
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Steve Glassman and Stephen Harrison                                    
 Last modified on Wed Jun  3 00:06:20 1992 by steveg   

Allows the user to animate the color of a PaintOp.T

  PaintOp, VBT;

  RGB = RECORD r, g, b: REAL END;

PROCEDURE New(rgb: RGB): PaintOp.T;
produce a new paint op whose color is initially rgb

PROCEDURE Set(st: VBT.ScreenType; op: PaintOp.T; rgb: RGB);
change the color of op (created by New) to rgb. If op was not created by New, then Set is a noop.

PROCEDURE Get(op: PaintOp.T): RGB;
return the current rgb value of op. If op was not created by New then the result of Get is undefined.

END MGPaintOp.