers) THEN Func(self, char); EatKeyUp(self, key); func := ORD(char) < 32; ELSIF key.wentDown AND char='x' AND VBT.Modifier.Control IN key.modifiers THEN EatKeyUp(self, key); func := TRUE; ELSE LOCK DO; END; END; END; RETURN NIL; END Apply; BEGIN END KeyDaemon.