Implementation of the m3tohtml command; see its manpage for details.
MODULE------------------------------------------------------- file processing ---; IMPORT Rd, Wr, Thread, M3MarkUp, Text, Word; CONST EscapeSpecials = TRUE; EOF = '\000'; TYPE State = RECORD rd : Rd.T := NIL; wr : Wr.T := NIL; eof : BOOLEAN := FALSE; ins : M3MarkUp.Insertion := NIL; offset : INTEGER := 0; path : TEXT; un_buf : ARRAY [0..15] OF CHAR; un_len : INTEGER := 0; END; PROCEDURE MarkUp Annotate (rd: Rd.T; wr: Wr.T; path: TEXT) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = VAR s: State; here: CARDINAL; BEGIN s.rd := rd; s.wr := wr; s.path := path; here := Rd.Index (rd); s.ins := M3MarkUp.Get (rd, path); Rd.Seek (rd, here); Trans (s); END Annotate; PROCEDURESimple (rd: Rd.T; wr: Wr.T; path: TEXT) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = VAR s: State; c : CHAR; BEGIN s.rd := rd; s.wr := wr; s.path := path; OutT (s, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>\n"); OutT (s, path); OutT (s, "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">\n"); OutT (s, "<H2>\n"); OutT (s, path); OutT (s, "</H2><HR>\n"); OutT (s, "<PRE>\n"); WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO c := Rd.GetChar(rd); <*NOWARN *> OutX (s, c); END; OutT (s, "</PRE>\n"); OutT (s, "</BODY>\n"); OutT (s, "</HTML>\n"); END Simple;
PROCEDURE************** -- was used to skip the copyright & last modified linesTrans (VAR s: State) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = VAR spec: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CommitC (s); (* AdvanceToBlankLine (s); *) WHILE NOT s.eof DO spec := Prog (s); IF (spec) THEN OutT (s, "<BLOCKQUOTE><EM>"); END; Comment (s, spec); IF (spec) THEN OutT (s, "</EM></BLOCKQUOTE>"); END; END; OutT (s, "\n"); s.offset := LAST (INTEGER); CommitC (s); END Trans;
PROCEDURE AdvanceToBlankLine (VAR s: State) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure} = VAR blank: BOOLEAN; c: CHAR; BEGIN REPEAT blank := TRUE; LOOP c := GetC (s); CommitC (s); IF s.eof THEN EXIT END; IF c = '\n' THEN EXIT END; IF c # ' ' THEN blank := FALSE END END UNTIL blank OR s.eof; END AdvanceToBlankLine; ***********
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- low-level I/O ---Prog (VAR s: State): BOOLEAN RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = VAR c, d: CHAR; vspace := 0; hspace := 0; empty := TRUE; startOfLine := TRUE; PROCEDURE Space () RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF empty THEN (*! OutT (s, "\\par\\medskip "); !*) END; empty := FALSE; startOfLine := FALSE; IF vspace = 1 THEN OutT (s, "\n"); ELSIF vspace > 1 THEN OutT (s, "\n\n"); END; vspace := 0; WHILE hspace > 0 DO OutT (s, " "); DEC (hspace); END; END Space; BEGIN OutT (s, "<PRE>"); TRY WHILE NOT s.eof DO c := GetC (s); CASE c OF | '\n' => CommitC (s); INC(vspace); hspace := 0; startOfLine := TRUE; | ' ' => CommitC (s); INC(hspace); | '(' => CommitC (s); d := GetC (s); IF (d = '*') AND startOfLine AND (hspace = 0) THEN CommitC(s); EXIT; END; UngetC (s, d); Space (); OutC (s, c); | EOF => CommitC (s); EXIT; | '<', '>', '&', '"' => Space (); CommitC (s); OutX (s, c); ELSE Space (); CommitC (s); OutC (s, c); END; END; IF (vspace > 0) THEN OutT (s, "\n") END; FINALLY OutT (s, "</PRE>"); END; RETURN (vspace < 2) AND (NOT empty) AND (NOT s.eof); END Prog; PROCEDUREComment (VAR s: State; in_spec: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = CONST CodeEdge = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "<CODE>", "</CODE>" }; VAR c, d: CHAR; startOfLine := TRUE; afterDisplay := FALSE; in_code := FALSE; BEGIN WHILE (NOT s.eof) DO c := GetC (s); CASE c OF | '\"' => CommitC (s); OutT (s, CodeEdge [in_code]); in_code := NOT in_code; | '<', '>', '&' => CommitC (s); OutX (s, c); | '|' => CommitC (s); IF startOfLine THEN IF NOT afterDisplay THEN OutT (s, "<PRE>\n"); END; c := GetC (s); IF (c = ' ') THEN CommitC (s); ELSE UngetC (s, c); END; Display (s); c := '\n'; afterDisplay := TRUE; ELSE OutT (s, "|"); END; | '\n' => CommitC (s); IF afterDisplay THEN OutT (s, "</PRE>\n"); afterDisplay := FALSE; ELSIF startOfLine THEN OutT (s, "<P>\n"); ELSE OutT (s, "\n"); END; | '*' => CommitC (s); d := GetC (s); IF (d = ')') THEN CommitC (s); IF in_spec OR CommentGap (s) THEN RETURN; END; ELSE UngetC (s, d); IF afterDisplay THEN OutT (s, "</PRE>\n"); afterDisplay := FALSE; END; OutC (s, c); END; | '\134' => CommitC (s); IF afterDisplay THEN OutT (s, "</PRE>\n"); afterDisplay := FALSE; END; IF Match (s, "char'") THEN EatTeXChar (s); ELSE OutC (s, c); END; ELSE CommitC (s); IF afterDisplay AND c # ' ' THEN OutT (s, "</PRE>\n"); afterDisplay := FALSE; END; OutC (s, c); END; (*CASE*) startOfLine := (c = '\n') OR (startOfLine AND c = ' ') END; (*WHILE*) END Comment; PROCEDUREDisplay (VAR s: State) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = VAR c, d: CHAR; BEGIN OutT (s, " "); WHILE NOT s.eof DO c := GetC (s); CASE c OF | '<', '>', '&', '"' => CommitC (s); OutX (s, c); |'\n' => CommitC (s); OutC (s, '\n'); RETURN | ' ' => CommitC (s); OutC (s, ' '); | '`' => CommitC (s); Undisplay (s); | '*' => d := GetC (s); UngetC (s, d); IF (d = ')') THEN UngetC (s, c); OutC (s, '\n'); RETURN; END; CommitC (s); OutC (s, c); | '\134' => CommitC (s); IF Match (s, "char'") THEN EatTeXChar (s); ELSE OutC (s, c); END; ELSE CommitC (s); OutC (s, c); END; END; END Display; PROCEDUREUndisplay (VAR s: State) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = CONST CodeEdge = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "<KBD>", "</KBD>" }; VAR c: CHAR; in_code := TRUE; BEGIN OutT (s, "<KBD>"); WHILE NOT s.eof DO c := GetC (s); CommitC (s); CASE c OF | '<', '>', '&' => OutX (s, c); | '\"' => OutT (s, CodeEdge [in_code]); in_code := NOT in_code; | '`' => OutT (s, "</KBD>"); RETURN; | '\134' => IF Match (s, "char'") THEN EatTeXChar (s); ELSE OutC (s, c); END; ELSE OutC (s, c); END; END; END Undisplay; PROCEDURECommentGap (VAR s: State): BOOLEAN RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure} = VAR c, d: CHAR; blankLine := FALSE; BEGIN WHILE NOT s.eof DO c := GetC (s); CASE c OF | '\n' => CommitC (s); OutC (s, c); IF blankLine THEN OutT (s, "<P>"); END; blankLine := TRUE; | ' ' => CommitC (s); OutC (s, c); | '(' => CommitC (s); d := GetC (s); IF (d = '*') THEN CommitC (s); RETURN FALSE; END; UngetC (s, d); UngetC (s, c); RETURN TRUE; | EOF => CommitC (s); RETURN TRUE; ELSE UngetC (s, c); RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END CommentGap; PROCEDUREEatTeXChar (VAR s: State) RAISES {Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR c: CHAR; val := 0; cnt := 0; BEGIN (* scan the digits *) LOOP c := GetC (s); IF (c < '0') OR ('7' < c) THEN EXIT; END; val := 8 * val + ORD (c) - ORD ('0'); INC (cnt); END; IF (cnt = 0) THEN (* we didn't find anything?? *) OutT (s, "\\char'"); UngetC (s, c); RETURN; END; (* put out the real character *) CommitC (s); OutC (s, VAL (Word.And (val, 16_ff), CHAR)); (* skip the white space following the TeXism *) WHILE (c = ' ') OR (c = '\n') DO c := GetC (s); END; UngetC (s, c); CommitC (s); END EatTeXChar;
PROCEDUREMatch (VAR s: State; word: TEXT): BOOLEAN RAISES {Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR len := Text.Length (word); i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF (len > NUMBER (s.un_buf)) THEN (* there's not enough room in the unget buffer => no match *) RETURN FALSE; END; i := 0; WHILE (i < len) DO ch := GetC (s); IF Text.GetChar (word, i) # ch THEN (* bail out *) UngetC (s, ch); WHILE (i > 0) DO DEC (i); UngetC (s, Text.GetChar (word, i)); END; RETURN FALSE; END; INC (i); END; (* we found a match, commit it and return *) CommitC (s); RETURN TRUE; END Match; PROCEDUREUngetC (VAR s: State; ch: CHAR) = BEGIN DEC (s.offset); s.un_buf [s.un_len] := ch; INC (s.un_len); END UngetC; PROCEDURECommitC (VAR s: State) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = (* It's illegal to call UngetC after calling Commit. *) BEGIN WHILE (s.ins # NIL) AND (s.ins.offset < s.offset) DO OutT (s, s.ins.insert); s.ins :=; END; END CommitC; PROCEDUREGetC (VAR s: State): CHAR RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Rd.Failure} = <*FATAL Rd.EndOfFile*> VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF (s.eof) OR Rd.EOF (s.rd) THEN s.eof := TRUE; ch := EOF; ELSE INC (s.offset); IF (s.un_len > 0) THEN DEC (s.un_len); ch := s.un_buf [s.un_len]; ELSE ch := Rd.GetChar (s.rd); END; END; RETURN ch; END GetC; PROCEDUREOutT (VAR s: State; a, b, c: TEXT := NIL) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF (a # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (s.wr, a); END; IF (b # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (s.wr, b); END; IF (c # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (s.wr, c); END; END OutT; PROCEDUREOutC (VAR s: State; ch: CHAR) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN Wr.PutChar (s.wr, ch); END OutC; PROCEDUREOutX (VAR s: State; ch: CHAR) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF NOT EscapeSpecials THEN OutC (s, ch); ELSIF (ch = '<') THEN OutT (s, "<"); ELSIF (ch = '>') THEN OutT (s, ">"); ELSIF (ch = '&') THEN OutT (s, "&"); ELSIF (ch = '"') THEN OutT (s, """); ELSE OutC (s, ch); END; END OutX; BEGIN END MarkUp.